


Name Description Type
id Deal id Integer
date Date of the deal String
updateOn Last update time String
createOn Creation time String
annoDate Deal annotation date String
targetIincomeStatementYear Target company's income statement data String
targetBalanceSheetYear Target company's balance sheet year String
sellers List of the sellers companies Company[]
buyers List of the buyers companies Company[]
targets List of the target companies Company[]
induMain List of the main industry of the target company Integer[]
induSecondary List of the secondary industry of the target company Integer[]
induNaics List of the NAICS codes of the main industries of the target company Integer[]
induNaicsSecondary List of the NAICS codes of the secondary industries of the target company Integer[]
manager List of managers/brokers IDs Integer[]
dealValue Deal value in local currency FloatInfo
localCurrency Local currency of the deal String
dealValueUSD Deal value in USD FloatInfo
dealValueEUR Deal value in EUR FloatInfo
dealType Type of the deal DealType
targetFinAdvisor List of the financial advisors IDs of the target company Integer[]
targetLegalAdvisor List of the legal advisors IDs of the target company Integer[]
buyerLegalAdvisor List of the financial advisors IDs of the buyer company Integer[]
buyerFinAdvisor List of the legal advisors IDs of the buyer company Integer[]
sellerLegalAdvisor List of the financial advisors IDs of the seller company Integer[]
sellerFinAdvisor List of the legal advisors IDs of the seller company Integer[]
stake Percentage of the involved stake Float
multiMVESales Multi market value of equity vs sales value FloatInfo
multiMVEEBITDA Multi market value of equity vs EBITDA value FloatInfo
multiEbitdaSales Multi EBITDA value vs sales value FloatInfo
multiEvSales Multi Equity value vs sales value FloatInfo
multiEvEbit Multi Equity value vs EBIT value FloatInfo
multiEvEbitda Multi Equity value vs EBITDA value FloatInfo
multiMveBookValue Multi market value of equity vs book value FloatInfo
multiMveEarnings Multi market value of equity vs earnings value FloatInfo
multiDebtCapital Multi debt value vs total capital FloatInfo
multiNetDebtEbitda Multi net debt vs total capital FloatInfo
comment Additional comments String
dealStatus Status of the deal String
dateRoot Type of the deal date String
annoDateRoot Type of the deal announcement date String
paymentTypeId Payment method String
productCode List of countries of the target company String[]
targetProds List of countries of the target company String[]
buyerProds List of countries of the buyer company String[]
sellerProds List of countries of the seller company String[]
dealTechniqueId List of deal attributes String[]
stockExchange List of stock exchanges String[]
marketValue Target's company market value of equity (post-money value) in USD mn FloatInfo
marketValueEur Target's company market value of equity (post-money value) in EUR mn FloatInfo
marketValueLocal Target's company market value of equity (post-money value) in local currency mn FloatInfo
marketValuePremoney Target's company market value of equity (pre-money value) in USD mn FloatInfo
marketValuePremoneyLocal Target's company market value of equity (pre-money value) in local currency mn FloatInfo
estimatePrice Original estimate price of the deal String
sales Sales value in USD FloatInfo
ebitda EBITDA value in USD FloatInfo
ebit EBIT value in USD FloatInfo
netDebt Net debt in USD FloatInfo
enterpriseValue Enterprise value in USD FloatInfo
enterpriseValueEur Enterprise value in EUR FloatInfo
earnings Earnings in USD FloatInfo
earningsShare Earnings per share in USD FloatInfo
salesLocal Sales value in local currency FloatInfo
ebitdaLocal EBITDA value in local currency FloatInfo
ebitLocal EBIT value in local currency FloatInfo
netDebtLocal Net debt in local currency FloatInfo
enterpriseValueLocal Enterprise value in local currency FloatInfo
enterpriseValuePremoney Enterprise value (pre-money valuation) in USD FloatInfo
enterpriseValuePremoneyLocal Enterprise value (pre-money valuation) in local currency FloatInfo
earningsLocal Earnings in local currency FloatInfo
interestBearingDebt Long-term debt in local currency FloatInfo
totalCapital Shareholders Equity in local currency FloatInfo
targetIncomeStatement Target company's income statement String
targetBalanceSheet Target company's balance sheet String
targetIncomeStatementPeriod Target company's income statement period String
targetBalanceSheetPeriod Target company's balance sheet period String
sourceOfficial1 Official deal source 1 String
sourceOfficial2 Official deal source 2 String
premoneyMve Pre-money market value of equity Integer
crossBorder Cross border type String