POST /feeds

Subscribe for a feed

Creates a request for a feed subscription.

Header Parameters

Name Description Type Required Default
Accept-Language Preferred language code in which data shall be returned. Defaults to English if no translation in the specified language is available. Can be used through the query parameter query or using the header Accept-Language.

en - English
zh - Chinese
ru - Russian
id - Indonesian
jp - Japanese
Accepted Values: [ en,zh,ru,id,jp]
String en
Accept Response data format. Default is application/json. Can be used through the query parameter format or using the header Accept.
Accepted Values: [ application/json,application/xml]
String json

Query Parameters

Name Description Type Required Default
lang Preferred language code in which data will be returned. Defaults to English if no translation in the language specified is available. Can be used through the query parameter query or using the header Accept-Language.

en - English
zh - Chinese
ru - Russian
id - Indonesian
jp - Japanese
Accepted Values: [ en,zh,ru,id,jp]
String en
format Response data format. Default is json. Can be used through the query parameter format or using the header Accept.
Accepted Values: [ json,xml]
String json
token Access API key. String
with_model_information If set to true returns the model names as part of the response. Boolean false

FormData Parameters

Name Description Type Required Default
name Name of the new record. Max length 100 String
description Description of the new record. Max length 1000 String
filter_id Filter ID String
consolidation Consolidation Method
Accepted Values: [ zip,single,singlezip]
String zip
delivery Delivery Method
Accepted Values: [ web,ceicftp,userftp]
String web
user_ftp_url Result delivery URL for local FTP server. Only valid when the localftp delivery method is selected. Can also include port: ftp|s If no port is specified 21|22 is used for FTP|SFTP respectfully. String
user_ftp_path Result delivery path for local FTP server. Only valid when the localftp delivery method is selected. String /ceic_data_dumps/
user_ftp_username Username for the local FTP server. Only valid when the localftp delivery method is selected. String
user_ftp_password Password for the local FTP server. Only valid when the localftp delivery method is selected and if local_ftp_username is specified. String
notification_email When set, the user will receive notifications by the e-mail address specified. Multiple comma separated e-mail addresses could be set. String
notification_url URL for push notification upon dump completion. String
notification_http_method HTTP Method for push notifications.
Accepted Values: [ GET,POST]
String GET
frequency Feed generation frequency
Accepted Values: [ 60,180,360,720,1440,10080]
Integer 1440
full_dump When set to true, the feed will always generate full list of time points. This option is only available for lists that are equal or less than 3,000 series. Boolean false


All API calls have response size limit of 10MB! If you are planning to request a bulky item collection, please consider using the corresponding API request parameters to limit your response.

Status Code Description Type
201 Feed subscription is created FeedResult
400 Incorrect input parameters. BadRequest
401 Authorization error. AuthorizationError
403 Incorrect user permissions. PermissionsError
404 Requested entity not found. NotFound
415 Unsupported data format. Only json, xml are supported. UnsupportedMedia
429 Too many requests were send or limit exceeded. TooManyRequests
500 Internal Server Error. InternalError
API Query Builder
Query Result