


Name Description Type
fstdCode Financial standard code. Integer
fstdAccountCode Financial standard account code. String
parentFstdAccountCode Parent account code. String
fstdAcccountStructCode Hierarchy code. String
indentationLevel Indention level in standard Integer
name Account name. String
nameEng Account name in English language. String
displayOrder Display order. Integer
statmentType Statement type. String
description Account description. String
descriptionEng Account description in English language. String
accountSign Indicates if value of account is negative. String
mandatory If the account code is mandatory or not. Integer
allowNegativeValue If negative values are allowed in the account code or not. String
allowZeroValue If zero values are allowed in the account code or not. String
checkshumSubaccounts If automatically checks the sum of the sub-account codes or not. String
notes Additional notes to the account code. String
anualize If the financial standard can be annualized or not. String
display String
units The unit in which the value of the account code is displayed. String
displayLocation String
createdOn The time when the account code was created. For internal usage. String
createdBy The username who created the account code. For internal usage. String
updatedOn The time when the account code was last updated For internal usage. String
updatedBy The username who last updated the account code. For internal usage. String