

Details about the company cash flow-related indicators for trending


Name Description Type
risk Risk scale of the company compared to the rest of the companies in the same industry based on the cash flow score. String
cashFlowScore Total trend score on company cash flow-related indicators Float
cashSalesScore Trend score on company cash from sales indicator Float
cashProductionScore Trend score on company cash for production indicator Float
cashOperationsScore Trend score on company cash for operation indicator Float
operatingCashGenerationScore Trend score on company net operation cash generation (NOCG) indicator Float
freeCashFlowScore Trend score on company free cash flow indicator Float
cashFlowAfterFinExScore Trend score on company cash flow after financial expenses indicator Float
cashFlowAfterFinResultScore Trend score on company cash flow after financial indicator Float
reductionDebtScore Trend score on company reduction in debt indicator Float