GET /Search/queryCompany/

Class: Search, Method: queryCompany

Method allows searching for companies based on given criteria like country of orgin, operational status, legal form (local and global) or executives names, owner name.
XSD Schema
JSON Schema

Path Parameters

Name Description Type Required Default
response_format Response data format. Default is json.
Accepted Values: [ json,xml]
String json

Query Parameters

Name Description Type Required Default
filter Search criteria for companies Array
order Sets a specific field to sort the results. Possible values are name, revenue, revenue_growth, assets, profit, equity. By default this parameter sorts ascending. For descending order use the colon sign and "desc". For example: order=revenue:desc String
extended Return bigger amount of data Boolean false
offset Starting record Integer 0
limit Max number of records to retrieve Integer 100
currency Currency for company size String usd
orderLang Language to be used for sorting. Valid values are 'en' and 'local' String en
industryOutput Null


Status Code Description Type
200 Returns response result. ResultList < Company >
400 Returns API error. ApiError[]
API Query Builder
Query Result