Quick Examples

NOTE: Please note that in order to test the API Call from the examples, you would need to add your token after “token=” in the API call.

Get detailed information for set of macroeconomic data

Use case: Use case: You are interested by the Bulgarian company “ABB Bulgaria EOOD”. To extract the full company profile follow the steps below:

  1. Find the company EMIS id (isic) by using Search/queryCompany functionality. The company isic is 1403005. API Call:
    Test_Example Interactive_Doc Use_Params
  2. Get company full profile by using Companies/getFullCompany functionality. API Call:
    Test_Example Interactive_Doc Use_Params

Get list of companies with financial higher than $50,000,000 for the last year.

Use case: You are interested which companies from Poland have Total operational revenue more than $50,000,000 for the past year. To get the list of companies use Search/queryStatement functionality:

API Call:
Test_Example Interactive_Doc Use_Params


Search for companies by certain criteria

Use case: You are interested by Brazilian companies with owner from Columbia. To get the extended list of companies use Search/queryCompany functionality.

API Call:
Test_Example Interactive_Doc Use_Params


Get the financial statement for a given year for a given company

Use case: Use case: You are interested by the financial statement for 2016 of the Hungarian company “MOL Magyar Olaj- Es Gazipari Nyrt.”. To get the company financial statement for 2016 follow the steps below:

  1. Find the company EMIS id (isic) by using Search/queryCompany functionality. The company isic is 1441213. API Call:
    Test_Example Interactive_Doc Use_Params
  2. Find the consolidated financial statement for 2016 for the company by using Statements/getStatementByCode functionality. API Call:
    Test_Example Interactive_Doc Use_Params

Get extended list of companies based on their estimated revenue

Use case: You are interested by Brazilian companies with revenue more than 50 000 000 USD including these with estimated revenue. To get the extended list of companies use Search/queryCompany functionality.

API Call:
Test_Example Interactive_Doc Use_Params
