NOTE: Please note that in order to test the API Call from the examples, you would need to add your token after “token=” in the API call.
Use case: You are interested by Balance of Payments key data from France, Ireland and Poland. To retrieve such macroeconomic data from CEIC database in JSON format use the series/search functionality:
API Call:
Use case: You are interested by the daily deposits of Jordan. To retrieve detailed information about the related series we have follow the steps below:
Use case: You are interested by the daily deposits data of Jordan which is updated after 2019-04-01 – this includes new data and revised after that period data. To retrieve the latest updates in JSON format use the series/{id}/data functionality
API Call:,349664002,349664102,349664302/data?format=json&updated_after=2019-04-01&time_points_status=active&token=
Use case: You are already CEIC subscriber with access to our CDMNext platform. You have saved insights documents with data which you use or you’re interested by insights created by our team. To download the insight data using API follow the steps below:
Use case: You want to download CEIC data with applied transformation. The only available option up to now is to apply the data manipulation in CDMNext insight and download the data using API. To download user manipulated data follow the steps below:
Use case: You would like to build CEIC layout tree on your local system. To build the tree follow the steps below:
Use case: You want to create your own filter over CEIC data which can be used multiple times for searching and data retrieving. You want to retrieve “GDP” monthly key series data from Bulgaria in JSON format. To build filter use /filters functionality:
API Call: