


Name Description Type
searchTermsEng The list of keywords which can be used to search the industry on English. String
searchTerms The list of keywords which can be used to search the industry on local language (English if no local language is available). String
docId An internal ID of the industry record. For internal usage. String
prodCode The main country to which the industry refers. String
titleEng Industry title in English language. String
isActive The status of the industry. If it's active or not. String
naicsCode Industry code (NAICS). String
title Industry Title in local language. String
langCode The language code on which the industry is available. Dy default it's English. String
createdBy The username who created the industry record. For internal usage. String
createdOn The time when the industry record was created. For internal usage. String
updatedBy The username who last updated the industry record. For internal usage. String
updatedOn The time when the industry record was last updated For internal usage. String