

Contains userdefined series metadata information


Name Description Type
id The series unique identifier Integer
name The series name. String
country Full country name. String
code The series code - integer with SRUD prefix String
createdBy Level three username (L3) of the user who created the series String
updatedBy Level three username (L3) of the last user who updated the series String
levelTwoUsername Level two username (L2) of the series creator. String
levelThreeUsername Level three username (L3) of the series creator. String
unit 包含有关单位的信息 Unit
frequency 包含有关频率的信息 Frequency
remarks Series remarks String
creationTime The creation date of the series String
lastUpdateTime The date and time [ISO 8601] when the series was last updated in the database. String
userSeriesId The CEIC series which the userdefined series is based on if such exists. Integer