Create CEIC Dump

Our Data Dump includes a full metadata and historical timepoint data for all series within your feed. It is best used for the initial data dump or when you want to wipe out and rebuild all data from your feed. It is also best used on demand due to the load of data.

You can create a data dump from the API Portal. Go to the Service management menu and select the CEIC Dump section.

Click on Create Dump.

Here you will have 2 options to create a dump:

  • The "Use series list” option is used when you know your Series IDs
  • The "Use data search criteria" option is used to set the criteria for your dump, through options such as keywords, dates, topic and more. The only mandatory parameter is to define the Database (for which you will need to be subscribed for).

When both options are enabled, the search is concatenated and considers all applied criteria.

On the bottom of the page you will find the "Data Delivery Section", where you can set your preferences for the data delivery. We offer 2 types of format - JSON and XML, delivered via the CEIC platform or from your FTP, language, consolidation and notification options. You will find checkboxes, which select or unselect depending on your preferences.

Once you are finished defining your data content criteria, click Save. A Series Preview window will pop up with a short summary and preview of the results that you will receive.

You will then need to click the Create button.

The portal will redirect you to the initial page, where all your dumps are listed. You can review the details for each dump, such as created at, status, progress and the estimated time remaining. This page also allows you to search by the dump status, its Feed ID or Dump ID.