Full Development Guide

API Clients

Namespace: EMIS\api

Class: CompaniesApi ((EMIS\ApiClient) [apiClient] = EMIS\ApiClient.instance)

companiesBankingGetWithHttpInfo(token, opts)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\SearchCompanyResponse and HTTP response

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.country Array.<String> Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.companyType Array.<String> Company types separated by commas
opts.importCountries Array.<String> Import country codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.exportCountries Array.<String> Export country codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.updatedFrom String Date since last update took place (from)
opts.updatedTo String Date since last update took place (to)
opts.statementsUpdatedFrom String Financial statements filter updated (from)
opts.statementsUpdatedTo String Financial statements filter updated (to)
opts.mainIndustry Array.<String> Main activities separated by commas
opts.currency String Currency code
opts.secondaryIndustry Array.<String> Secondary activities separated by commas
opts.operationalStatus Array.<String> Operational statuses separated by commas
opts.numberOfEmployeesFrom Number Number of employees (from)
opts.numberOfEmployeesTo Number Number of employees (to)
opts.legalForm Array.<String> Legal Form codes separated by commas
opts.localLegalForm Array.<String> Local legal form codes separated by commas
opts.region String Region name in English language
opts.city String City name in English language
opts.companyName Array.<String> Company name
opts.keyExecutives Array.<String> Key executives
opts.shareholders Array.<String> Key shareholders
opts.subsidiaries Array.<String> Key subsidiaries
opts.financialAuditors Array.<String> Key financial auditors
opts.businessDescription Array.<String> Key business description
opts.products Array.<String> Key products
opts.uboName Array.<String> Beneficial Owner's Name Keyword
opts.keywords Array.<String> Keywords
opts.year Number Year of financial statement
opts.period String Financial period
opts.statementType String Statement type
opts.order String Sort order field. Possible values are name, revenue, revenue_growth, assets, profit, equity, relevance. By default this parameter sorts ascending. For descending order use the colon sign and \"desc\". For example: order=revenue:desc
opts.localization Boolean Localization (default to false)
opts.uboCitizenship String Beneficial owner's citizenship
opts.uboBirthDate String Beneficial owner's date of birth in the format \"dd-mm-yyyy\"
opts.onlyWithOfficialFinancials Boolean CompanyAndStatementsOnlyWithOfficialFinancials_Parameter
opts.ownerCountries Array.<String> Owner Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.affiliateCountries Array.<String> Affiliate Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.limit Number The max number of the items to retrieve
opts.offset Number The number of the starting item
opts.cursor String The ID of the item under which the cursor is
opts.format String Response format - json/xml
opts.tSFrom Number Total Assets (from)
opts.tSTo Number Total Assets (to)
opts.cEFrom Number Cash and cash equivalents (from)
opts.cETo Number Cash and cash equivalents (to)
opts.nBSLOANSFrom Number Loans and advances (from)
opts.nBSLOANSTo Number Loans and advances (to)
opts.nBSLOANBANKFrom Number Loans and advances to banks (from)
opts.nBSLOANBANKTo Number Loans and advances to banks (to)
opts.nBSLOANBANKSFrom Number By maturity – less than one year (from)
opts.nBSLOANBANKSTo Number By maturity – less than one year (to)
opts.nBSLOANBANKLFrom Number By maturity – more than one year (from)
opts.nBSLOANBANKLTo Number By maturity – more than one year (to)
opts.nBSCUSTFrom Number Loans and advances to customers (from)
opts.nBSCUSTTo Number Loans and advances to customers (to)
opts.nBSCUSTSFrom Number By maturity – less than one year (from)
opts.nBSCUSTSTo Number By maturity – less than one year (to)
opts.nBSCUSTLFrom Number By maturity – more than one year (from)
opts.nBSCUSTLTo Number By maturity – more than one year (to)
opts.nBSADVANFrom Number Other Loans and advances (from)
opts.nBSADVANTo Number Other Loans and advances (to)
opts.nBSFAFrom Number Financial assets held for trading (from)
opts.nBSFATo Number Financial assets held for trading (to)
opts.nBSFATBONDFrom Number T-bill, t-bond for trade (from)
opts.nBSFATBONDTo Number T-bill, t-bond for trade (to)
opts.nBSFADEBTFrom Number Debt securities including fixed income securities for trade (from)
opts.nBSFADEBTTo Number Debt securities including fixed income securities for trade (to)
opts.nBSFASHAREFrom Number Shares and other variable-yield securities for trade (from)
opts.nBSFASHARETo Number Shares and other variable-yield securities for trade (to)
opts.nBSFAIRVFrom Number Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss (from)
opts.nBSFAIRVTo Number Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss (to)
opts.nBSHEDGFrom Number Hedging derivative assets (from)
opts.nBSHEDGTo Number Hedging derivative assets (to)
opts.nBSINVSECFrom Number Investment securities (from)
opts.nBSINVSECTo Number Investment securities (to)
opts.nBSINVSECHMFrom Number Held to maturity investments securities (from)
opts.nBSINVSECHMTo Number Held to maturity investments securities (to)
opts.nBSINVSECAFSFrom Number Available for sale investment securities (from)
opts.nBSINVSECAFSTo Number Available for sale investment securities (to)
opts.nBSINVSECLRISFrom Number Loan and receiveable investment securities (from)
opts.nBSINVSECLRISTo Number Loan and receiveable investment securities (to)
opts.nBSINVOTHFrom Number Other Investments Securities (from)
opts.nBSINVOTHTo Number Other Investments Securities (to)
opts.nBSCOLLETFrom Number Assets pledged as collateral (from)
opts.nBSCOLLETTo Number Assets pledged as collateral (to)
opts.nBSLEASEFrom Number Lease financing and similar agreements (from)
opts.nBSLEASETo Number Lease financing and similar agreements (to)
opts.nBSREVALUEFrom Number Revaluation differences on portfolios hedged against interest rate risk (from)
opts.nBSREVALUETo Number Revaluation differences on portfolios hedged against interest rate risk (to)
opts.nBSOTHERFASSETFrom Number Other financial assets (from)
opts.nBSOTHERFASSETTo Number Other financial assets (to)
opts.nBSINVASSOCFrom Number Investments in associates and joint ventures accounted for using the equity method (from)
opts.nBSINVASSOCTo Number Investments in associates and joint ventures accounted for using the equity method (to)
opts.nBSINVPROPFrom Number Investment properties (from)
opts.nBSINVPROPTo Number Investment properties (to)
opts.tANGFrom Number Property, plant and equipment (from)
opts.tANGTo Number Property, plant and equipment (to)
opts.iNTFrom Number Intangible assets and goodwill (from)
opts.iNTTo Number Intangible assets and goodwill (to)
opts.nBSCURRENTITFrom Number Current income tax assets (from)
opts.nBSCURRENTITTo Number Current income tax assets (to)
opts.nBSRECEIVFrom Number Accounts Receivable (from)
opts.nBSRECEIVTo Number Accounts Receivable (to)
opts.nBSDEFITFrom Number Deferred income tax assets (from)
opts.nBSDEFITTo Number Deferred income tax assets (to)
opts.nBSOTHERASTFrom Number Other assets (from)
opts.nBSOTHERASTTo Number Other assets (to)
opts.nBSPREPAYFrom Number Prepayments and accrued income (from)
opts.nBSPREPAYTo Number Prepayments and accrued income (to)
opts.nBSHELDFSDOFrom Number Assets classified as held for sale and discontinued operations (from)
opts.nBSHELDFSDOTo Number Assets classified as held for sale and discontinued operations (to)
opts.nBSTELFrom Number Total Equity and Liabilities (from)
opts.nBSTELTo Number Total Equity and Liabilities (to)
opts.tLFrom Number Total Liabilities (from)
opts.tLTo Number Total Liabilities (to)
opts.nBSDUECBFrom Number Due to central banks (from)
opts.nBSDUECBTo Number Due to central banks (to)
opts.nBSDEPOFrom Number Deposits (from)
opts.nBSDEPOTo Number Deposits (to)
opts.nBSDEOPBANKFrom Number Deposits from banks (from)
opts.nBSDEOPBANKTo Number Deposits from banks (to)
opts.nBSDEOPBANKSFrom Number By maturity – less than one year (from)
opts.nBSDEOPBANKSTo Number By maturity – less than one year (to)
opts.nBSDEOPBANKLFrom Number By maturity – more than one year (from)
opts.nBSDEOPBANKLTo Number By maturity – more than one year (to)
opts.nBSDEPOCUSTFrom Number Deposits from customers (from)
opts.nBSDEPOCUSTTo Number Deposits from customers (to)
opts.nBSDEPOCUSTSFrom Number By maturity – less than one year. (from)
opts.nBSDEPOCUSTSTo Number By maturity – less than one year. (to)
opts.nBSDEPOCUSTLFrom Number By maturity – more than one year. (from)
opts.nBSDEPOCUSTLTo Number By maturity – more than one year. (to)
opts.nBSDEPOTHEFrom Number Other Deposits (from)
opts.nBSDEPOTHETo Number Other Deposits (to)
opts.nBSFINLIABFrom Number Financial liabilities held for trading (from)
opts.nBSFINLIABTo Number Financial liabilities held for trading (to)
opts.nBSFINLIABTBONDFrom Number T-bill, t-bond for trade (from)
opts.nBSFINLIABTBONDTo Number T-bill, t-bond for trade (to)
opts.nBSFINLIABDEBTFrom Number Debt securities including fixed income securities for trade (from)
opts.nBSFINLIABDEBTTo Number Debt securities including fixed income securities for trade (to)
opts.nBSFINLIABSHAREFrom Number Shares and other variable-yield securities for trade (from)
opts.nBSFINLIABSHARETo Number Shares and other variable-yield securities for trade (to)
opts.nBSFLIABFAIRFrom Number Financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss (from)
opts.nBSFLIABFAIRTo Number Financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss (to)
opts.nBSLIABHEDGEFrom Number Hedging derivative liabilities (from)
opts.nBSLIABHEDGETo Number Hedging derivative liabilities (to)
opts.nBSISSUEDEBTFrom Number Debt securities issued (from)
opts.nBSISSUEDEBTTo Number Debt securities issued (to)
opts.nBSRETIREMENTFrom Number Retirement benefit obligations (from)
opts.nBSRETIREMENTTo Number Retirement benefit obligations (to)
opts.nBSPROVISIONSFrom Number Provisions (from)
opts.nBSPROVISIONSTo Number Provisions (to)
opts.nBSCHANGEEQFrom Number Change in own equity of affiliates and related companies (from)
opts.nBSCHANGEEQTo Number Change in own equity of affiliates and related companies (to)
opts.nBSDUETOCONSFrom Number Changes due to consolidation (from)
opts.nBSDUETOCONSTo Number Changes due to consolidation (to)
opts.nBSOTHEPAYFrom Number Accounts Payable (from)
opts.nBSOTHEPAYTo Number Accounts Payable (to)
opts.nBSCURLIABTAXFrom Number Current income tax liabilities (from)
opts.nBSCURLIABTAXTo Number Current income tax liabilities (to)
opts.nBSDEFLIABTAXFrom Number Deferred income tax liabilities (from)
opts.nBSDEFLIABTAXTo Number Deferred income tax liabilities (to)
opts.nBSOTHERLIABFrom Number Other liabilities (from)
opts.nBSOTHERLIABTo Number Other liabilities (to)
opts.nBSCONVERTBONDFrom Number Convertible bonds (from)
opts.nBSCONVERTBONDTo Number Convertible bonds (to)
opts.nBSSUBORDINFrom Number Subordinated debt (from)
opts.nBSSUBORDINTo Number Subordinated debt (to)
opts.nBSACCRUALSFrom Number Accruals and deferred income (from)
opts.nBSACCRUALSTo Number Accruals and deferred income (to)
opts.nBSLIABHELDFSAFrom Number Liabilities included in assets classified as held for sale and discontinued operations (from)
opts.nBSLIABHELDFSATo Number Liabilities included in assets classified as held for sale and discontinued operations (to)
opts.sEFrom Number Total Equity (from)
opts.sETo Number Total Equity (to)
opts.sEOWNFrom Number Equity attributable to owners of the parent (from)
opts.sEOWNTo Number Equity attributable to owners of the parent (to)
opts.iSSUEDFrom Number Issued capital (from)
opts.iSSUEDTo Number Issued capital (to)
opts.iSSUEDORDFrom Number Ordinary shares (from)
opts.iSSUEDORDTo Number Ordinary shares (to)
opts.iSSUEDPREFFrom Number Preferred shares (from)
opts.iSSUEDPREFTo Number Preferred shares (to)
opts.sEOWNPREMIUMFrom Number Share premium (from)
opts.sEOWNPREMIUMTo Number Share premium (to)
opts.sEOWNTREASURYFrom Number Treasury shares (from)
opts.sEOWNTREASURYTo Number Treasury shares (to)
opts.nBSOTHEQFrom Number Other components of equity (from)
opts.nBSOTHEQTo Number Other components of equity (to)
opts.sEOWNREVALUATIONFrom Number Revaluation reserve (from)
opts.sEOWNREVALUATIONTo Number Revaluation reserve (to)
opts.sEOWNFOREIGNCURRFrom Number Foreign currency translation reserve (from)
opts.sEOWNFOREIGNCURRTo Number Foreign currency translation reserve (to)
opts.nBSCFHEDGEFrom Number Cashflow hedge reserve (from)
opts.nBSCFHEDGETo Number Cashflow hedge reserve (to)
opts.pROFITRESERVFrom Number Retained earnings (from)
opts.pROFITRESERVTo Number Retained earnings (to)
opts.bSPROFITFrom Number Profit or loss for the period (from)
opts.bSPROFITTo Number Profit or loss for the period (to)
opts.nBSGENFrom Number General Reserve (from)
opts.nBSGENTo Number General Reserve (to)
opts.nBSOTHRESFrom Number Other reserves (from)
opts.nBSOTHRESTo Number Other reserves (to)
opts.sEMINFrom Number Minority interest (from)
opts.sEMINTo Number Minority interest (to)
opts.tRFrom Number Total Net Operating Revenue (from)
opts.tRTo Number Total Net Operating Revenue (to)
opts.nBSNETINTFrom Number Net interest income (from)
opts.nBSNETINTTo Number Net interest income (to)
opts.nBSNETINTINCFrom Number Interest and similar income (from)
opts.nBSNETINTINCTo Number Interest and similar income (to)
opts.nBSNETINTEXPFrom Number Interest and similar expenses (from)
opts.nBSNETINTEXPTo Number Interest and similar expenses (to)
opts.nBSINVESTSECFrom Number Income from investment securities (dividend, shares) (from)
opts.nBSINVESTSECTo Number Income from investment securities (dividend, shares) (to)
opts.nBSNETFEEFrom Number Net fee and commission income (from)
opts.nBSNETFEETo Number Net fee and commission income (to)
opts.nBSNETFEEINCFrom Number Fee and commission income (from)
opts.nBSNETFEEINCTo Number Fee and commission income (to)
opts.nBSNETFEEEXPFrom Number Fee and commission expense (from)
opts.nBSNETFEEEXPTo Number Fee and commission expense (to)
opts.nBSNGFINHELDFSFrom Number Net gain (loss) on financial instruments classified as held for trading (from)
opts.nBSNGFINHELDFSTo Number Net gain (loss) on financial instruments classified as held for trading (to)
opts.nBSNGFAIRVALUEFrom Number Net gain (loss) on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss (from)
opts.nBSNGFAIRVALUETo Number Net gain (loss) on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss (to)
opts.nBSNGINVESTSECFrom Number Net gain (loss) on investment securities trading activity (from)
opts.nBSNGINVESTSECTo Number Net gain (loss) on investment securities trading activity (to)
opts.nBSNGHEDGEFrom Number Net gain (loss) from hedge accounting (from)
opts.nBSNGHEDGETo Number Net gain (loss) from hedge accounting (to)
opts.nBSNGXCHGDIFFFrom Number Net gain (loss) on exchange differences (from)
opts.nBSNGXCHGDIFFTo Number Net gain (loss) on exchange differences (to)
opts.nBSNGOTHFrom Number Net gain (loss) on other items (from)
opts.nBSNGOTHTo Number Net gain (loss) on other items (to)
opts.nBSOTHOPINCFrom Number Other operating income (from)
opts.nBSOTHOPINCTo Number Other operating income (to)
opts.nBSADMINFrom Number Administrative expenses (from)
opts.nBSADMINTo Number Administrative expenses (to)
opts.nBSSALEFrom Number Sale expenses (from)
opts.nBSSALETo Number Sale expenses (to)
opts.nBSPERSONFrom Number Personnel expenses (from)
opts.nBSPERSONTo Number Personnel expenses (to)
opts.nBSDEPRICFrom Number Depreciation, amortization (from)
opts.nBSDEPRICTo Number Depreciation, amortization (to)
opts.nBSDEPRICPROPFrom Number Depreciation of property and equipment (from)
opts.nBSDEPRICPROPTo Number Depreciation of property and equipment (to)
opts.nBSDEPRICINTANGFrom Number Amortisation of intangible assets (from)
opts.nBSDEPRICINTANGTo Number Amortisation of intangible assets (to)
opts.nBSOTHOPEXPFrom Number Other operating expenses (from)
opts.nBSOTHOPEXPTo Number Other operating expenses (to)
opts.nBSNETIMPFrom Number Net impairment allowance and write-downs (from)
opts.nBSNETIMPTo Number Net impairment allowance and write-downs (to)
opts.nBSNETIMPLOANFrom Number Net impairment allowance and write-downs on loans (from)
opts.nBSNETIMPLOANTo Number Net impairment allowance and write-downs on loans (to)
opts.nBSNETIMPFINASSTFrom Number Net impairment allowance and write-downs on financial assets (from)
opts.nBSNETIMPFINASSTTo Number Net impairment allowance and write-downs on financial assets (to)
opts.nBSNETIMPOTHFrom Number Other net impairment allowance and write-downs (from)
opts.nBSNETIMPOTHTo Number Other net impairment allowance and write-downs (to)
opts.nBSOTHNOPRESFrom Number Other net operating result (from)
opts.nBSOTHNOPRESTo Number Other net operating result (to)
opts.oPFrom Number Operating profit (from)
opts.oPTo Number Operating profit (to)
opts.nBSEQUITYMETHFrom Number Share of profit of associates and joint ventures accounted for using the equity method (from)
opts.nBSEQUITYMETHTo Number Share of profit of associates and joint ventures accounted for using the equity method (to)
opts.nBSOTHNONOPINCFrom Number Other income (from)
opts.nBSOTHNONOPINCTo Number Other income (to)
opts.nBSOTHNONOPEXPFrom Number Other expenses (from)
opts.nBSOTHNONOPEXPTo Number Other expenses (to)
opts.nBSOTHNETNORESFrom Number Other net non-operating result (from)
opts.nBSOTHNETNORESTo Number Other net non-operating result (to)
opts.pRETAXFrom Number Profit before income tax (from)
opts.pRETAXTo Number Profit before income tax (to)
opts.tAXFrom Number Income tax (from)
opts.tAXTo Number Income tax (to)
opts.tAXDUEFrom Number Tax difference due to consolidation (from)
opts.tAXDUETo Number Tax difference due to consolidation (to)
opts.aFTERTAXFrom Number Profit after income tax (from)
opts.aFTERTAXTo Number Profit after income tax (to)
opts.aFTERTAXDISCFrom Number Profit from discontinued operations (from)
opts.aFTERTAXDISCTo Number Profit from discontinued operations (to)
opts.nBSGENRESFrom Number Formation and utilization of general reserves (from)
opts.nBSGENRESTo Number Formation and utilization of general reserves (to)
opts.oEXTIFrom Number Other Extraordinary Items (from)
opts.oEXTITo Number Other Extraordinary Items (to)
opts.nPFrom Number Net profit (from)
opts.nPTo Number Net profit (to)
opts.nPTOOWNFrom Number Profit (loss) attributable to Owner (from)
opts.nPTOOWNTo Number Profit (loss) attributable to Owner (to)
opts.nPMINTFrom Number Profit (loss) attributable to Minority Interests (from)
opts.nPMINTTo Number Profit (loss) attributable to Minority Interests (to)
opts.cOMPREHENSOTHFrom Number Other comprehensive result for the period, net of tax (from)
opts.cOMPREHENSOTHTo Number Other comprehensive result for the period, net of tax (to)
opts.aFTERTAXTOTALFrom Number Comprehensive Results (from)
opts.aFTERTAXTOTALTo Number Comprehensive Results (to)
opts.cOMTOOWNFrom Number Comprehensive Income attributable to Owners (from)
opts.cOMTOOWNTo Number Comprehensive Income attributable to Owners (to)
opts.oUTSIDEFrom Number Comprehensive Income attributable to Minority Interests (from)
opts.oUTSIDETo Number Comprehensive Income attributable to Minority Interests (to)
opts.pROCONTOPFrom Number Profit (loss) from continuing operations (from)
opts.pROCONTOPTo Number Profit (loss) from continuing operations (to)
opts.pRODISOPFrom Number Profit (loss) from discontinued operations (from)
opts.pRODISOPTo Number Profit (loss) from discontinued operations (to)
opts.cFNCFOPERATINGFrom Number Net cash flow from (used in) operating activities (from)
opts.cFNCFOPERATINGTo Number Net cash flow from (used in) operating activities (to)
opts.nBSCFNPFrom Number Net profit of the period (from)
opts.nBSCFNPTo Number Net profit of the period (to)
opts.nBSADJFrom Number Adjustments for: (from)
opts.nBSADJTo Number Adjustments for: (to)
opts.nBSADJLOANFrom Number Loan impairment charges (from)
opts.nBSADJLOANTo Number Loan impairment charges (to)
opts.nBSADJDEPRFrom Number Depreciation, amortization, impairment of intangible assets, property, plant and equipment and investments properties (from)
opts.nBSADJDEPRTo Number Depreciation, amortization, impairment of intangible assets, property, plant and equipment and investments properties (to)
opts.nBSADJINTANGFrom Number Net loss (gain) on disposal of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment (from)
opts.nBSADJINTANGTo Number Net loss (gain) on disposal of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment (to)
opts.nBSADJNETIMPAIRFrom Number Net impairment losses on investment securities (from)
opts.nBSADJNETIMPAIRTo Number Net impairment losses on investment securities (to)
opts.nBSADJPROVISIONFrom Number Changes in provisions, including pensions (from)
opts.nBSADJPROVISIONTo Number Changes in provisions, including pensions (to)
opts.nBSADJDEFTAXFrom Number Changes in deferred tax assets and liabilities (from)
opts.nBSADJDEFTAXTo Number Changes in deferred tax assets and liabilities (to)
opts.nBSADJEQUITYMETHFrom Number Share of net profits from equity method investments (from)
opts.nBSADJEQUITYMETHTo Number Share of net profits from equity method investments (to)
opts.nBSADJNETINTFrom Number Net interest income (from)
opts.nBSADJNETINTTo Number Net interest income (to)
opts.nBSADJOTHNCFrom Number Other non-cash items (from)
opts.nBSADJOTHNCTo Number Other non-cash items (to)
opts.nBSCFCHNGFrom Number Change in: (from)
opts.nBSCFCHNGTo Number Change in: (to)
opts.nBSCFCHNGLOANFrom Number Loans and advances (from)
opts.nBSCFCHNGLOANTo Number Loans and advances (to)
opts.nBSCFCHNGADVBANKFrom Number Loans and advances to banks (from)
opts.nBSCFCHNGADVBANKTo Number Loans and advances to banks (to)
opts.nBSCFCHNGADVCUSTFrom Number Loans and advances to customers (from)
opts.nBSCFCHNGADVCUSTTo Number Loans and advances to customers (to)
opts.nBSCFCHNGHELDFTFrom Number Financial assets held for trading (from)
opts.nBSCFCHNGHELDFTTo Number Financial assets held for trading (to)
opts.nBSCFCHNGFAIRVALUEFrom Number Financial assets designated at fair value through profit and loss (from)
opts.nBSCFCHNGFAIRVALUETo Number Financial assets designated at fair value through profit and loss (to)
opts.nBSCFCHNGHEDGEFrom Number Hedging derivative assets (from)
opts.nBSCFCHNGHEDGETo Number Hedging derivative assets (to)
opts.nBSCFCHNGINVSECFrom Number Investment securities (from)
opts.nBSCFCHNGINVSECTo Number Investment securities (to)
opts.nBSCFCHNGOTHSECFrom Number Other assets (from)
opts.nBSCFCHNGOTHSECTo Number Other assets (to)
opts.nBSCFCHNGDEPOFrom Number Deposits. (from)
opts.nBSCFCHNGDEPOTo Number Deposits. (to)
opts.nBSCFCHNGDEPOBANKFrom Number Deposits from banks. (from)
opts.nBSCFCHNGDEPOBANKTo Number Deposits from banks. (to)
opts.nBSCFCHNGDEPOCUSTFrom Number Deposits from customers. (from)
opts.nBSCFCHNGDEPOCUSTTo Number Deposits from customers. (to)
opts.nBSCFCHNGFLHELDFTFrom Number Financial liabilities held for trading. (from)
opts.nBSCFCHNGFLHELDFTTo Number Financial liabilities held for trading. (to)
opts.nBSCFCHNGFLFAIRVFrom Number Financial liabilities designated at fair value trough profit and loss (from)
opts.nBSCFCHNGFLFAIRVTo Number Financial liabilities designated at fair value trough profit and loss (to)
opts.nBSCFCHNGHEDGLIABFrom Number Hedging derivative liabilities. (from)
opts.nBSCFCHNGHEDGLIABTo Number Hedging derivative liabilities. (to)
opts.nBSCFCHNGDEBTISSUEDFrom Number Debt securities issued. (from)
opts.nBSCFCHNGDEBTISSUEDTo Number Debt securities issued. (to)
opts.nBSCFCHNGOTHLIABFrom Number Other liabilities. (from)
opts.nBSCFCHNGOTHLIABTo Number Other liabilities. (to)
opts.nBSDIVINCFrom Number Dividend income (from)
opts.nBSDIVINCTo Number Dividend income (to)
opts.nBSFEEINCFrom Number Fee and commission income. (from)
opts.nBSFEEINCTo Number Fee and commission income. (to)
opts.nBSFEEEXPFrom Number Fee and commission expense. (from)
opts.nBSFEEEXPTo Number Fee and commission expense. (to)
opts.nBSTAXPAIDFrom Number Income tax paid (from)
opts.nBSTAXPAIDTo Number Income tax paid (to)
opts.cFNCFINVESTFrom Number Net cash flow from (used in) investing activities (from)
opts.cFNCFINVESTTo Number Net cash flow from (used in) investing activities (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTSUBAQFrom Number Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash aquired (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTSUBAQTo Number Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash aquired (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTSUBDIFrom Number Disposal of subsidiaries, net of cash disposed (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTSUBDITo Number Disposal of subsidiaries, net of cash disposed (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTPOFPRFrom Number Purchase of property, plant and equipment (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTPOFPRTo Number Purchase of property, plant and equipment (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTSALPRFrom Number Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTSALPRTo Number Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTINTANPFrom Number Purchase of intangible assets (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTINTANPTo Number Purchase of intangible assets (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTINTANSFrom Number Proceeds from sale of intangible assets (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTINTANSTo Number Proceeds from sale of intangible assets (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTLTASSPFrom Number Purchase of long term assets (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTLTASSPTo Number Purchase of long term assets (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTLTASSSFrom Number Proceeds from sale of long term assets (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTLTASSSTo Number Proceeds from sale of long term assets (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTINVPROPFrom Number Purchase of investment properties (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTINVPROPTo Number Purchase of investment properties (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTINVPROSFrom Number Proceeds from sale of investment properties (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTINVPROSTo Number Proceeds from sale of investment properties (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTJOINTPFrom Number Purchase of interests in joint ventures (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTJOINTPTo Number Purchase of interests in joint ventures (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTJOINTSFrom Number Proceeds from sale of joint ventures (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTJOINTSTo Number Proceeds from sale of joint ventures (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTOTHINVFrom Number Other investing activity cash flows (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTOTHINVTo Number Other investing activity cash flows (to)
opts.cFNCFFINANCEFrom Number Net cash flow from (used in) financing activities (from)
opts.cFNCFFINANCETo Number Net cash flow from (used in) financing activities (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFFINANCEORDFrom Number Proceeds from issuance of ordinary shares (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFFINANCEORDTo Number Proceeds from issuance of ordinary shares (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFFINANCEPREFrom Number Proceeds from issuance of redeemable preference shares (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFFINANCEPRETo Number Proceeds from issuance of redeemable preference shares (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFFINANCETREAPFrom Number Purchase of treasury shares (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFFINANCETREAPTo Number Purchase of treasury shares (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFFINANCETREASFrom Number Sale of treasury shares (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFFINANCETREASTo Number Sale of treasury shares (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFFINANCEFUNDPFrom Number Proceeds from borrowed funds and debt securities (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFFINANCEFUNDPTo Number Proceeds from borrowed funds and debt securities (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFFINANCEFUNDSFrom Number Repayments of borrowed funds and debt securities (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFFINANCEFUNDSTo Number Repayments of borrowed funds and debt securities (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFFINANCESUBORDFrom Number Proceeds from issue of subordinated liabilities (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFFINANCESUBORDTo Number Proceeds from issue of subordinated liabilities (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFFINANCESHOPTFrom Number Proceedds from exercise of share options (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFFINANCESHOPTTo Number Proceedds from exercise of share options (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFFINANCEDIVPAYFrom Number Dividends paid (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFFINANCEDIVPAYTo Number Dividends paid (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFFINANCEOTHFrom Number Other financing activity cash flow (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFFINANCEOTHTo Number Other financing activity cash flow (to)
opts.cFNETINCREASECASHFrom Number Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (from)
opts.cFNETINCREASECASHTo Number Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (to)
opts.cFCASHBEGINFrom Number Cash at the beginning of the period (from)
opts.cFCASHBEGINTo Number Cash at the beginning of the period (to)
opts.cFCASHFOREXFrom Number Exchange gains (losses) on cash and cash equivalents (from)
opts.cFCASHFOREXTo Number Exchange gains (losses) on cash and cash equivalents (to)
opts.cFCASHENDFrom Number Cash at the end of the period (from)
opts.cFCASHENDTo Number Cash at the end of the period (to)
opts.cFFCFFrom Number Free cash flow (from)
opts.cFFCFTo Number Free cash flow (to)
opts.cFCAPEXFrom Number CAPEX (from)
opts.cFCAPEXTo Number CAPEX (to)

companiesBankingGet(token, opts)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\SearchCompanyResponse

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.country Array.<String> Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.companyType Array.<String> Company types separated by commas
opts.importCountries Array.<String> Import country codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.exportCountries Array.<String> Export country codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.updatedFrom String Date since last update took place (from)
opts.updatedTo String Date since last update took place (to)
opts.statementsUpdatedFrom String Financial statements filter updated (from)
opts.statementsUpdatedTo String Financial statements filter updated (to)
opts.mainIndustry Array.<String> Main activities separated by commas
opts.currency String Currency code
opts.secondaryIndustry Array.<String> Secondary activities separated by commas
opts.operationalStatus Array.<String> Operational statuses separated by commas
opts.numberOfEmployeesFrom Number Number of employees (from)
opts.numberOfEmployeesTo Number Number of employees (to)
opts.legalForm Array.<String> Legal Form codes separated by commas
opts.localLegalForm Array.<String> Local legal form codes separated by commas
opts.region String Region name in English language
opts.city String City name in English language
opts.companyName Array.<String> Company name
opts.keyExecutives Array.<String> Key executives
opts.shareholders Array.<String> Key shareholders
opts.subsidiaries Array.<String> Key subsidiaries
opts.financialAuditors Array.<String> Key financial auditors
opts.businessDescription Array.<String> Key business description
opts.products Array.<String> Key products
opts.uboName Array.<String> Beneficial Owner's Name Keyword
opts.keywords Array.<String> Keywords
opts.year Number Year of financial statement
opts.period String Financial period
opts.statementType String Statement type
opts.order String Sort order field. Possible values are name, revenue, revenue_growth, assets, profit, equity, relevance. By default this parameter sorts ascending. For descending order use the colon sign and \"desc\". For example: order=revenue:desc
opts.localization Boolean Localization (default to false)
opts.uboCitizenship String Beneficial owner's citizenship
opts.uboBirthDate String Beneficial owner's date of birth in the format \"dd-mm-yyyy\"
opts.onlyWithOfficialFinancials Boolean CompanyAndStatementsOnlyWithOfficialFinancials_Parameter
opts.ownerCountries Array.<String> Owner Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.affiliateCountries Array.<String> Affiliate Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.limit Number The max number of the items to retrieve
opts.offset Number The number of the starting item
opts.cursor String The ID of the item under which the cursor is
opts.format String Response format - json/xml
opts.tSFrom Number Total Assets (from)
opts.tSTo Number Total Assets (to)
opts.cEFrom Number Cash and cash equivalents (from)
opts.cETo Number Cash and cash equivalents (to)
opts.nBSLOANSFrom Number Loans and advances (from)
opts.nBSLOANSTo Number Loans and advances (to)
opts.nBSLOANBANKFrom Number Loans and advances to banks (from)
opts.nBSLOANBANKTo Number Loans and advances to banks (to)
opts.nBSLOANBANKSFrom Number By maturity – less than one year (from)
opts.nBSLOANBANKSTo Number By maturity – less than one year (to)
opts.nBSLOANBANKLFrom Number By maturity – more than one year (from)
opts.nBSLOANBANKLTo Number By maturity – more than one year (to)
opts.nBSCUSTFrom Number Loans and advances to customers (from)
opts.nBSCUSTTo Number Loans and advances to customers (to)
opts.nBSCUSTSFrom Number By maturity – less than one year (from)
opts.nBSCUSTSTo Number By maturity – less than one year (to)
opts.nBSCUSTLFrom Number By maturity – more than one year (from)
opts.nBSCUSTLTo Number By maturity – more than one year (to)
opts.nBSADVANFrom Number Other Loans and advances (from)
opts.nBSADVANTo Number Other Loans and advances (to)
opts.nBSFAFrom Number Financial assets held for trading (from)
opts.nBSFATo Number Financial assets held for trading (to)
opts.nBSFATBONDFrom Number T-bill, t-bond for trade (from)
opts.nBSFATBONDTo Number T-bill, t-bond for trade (to)
opts.nBSFADEBTFrom Number Debt securities including fixed income securities for trade (from)
opts.nBSFADEBTTo Number Debt securities including fixed income securities for trade (to)
opts.nBSFASHAREFrom Number Shares and other variable-yield securities for trade (from)
opts.nBSFASHARETo Number Shares and other variable-yield securities for trade (to)
opts.nBSFAIRVFrom Number Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss (from)
opts.nBSFAIRVTo Number Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss (to)
opts.nBSHEDGFrom Number Hedging derivative assets (from)
opts.nBSHEDGTo Number Hedging derivative assets (to)
opts.nBSINVSECFrom Number Investment securities (from)
opts.nBSINVSECTo Number Investment securities (to)
opts.nBSINVSECHMFrom Number Held to maturity investments securities (from)
opts.nBSINVSECHMTo Number Held to maturity investments securities (to)
opts.nBSINVSECAFSFrom Number Available for sale investment securities (from)
opts.nBSINVSECAFSTo Number Available for sale investment securities (to)
opts.nBSINVSECLRISFrom Number Loan and receiveable investment securities (from)
opts.nBSINVSECLRISTo Number Loan and receiveable investment securities (to)
opts.nBSINVOTHFrom Number Other Investments Securities (from)
opts.nBSINVOTHTo Number Other Investments Securities (to)
opts.nBSCOLLETFrom Number Assets pledged as collateral (from)
opts.nBSCOLLETTo Number Assets pledged as collateral (to)
opts.nBSLEASEFrom Number Lease financing and similar agreements (from)
opts.nBSLEASETo Number Lease financing and similar agreements (to)
opts.nBSREVALUEFrom Number Revaluation differences on portfolios hedged against interest rate risk (from)
opts.nBSREVALUETo Number Revaluation differences on portfolios hedged against interest rate risk (to)
opts.nBSOTHERFASSETFrom Number Other financial assets (from)
opts.nBSOTHERFASSETTo Number Other financial assets (to)
opts.nBSINVASSOCFrom Number Investments in associates and joint ventures accounted for using the equity method (from)
opts.nBSINVASSOCTo Number Investments in associates and joint ventures accounted for using the equity method (to)
opts.nBSINVPROPFrom Number Investment properties (from)
opts.nBSINVPROPTo Number Investment properties (to)
opts.tANGFrom Number Property, plant and equipment (from)
opts.tANGTo Number Property, plant and equipment (to)
opts.iNTFrom Number Intangible assets and goodwill (from)
opts.iNTTo Number Intangible assets and goodwill (to)
opts.nBSCURRENTITFrom Number Current income tax assets (from)
opts.nBSCURRENTITTo Number Current income tax assets (to)
opts.nBSRECEIVFrom Number Accounts Receivable (from)
opts.nBSRECEIVTo Number Accounts Receivable (to)
opts.nBSDEFITFrom Number Deferred income tax assets (from)
opts.nBSDEFITTo Number Deferred income tax assets (to)
opts.nBSOTHERASTFrom Number Other assets (from)
opts.nBSOTHERASTTo Number Other assets (to)
opts.nBSPREPAYFrom Number Prepayments and accrued income (from)
opts.nBSPREPAYTo Number Prepayments and accrued income (to)
opts.nBSHELDFSDOFrom Number Assets classified as held for sale and discontinued operations (from)
opts.nBSHELDFSDOTo Number Assets classified as held for sale and discontinued operations (to)
opts.nBSTELFrom Number Total Equity and Liabilities (from)
opts.nBSTELTo Number Total Equity and Liabilities (to)
opts.tLFrom Number Total Liabilities (from)
opts.tLTo Number Total Liabilities (to)
opts.nBSDUECBFrom Number Due to central banks (from)
opts.nBSDUECBTo Number Due to central banks (to)
opts.nBSDEPOFrom Number Deposits (from)
opts.nBSDEPOTo Number Deposits (to)
opts.nBSDEOPBANKFrom Number Deposits from banks (from)
opts.nBSDEOPBANKTo Number Deposits from banks (to)
opts.nBSDEOPBANKSFrom Number By maturity – less than one year (from)
opts.nBSDEOPBANKSTo Number By maturity – less than one year (to)
opts.nBSDEOPBANKLFrom Number By maturity – more than one year (from)
opts.nBSDEOPBANKLTo Number By maturity – more than one year (to)
opts.nBSDEPOCUSTFrom Number Deposits from customers (from)
opts.nBSDEPOCUSTTo Number Deposits from customers (to)
opts.nBSDEPOCUSTSFrom Number By maturity – less than one year. (from)
opts.nBSDEPOCUSTSTo Number By maturity – less than one year. (to)
opts.nBSDEPOCUSTLFrom Number By maturity – more than one year. (from)
opts.nBSDEPOCUSTLTo Number By maturity – more than one year. (to)
opts.nBSDEPOTHEFrom Number Other Deposits (from)
opts.nBSDEPOTHETo Number Other Deposits (to)
opts.nBSFINLIABFrom Number Financial liabilities held for trading (from)
opts.nBSFINLIABTo Number Financial liabilities held for trading (to)
opts.nBSFINLIABTBONDFrom Number T-bill, t-bond for trade (from)
opts.nBSFINLIABTBONDTo Number T-bill, t-bond for trade (to)
opts.nBSFINLIABDEBTFrom Number Debt securities including fixed income securities for trade (from)
opts.nBSFINLIABDEBTTo Number Debt securities including fixed income securities for trade (to)
opts.nBSFINLIABSHAREFrom Number Shares and other variable-yield securities for trade (from)
opts.nBSFINLIABSHARETo Number Shares and other variable-yield securities for trade (to)
opts.nBSFLIABFAIRFrom Number Financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss (from)
opts.nBSFLIABFAIRTo Number Financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss (to)
opts.nBSLIABHEDGEFrom Number Hedging derivative liabilities (from)
opts.nBSLIABHEDGETo Number Hedging derivative liabilities (to)
opts.nBSISSUEDEBTFrom Number Debt securities issued (from)
opts.nBSISSUEDEBTTo Number Debt securities issued (to)
opts.nBSRETIREMENTFrom Number Retirement benefit obligations (from)
opts.nBSRETIREMENTTo Number Retirement benefit obligations (to)
opts.nBSPROVISIONSFrom Number Provisions (from)
opts.nBSPROVISIONSTo Number Provisions (to)
opts.nBSCHANGEEQFrom Number Change in own equity of affiliates and related companies (from)
opts.nBSCHANGEEQTo Number Change in own equity of affiliates and related companies (to)
opts.nBSDUETOCONSFrom Number Changes due to consolidation (from)
opts.nBSDUETOCONSTo Number Changes due to consolidation (to)
opts.nBSOTHEPAYFrom Number Accounts Payable (from)
opts.nBSOTHEPAYTo Number Accounts Payable (to)
opts.nBSCURLIABTAXFrom Number Current income tax liabilities (from)
opts.nBSCURLIABTAXTo Number Current income tax liabilities (to)
opts.nBSDEFLIABTAXFrom Number Deferred income tax liabilities (from)
opts.nBSDEFLIABTAXTo Number Deferred income tax liabilities (to)
opts.nBSOTHERLIABFrom Number Other liabilities (from)
opts.nBSOTHERLIABTo Number Other liabilities (to)
opts.nBSCONVERTBONDFrom Number Convertible bonds (from)
opts.nBSCONVERTBONDTo Number Convertible bonds (to)
opts.nBSSUBORDINFrom Number Subordinated debt (from)
opts.nBSSUBORDINTo Number Subordinated debt (to)
opts.nBSACCRUALSFrom Number Accruals and deferred income (from)
opts.nBSACCRUALSTo Number Accruals and deferred income (to)
opts.nBSLIABHELDFSAFrom Number Liabilities included in assets classified as held for sale and discontinued operations (from)
opts.nBSLIABHELDFSATo Number Liabilities included in assets classified as held for sale and discontinued operations (to)
opts.sEFrom Number Total Equity (from)
opts.sETo Number Total Equity (to)
opts.sEOWNFrom Number Equity attributable to owners of the parent (from)
opts.sEOWNTo Number Equity attributable to owners of the parent (to)
opts.iSSUEDFrom Number Issued capital (from)
opts.iSSUEDTo Number Issued capital (to)
opts.iSSUEDORDFrom Number Ordinary shares (from)
opts.iSSUEDORDTo Number Ordinary shares (to)
opts.iSSUEDPREFFrom Number Preferred shares (from)
opts.iSSUEDPREFTo Number Preferred shares (to)
opts.sEOWNPREMIUMFrom Number Share premium (from)
opts.sEOWNPREMIUMTo Number Share premium (to)
opts.sEOWNTREASURYFrom Number Treasury shares (from)
opts.sEOWNTREASURYTo Number Treasury shares (to)
opts.nBSOTHEQFrom Number Other components of equity (from)
opts.nBSOTHEQTo Number Other components of equity (to)
opts.sEOWNREVALUATIONFrom Number Revaluation reserve (from)
opts.sEOWNREVALUATIONTo Number Revaluation reserve (to)
opts.sEOWNFOREIGNCURRFrom Number Foreign currency translation reserve (from)
opts.sEOWNFOREIGNCURRTo Number Foreign currency translation reserve (to)
opts.nBSCFHEDGEFrom Number Cashflow hedge reserve (from)
opts.nBSCFHEDGETo Number Cashflow hedge reserve (to)
opts.pROFITRESERVFrom Number Retained earnings (from)
opts.pROFITRESERVTo Number Retained earnings (to)
opts.bSPROFITFrom Number Profit or loss for the period (from)
opts.bSPROFITTo Number Profit or loss for the period (to)
opts.nBSGENFrom Number General Reserve (from)
opts.nBSGENTo Number General Reserve (to)
opts.nBSOTHRESFrom Number Other reserves (from)
opts.nBSOTHRESTo Number Other reserves (to)
opts.sEMINFrom Number Minority interest (from)
opts.sEMINTo Number Minority interest (to)
opts.tRFrom Number Total Net Operating Revenue (from)
opts.tRTo Number Total Net Operating Revenue (to)
opts.nBSNETINTFrom Number Net interest income (from)
opts.nBSNETINTTo Number Net interest income (to)
opts.nBSNETINTINCFrom Number Interest and similar income (from)
opts.nBSNETINTINCTo Number Interest and similar income (to)
opts.nBSNETINTEXPFrom Number Interest and similar expenses (from)
opts.nBSNETINTEXPTo Number Interest and similar expenses (to)
opts.nBSINVESTSECFrom Number Income from investment securities (dividend, shares) (from)
opts.nBSINVESTSECTo Number Income from investment securities (dividend, shares) (to)
opts.nBSNETFEEFrom Number Net fee and commission income (from)
opts.nBSNETFEETo Number Net fee and commission income (to)
opts.nBSNETFEEINCFrom Number Fee and commission income (from)
opts.nBSNETFEEINCTo Number Fee and commission income (to)
opts.nBSNETFEEEXPFrom Number Fee and commission expense (from)
opts.nBSNETFEEEXPTo Number Fee and commission expense (to)
opts.nBSNGFINHELDFSFrom Number Net gain (loss) on financial instruments classified as held for trading (from)
opts.nBSNGFINHELDFSTo Number Net gain (loss) on financial instruments classified as held for trading (to)
opts.nBSNGFAIRVALUEFrom Number Net gain (loss) on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss (from)
opts.nBSNGFAIRVALUETo Number Net gain (loss) on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss (to)
opts.nBSNGINVESTSECFrom Number Net gain (loss) on investment securities trading activity (from)
opts.nBSNGINVESTSECTo Number Net gain (loss) on investment securities trading activity (to)
opts.nBSNGHEDGEFrom Number Net gain (loss) from hedge accounting (from)
opts.nBSNGHEDGETo Number Net gain (loss) from hedge accounting (to)
opts.nBSNGXCHGDIFFFrom Number Net gain (loss) on exchange differences (from)
opts.nBSNGXCHGDIFFTo Number Net gain (loss) on exchange differences (to)
opts.nBSNGOTHFrom Number Net gain (loss) on other items (from)
opts.nBSNGOTHTo Number Net gain (loss) on other items (to)
opts.nBSOTHOPINCFrom Number Other operating income (from)
opts.nBSOTHOPINCTo Number Other operating income (to)
opts.nBSADMINFrom Number Administrative expenses (from)
opts.nBSADMINTo Number Administrative expenses (to)
opts.nBSSALEFrom Number Sale expenses (from)
opts.nBSSALETo Number Sale expenses (to)
opts.nBSPERSONFrom Number Personnel expenses (from)
opts.nBSPERSONTo Number Personnel expenses (to)
opts.nBSDEPRICFrom Number Depreciation, amortization (from)
opts.nBSDEPRICTo Number Depreciation, amortization (to)
opts.nBSDEPRICPROPFrom Number Depreciation of property and equipment (from)
opts.nBSDEPRICPROPTo Number Depreciation of property and equipment (to)
opts.nBSDEPRICINTANGFrom Number Amortisation of intangible assets (from)
opts.nBSDEPRICINTANGTo Number Amortisation of intangible assets (to)
opts.nBSOTHOPEXPFrom Number Other operating expenses (from)
opts.nBSOTHOPEXPTo Number Other operating expenses (to)
opts.nBSNETIMPFrom Number Net impairment allowance and write-downs (from)
opts.nBSNETIMPTo Number Net impairment allowance and write-downs (to)
opts.nBSNETIMPLOANFrom Number Net impairment allowance and write-downs on loans (from)
opts.nBSNETIMPLOANTo Number Net impairment allowance and write-downs on loans (to)
opts.nBSNETIMPFINASSTFrom Number Net impairment allowance and write-downs on financial assets (from)
opts.nBSNETIMPFINASSTTo Number Net impairment allowance and write-downs on financial assets (to)
opts.nBSNETIMPOTHFrom Number Other net impairment allowance and write-downs (from)
opts.nBSNETIMPOTHTo Number Other net impairment allowance and write-downs (to)
opts.nBSOTHNOPRESFrom Number Other net operating result (from)
opts.nBSOTHNOPRESTo Number Other net operating result (to)
opts.oPFrom Number Operating profit (from)
opts.oPTo Number Operating profit (to)
opts.nBSEQUITYMETHFrom Number Share of profit of associates and joint ventures accounted for using the equity method (from)
opts.nBSEQUITYMETHTo Number Share of profit of associates and joint ventures accounted for using the equity method (to)
opts.nBSOTHNONOPINCFrom Number Other income (from)
opts.nBSOTHNONOPINCTo Number Other income (to)
opts.nBSOTHNONOPEXPFrom Number Other expenses (from)
opts.nBSOTHNONOPEXPTo Number Other expenses (to)
opts.nBSOTHNETNORESFrom Number Other net non-operating result (from)
opts.nBSOTHNETNORESTo Number Other net non-operating result (to)
opts.pRETAXFrom Number Profit before income tax (from)
opts.pRETAXTo Number Profit before income tax (to)
opts.tAXFrom Number Income tax (from)
opts.tAXTo Number Income tax (to)
opts.tAXDUEFrom Number Tax difference due to consolidation (from)
opts.tAXDUETo Number Tax difference due to consolidation (to)
opts.aFTERTAXFrom Number Profit after income tax (from)
opts.aFTERTAXTo Number Profit after income tax (to)
opts.aFTERTAXDISCFrom Number Profit from discontinued operations (from)
opts.aFTERTAXDISCTo Number Profit from discontinued operations (to)
opts.nBSGENRESFrom Number Formation and utilization of general reserves (from)
opts.nBSGENRESTo Number Formation and utilization of general reserves (to)
opts.oEXTIFrom Number Other Extraordinary Items (from)
opts.oEXTITo Number Other Extraordinary Items (to)
opts.nPFrom Number Net profit (from)
opts.nPTo Number Net profit (to)
opts.nPTOOWNFrom Number Profit (loss) attributable to Owner (from)
opts.nPTOOWNTo Number Profit (loss) attributable to Owner (to)
opts.nPMINTFrom Number Profit (loss) attributable to Minority Interests (from)
opts.nPMINTTo Number Profit (loss) attributable to Minority Interests (to)
opts.cOMPREHENSOTHFrom Number Other comprehensive result for the period, net of tax (from)
opts.cOMPREHENSOTHTo Number Other comprehensive result for the period, net of tax (to)
opts.aFTERTAXTOTALFrom Number Comprehensive Results (from)
opts.aFTERTAXTOTALTo Number Comprehensive Results (to)
opts.cOMTOOWNFrom Number Comprehensive Income attributable to Owners (from)
opts.cOMTOOWNTo Number Comprehensive Income attributable to Owners (to)
opts.oUTSIDEFrom Number Comprehensive Income attributable to Minority Interests (from)
opts.oUTSIDETo Number Comprehensive Income attributable to Minority Interests (to)
opts.pROCONTOPFrom Number Profit (loss) from continuing operations (from)
opts.pROCONTOPTo Number Profit (loss) from continuing operations (to)
opts.pRODISOPFrom Number Profit (loss) from discontinued operations (from)
opts.pRODISOPTo Number Profit (loss) from discontinued operations (to)
opts.cFNCFOPERATINGFrom Number Net cash flow from (used in) operating activities (from)
opts.cFNCFOPERATINGTo Number Net cash flow from (used in) operating activities (to)
opts.nBSCFNPFrom Number Net profit of the period (from)
opts.nBSCFNPTo Number Net profit of the period (to)
opts.nBSADJFrom Number Adjustments for: (from)
opts.nBSADJTo Number Adjustments for: (to)
opts.nBSADJLOANFrom Number Loan impairment charges (from)
opts.nBSADJLOANTo Number Loan impairment charges (to)
opts.nBSADJDEPRFrom Number Depreciation, amortization, impairment of intangible assets, property, plant and equipment and investments properties (from)
opts.nBSADJDEPRTo Number Depreciation, amortization, impairment of intangible assets, property, plant and equipment and investments properties (to)
opts.nBSADJINTANGFrom Number Net loss (gain) on disposal of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment (from)
opts.nBSADJINTANGTo Number Net loss (gain) on disposal of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment (to)
opts.nBSADJNETIMPAIRFrom Number Net impairment losses on investment securities (from)
opts.nBSADJNETIMPAIRTo Number Net impairment losses on investment securities (to)
opts.nBSADJPROVISIONFrom Number Changes in provisions, including pensions (from)
opts.nBSADJPROVISIONTo Number Changes in provisions, including pensions (to)
opts.nBSADJDEFTAXFrom Number Changes in deferred tax assets and liabilities (from)
opts.nBSADJDEFTAXTo Number Changes in deferred tax assets and liabilities (to)
opts.nBSADJEQUITYMETHFrom Number Share of net profits from equity method investments (from)
opts.nBSADJEQUITYMETHTo Number Share of net profits from equity method investments (to)
opts.nBSADJNETINTFrom Number Net interest income (from)
opts.nBSADJNETINTTo Number Net interest income (to)
opts.nBSADJOTHNCFrom Number Other non-cash items (from)
opts.nBSADJOTHNCTo Number Other non-cash items (to)
opts.nBSCFCHNGFrom Number Change in: (from)
opts.nBSCFCHNGTo Number Change in: (to)
opts.nBSCFCHNGLOANFrom Number Loans and advances (from)
opts.nBSCFCHNGLOANTo Number Loans and advances (to)
opts.nBSCFCHNGADVBANKFrom Number Loans and advances to banks (from)
opts.nBSCFCHNGADVBANKTo Number Loans and advances to banks (to)
opts.nBSCFCHNGADVCUSTFrom Number Loans and advances to customers (from)
opts.nBSCFCHNGADVCUSTTo Number Loans and advances to customers (to)
opts.nBSCFCHNGHELDFTFrom Number Financial assets held for trading (from)
opts.nBSCFCHNGHELDFTTo Number Financial assets held for trading (to)
opts.nBSCFCHNGFAIRVALUEFrom Number Financial assets designated at fair value through profit and loss (from)
opts.nBSCFCHNGFAIRVALUETo Number Financial assets designated at fair value through profit and loss (to)
opts.nBSCFCHNGHEDGEFrom Number Hedging derivative assets (from)
opts.nBSCFCHNGHEDGETo Number Hedging derivative assets (to)
opts.nBSCFCHNGINVSECFrom Number Investment securities (from)
opts.nBSCFCHNGINVSECTo Number Investment securities (to)
opts.nBSCFCHNGOTHSECFrom Number Other assets (from)
opts.nBSCFCHNGOTHSECTo Number Other assets (to)
opts.nBSCFCHNGDEPOFrom Number Deposits. (from)
opts.nBSCFCHNGDEPOTo Number Deposits. (to)
opts.nBSCFCHNGDEPOBANKFrom Number Deposits from banks. (from)
opts.nBSCFCHNGDEPOBANKTo Number Deposits from banks. (to)
opts.nBSCFCHNGDEPOCUSTFrom Number Deposits from customers. (from)
opts.nBSCFCHNGDEPOCUSTTo Number Deposits from customers. (to)
opts.nBSCFCHNGFLHELDFTFrom Number Financial liabilities held for trading. (from)
opts.nBSCFCHNGFLHELDFTTo Number Financial liabilities held for trading. (to)
opts.nBSCFCHNGFLFAIRVFrom Number Financial liabilities designated at fair value trough profit and loss (from)
opts.nBSCFCHNGFLFAIRVTo Number Financial liabilities designated at fair value trough profit and loss (to)
opts.nBSCFCHNGHEDGLIABFrom Number Hedging derivative liabilities. (from)
opts.nBSCFCHNGHEDGLIABTo Number Hedging derivative liabilities. (to)
opts.nBSCFCHNGDEBTISSUEDFrom Number Debt securities issued. (from)
opts.nBSCFCHNGDEBTISSUEDTo Number Debt securities issued. (to)
opts.nBSCFCHNGOTHLIABFrom Number Other liabilities. (from)
opts.nBSCFCHNGOTHLIABTo Number Other liabilities. (to)
opts.nBSDIVINCFrom Number Dividend income (from)
opts.nBSDIVINCTo Number Dividend income (to)
opts.nBSFEEINCFrom Number Fee and commission income. (from)
opts.nBSFEEINCTo Number Fee and commission income. (to)
opts.nBSFEEEXPFrom Number Fee and commission expense. (from)
opts.nBSFEEEXPTo Number Fee and commission expense. (to)
opts.nBSTAXPAIDFrom Number Income tax paid (from)
opts.nBSTAXPAIDTo Number Income tax paid (to)
opts.cFNCFINVESTFrom Number Net cash flow from (used in) investing activities (from)
opts.cFNCFINVESTTo Number Net cash flow from (used in) investing activities (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTSUBAQFrom Number Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash aquired (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTSUBAQTo Number Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash aquired (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTSUBDIFrom Number Disposal of subsidiaries, net of cash disposed (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTSUBDITo Number Disposal of subsidiaries, net of cash disposed (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTPOFPRFrom Number Purchase of property, plant and equipment (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTPOFPRTo Number Purchase of property, plant and equipment (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTSALPRFrom Number Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTSALPRTo Number Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTINTANPFrom Number Purchase of intangible assets (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTINTANPTo Number Purchase of intangible assets (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTINTANSFrom Number Proceeds from sale of intangible assets (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTINTANSTo Number Proceeds from sale of intangible assets (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTLTASSPFrom Number Purchase of long term assets (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTLTASSPTo Number Purchase of long term assets (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTLTASSSFrom Number Proceeds from sale of long term assets (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTLTASSSTo Number Proceeds from sale of long term assets (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTINVPROPFrom Number Purchase of investment properties (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTINVPROPTo Number Purchase of investment properties (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTINVPROSFrom Number Proceeds from sale of investment properties (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTINVPROSTo Number Proceeds from sale of investment properties (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTJOINTPFrom Number Purchase of interests in joint ventures (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTJOINTPTo Number Purchase of interests in joint ventures (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTJOINTSFrom Number Proceeds from sale of joint ventures (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTJOINTSTo Number Proceeds from sale of joint ventures (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTOTHINVFrom Number Other investing activity cash flows (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFINVESTOTHINVTo Number Other investing activity cash flows (to)
opts.cFNCFFINANCEFrom Number Net cash flow from (used in) financing activities (from)
opts.cFNCFFINANCETo Number Net cash flow from (used in) financing activities (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFFINANCEORDFrom Number Proceeds from issuance of ordinary shares (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFFINANCEORDTo Number Proceeds from issuance of ordinary shares (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFFINANCEPREFrom Number Proceeds from issuance of redeemable preference shares (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFFINANCEPRETo Number Proceeds from issuance of redeemable preference shares (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFFINANCETREAPFrom Number Purchase of treasury shares (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFFINANCETREAPTo Number Purchase of treasury shares (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFFINANCETREASFrom Number Sale of treasury shares (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFFINANCETREASTo Number Sale of treasury shares (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFFINANCEFUNDPFrom Number Proceeds from borrowed funds and debt securities (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFFINANCEFUNDPTo Number Proceeds from borrowed funds and debt securities (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFFINANCEFUNDSFrom Number Repayments of borrowed funds and debt securities (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFFINANCEFUNDSTo Number Repayments of borrowed funds and debt securities (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFFINANCESUBORDFrom Number Proceeds from issue of subordinated liabilities (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFFINANCESUBORDTo Number Proceeds from issue of subordinated liabilities (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFFINANCESHOPTFrom Number Proceedds from exercise of share options (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFFINANCESHOPTTo Number Proceedds from exercise of share options (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFFINANCEDIVPAYFrom Number Dividends paid (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFFINANCEDIVPAYTo Number Dividends paid (to)
opts.nBSCFNCFFINANCEOTHFrom Number Other financing activity cash flow (from)
opts.nBSCFNCFFINANCEOTHTo Number Other financing activity cash flow (to)
opts.cFNETINCREASECASHFrom Number Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (from)
opts.cFNETINCREASECASHTo Number Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (to)
opts.cFCASHBEGINFrom Number Cash at the beginning of the period (from)
opts.cFCASHBEGINTo Number Cash at the beginning of the period (to)
opts.cFCASHFOREXFrom Number Exchange gains (losses) on cash and cash equivalents (from)
opts.cFCASHFOREXTo Number Exchange gains (losses) on cash and cash equivalents (to)
opts.cFCASHENDFrom Number Cash at the end of the period (from)
opts.cFCASHENDTo Number Cash at the end of the period (to)
opts.cFFCFFrom Number Free cash flow (from)
opts.cFFCFTo Number Free cash flow (to)
opts.cFCAPEXFrom Number CAPEX (from)
opts.cFCAPEXTo Number CAPEX (to)

companiesGetWithHttpInfo(token, opts)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\SearchCompanyResponse and HTTP response

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.country Array.<String> Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.companyType Array.<String> Company types separated by commas
opts.importCountries Array.<String> Import country codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.exportCountries Array.<String> Export country codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.updatedFrom String Date since last update took place (from)
opts.updatedTo String Date since last update took place (to)
opts.statementsUpdatedFrom String Financial statements filter updated (from)
opts.statementsUpdatedTo String Financial statements filter updated (to)
opts.mainIndustry Array.<String> Main activities separated by commas
opts.currency String Currency code
opts.secondaryIndustry Array.<String> Secondary activities separated by commas
opts.operationalStatus Array.<String> Operational statuses separated by commas
opts.numberOfEmployeesFrom Number Number of employees (from)
opts.numberOfEmployeesTo Number Number of employees (to)
opts.legalForm Array.<String> Legal Form codes separated by commas
opts.localLegalForm Array.<String> Local legal form codes separated by commas
opts.region String Region name in English language
opts.city String City name in English language
opts.companyName Array.<String> Company name
opts.keyExecutives Array.<String> Key executives
opts.shareholders Array.<String> Key shareholders
opts.subsidiaries Array.<String> Key subsidiaries
opts.financialAuditors Array.<String> Key financial auditors
opts.businessDescription Array.<String> Key business description
opts.products Array.<String> Key products
opts.uboName Array.<String> Beneficial Owner's Name Keyword
opts.keywords Array.<String> Keywords
opts.year Number Year of financial statement
opts.period String Financial period
opts.statementType String Statement type
opts.order String Sort order field. Possible values are name, revenue, revenue_growth, assets, profit, equity, relevance. By default this parameter sorts ascending. For descending order use the colon sign and \"desc\". For example: order=revenue:desc
opts.localization Boolean Localization (default to false)
opts.uboCitizenship String Beneficial owner's citizenship
opts.uboBirthDate String Beneficial owner's date of birth in the format \"dd-mm-yyyy\"
opts.onlyWithOfficialFinancials Boolean CompanyAndStatementsOnlyWithOfficialFinancials_Parameter
opts.ownerCountries Array.<String> Owner Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.affiliateCountries Array.<String> Affiliate Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.limit Number The max number of the items to retrieve
opts.offset Number The number of the starting item
opts.cursor String The ID of the item under which the cursor is
opts.format String Response format - json/xml
opts.tSFrom Number Total Assets (from)
opts.tSTo Number Total Assets (to)
opts.tANGFrom Number Property, plant and equipment (from)
opts.tANGTo Number Property, plant and equipment (to)
opts.iNTFrom Number Intangible assets and goodwill (from)
opts.iNTTo Number Intangible assets and goodwill (to)
opts.cEFrom Number Cash and cash equivalents (from)
opts.cETo Number Cash and cash equivalents (to)
opts.sEFrom Number Total equity (from)
opts.sETo Number Total equity (to)
opts.sEOWNFrom Number Equity attributable to owners of the parent (from)
opts.sEOWNTo Number Equity attributable to owners of the parent (to)
opts.iSSUEDFrom Number Issued capital (from)
opts.iSSUEDTo Number Issued capital (to)
opts.iSSUEDORDFrom Number Ordinary shares (from)
opts.iSSUEDORDTo Number Ordinary shares (to)
opts.iSSUEDPREFFrom Number Preferred shares (from)
opts.iSSUEDPREFTo Number Preferred shares (to)
opts.sEOWNPREMIUMFrom Number Share premium (from)
opts.sEOWNPREMIUMTo Number Share premium (to)
opts.sEOWNTREASURYFrom Number Treasury shares (from)
opts.sEOWNTREASURYTo Number Treasury shares (to)
opts.sEOWNREVALUATIONFrom Number Revaluation reserve (from)
opts.sEOWNREVALUATIONTo Number Revaluation reserve (to)
opts.sEOWNFOREIGNCURRFrom Number Foreign currency translation reserve (from)
opts.sEOWNFOREIGNCURRTo Number Foreign currency translation reserve (to)
opts.pROFITRESERVFrom Number Retained earnings (from)
opts.pROFITRESERVTo Number Retained earnings (to)
opts.bSPROFITFrom Number Balance-sheet profit or loss figure (from)
opts.bSPROFITTo Number Balance-sheet profit or loss figure (to)
opts.sEMINFrom Number Minority interest (from)
opts.sEMINTo Number Minority interest (to)
opts.tLFrom Number Total Liabilities (from)
opts.tLTo Number Total Liabilities (to)
opts.tRFrom Number Total operating revenue (from)
opts.tRTo Number Total operating revenue (to)
opts.oPFrom Number Operating profit (EBIT) (from)
opts.oPTo Number Operating profit (EBIT) (to)
opts.pRETAXFrom Number Profit before income tax (from)
opts.pRETAXTo Number Profit before income tax (to)
opts.tAXFrom Number Income tax (from)
opts.tAXTo Number Income tax (to)
opts.tAXDUEFrom Number Tax difference due to consolidation (from)
opts.tAXDUETo Number Tax difference due to consolidation (to)
opts.aFTERTAXFrom Number Profit after income tax (from)
opts.aFTERTAXTo Number Profit after income tax (to)
opts.aFTERTAXDISCFrom Number Profit from discontinued operations (from)
opts.aFTERTAXDISCTo Number Profit from discontinued operations (to)
opts.nPFrom Number Net Profit (from)
opts.nPTo Number Net Profit (to)
opts.cOMPREHENSOTHFrom Number Other comprehensive result for the period, net of tax (from)
opts.cOMPREHENSOTHTo Number Other comprehensive result for the period, net of tax (to)
opts.aFTERTAXTOTALFrom Number Comprehensive Income (from)
opts.aFTERTAXTOTALTo Number Comprehensive Income (to)
opts.oUTSIDEFrom Number Comprehensive Income attributable to Minority Interests (from)
opts.oUTSIDETo Number Comprehensive Income attributable to Minority Interests (to)
opts.cFNCFOPERATINGFrom Number Net cash flow from (used in) operating activities (from)
opts.cFNCFOPERATINGTo Number Net cash flow from (used in) operating activities (to)
opts.cFNCFINVESTFrom Number Net cash flow from (used in) investing activities (from)
opts.cFNCFINVESTTo Number Net cash flow from (used in) investing activities (to)
opts.cFNCFFINANCEFrom Number Net cash flow from (used in) financing activities (from)
opts.cFNCFFINANCETo Number Net cash flow from (used in) financing activities (to)
opts.cFNETINCREASECASHFrom Number Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (from)
opts.cFNETINCREASECASHTo Number Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (to)
opts.cFCASHBEGINFrom Number Cash at the beginning of the period (from)
opts.cFCASHBEGINTo Number Cash at the beginning of the period (to)
opts.cFCASHFOREXFrom Number Exchange gains (losses) on cash and cash equivalents (from)
opts.cFCASHFOREXTo Number Exchange gains (losses) on cash and cash equivalents (to)
opts.cFCASHENDFrom Number Cash at the end of the period (from)
opts.cFCASHENDTo Number Cash at the end of the period (to)
opts.cFFCFFrom Number Free cash flow (from)
opts.cFFCFTo Number Free cash flow (to)
opts.cFCAPEXFrom Number CAPEX (from)
opts.cFCAPEXTo Number CAPEX (to)
opts.mINFrom Number Lower Limit of Revenue Range (from)
opts.mINTo Number Lower Limit of Revenue Range (to)
opts.mAXFrom Number Upper Limit of Revenue Range (from)
opts.mAXTo Number Upper Limit of Revenue Range (to)
opts.rOAFrom Number Return on Assets (ROA) (from)
opts.rOATo Number Return on Assets (ROA) (to)
opts.rOAAFrom Number Annualised Return on Assets (ROA) (from)
opts.rOAATo Number Annualised Return on Assets (ROA) (to)
opts.rOEFrom Number Return on Equity (ROE) (from)
opts.rOETo Number Return on Equity (ROE) (to)
opts.rOEAFrom Number Annualised Return on Equity (ROE) (from)
opts.rOEATo Number Annualised Return on Equity (ROE) (to)
opts.rOCFrom Number Return on Capital Employed (from)
opts.rOCTo Number Return on Capital Employed (to)
opts.rOSFrom Number Net Profit Margin (from)
opts.rOSTo Number Net Profit Margin (to)
opts.gPMFrom Number Gross Profit Margin (from)
opts.gPMTo Number Gross Profit Margin (to)
opts.oPMFrom Number Operating Profit Margin (ROS) (from)
opts.oPMTo Number Operating Profit Margin (ROS) (to)
opts.pREBITDAFrom Number EBITDA Margin (from)
opts.pREBITDATo Number EBITDA Margin (to)
opts.pROROAFrom Number Operating ROA (from)
opts.pROROATo Number Operating ROA (to)
opts.iNVENTORYTURNFrom Number Inventory Turnover (from)
opts.iNVENTORYTURNTo Number Inventory Turnover (to)
opts.aRTFrom Number Trade Receivable Turnover (from)
opts.aRTTo Number Trade Receivable Turnover (to)
opts.cATFrom Number Current Asset Turnover (from)
opts.cATTo Number Current Asset Turnover (to)
opts.fATFrom Number Non Current Assets Turnover (from)
opts.fATTo Number Non Current Assets Turnover (to)
opts.aTFrom Number Total Asset Turnover (from)
opts.aTTo Number Total Asset Turnover (to)
opts.eRPTFrom Number Trade Payables Turnover (from)
opts.eRPTTo Number Trade Payables Turnover (to)
opts.eRWCTFrom Number Working Capital Turnover (from)
opts.eRWCTTo Number Working Capital Turnover (to)
opts.bOOKVALUEFrom Number Bookvalue (BV) (from)
opts.bOOKVALUETo Number Bookvalue (BV) (to)
opts.eVFrom Number Enterprise value (from)
opts.eVTo Number Enterprise value (to)
opts.nETCASHFrom Number Net Cash (from)
opts.nETCASHTo Number Net Cash (to)
opts.dEBTFrom Number Debt (from)
opts.dEBTTo Number Debt (to)
opts.lTDEBTFrom Number Long term Debt (from)
opts.lTDEBTTo Number Long term Debt (to)
opts.sTDEBTFrom Number Short Term Debt (from)
opts.sTDEBTTo Number Short Term Debt (to)
opts.nETDEBTFrom Number Net Debt (from)
opts.nETDEBTTo Number Net Debt (to)
opts.mKCPFrom Number Market Capitalization (from)
opts.mKCPTo Number Market Capitalization (to)
opts.tRWCFrom Number Working Capital (from)
opts.tRWCTo Number Working Capital (to)
opts.cEMPLFrom Number Capital Employed (from)
opts.cEMPLTo Number Capital Employed (to)
opts.cRFrom Number Current Ratio (from)
opts.cRTo Number Current Ratio (to)
opts.qRFrom Number Quick ratio (from)
opts.qRTo Number Quick ratio (to)
opts.dOOMSDAYFrom Number Doom's day ratio (from)
opts.dOOMSDAYTo Number Doom's day ratio (to)
opts.lRCRFrom Number Cash Ratio (from)
opts.lRCRTo Number Cash Ratio (to)
opts.lRCFOFrom Number Operating Cash Flow Ratio (from)
opts.lRCFOTo Number Operating Cash Flow Ratio (to)
opts.dEBTTOASSETSFrom Number Debt to total assets ratio (from)
opts.dEBTTOASSETSTo Number Debt to total assets ratio (to)
opts.dEBTTOEQUITYFrom Number Debt to equity ratio (from)
opts.dEBTTOEQUITYTo Number Debt to equity ratio (to)
opts.lTDCFrom Number Long Term Debt to Capital Employed (from)
opts.lTDCTo Number Long Term Debt to Capital Employed (to)
opts.dEBTTOEBITDAFrom Number Debt/EBITDA (from)
opts.dEBTTOEBITDATo Number Debt/EBITDA (to)
opts.dEBTEVFrom Number Debt/Enterprise Value (from)
opts.dEBTEVTo Number Debt/Enterprise Value (to)
opts.lTDCFFrom Number Net Cash Flow to Debt (from)
opts.lTDCFTo Number Net Cash Flow to Debt (to)
opts.lEVERAGEFrom Number Assets to Equity Ratio (from)
opts.lEVERAGETo Number Assets to Equity Ratio (to)
opts.rTFrom Number Net Sales Revenue Trend (from)
opts.rTTo Number Net Sales Revenue Trend (to)
opts.tRNSRFrom Number Total Operating Revenue Trend (from)
opts.tRNSRTo Number Total Operating Revenue Trend (to)
opts.tRGPFrom Number Gross Profit Trend (from)
opts.tRGPTo Number Gross Profit Trend (to)
opts.tREBITDAFrom Number EBITDA Trend (from)
opts.tREBITDATo Number EBITDA Trend (to)
opts.oITFrom Number Operating Profit Trend (from)
opts.oITTo Number Operating Profit Trend (to)
opts.nITFrom Number Net Profit Trend (from)
opts.nITTo Number Net Profit Trend (to)
opts.tRARFrom Number Accounts Receivables Trend (from)
opts.tRARTo Number Accounts Receivables Trend (to)
opts.tRINVFrom Number Inventory Trend (from)
opts.tRINVTo Number Inventory Trend (to)
opts.tRPPEFrom Number Net Property, Plant and Equipment (PP&E) Trend (from)
opts.tRPPETo Number Net Property, Plant and Equipment (PP&E) Trend (to)
opts.tRTAFrom Number Total Assets Trend (from)
opts.tRTATo Number Total Assets Trend (to)
opts.tRBVFrom Number Bookvalue Trend (from)
opts.tRBVTo Number Bookvalue Trend (to)
opts.tRSEFrom Number Shareholders' Equity Trend (from)
opts.tRSETo Number Shareholders' Equity Trend (to)
opts.tRCFOFrom Number Operating Cash Flow Trend (from)
opts.tRCFOTo Number Operating Cash Flow Trend (to)
opts.tRCEFrom Number Capital Expenditures Trend (from)
opts.tRCETo Number Capital Expenditures Trend (to)
opts.iCRFrom Number Interest Coverage Ratio (from)
opts.iCRTo Number Interest Coverage Ratio (to)
opts.cRDCFrom Number Operating Cash Flow to Debt (from)
opts.cRDCTo Number Operating Cash Flow to Debt (to)
opts.pRCFRFrom Number Operating Cash Flow to Revenue (from)
opts.pRCFRTo Number Operating Cash Flow to Revenue (to)
opts.pRCFAFrom Number Operating Cash Flow to Assets (from)
opts.pRCFATo Number Operating Cash Flow to Assets (to)
opts.pRCREFrom Number Operating Cash Flow to Equity (from)
opts.pRCRETo Number Operating Cash Flow to Equity (to)
opts.pRCIFrom Number Operating Cash Flow to EBIT (from)
opts.pRCITo Number Operating Cash Flow to EBIT (to)
opts.bSCAFrom Number Cash/Total Assets (from)
opts.bSCATo Number Cash/Total Assets (to)
opts.bSRTAFrom Number Receivables/Total Assets (from)
opts.bSRTATo Number Receivables/Total Assets (to)
opts.bSITAFrom Number Inventories/Total Assets (from)
opts.bSITATo Number Inventories/Total Assets (to)
opts.bSFATAFrom Number Fixed assets/Total Assets (from)
opts.bSFATATo Number Fixed assets/Total Assets (to)
opts.bSCLTLFrom Number Current Liabilities/Total Liabilities (from)
opts.bSCLTLTo Number Current Liabilities/Total Liabilities (to)
opts.eXPORTRFrom Number Export proportion (from)
opts.eXPORTRTo Number Export proportion (to)
opts.iSSEBNSFrom Number Salaries and Employee Benefits/Net sales (from)
opts.iSSEBNSTo Number Salaries and Employee Benefits/Net sales (to)
opts.iSAENSFrom Number Administrative Expenses/Net Sales (from)
opts.iSAENSTo Number Administrative Expenses/Net Sales (to)
opts.iSDANSFrom Number Depreciation and Amortization/Net sales (from)
opts.iSDANSTo Number Depreciation and Amortization/Net sales (to)
opts.iSIPNSFrom Number Interest paid/Net sales (from)
opts.iSIPNSTo Number Interest paid/Net sales (to)
opts.iSITNSFrom Number Income tax/Net sales (from)
opts.iSITNSTo Number Income tax/Net sales (to)
opts.cFOCFTCFFrom Number Operating Cash Flow to Total Cash Flow (from)
opts.cFOCFTCFTo Number Operating Cash Flow to Total Cash Flow (to)
opts.cFCFITCFFrom Number Investing Cash Flow to Total Cash Flow (from)
opts.cFCFITCFTo Number Investing Cash Flow to Total Cash Flow (to)
opts.cFCFFTCFFrom Number Financing Cash Flow to Total Cash Flow (from)
opts.cFCFFTCFTo Number Financing Cash Flow to Total Cash Flow (to)
opts.bRCIRFrom Number Cost to Income Ratio (from)
opts.bRCIRTo Number Cost to Income Ratio (to)
opts.bRERFrom Number Bank Efficiency Ratio (from)
opts.bRERTo Number Bank Efficiency Ratio (to)
opts.bRLDRFrom Number Loans to Deposits Ratio (from)
opts.bRLDRTo Number Loans to Deposits Ratio (to)
opts.bRLDROFrom Number Loans to Customers to Deposits From Customers (from)
opts.bRLDROTo Number Loans to Customers to Deposits From Customers (to)
opts.bRLADRFrom Number Liquid Assets to Deposits Ratio (from)
opts.bRLADRTo Number Liquid Assets to Deposits Ratio (to)
opts.bRLADROFrom Number Liquid Assets to Deposits From Customers Ratio (from)
opts.bRLADROTo Number Liquid Assets to Deposits From Customers Ratio (to)
opts.bRLARFrom Number Loans to Asset Ratio (from)
opts.bRLARTo Number Loans to Asset Ratio (to)
opts.bRLAROFrom Number Loans to Customers to Asset Ratio (from)
opts.bRLAROTo Number Loans to Customers to Asset Ratio (to)
opts.bRNIITFrom Number Net Interest Income Trend (from)
opts.bRNIITTo Number Net Interest Income Trend (to)
opts.bRNFCITFrom Number Net Fee and Commission Income Trend (from)
opts.bRNFCITTo Number Net Fee and Commission Income Trend (to)
opts.bRLACTFrom Number Loans and Advances to Customers Trend (from)
opts.bRLACTTo Number Loans and Advances to Customers Trend (to)
opts.bRLACTOFrom Number Loans and Advances Trend (from)
opts.bRLACTOTo Number Loans and Advances Trend (to)
opts.bRDCTFrom Number Deposits from Customers Trend (from)
opts.bRDCTTo Number Deposits from Customers Trend (to)
opts.bRDCTOFrom Number Deposits Trend (from)
opts.bRDCTOTo Number Deposits Trend (to)
opts.bRERAFrom Number Earning Assets (from)
opts.bRERATo Number Earning Assets (to)
opts.bRAYAFrom Number Yield on Earning Assets (YEA) (from)
opts.bRAYATo Number Yield on Earning Assets (YEA) (to)
opts.bRNIMFrom Number Net Interest Margin (from)
opts.bRNIMTo Number Net Interest Margin (to)
opts.iRLRFrom Number Loss Ratio (from)
opts.iRLRTo Number Loss Ratio (to)
opts.iRUERFrom Number Underwriting Expenses Ratio (from)
opts.iRUERTo Number Underwriting Expenses Ratio (to)
opts.iRCPRFrom Number Ceeded Premium Ratio (from)
opts.iRCPRTo Number Ceeded Premium Ratio (to)
opts.iRNPETFrom Number Net Premiums Earned Trend (from)
opts.iRNPETTo Number Net Premiums Earned Trend (to)
opts.iRFCTFrom Number Fees and Commissions Trend (from)
opts.iRFCTTo Number Fees and Commissions Trend (to)
opts.iRNIITFrom Number Net Investment Income Trend (from)
opts.iRNIITTo Number Net Investment Income Trend (to)
opts.iRRADIOTFrom Number Receivables Arising Out Of Direct Insurance Operations Trend (from)
opts.iRRADIOTTo Number Receivables Arising Out Of Direct Insurance Operations Trend (to)
opts.mMEPSFrom Number EPS (from)
opts.mMEPSTo Number EPS (to)
opts.mMPERFrom Number P/E (from)
opts.mMPERTo Number P/E (to)
opts.mMPSAFrom Number Market Capitalization/Net Sales (Price Sales Ratio) (from)
opts.mMPSATo Number Market Capitalization/Net Sales (Price Sales Ratio) (to)
opts.mMPGIFrom Number Market Capitalization/Gross Profit (from)
opts.mMPGITo Number Market Capitalization/Gross Profit (to)
opts.mARKETCAPEBITDAFrom Number Market Capitalization/EBITDA (from)
opts.mARKETCAPEBITDATo Number Market Capitalization/EBITDA (to)
opts.mMPEBITFrom Number Market Capitalization/EBIT (from)
opts.mMPEBITTo Number Market Capitalization/EBIT (to)
opts.mMPTAFrom Number Market Capitalization/Total Assets (from)
opts.mMPTATo Number Market Capitalization/Total Assets (to)
opts.mCAPEQFrom Number Market capitalization/shareholders' equity (from)
opts.mCAPEQTo Number Market capitalization/shareholders' equity (to)
opts.pBRFrom Number Market Capitalization/Book Value (from)
opts.pBRTo Number Market Capitalization/Book Value (to)
opts.mMPICFrom Number Market Capitalization / Capital Employed (from)
opts.mMPICTo Number Market Capitalization / Capital Employed (to)
opts.mMPOCFFrom Number Market Capitalization/Operating Cashflow (from)
opts.mMPOCFTo Number Market Capitalization/Operating Cashflow (to)
opts.eVNSFrom Number Enterprise value/Net Sales (from)
opts.eVNSTo Number Enterprise value/Net Sales (to)
opts.eVGIFrom Number Enterprise value/Gross Profit (from)
opts.eVGITo Number Enterprise value/Gross Profit (to)
opts.eVEBITDAFrom Number Enterprise Value/EBITDA (from)
opts.eVEBITDATo Number Enterprise Value/EBITDA (to)
opts.eVEBITFrom Number Enterprise value/EBIT (from)
opts.eVEBITTo Number Enterprise value/EBIT (to)
opts.eVTAFrom Number Enterprise value/Total Assets (from)
opts.eVTATo Number Enterprise value/Total Assets (to)
opts.eVICFrom Number Enterprise value/Capital Employed (from)
opts.eVICTo Number Enterprise value/Capital Employed (to)
opts.eVOCFFrom Number Enterprise value/Operating Cashflow (from)
opts.eVOCFTo Number Enterprise value/Operating Cashflow (to)
opts.cMBRFrom Number Dynamic_50_CMBRFrom_Parameter
opts.cMBRTo Number Dynamic_50_CMBRTo_Parameter
opts.iNVYIELDFrom Number Dynamic_50_INVYIELDFrom_Parameter
opts.iNVYIELDTo Number Dynamic_50_INVYIELDTo_Parameter
opts.aLTZSCOREFrom Number Dynamic_50_ALTZSCOREFrom_Parameter
opts.aLTZSCORETo Number Dynamic_50_ALTZSCORETo_Parameter

companiesGet(token, opts)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\SearchCompanyResponse

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.country Array.<String> Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.companyType Array.<String> Company types separated by commas
opts.importCountries Array.<String> Import country codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.exportCountries Array.<String> Export country codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.updatedFrom String Date since last update took place (from)
opts.updatedTo String Date since last update took place (to)
opts.statementsUpdatedFrom String Financial statements filter updated (from)
opts.statementsUpdatedTo String Financial statements filter updated (to)
opts.mainIndustry Array.<String> Main activities separated by commas
opts.currency String Currency code
opts.secondaryIndustry Array.<String> Secondary activities separated by commas
opts.operationalStatus Array.<String> Operational statuses separated by commas
opts.numberOfEmployeesFrom Number Number of employees (from)
opts.numberOfEmployeesTo Number Number of employees (to)
opts.legalForm Array.<String> Legal Form codes separated by commas
opts.localLegalForm Array.<String> Local legal form codes separated by commas
opts.region String Region name in English language
opts.city String City name in English language
opts.companyName Array.<String> Company name
opts.keyExecutives Array.<String> Key executives
opts.shareholders Array.<String> Key shareholders
opts.subsidiaries Array.<String> Key subsidiaries
opts.financialAuditors Array.<String> Key financial auditors
opts.businessDescription Array.<String> Key business description
opts.products Array.<String> Key products
opts.uboName Array.<String> Beneficial Owner's Name Keyword
opts.keywords Array.<String> Keywords
opts.year Number Year of financial statement
opts.period String Financial period
opts.statementType String Statement type
opts.order String Sort order field. Possible values are name, revenue, revenue_growth, assets, profit, equity, relevance. By default this parameter sorts ascending. For descending order use the colon sign and \"desc\". For example: order=revenue:desc
opts.localization Boolean Localization (default to false)
opts.uboCitizenship String Beneficial owner's citizenship
opts.uboBirthDate String Beneficial owner's date of birth in the format \"dd-mm-yyyy\"
opts.onlyWithOfficialFinancials Boolean CompanyAndStatementsOnlyWithOfficialFinancials_Parameter
opts.ownerCountries Array.<String> Owner Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.affiliateCountries Array.<String> Affiliate Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.limit Number The max number of the items to retrieve
opts.offset Number The number of the starting item
opts.cursor String The ID of the item under which the cursor is
opts.format String Response format - json/xml
opts.tSFrom Number Total Assets (from)
opts.tSTo Number Total Assets (to)
opts.tANGFrom Number Property, plant and equipment (from)
opts.tANGTo Number Property, plant and equipment (to)
opts.iNTFrom Number Intangible assets and goodwill (from)
opts.iNTTo Number Intangible assets and goodwill (to)
opts.cEFrom Number Cash and cash equivalents (from)
opts.cETo Number Cash and cash equivalents (to)
opts.sEFrom Number Total equity (from)
opts.sETo Number Total equity (to)
opts.sEOWNFrom Number Equity attributable to owners of the parent (from)
opts.sEOWNTo Number Equity attributable to owners of the parent (to)
opts.iSSUEDFrom Number Issued capital (from)
opts.iSSUEDTo Number Issued capital (to)
opts.iSSUEDORDFrom Number Ordinary shares (from)
opts.iSSUEDORDTo Number Ordinary shares (to)
opts.iSSUEDPREFFrom Number Preferred shares (from)
opts.iSSUEDPREFTo Number Preferred shares (to)
opts.sEOWNPREMIUMFrom Number Share premium (from)
opts.sEOWNPREMIUMTo Number Share premium (to)
opts.sEOWNTREASURYFrom Number Treasury shares (from)
opts.sEOWNTREASURYTo Number Treasury shares (to)
opts.sEOWNREVALUATIONFrom Number Revaluation reserve (from)
opts.sEOWNREVALUATIONTo Number Revaluation reserve (to)
opts.sEOWNFOREIGNCURRFrom Number Foreign currency translation reserve (from)
opts.sEOWNFOREIGNCURRTo Number Foreign currency translation reserve (to)
opts.pROFITRESERVFrom Number Retained earnings (from)
opts.pROFITRESERVTo Number Retained earnings (to)
opts.bSPROFITFrom Number Balance-sheet profit or loss figure (from)
opts.bSPROFITTo Number Balance-sheet profit or loss figure (to)
opts.sEMINFrom Number Minority interest (from)
opts.sEMINTo Number Minority interest (to)
opts.tLFrom Number Total Liabilities (from)
opts.tLTo Number Total Liabilities (to)
opts.tRFrom Number Total operating revenue (from)
opts.tRTo Number Total operating revenue (to)
opts.oPFrom Number Operating profit (EBIT) (from)
opts.oPTo Number Operating profit (EBIT) (to)
opts.pRETAXFrom Number Profit before income tax (from)
opts.pRETAXTo Number Profit before income tax (to)
opts.tAXFrom Number Income tax (from)
opts.tAXTo Number Income tax (to)
opts.tAXDUEFrom Number Tax difference due to consolidation (from)
opts.tAXDUETo Number Tax difference due to consolidation (to)
opts.aFTERTAXFrom Number Profit after income tax (from)
opts.aFTERTAXTo Number Profit after income tax (to)
opts.aFTERTAXDISCFrom Number Profit from discontinued operations (from)
opts.aFTERTAXDISCTo Number Profit from discontinued operations (to)
opts.nPFrom Number Net Profit (from)
opts.nPTo Number Net Profit (to)
opts.cOMPREHENSOTHFrom Number Other comprehensive result for the period, net of tax (from)
opts.cOMPREHENSOTHTo Number Other comprehensive result for the period, net of tax (to)
opts.aFTERTAXTOTALFrom Number Comprehensive Income (from)
opts.aFTERTAXTOTALTo Number Comprehensive Income (to)
opts.oUTSIDEFrom Number Comprehensive Income attributable to Minority Interests (from)
opts.oUTSIDETo Number Comprehensive Income attributable to Minority Interests (to)
opts.cFNCFOPERATINGFrom Number Net cash flow from (used in) operating activities (from)
opts.cFNCFOPERATINGTo Number Net cash flow from (used in) operating activities (to)
opts.cFNCFINVESTFrom Number Net cash flow from (used in) investing activities (from)
opts.cFNCFINVESTTo Number Net cash flow from (used in) investing activities (to)
opts.cFNCFFINANCEFrom Number Net cash flow from (used in) financing activities (from)
opts.cFNCFFINANCETo Number Net cash flow from (used in) financing activities (to)
opts.cFNETINCREASECASHFrom Number Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (from)
opts.cFNETINCREASECASHTo Number Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (to)
opts.cFCASHBEGINFrom Number Cash at the beginning of the period (from)
opts.cFCASHBEGINTo Number Cash at the beginning of the period (to)
opts.cFCASHFOREXFrom Number Exchange gains (losses) on cash and cash equivalents (from)
opts.cFCASHFOREXTo Number Exchange gains (losses) on cash and cash equivalents (to)
opts.cFCASHENDFrom Number Cash at the end of the period (from)
opts.cFCASHENDTo Number Cash at the end of the period (to)
opts.cFFCFFrom Number Free cash flow (from)
opts.cFFCFTo Number Free cash flow (to)
opts.cFCAPEXFrom Number CAPEX (from)
opts.cFCAPEXTo Number CAPEX (to)
opts.mINFrom Number Lower Limit of Revenue Range (from)
opts.mINTo Number Lower Limit of Revenue Range (to)
opts.mAXFrom Number Upper Limit of Revenue Range (from)
opts.mAXTo Number Upper Limit of Revenue Range (to)
opts.rOAFrom Number Return on Assets (ROA) (from)
opts.rOATo Number Return on Assets (ROA) (to)
opts.rOAAFrom Number Annualised Return on Assets (ROA) (from)
opts.rOAATo Number Annualised Return on Assets (ROA) (to)
opts.rOEFrom Number Return on Equity (ROE) (from)
opts.rOETo Number Return on Equity (ROE) (to)
opts.rOEAFrom Number Annualised Return on Equity (ROE) (from)
opts.rOEATo Number Annualised Return on Equity (ROE) (to)
opts.rOCFrom Number Return on Capital Employed (from)
opts.rOCTo Number Return on Capital Employed (to)
opts.rOSFrom Number Net Profit Margin (from)
opts.rOSTo Number Net Profit Margin (to)
opts.gPMFrom Number Gross Profit Margin (from)
opts.gPMTo Number Gross Profit Margin (to)
opts.oPMFrom Number Operating Profit Margin (ROS) (from)
opts.oPMTo Number Operating Profit Margin (ROS) (to)
opts.pREBITDAFrom Number EBITDA Margin (from)
opts.pREBITDATo Number EBITDA Margin (to)
opts.pROROAFrom Number Operating ROA (from)
opts.pROROATo Number Operating ROA (to)
opts.iNVENTORYTURNFrom Number Inventory Turnover (from)
opts.iNVENTORYTURNTo Number Inventory Turnover (to)
opts.aRTFrom Number Trade Receivable Turnover (from)
opts.aRTTo Number Trade Receivable Turnover (to)
opts.cATFrom Number Current Asset Turnover (from)
opts.cATTo Number Current Asset Turnover (to)
opts.fATFrom Number Non Current Assets Turnover (from)
opts.fATTo Number Non Current Assets Turnover (to)
opts.aTFrom Number Total Asset Turnover (from)
opts.aTTo Number Total Asset Turnover (to)
opts.eRPTFrom Number Trade Payables Turnover (from)
opts.eRPTTo Number Trade Payables Turnover (to)
opts.eRWCTFrom Number Working Capital Turnover (from)
opts.eRWCTTo Number Working Capital Turnover (to)
opts.bOOKVALUEFrom Number Bookvalue (BV) (from)
opts.bOOKVALUETo Number Bookvalue (BV) (to)
opts.eVFrom Number Enterprise value (from)
opts.eVTo Number Enterprise value (to)
opts.nETCASHFrom Number Net Cash (from)
opts.nETCASHTo Number Net Cash (to)
opts.dEBTFrom Number Debt (from)
opts.dEBTTo Number Debt (to)
opts.lTDEBTFrom Number Long term Debt (from)
opts.lTDEBTTo Number Long term Debt (to)
opts.sTDEBTFrom Number Short Term Debt (from)
opts.sTDEBTTo Number Short Term Debt (to)
opts.nETDEBTFrom Number Net Debt (from)
opts.nETDEBTTo Number Net Debt (to)
opts.mKCPFrom Number Market Capitalization (from)
opts.mKCPTo Number Market Capitalization (to)
opts.tRWCFrom Number Working Capital (from)
opts.tRWCTo Number Working Capital (to)
opts.cEMPLFrom Number Capital Employed (from)
opts.cEMPLTo Number Capital Employed (to)
opts.cRFrom Number Current Ratio (from)
opts.cRTo Number Current Ratio (to)
opts.qRFrom Number Quick ratio (from)
opts.qRTo Number Quick ratio (to)
opts.dOOMSDAYFrom Number Doom's day ratio (from)
opts.dOOMSDAYTo Number Doom's day ratio (to)
opts.lRCRFrom Number Cash Ratio (from)
opts.lRCRTo Number Cash Ratio (to)
opts.lRCFOFrom Number Operating Cash Flow Ratio (from)
opts.lRCFOTo Number Operating Cash Flow Ratio (to)
opts.dEBTTOASSETSFrom Number Debt to total assets ratio (from)
opts.dEBTTOASSETSTo Number Debt to total assets ratio (to)
opts.dEBTTOEQUITYFrom Number Debt to equity ratio (from)
opts.dEBTTOEQUITYTo Number Debt to equity ratio (to)
opts.lTDCFrom Number Long Term Debt to Capital Employed (from)
opts.lTDCTo Number Long Term Debt to Capital Employed (to)
opts.dEBTTOEBITDAFrom Number Debt/EBITDA (from)
opts.dEBTTOEBITDATo Number Debt/EBITDA (to)
opts.dEBTEVFrom Number Debt/Enterprise Value (from)
opts.dEBTEVTo Number Debt/Enterprise Value (to)
opts.lTDCFFrom Number Net Cash Flow to Debt (from)
opts.lTDCFTo Number Net Cash Flow to Debt (to)
opts.lEVERAGEFrom Number Assets to Equity Ratio (from)
opts.lEVERAGETo Number Assets to Equity Ratio (to)
opts.rTFrom Number Net Sales Revenue Trend (from)
opts.rTTo Number Net Sales Revenue Trend (to)
opts.tRNSRFrom Number Total Operating Revenue Trend (from)
opts.tRNSRTo Number Total Operating Revenue Trend (to)
opts.tRGPFrom Number Gross Profit Trend (from)
opts.tRGPTo Number Gross Profit Trend (to)
opts.tREBITDAFrom Number EBITDA Trend (from)
opts.tREBITDATo Number EBITDA Trend (to)
opts.oITFrom Number Operating Profit Trend (from)
opts.oITTo Number Operating Profit Trend (to)
opts.nITFrom Number Net Profit Trend (from)
opts.nITTo Number Net Profit Trend (to)
opts.tRARFrom Number Accounts Receivables Trend (from)
opts.tRARTo Number Accounts Receivables Trend (to)
opts.tRINVFrom Number Inventory Trend (from)
opts.tRINVTo Number Inventory Trend (to)
opts.tRPPEFrom Number Net Property, Plant and Equipment (PP&E) Trend (from)
opts.tRPPETo Number Net Property, Plant and Equipment (PP&E) Trend (to)
opts.tRTAFrom Number Total Assets Trend (from)
opts.tRTATo Number Total Assets Trend (to)
opts.tRBVFrom Number Bookvalue Trend (from)
opts.tRBVTo Number Bookvalue Trend (to)
opts.tRSEFrom Number Shareholders' Equity Trend (from)
opts.tRSETo Number Shareholders' Equity Trend (to)
opts.tRCFOFrom Number Operating Cash Flow Trend (from)
opts.tRCFOTo Number Operating Cash Flow Trend (to)
opts.tRCEFrom Number Capital Expenditures Trend (from)
opts.tRCETo Number Capital Expenditures Trend (to)
opts.iCRFrom Number Interest Coverage Ratio (from)
opts.iCRTo Number Interest Coverage Ratio (to)
opts.cRDCFrom Number Operating Cash Flow to Debt (from)
opts.cRDCTo Number Operating Cash Flow to Debt (to)
opts.pRCFRFrom Number Operating Cash Flow to Revenue (from)
opts.pRCFRTo Number Operating Cash Flow to Revenue (to)
opts.pRCFAFrom Number Operating Cash Flow to Assets (from)
opts.pRCFATo Number Operating Cash Flow to Assets (to)
opts.pRCREFrom Number Operating Cash Flow to Equity (from)
opts.pRCRETo Number Operating Cash Flow to Equity (to)
opts.pRCIFrom Number Operating Cash Flow to EBIT (from)
opts.pRCITo Number Operating Cash Flow to EBIT (to)
opts.bSCAFrom Number Cash/Total Assets (from)
opts.bSCATo Number Cash/Total Assets (to)
opts.bSRTAFrom Number Receivables/Total Assets (from)
opts.bSRTATo Number Receivables/Total Assets (to)
opts.bSITAFrom Number Inventories/Total Assets (from)
opts.bSITATo Number Inventories/Total Assets (to)
opts.bSFATAFrom Number Fixed assets/Total Assets (from)
opts.bSFATATo Number Fixed assets/Total Assets (to)
opts.bSCLTLFrom Number Current Liabilities/Total Liabilities (from)
opts.bSCLTLTo Number Current Liabilities/Total Liabilities (to)
opts.eXPORTRFrom Number Export proportion (from)
opts.eXPORTRTo Number Export proportion (to)
opts.iSSEBNSFrom Number Salaries and Employee Benefits/Net sales (from)
opts.iSSEBNSTo Number Salaries and Employee Benefits/Net sales (to)
opts.iSAENSFrom Number Administrative Expenses/Net Sales (from)
opts.iSAENSTo Number Administrative Expenses/Net Sales (to)
opts.iSDANSFrom Number Depreciation and Amortization/Net sales (from)
opts.iSDANSTo Number Depreciation and Amortization/Net sales (to)
opts.iSIPNSFrom Number Interest paid/Net sales (from)
opts.iSIPNSTo Number Interest paid/Net sales (to)
opts.iSITNSFrom Number Income tax/Net sales (from)
opts.iSITNSTo Number Income tax/Net sales (to)
opts.cFOCFTCFFrom Number Operating Cash Flow to Total Cash Flow (from)
opts.cFOCFTCFTo Number Operating Cash Flow to Total Cash Flow (to)
opts.cFCFITCFFrom Number Investing Cash Flow to Total Cash Flow (from)
opts.cFCFITCFTo Number Investing Cash Flow to Total Cash Flow (to)
opts.cFCFFTCFFrom Number Financing Cash Flow to Total Cash Flow (from)
opts.cFCFFTCFTo Number Financing Cash Flow to Total Cash Flow (to)
opts.bRCIRFrom Number Cost to Income Ratio (from)
opts.bRCIRTo Number Cost to Income Ratio (to)
opts.bRERFrom Number Bank Efficiency Ratio (from)
opts.bRERTo Number Bank Efficiency Ratio (to)
opts.bRLDRFrom Number Loans to Deposits Ratio (from)
opts.bRLDRTo Number Loans to Deposits Ratio (to)
opts.bRLDROFrom Number Loans to Customers to Deposits From Customers (from)
opts.bRLDROTo Number Loans to Customers to Deposits From Customers (to)
opts.bRLADRFrom Number Liquid Assets to Deposits Ratio (from)
opts.bRLADRTo Number Liquid Assets to Deposits Ratio (to)
opts.bRLADROFrom Number Liquid Assets to Deposits From Customers Ratio (from)
opts.bRLADROTo Number Liquid Assets to Deposits From Customers Ratio (to)
opts.bRLARFrom Number Loans to Asset Ratio (from)
opts.bRLARTo Number Loans to Asset Ratio (to)
opts.bRLAROFrom Number Loans to Customers to Asset Ratio (from)
opts.bRLAROTo Number Loans to Customers to Asset Ratio (to)
opts.bRNIITFrom Number Net Interest Income Trend (from)
opts.bRNIITTo Number Net Interest Income Trend (to)
opts.bRNFCITFrom Number Net Fee and Commission Income Trend (from)
opts.bRNFCITTo Number Net Fee and Commission Income Trend (to)
opts.bRLACTFrom Number Loans and Advances to Customers Trend (from)
opts.bRLACTTo Number Loans and Advances to Customers Trend (to)
opts.bRLACTOFrom Number Loans and Advances Trend (from)
opts.bRLACTOTo Number Loans and Advances Trend (to)
opts.bRDCTFrom Number Deposits from Customers Trend (from)
opts.bRDCTTo Number Deposits from Customers Trend (to)
opts.bRDCTOFrom Number Deposits Trend (from)
opts.bRDCTOTo Number Deposits Trend (to)
opts.bRERAFrom Number Earning Assets (from)
opts.bRERATo Number Earning Assets (to)
opts.bRAYAFrom Number Yield on Earning Assets (YEA) (from)
opts.bRAYATo Number Yield on Earning Assets (YEA) (to)
opts.bRNIMFrom Number Net Interest Margin (from)
opts.bRNIMTo Number Net Interest Margin (to)
opts.iRLRFrom Number Loss Ratio (from)
opts.iRLRTo Number Loss Ratio (to)
opts.iRUERFrom Number Underwriting Expenses Ratio (from)
opts.iRUERTo Number Underwriting Expenses Ratio (to)
opts.iRCPRFrom Number Ceeded Premium Ratio (from)
opts.iRCPRTo Number Ceeded Premium Ratio (to)
opts.iRNPETFrom Number Net Premiums Earned Trend (from)
opts.iRNPETTo Number Net Premiums Earned Trend (to)
opts.iRFCTFrom Number Fees and Commissions Trend (from)
opts.iRFCTTo Number Fees and Commissions Trend (to)
opts.iRNIITFrom Number Net Investment Income Trend (from)
opts.iRNIITTo Number Net Investment Income Trend (to)
opts.iRRADIOTFrom Number Receivables Arising Out Of Direct Insurance Operations Trend (from)
opts.iRRADIOTTo Number Receivables Arising Out Of Direct Insurance Operations Trend (to)
opts.mMEPSFrom Number EPS (from)
opts.mMEPSTo Number EPS (to)
opts.mMPERFrom Number P/E (from)
opts.mMPERTo Number P/E (to)
opts.mMPSAFrom Number Market Capitalization/Net Sales (Price Sales Ratio) (from)
opts.mMPSATo Number Market Capitalization/Net Sales (Price Sales Ratio) (to)
opts.mMPGIFrom Number Market Capitalization/Gross Profit (from)
opts.mMPGITo Number Market Capitalization/Gross Profit (to)
opts.mARKETCAPEBITDAFrom Number Market Capitalization/EBITDA (from)
opts.mARKETCAPEBITDATo Number Market Capitalization/EBITDA (to)
opts.mMPEBITFrom Number Market Capitalization/EBIT (from)
opts.mMPEBITTo Number Market Capitalization/EBIT (to)
opts.mMPTAFrom Number Market Capitalization/Total Assets (from)
opts.mMPTATo Number Market Capitalization/Total Assets (to)
opts.mCAPEQFrom Number Market capitalization/shareholders' equity (from)
opts.mCAPEQTo Number Market capitalization/shareholders' equity (to)
opts.pBRFrom Number Market Capitalization/Book Value (from)
opts.pBRTo Number Market Capitalization/Book Value (to)
opts.mMPICFrom Number Market Capitalization / Capital Employed (from)
opts.mMPICTo Number Market Capitalization / Capital Employed (to)
opts.mMPOCFFrom Number Market Capitalization/Operating Cashflow (from)
opts.mMPOCFTo Number Market Capitalization/Operating Cashflow (to)
opts.eVNSFrom Number Enterprise value/Net Sales (from)
opts.eVNSTo Number Enterprise value/Net Sales (to)
opts.eVGIFrom Number Enterprise value/Gross Profit (from)
opts.eVGITo Number Enterprise value/Gross Profit (to)
opts.eVEBITDAFrom Number Enterprise Value/EBITDA (from)
opts.eVEBITDATo Number Enterprise Value/EBITDA (to)
opts.eVEBITFrom Number Enterprise value/EBIT (from)
opts.eVEBITTo Number Enterprise value/EBIT (to)
opts.eVTAFrom Number Enterprise value/Total Assets (from)
opts.eVTATo Number Enterprise value/Total Assets (to)
opts.eVICFrom Number Enterprise value/Capital Employed (from)
opts.eVICTo Number Enterprise value/Capital Employed (to)
opts.eVOCFFrom Number Enterprise value/Operating Cashflow (from)
opts.eVOCFTo Number Enterprise value/Operating Cashflow (to)
opts.cMBRFrom Number Dynamic_50_CMBRFrom_Parameter
opts.cMBRTo Number Dynamic_50_CMBRTo_Parameter
opts.iNVYIELDFrom Number Dynamic_50_INVYIELDFrom_Parameter
opts.iNVYIELDTo Number Dynamic_50_INVYIELDTo_Parameter
opts.aLTZSCOREFrom Number Dynamic_50_ALTZSCOREFrom_Parameter
opts.aLTZSCORETo Number Dynamic_50_ALTZSCORETo_Parameter

companiesIdBenchmarkGetWithHttpInfo(id, opts)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\CompanyBenchmarkResponseItemData and HTTP response

Name Type Description
id Number The ID of the company
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.scoreScale String The Score scale on which the financial analysis will be evaluated. Allowed values: B - Business Scale, F - Financial Scale (default to B)
opts.benchmarkFinalWeight Number Percentage of EMIS Benchmark Score for the final weight calculation (default to 50)
opts.trendFinalWeight Number Percentage of EMIS Trend Score for the final weight calculation. (default to 50)
opts.riskProfile String The Risk scale on which the financial analysis will be evaluated. Allowed values: H, M, L (default to M)
opts.toleranceMargin Number Percentage of the allowed tolerance margin (default to 5)
opts.salesGrowth Number Percentage of the company sales growth in the final calculation (default to 12)
opts.operatingProfit Number Percentage of the company operating profit vs. sales indicator in the final calculation (default to 12)
opts.netProfit Number Percentage of the company net profit vs sales indicator in the final calculation (default to 12)
opts.daysInventory Number Percentage of the company days inventory indicator in the final calculation (default to 10)
opts.currentRatio Number Percentage of the company current balance ratio indicator in the final calculation (default to 8)
opts.daysReceivables Number Percentage of the company days receivables indicator in the final calculation (default to 10)
opts.indebtedness Number Percentage of the company indebtedness (total assets vs total liabilities) indicator in the final calculation (default to 8)
opts.indebtednessSales Number Percentage of the company total assets vs sales indicator in the final calculation (default to 8)
opts.cashProduction Number Trend score on company cash for production indicator (default to 2)
opts.cashOperations Number Percentage of the company cash from sales indicator in the final calculation (default to 2)
opts.operatingCashGen Number Percentage of the company net operation cash generation (NOCG) indicator in the final calculation (default to 5)
opts.freeCashFlow Number Percentage of the company free cash flow indicator in the final calculation (default to 3)
opts.cashFlowAfterFinEx Number Percentage of the company cash flow after financial expenses indicator in the final calculation (default to 2)
opts.cashFlowAfterFinResult Number Percentage of the company cash flow after financial indicator in the final calculation (default to 2)
opts.reductionDebt Number Percentage of the company reduction in debt indicator in the final calculation (default to 2)
opts.negativeNetIncomeBusinessScale String Indicate whether to include the negative net income (loss) to the financial score or not. If yes, indicate what should be the score for it based on the selected Score Scale (default to C)
opts.negativeCashFlowFinCostBusinessScale String Indicate whether to include the negative cash flow after financial costs to the financial score or not. If yes, indicate what should be the score for it based on the selected Score Scale (default to C)
opts.negativeNetWorthBusinessScale String Indicate whether to include the negative net worth to the financial score or not. If yes, indicate what should be the score for it based on the selected Score Scale (default to E)
opts.negativeCashFlowBusinessScale String Indicate whether to include the negative cash flow to the financial score or not. If yes, indicate what should be the score for it based on the selected Score Scale (default to C)
opts.negativeNetIncomeFinancialScale String Indicate whether to include the negative net income (loss) to the financial score or not. If yes, indicate what should be the score for it based on the selected Score Scale (default to BB)
opts.negativeOperatingProfitFinancialScale String Indicate whether to include the negative operating profile to the financial score or not. If yes, indicate what should be the score for it based on the selected Score Scale (default to BB)
opts.negativeNetWorthFinancialScale String Indicate whether to include the negative net worth to the financial score or not. If yes, indicate what should be the score for it based on the selected Score Scale (default to CC)
opts.negativeOperatingCashGenFinancialScale String Indicate whether to include the negative operating cash generation to the financial score or not. If yes, indicate what should be the score for it based on the selected Score Scale (default to BB)
opts.negativeCashFlowFinancialScale String Indicate whether to include the negative cash flow to the financial score or not. If yes, indicate what should be the score for it based on the selected Score Scale (default to BB)
opts.negativeCashFlowFinCostFinancialScale String Indicate whether to include the negative cash flow after financial costs to the financial score or not. If yes, indicate what should be the score for it based on the selected Score Scale (default to BB)
opts.cashSales Number Percentage of the company cash from sales indicator in the final calculation (default to 2)
opts.negativeOperatingProfitBusinessScale String Indicate whether to include the negative operating profile to the financial score or not. If yes, indicate what should be the score for it based on the selected Score Scale (default to C)
opts.negativeOperatingCashGenBusinessScale String Indicate whether to include the negative operating cash generation to the financial score or not. If yes, indicate what should be the score for it based on the selected Score Scale (default to C)
opts.token String Token
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

companiesIdBenchmarkGet(id, opts)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\CompanyBenchmarkResponseItemData

Name Type Description
id Number The ID of the company
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.scoreScale String The Score scale on which the financial analysis will be evaluated. Allowed values: B - Business Scale, F - Financial Scale (default to B)
opts.benchmarkFinalWeight Number Percentage of EMIS Benchmark Score for the final weight calculation (default to 50)
opts.trendFinalWeight Number Percentage of EMIS Trend Score for the final weight calculation. (default to 50)
opts.riskProfile String The Risk scale on which the financial analysis will be evaluated. Allowed values: H, M, L (default to M)
opts.toleranceMargin Number Percentage of the allowed tolerance margin (default to 5)
opts.salesGrowth Number Percentage of the company sales growth in the final calculation (default to 12)
opts.operatingProfit Number Percentage of the company operating profit vs. sales indicator in the final calculation (default to 12)
opts.netProfit Number Percentage of the company net profit vs sales indicator in the final calculation (default to 12)
opts.daysInventory Number Percentage of the company days inventory indicator in the final calculation (default to 10)
opts.currentRatio Number Percentage of the company current balance ratio indicator in the final calculation (default to 8)
opts.daysReceivables Number Percentage of the company days receivables indicator in the final calculation (default to 10)
opts.indebtedness Number Percentage of the company indebtedness (total assets vs total liabilities) indicator in the final calculation (default to 8)
opts.indebtednessSales Number Percentage of the company total assets vs sales indicator in the final calculation (default to 8)
opts.cashProduction Number Trend score on company cash for production indicator (default to 2)
opts.cashOperations Number Percentage of the company cash from sales indicator in the final calculation (default to 2)
opts.operatingCashGen Number Percentage of the company net operation cash generation (NOCG) indicator in the final calculation (default to 5)
opts.freeCashFlow Number Percentage of the company free cash flow indicator in the final calculation (default to 3)
opts.cashFlowAfterFinEx Number Percentage of the company cash flow after financial expenses indicator in the final calculation (default to 2)
opts.cashFlowAfterFinResult Number Percentage of the company cash flow after financial indicator in the final calculation (default to 2)
opts.reductionDebt Number Percentage of the company reduction in debt indicator in the final calculation (default to 2)
opts.negativeNetIncomeBusinessScale String Indicate whether to include the negative net income (loss) to the financial score or not. If yes, indicate what should be the score for it based on the selected Score Scale (default to C)
opts.negativeCashFlowFinCostBusinessScale String Indicate whether to include the negative cash flow after financial costs to the financial score or not. If yes, indicate what should be the score for it based on the selected Score Scale (default to C)
opts.negativeNetWorthBusinessScale String Indicate whether to include the negative net worth to the financial score or not. If yes, indicate what should be the score for it based on the selected Score Scale (default to E)
opts.negativeCashFlowBusinessScale String Indicate whether to include the negative cash flow to the financial score or not. If yes, indicate what should be the score for it based on the selected Score Scale (default to C)
opts.negativeNetIncomeFinancialScale String Indicate whether to include the negative net income (loss) to the financial score or not. If yes, indicate what should be the score for it based on the selected Score Scale (default to BB)
opts.negativeOperatingProfitFinancialScale String Indicate whether to include the negative operating profile to the financial score or not. If yes, indicate what should be the score for it based on the selected Score Scale (default to BB)
opts.negativeNetWorthFinancialScale String Indicate whether to include the negative net worth to the financial score or not. If yes, indicate what should be the score for it based on the selected Score Scale (default to CC)
opts.negativeOperatingCashGenFinancialScale String Indicate whether to include the negative operating cash generation to the financial score or not. If yes, indicate what should be the score for it based on the selected Score Scale (default to BB)
opts.negativeCashFlowFinancialScale String Indicate whether to include the negative cash flow to the financial score or not. If yes, indicate what should be the score for it based on the selected Score Scale (default to BB)
opts.negativeCashFlowFinCostFinancialScale String Indicate whether to include the negative cash flow after financial costs to the financial score or not. If yes, indicate what should be the score for it based on the selected Score Scale (default to BB)
opts.cashSales Number Percentage of the company cash from sales indicator in the final calculation (default to 2)
opts.negativeOperatingProfitBusinessScale String Indicate whether to include the negative operating profile to the financial score or not. If yes, indicate what should be the score for it based on the selected Score Scale (default to C)
opts.negativeOperatingCashGenBusinessScale String Indicate whether to include the negative operating cash generation to the financial score or not. If yes, indicate what should be the score for it based on the selected Score Scale (default to C)
opts.token String Token
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

companiesIdExternalDownloadClassCodeGetWithHttpInfo(id, classCode, token)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type @link 'Blob' and HTTP response

Name Type Description
id Number The ID of the company
classCode String External class code
token String Token

companiesIdExternalDownloadClassCodeGet(id, classCode, token)


A Promise, with data of type @link 'Blob'

Name Type Description
id Number The ID of the company
classCode String External class code
token String Token

companiesIdGetWithHttpInfo(id, token, opts)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\SingleCompanyResponseItem and HTTP response

Name Type Description
id Number The ID of the company
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.currencyCode String The currency code of the company (default to USD)
opts.localization Boolean Localization (default to false)
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

companiesIdGet(id, token, opts)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\SingleCompanyResponseItem

Name Type Description
id Number The ID of the company
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.currencyCode String The currency code of the company (default to USD)
opts.localization Boolean Localization (default to false)
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

companiesIdStatementsGetWithHttpInfo(id, token, opts)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\CompanyStatementResponse and HTTP response

Name Type Description
id Number The ID of the company
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.order String Sort order
opts.statementType String The type of the statement
opts.currency String The currency code
opts.year Number The year of the statement
opts.period Array.<String> The period of the statement
opts.isAudited Boolean Audited status (Y/N)
opts.isConsolidated Boolean Consolidation status
opts.updatedFrom String Last Update date (from)
opts.updatedTo String Last Update date (to)
opts.limit Number The max number of the items to retrieve
opts.offset Number The number of the starting item
opts.cursor String The ID of the item under which the cursor is
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

companiesIdStatementsGet(id, token, opts)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\CompanyStatementResponse

Name Type Description
id Number The ID of the company
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.order String Sort order
opts.statementType String The type of the statement
opts.currency String The currency code
opts.year Number The year of the statement
opts.period Array.<String> The period of the statement
opts.isAudited Boolean Audited status (Y/N)
opts.isConsolidated Boolean Consolidation status
opts.updatedFrom String Last Update date (from)
opts.updatedTo String Last Update date (to)
opts.limit Number The max number of the items to retrieve
opts.offset Number The number of the starting item
opts.cursor String The ID of the item under which the cursor is
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

companiesIdStatementsStandardIdGetWithHttpInfo(id, standardId, token, opts)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\CompanyStatementResponse and HTTP response

Name Type Description
id Number The ID of the company
standardId String The ID of the standard
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.order String Sort order
opts.statementType String The type of the statement
opts.currency String The currency code
opts.year Number The year of the statement
opts.period Array.<String> The period of the statement
opts.isAudited Boolean Audited status (Y/N)
opts.isConsolidated Boolean Consolidation status
opts.updatedFrom String Last Update date (from)
opts.updatedTo String Last Update date (to)
opts.limit Number The max number of the items to retrieve
opts.offset Number The number of the starting item
opts.cursor String The ID of the item under which the cursor is
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

companiesIdStatementsStandardIdGet(id, standardId, token, opts)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\CompanyStatementResponse

Name Type Description
id Number The ID of the company
standardId String The ID of the standard
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.order String Sort order
opts.statementType String The type of the statement
opts.currency String The currency code
opts.year Number The year of the statement
opts.period Array.<String> The period of the statement
opts.isAudited Boolean Audited status (Y/N)
opts.isConsolidated Boolean Consolidation status
opts.updatedFrom String Last Update date (from)
opts.updatedTo String Last Update date (to)
opts.limit Number The max number of the items to retrieve
opts.offset Number The number of the starting item
opts.cursor String The ID of the item under which the cursor is
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

companiesInsuranceGetWithHttpInfo(token, opts)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\SearchCompanyResponse and HTTP response

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.country Array.<String> Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.companyType Array.<String> Company types separated by commas
opts.importCountries Array.<String> Import country codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.exportCountries Array.<String> Export country codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.updatedFrom String Date since last update took place (from)
opts.updatedTo String Date since last update took place (to)
opts.statementsUpdatedFrom String Financial statements filter updated (from)
opts.statementsUpdatedTo String Financial statements filter updated (to)
opts.mainIndustry Array.<String> Main activities separated by commas
opts.currency String Currency code
opts.secondaryIndustry Array.<String> Secondary activities separated by commas
opts.operationalStatus Array.<String> Operational statuses separated by commas
opts.numberOfEmployeesFrom Number Number of employees (from)
opts.numberOfEmployeesTo Number Number of employees (to)
opts.legalForm Array.<String> Legal Form codes separated by commas
opts.localLegalForm Array.<String> Local legal form codes separated by commas
opts.region String Region name in English language
opts.city String City name in English language
opts.companyName Array.<String> Company name
opts.keyExecutives Array.<String> Key executives
opts.shareholders Array.<String> Key shareholders
opts.subsidiaries Array.<String> Key subsidiaries
opts.financialAuditors Array.<String> Key financial auditors
opts.businessDescription Array.<String> Key business description
opts.products Array.<String> Key products
opts.uboName Array.<String> Beneficial Owner's Name Keyword
opts.keywords Array.<String> Keywords
opts.year Number Year of financial statement
opts.period String Financial period
opts.statementType String Statement type
opts.order String Sort order field. Possible values are name, revenue, revenue_growth, assets, profit, equity, relevance. By default this parameter sorts ascending. For descending order use the colon sign and \"desc\". For example: order=revenue:desc
opts.localization Boolean Localization (default to false)
opts.uboCitizenship String Beneficial owner's citizenship
opts.uboBirthDate String Beneficial owner's date of birth in the format \"dd-mm-yyyy\"
opts.onlyWithOfficialFinancials Boolean CompanyAndStatementsOnlyWithOfficialFinancials_Parameter
opts.ownerCountries Array.<String> Owner Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.affiliateCountries Array.<String> Affiliate Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.limit Number The max number of the items to retrieve
opts.offset Number The number of the starting item
opts.cursor String The ID of the item under which the cursor is
opts.format String Response format - json/xml
opts.tSFrom Number Total Assets (from)
opts.tSTo Number Total Assets (to)
opts.tANGFrom Number Property, plant and equipment (from)
opts.tANGTo Number Property, plant and equipment (to)
opts.nISTANGLANDFrom Number Land and buildings (from)
opts.nISTANGLANDTo Number Land and buildings (to)
opts.nISTANGVECHFrom Number Vehicles and machinery (from)
opts.nISTANGVECHTo Number Vehicles and machinery (to)
opts.nISTANGFIXTFrom Number Fixtures and fittings (from)
opts.nISTANGFIXTTo Number Fixtures and fittings (to)
opts.nISTANGOTHERFrom Number Other property, plant and equipment (from)
opts.nISTANGOTHERTo Number Other property, plant and equipment (to)
opts.iNTFrom Number Intangible assets and goodwill (from)
opts.iNTTo Number Intangible assets and goodwill (to)
opts.nISINTGOODWFrom Number Goodwill (from)
opts.nISINTGOODWTo Number Goodwill (to)
opts.nISINTOTHFrom Number Other intangible assets (from)
opts.nISINTOTHTo Number Other intangible assets (to)
opts.nISINVFrom Number Investments (from)
opts.nISINVTo Number Investments (to)
opts.nISINVPROPFrom Number Investment properties (from)
opts.nISINVPROPTo Number Investment properties (to)
opts.nISINVASSOCFrom Number Investments in associates (from)
opts.nISINVASSOCTo Number Investments in associates (to)
opts.nISFAFrom Number Financial assets (from)
opts.nISFATo Number Financial assets (to)
opts.nISFADERIVFrom Number Derivative financial instruments (from)
opts.nISFADERIVTo Number Derivative financial instruments (to)
opts.nISFALOANFrom Number Loans portfolio (from)
opts.nISFALOANTo Number Loans portfolio (to)
opts.nISFAHMFrom Number Held to maturity financial assets (from)
opts.nISFAHMTo Number Held to maturity financial assets (to)
opts.nISFAAFSFrom Number Available for sale financial assets (from)
opts.nISFAAFSTo Number Available for sale financial assets (to)
opts.nISFAAFSEFrom Number Equity securities (from)
opts.nISFAAFSETo Number Equity securities (to)
opts.nISFAAFSDFrom Number Debt securities (from)
opts.nISFAAFSDTo Number Debt securities (to)
opts.nISFAAFSOFrom Number Other financial assets available for sale (from)
opts.nISFAAFSOTo Number Other financial assets available for sale (to)
opts.nISFAFAIRVFrom Number Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (from)
opts.nISFAFAIRVTo Number Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (to)
opts.nISFAFAIRVEFrom Number Equity securities (from)
opts.nISFAFAIRVETo Number Equity securities (to)
opts.nISFAFAIRVDFrom Number Debt securities (from)
opts.nISFAFAIRVDTo Number Debt securities (to)
opts.nISFAFAIRVOFrom Number Other financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (from)
opts.nISFAFAIRVOTo Number Other financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (to)
opts.nISFAOTHERFASSETFrom Number Other financial assets (from)
opts.nISFAOTHERFASSETTo Number Other financial assets (to)
opts.nISRECFrom Number Receivables (from)
opts.nISRECTo Number Receivables (to)
opts.nISRECTRADEFrom Number Account receivables (from)
opts.nISRECTRADETo Number Account receivables (to)
opts.nISRECINSURFrom Number Insurance receivables (from)
opts.nISRECINSURTo Number Insurance receivables (to)
opts.nISRECINSURDIRFrom Number Receivables from direct insurance (from)
opts.nISRECINSURDIRTo Number Receivables from direct insurance (to)
opts.nISRECINSURREINSFrom Number Receivables from reinsurance (from)
opts.nISRECINSURREINSTo Number Receivables from reinsurance (to)
opts.nISRECINSUROTHFrom Number Other insurance receivables (from)
opts.nISRECINSUROTHTo Number Other insurance receivables (to)
opts.nISRECINCOMETAXFrom Number Income tax receivables (from)
opts.nISRECINCOMETAXTo Number Income tax receivables (to)
opts.nISRECOTHFrom Number Other receivables (from)
opts.nISRECOTHTo Number Other receivables (to)
opts.nISREINSURFrom Number Reinsurance assets (from)
opts.nISREINSURTo Number Reinsurance assets (to)
opts.nISREINSURINSFrom Number Reinsurance of insurance contracts (from)
opts.nISREINSURINSTo Number Reinsurance of insurance contracts (to)
opts.nISREINSURINVFrom Number Reinsurance of investment contracts (from)
opts.nISREINSURINVTo Number Reinsurance of investment contracts (to)
opts.nISAFSASSETSFrom Number Assets held for sale and discontinued operations (from)
opts.nISAFSASSETSTo Number Assets held for sale and discontinued operations (to)
opts.nISDUETOCONSFrom Number Changes due to consolidation (from)
opts.nISDUETOCONSTo Number Changes due to consolidation (to)
opts.nISTREASURYFrom Number Repurchased own shares (from)
opts.nISTREASURYTo Number Repurchased own shares (to)
opts.nISACCRULFrom Number Accrued and deferred assets (from)
opts.nISACCRULTo Number Accrued and deferred assets (to)
opts.nISACCRULACCFrom Number Accrued income (from)
opts.nISACCRULACCTo Number Accrued income (to)
opts.nISACCRULDEFINFrom Number Deferred tax assets (from)
opts.nISACCRULDEFINTo Number Deferred tax assets (to)
opts.nISACCRULOTHFrom Number Other accrued and deferred assets (from)
opts.nISACCRULOTHTo Number Other accrued and deferred assets (to)
opts.cEFrom Number Cash and cash equivalents (from)
opts.cETo Number Cash and cash equivalents (to)
opts.nISOTHFrom Number Other assets (from)
opts.nISOTHTo Number Other assets (to)
opts.nISTLEFrom Number Total equity and liabilities (from)
opts.nISTLETo Number Total equity and liabilities (to)
opts.sEFrom Number Total equity (from)
opts.sETo Number Total equity (to)
opts.sEOWNFrom Number Equity attributable to the owners of parent (from)
opts.sEOWNTo Number Equity attributable to the owners of parent (to)
opts.iSSUEDFrom Number Issued capital (from)
opts.iSSUEDTo Number Issued capital (to)
opts.iSSUEDORDFrom Number Ordinary shares (from)
opts.iSSUEDORDTo Number Ordinary shares (to)
opts.iSSUEDPREFFrom Number Preferred shares (from)
opts.iSSUEDPREFTo Number Preferred shares (to)
opts.sEOWNPREMIUMFrom Number Share premium (from)
opts.sEOWNPREMIUMTo Number Share premium (to)
opts.sEOWNTREASURYFrom Number Treasury shares (from)
opts.sEOWNTREASURYTo Number Treasury shares (to)
opts.nISSEOWNOTHEQFrom Number Other components of equity (from)
opts.nISSEOWNOTHEQTo Number Other components of equity (to)
opts.sEOWNREVALUATIONFrom Number Revaluation reserve (from)
opts.sEOWNREVALUATIONTo Number Revaluation reserve (to)
opts.sEOWNFOREIGNCURRFrom Number Foreign currency translation reserve (from)
opts.sEOWNFOREIGNCURRTo Number Foreign currency translation reserve (to)
opts.nISSEOWNCFHEDGEFrom Number Cashflow hedge reserve (from)
opts.nISSEOWNCFHEDGETo Number Cashflow hedge reserve (to)
opts.nISSEOWNDUETOCONSFrom Number Changes due to consolidation (from)
opts.nISSEOWNDUETOCONSTo Number Changes due to consolidation (to)
opts.pROFITRESERVFrom Number Retained earnings (from)
opts.pROFITRESERVTo Number Retained earnings (to)
opts.bSPROFITFrom Number Profit or loss for the period (from)
opts.bSPROFITTo Number Profit or loss for the period (to)
opts.nISSEOWNOTHFrom Number Other reserves (from)
opts.nISSEOWNOTHTo Number Other reserves (to)
opts.sEMINFrom Number Non-controlling interests (from)
opts.sEMINTo Number Non-controlling interests (to)
opts.tLFrom Number Total liabilities (from)
opts.tLTo Number Total liabilities (to)
opts.nISINSLIABFrom Number Insurance contract liabilities (from)
opts.nISINSLIABTo Number Insurance contract liabilities (to)
opts.nISINSLIABLIFEFrom Number Life insurance liabilities (from)
opts.nISINSLIABLIFETo Number Life insurance liabilities (to)
opts.nISINSLIABNONLIFEFrom Number Non-life insurance liabilities (from)
opts.nISINSLIABNONLIFETo Number Non-life insurance liabilities (to)
opts.nISINSLIABHEALTHFrom Number Health insurance liabilities (from)
opts.nISINSLIABHEALTHTo Number Health insurance liabilities (to)
opts.nISREINSLIABFrom Number Reinsurance contract liabilities (from)
opts.nISREINSLIABTo Number Reinsurance contract liabilities (to)
opts.nISINVLIABFrom Number Investment contract liabilities (from)
opts.nISINVLIABTo Number Investment contract liabilities (to)
opts.nISPENSIONOBLFrom Number Pension benefit obligation (from)
opts.nISPENSIONOBLTo Number Pension benefit obligation (to)
opts.nISOTHCONTRFrom Number Other contract liabilities (from)
opts.nISOTHCONTRTo Number Other contract liabilities (to)
opts.nISBONDDEBTFrom Number Liabilities from issued securities (from)
opts.nISBONDDEBTTo Number Liabilities from issued securities (to)
opts.nISBORROWFrom Number Borrowings (from)
opts.nISBORROWTo Number Borrowings (to)
opts.nISDERIVAFrom Number Derivative financial instruments (from)
opts.nISDERIVATo Number Derivative financial instruments (to)
opts.nISPROVISIONFrom Number Provisions for other liabilities and charges (from)
opts.nISPROVISIONTo Number Provisions for other liabilities and charges (to)
opts.nISOTHFINLIABFrom Number Other financial liabilities (from)
opts.nISOTHFINLIABTo Number Other financial liabilities (to)
opts.nISRECINSFrom Number Insurance payables (from)
opts.nISRECINSTo Number Insurance payables (to)
opts.nISTRCREDITFrom Number Trade and other payables (from)
opts.nISTRCREDITTo Number Trade and other payables (to)
opts.nISSUBORDINFrom Number Subordinated debt (from)
opts.nISSUBORDINTo Number Subordinated debt (to)
opts.nISTECHFUNDFrom Number Technical funds and reserves  (from)
opts.nISTECHFUNDTo Number Technical funds and reserves  (to)
opts.nISTECHFUNDINSFrom Number Insurers share in technical funds (from)
opts.nISTECHFUNDINSTo Number Insurers share in technical funds (to)
opts.nISTECHFUNDREINSFrom Number Reinsurers' share in technical funds and reserves (from)
opts.nISTECHFUNDREINSTo Number Reinsurers' share in technical funds and reserves (to)
opts.nISTECHFUNDOTHFrom Number Other (from)
opts.nISTECHFUNDOTHTo Number Other (to)
opts.nISOTHRESFrom Number Other reserves and funds (from)
opts.nISOTHRESTo Number Other reserves and funds (to)
opts.nISOTHLIABFrom Number Other liabilities (from)
opts.nISOTHLIABTo Number Other liabilities (to)
opts.nISTLACCDEFFrom Number Accrued and deferred liabilities (from)
opts.nISTLACCDEFTo Number Accrued and deferred liabilities (to)
opts.nISTLACCDEFALFrom Number Accrued liabilities (from)
opts.nISTLACCDEFALTo Number Accrued liabilities (to)
opts.nISTLACCDEFTAXFrom Number Deferred tax liabilities (from)
opts.nISTLACCDEFTAXTo Number Deferred tax liabilities (to)
opts.nISTLACCDEFODLFrom Number Other accrued and deferred liabilities (from)
opts.nISTLACCDEFODLTo Number Other accrued and deferred liabilities (to)
opts.tRFrom Number Total Net Operating Revenue (from)
opts.tRTo Number Total Net Operating Revenue (to)
opts.nISNETPREMFrom Number Net insurance premium revenue (from)
opts.nISNETPREMTo Number Net insurance premium revenue (to)
opts.nISPREMREVFrom Number Insurance premium revenue (from)
opts.nISPREMREVTo Number Insurance premium revenue (to)
opts.nISPREMREINSFrom Number Insurance premium ceded to reinsurers (from)
opts.nISPREMREINSTo Number Insurance premium ceded to reinsurers (to)
opts.nISNETFEEFrom Number Net fee and commission income (from)
opts.nISNETFEETo Number Net fee and commission income (to)
opts.nISNETFEEINCFrom Number Fees and commission income (from)
opts.nISNETFEEINCTo Number Fees and commission income (to)
opts.nISETFEEEXPFrom Number Fees and commission expenses (from)
opts.nISETFEEEXPTo Number Fees and commission expenses (to)
opts.nISCLAIMSFrom Number Claims Incurred (from)
opts.nISCLAIMSTo Number Claims Incurred (to)
opts.nISCLAIMSBROSBENFrom Number Gross benefits and claims paid (from)
opts.nISCLAIMSBROSBENTo Number Gross benefits and claims paid (to)
opts.nISCLAIMSCLAIMSREINSFrom Number Claims ceded to reinsurers (from)
opts.nISCLAIMSCLAIMSREINSTo Number Claims ceded to reinsurers (to)
opts.nISCLAIMSGCHCONTRFrom Number Gross change in contract liabilities (from)
opts.nISCLAIMSGCHCONTRTo Number Gross change in contract liabilities (to)
opts.nISCLAIMSGCHCONTRREFrom Number Change in contract liabilities ceded to reinsurers (from)
opts.nISCLAIMSGCHCONTRRETo Number Change in contract liabilities ceded to reinsurers (to)
opts.nISINVESTINCFrom Number Investment income (from)
opts.nISINVESTINCTo Number Investment income (to)
opts.nISNGFINHELDFSFrom Number Net realised gains/losses on financial assets (from)
opts.nISNGFINHELDFSTo Number Net realised gains/losses on financial assets (to)
opts.nISNGFAIRVALUEFrom Number Net fair value gains/losses on financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (from)
opts.nISNGFAIRVALUETo Number Net fair value gains/losses on financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (to)
opts.nISNGXCHGDIFFFrom Number Foreign Exchange Gains/Losses (from)
opts.nISNGXCHGDIFFTo Number Foreign Exchange Gains/Losses (to)
opts.nISNETBENEFITSFrom Number Net insurance benefits and claims (from)
opts.nISNETBENEFITSTo Number Net insurance benefits and claims (to)
opts.nISOTHOPINCFrom Number Other operating revenue (from)
opts.nISOTHOPINCTo Number Other operating revenue (to)
opts.nISINVESTBENEFITFrom Number Investment contracts benefits (from)
opts.nISINVESTBENEFITTo Number Investment contracts benefits (to)
opts.nISEXPENSECONTRFrom Number Expenses for the acquisition of insurance and investment contracts (from)
opts.nISEXPENSECONTRTo Number Expenses for the acquisition of insurance and investment contracts (to)
opts.nISADMINFrom Number General and administrative expenses (from)
opts.nISADMINTo Number General and administrative expenses (to)
opts.nISMARKETINGFrom Number Sales and Marketing expenses (from)
opts.nISMARKETINGTo Number Sales and Marketing expenses (to)
opts.nISEXPRENDERFrom Number Expenses for asset management services rendered (from)
opts.nISEXPRENDERTo Number Expenses for asset management services rendered (to)
opts.nISOTHCOSTFrom Number Other operating expenses (from)
opts.nISOTHCOSTTo Number Other operating expenses (to)
opts.nISEQUITYMETHFrom Number Share of profit (loss) of associates (from)
opts.nISEQUITYMETHTo Number Share of profit (loss) of associates (to)
opts.nISOTHNOPRESFrom Number Other net operational result (from)
opts.nISOTHNOPRESTo Number Other net operational result (to)
opts.nISACQCOSTFrom Number Acquisition costs (from)
opts.nISACQCOSTTo Number Acquisition costs (to)
opts.nISCNGREIMBPROVISIONFrom Number Changes in the profit-dependent and profit-independent premium reimbursement provisions (from)
opts.nISCNGREIMBPROVISIONTo Number Changes in the profit-dependent and profit-independent premium reimbursement provisions (to)
opts.nISCNGEQUILPROVISIONFrom Number Changes in the equalisation provision (from)
opts.nISCNGEQUILPROVISIONTo Number Changes in the equalisation provision (to)
opts.nISCNGTECHPROVISIONFrom Number Changes in other technical provision (from)
opts.nISCNGTECHPROVISIONTo Number Changes in other technical provision (to)
opts.nISCNGACTURALPROVISIONFrom Number Changes in actuarial provision (from)
opts.nISCNGACTURALPROVISIONTo Number Changes in actuarial provision (to)
opts.nISRESULTREINSURFrom Number Result of Reinsurance (from)
opts.nISRESULTREINSURTo Number Result of Reinsurance (to)
opts.nISIMPARMENTASSETFrom Number Impairment of Assets  (from)
opts.nISIMPARMENTASSETTo Number Impairment of Assets  (to)
opts.nISOTHTECHEXPFrom Number Other technical charges and expenses (from)
opts.nISOTHTECHEXPTo Number Other technical charges and expenses (to)
opts.oPFrom Number Operating profit (from)
opts.oPTo Number Operating profit (to)
opts.nISEXTRESULTFrom Number Extraordinary result (from)
opts.nISEXTRESULTTo Number Extraordinary result (to)
opts.nISEXTEVFrom Number Extraordinary revenues (from)
opts.nISEXTEVTo Number Extraordinary revenues (to)
opts.nISEXTEXPFrom Number Extraordinary expenses (from)
opts.nISEXTEXPTo Number Extraordinary expenses (to)
opts.pRETAXFrom Number Profit before income tax (from)
opts.pRETAXTo Number Profit before income tax (to)
opts.tAXFrom Number Income tax (from)
opts.tAXTo Number Income tax (to)
opts.tAXDUEFrom Number Tax difference due to consolidation (from)
opts.tAXDUETo Number Tax difference due to consolidation (to)
opts.aFTERTAXFrom Number Profit after income tax (from)
opts.aFTERTAXTo Number Profit after income tax (to)
opts.aFTERTAXDISCFrom Number Profit from discontinued operations (from)
opts.aFTERTAXDISCTo Number Profit from discontinued operations (to)
opts.nPFrom Number Net profit (from)
opts.nPTo Number Net profit (to)
opts.cOMPREHENSOTHFrom Number Other comprehensive result for the period, net of tax (from)
opts.cOMPREHENSOTHTo Number Other comprehensive result for the period, net of tax (to)
opts.aFTERTAXTOTALFrom Number Comprehensive Result for the Period (from)
opts.aFTERTAXTOTALTo Number Comprehensive Result for the Period (to)
opts.oUTSIDEFrom Number From this minority interest (from)
opts.oUTSIDETo Number From this minority interest (to)
opts.cFNCFOPERATINGFrom Number Net cash flow from (used in) operating activities (from)
opts.cFNCFOPERATINGTo Number Net cash flow from (used in) operating activities (to)
opts.nISCFCASHFrom Number Cash generated from operating activities (from)
opts.nISCFCASHTo Number Cash generated from operating activities (to)
opts.nISCFPROFITOFYEARFrom Number Net profit of the period  (from)
opts.nISCFPROFITOFYEARTo Number Net profit of the period  (to)
opts.nISCFADJDEPRFrom Number Adjustments for: Depreciation, amortization, impairment of intangible assets, property, plant and equipment and investments properties (from)
opts.nISCFADJDEPRTo Number Adjustments for: Depreciation, amortization, impairment of intangible assets, property, plant and equipment and investments properties (to)
opts.nISCFADJTANGFrom Number Adjustments for: Net loss (gain) on disposal of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment (from)
opts.nISCFADJTANGTo Number Adjustments for: Net loss (gain) on disposal of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment (to)
opts.nISCFADJNETIMPAIRFrom Number Adjustments for: Net impairment losses on investment securities (from)
opts.nISCFADJNETIMPAIRTo Number Adjustments for: Net impairment losses on investment securities (to)
opts.nISCFADJRECFrom Number Adjustments for: Impairment loss on trade receivables  (from)
opts.nISCFADJRECTo Number Adjustments for: Impairment loss on trade receivables  (to)
opts.nISCFADJPROVISIONFrom Number Adjustments for: Changes in provisions, including pensions (from)
opts.nISCFADJPROVISIONTo Number Adjustments for: Changes in provisions, including pensions (to)
opts.nISCFADJADJEQUITYMETHFrom Number Adjustments for: Share of net profits from equity method investments (from)
opts.nISCFADJADJEQUITYMETHTo Number Adjustments for: Share of net profits from equity method investments (to)
opts.nISCFADJINVESTINCFrom Number Adjustments for: Investment income (from)
opts.nISCFADJINVESTINCTo Number Adjustments for: Investment income (to)
opts.nISCFADJNETPREMFrom Number Adjustments for: Net premium income (from)
opts.nISCFADJNETPREMTo Number Adjustments for: Net premium income (to)
opts.nISCFADJOTHNCFrom Number Adjustments for: Other non-cash items (from)
opts.nISCFADJOTHNCTo Number Adjustments for: Other non-cash items (to)
opts.nISCFCHNGFrom Number Change in: investments available for sale  (from)
opts.nISCFCHNGTo Number Change in: investments available for sale  (to)
opts.nISCFCHNGRECFrom Number Change in: receivables (from)
opts.nISCFCHNGRECTo Number Change in: receivables (to)
opts.nISCFCHNGDEFERREDFrom Number Change in: deferred income tax assets (from)
opts.nISCFCHNGDEFERREDTo Number Change in: deferred income tax assets (to)
opts.nISCFCHNGOTHDEFERREDFrom Number Change in: other deferred tax assets (from)
opts.nISCFCHNGOTHDEFERREDTo Number Change in: other deferred tax assets (to)
opts.nISCFCHNGREINSURFrom Number Change in: reinsurance assets (from)
opts.nISCFCHNGREINSURTo Number Change in: reinsurance assets (to)
opts.nISCFCHNGAFSASSETSFrom Number Change in: available for sale assets at fair value (from)
opts.nISCFCHNGAFSASSETSTo Number Change in: available for sale assets at fair value (to)
opts.nISCFCHNGACCRULFrom Number Change in: accrued income (from)
opts.nISCFCHNGACCRULTo Number Change in: accrued income (to)
opts.nISCFCHNGOTHFrom Number Change in: other asset (from)
opts.nISCFCHNGOTHTo Number Change in: other asset (to)
opts.nISCFCHNGDEFINCOMETAXFrom Number Changes in deferred tax assets and liabilities (from)
opts.nISCFCHNGDEFINCOMETAXTo Number Changes in deferred tax assets and liabilities (to)
opts.nISCFCHNGVALUATIONFrom Number Change in Valuation of Assets of technical fund, actuarial funds (from)
opts.nISCFCHNGVALUATIONTo Number Change in Valuation of Assets of technical fund, actuarial funds (to)
opts.nISCFCHNGREINSURRESFrom Number Change in the reinsurance assets/reserves (from)
opts.nISCFCHNGREINSURRESTo Number Change in the reinsurance assets/reserves (to)
opts.nISCFCHNGPREMIUMLIFEFrom Number Premium income from insurance activity (from)
opts.nISCFCHNGPREMIUMLIFETo Number Premium income from insurance activity (to)
opts.nISCFCHNGPREMIUMNONLIFEFrom Number Premium income from reinsurance activity (from)
opts.nISCFCHNGPREMIUMNONLIFETo Number Premium income from reinsurance activity (to)
opts.nISCFCHNGNBSNETFEEINCFrom Number Fee and commission income (from)
opts.nISCFCHNGNBSNETFEEINCTo Number Fee and commission income (to)
opts.nISCFCHNGNBSNETFEEEXPFrom Number Fee and commission expense (from)
opts.nISCFCHNGNBSNETFEEEXPTo Number Fee and commission expense (to)
opts.nISCFCHNGTAXPAIDFrom Number Income tax paid (from)
opts.nISCFCHNGTAXPAIDTo Number Income tax paid (to)
opts.nISCFCHNGOTHLIABFrom Number Other operating activity cash flows (from)
opts.nISCFCHNGOTHLIABTo Number Other operating activity cash flows (to)
opts.cFNCFINVESTFrom Number Net cash flow from (used in) investing activities (from)
opts.cFNCFINVESTTo Number Net cash flow from (used in) investing activities (to)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTSUBAQFrom Number Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired (from)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTSUBAQTo Number Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired (to)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTSUBDIFrom Number Disposal of subsidiaries, net of cash disposed (from)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTSUBDITo Number Disposal of subsidiaries, net of cash disposed (to)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTPOFPRFrom Number Purchase of property, plant and equipment (from)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTPOFPRTo Number Purchase of property, plant and equipment (to)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTSALPRFrom Number Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment (from)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTSALPRTo Number Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment (to)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTINTANPFrom Number Purchase of intangible assets (from)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTINTANPTo Number Purchase of intangible assets (to)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTINTANSFrom Number Proceeds from sale of intangible assets (from)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTINTANSTo Number Proceeds from sale of intangible assets (to)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTLTASSPFrom Number Purchase of long term assets (from)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTLTASSPTo Number Purchase of long term assets (to)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTLTASSSFrom Number Proceeds from sale of long term assets (from)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTLTASSSTo Number Proceeds from sale of long term assets (to)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTINVPROPFrom Number Purchase of interests in joint ventures (from)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTINVPROPTo Number Purchase of interests in joint ventures (to)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTINVPROSFrom Number Proceeds from sale of joint ventures (from)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTINVPROSTo Number Proceeds from sale of joint ventures (to)
opts.nISCFINVESTINTRECFrom Number Interest received (from)
opts.nISCFINVESTINTRECTo Number Interest received (to)
opts.nISCFINVESTDIVIDRECFrom Number Dividends received (from)
opts.nISCFINVESTDIVIDRECTo Number Dividends received (to)
opts.nISCFRELATEDLOANFrom Number Loans granted to related parties (from)
opts.nISCFRELATEDLOANTo Number Loans granted to related parties (to)
opts.nISCFRELATEDLOANREFrom Number Loan repayments received from related parties (from)
opts.nISCFRELATEDLOANRETo Number Loan repayments received from related parties (to)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTOTHINVFrom Number Other investing activity cash flows (from)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTOTHINVTo Number Other investing activity cash flows (to)
opts.cFNCFFINANCEFrom Number Net cash flow from (used in) financing activities (from)
opts.cFNCFFINANCETo Number Net cash flow from (used in) financing activities (to)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCEORDFrom Number Proceeds from issuance of ordinary shares (from)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCEORDTo Number Proceeds from issuance of ordinary shares (to)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCEPREFrom Number Proceeds from issuance of redeemable preference shares (from)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCEPRETo Number Proceeds from issuance of redeemable preference shares (to)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCETREAPFrom Number Purchase of treasury shares (from)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCETREAPTo Number Purchase of treasury shares (to)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCETREASFrom Number Sale of treasury shares (from)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCETREASTo Number Sale of treasury shares (to)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCEFUNDPFrom Number Proceeds from borrowed funds and debt securities (from)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCEFUNDPTo Number Proceeds from borrowed funds and debt securities (to)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCEFUNDSFrom Number Repayments of borrowed funds and debt securities (from)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCEFUNDSTo Number Repayments of borrowed funds and debt securities (to)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCESUBORDFrom Number Proceeds from issue of subordinated liabilities (from)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCESUBORDTo Number Proceeds from issue of subordinated liabilities (to)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCESHOPTFrom Number Proceeds from exercise of share options (from)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCESHOPTTo Number Proceeds from exercise of share options (to)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCEINTPAIDFrom Number Interest paid (from)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCEINTPAIDTo Number Interest paid (to)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCEDIVPAYFrom Number Dividends paid (from)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCEDIVPAYTo Number Dividends paid (to)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCEOTHFrom Number Other financing activity cash flow (from)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCEOTHTo Number Other financing activity cash flow (to)
opts.cFNETINCREASECASHFrom Number Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (from)
opts.cFNETINCREASECASHTo Number Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (to)
opts.cFCASHBEGINFrom Number Cash at the beginning of the period (from)
opts.cFCASHBEGINTo Number Cash at the beginning of the period (to)
opts.cFCASHFOREXFrom Number Exchange gains (losses) on cash and cash equivalents (from)
opts.cFCASHFOREXTo Number Exchange gains (losses) on cash and cash equivalents (to)
opts.cFCASHENDFrom Number Cash at the end of the period (from)
opts.cFCASHENDTo Number Cash at the end of the period (to)
opts.cFFCFFrom Number Free cash flow (from)
opts.cFFCFTo Number Free cash flow (to)
opts.cFCAPEXFrom Number CAPEX (from)
opts.cFCAPEXTo Number CAPEX (to)

companiesInsuranceGet(token, opts)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\SearchCompanyResponse

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.country Array.<String> Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.companyType Array.<String> Company types separated by commas
opts.importCountries Array.<String> Import country codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.exportCountries Array.<String> Export country codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.updatedFrom String Date since last update took place (from)
opts.updatedTo String Date since last update took place (to)
opts.statementsUpdatedFrom String Financial statements filter updated (from)
opts.statementsUpdatedTo String Financial statements filter updated (to)
opts.mainIndustry Array.<String> Main activities separated by commas
opts.currency String Currency code
opts.secondaryIndustry Array.<String> Secondary activities separated by commas
opts.operationalStatus Array.<String> Operational statuses separated by commas
opts.numberOfEmployeesFrom Number Number of employees (from)
opts.numberOfEmployeesTo Number Number of employees (to)
opts.legalForm Array.<String> Legal Form codes separated by commas
opts.localLegalForm Array.<String> Local legal form codes separated by commas
opts.region String Region name in English language
opts.city String City name in English language
opts.companyName Array.<String> Company name
opts.keyExecutives Array.<String> Key executives
opts.shareholders Array.<String> Key shareholders
opts.subsidiaries Array.<String> Key subsidiaries
opts.financialAuditors Array.<String> Key financial auditors
opts.businessDescription Array.<String> Key business description
opts.products Array.<String> Key products
opts.uboName Array.<String> Beneficial Owner's Name Keyword
opts.keywords Array.<String> Keywords
opts.year Number Year of financial statement
opts.period String Financial period
opts.statementType String Statement type
opts.order String Sort order field. Possible values are name, revenue, revenue_growth, assets, profit, equity, relevance. By default this parameter sorts ascending. For descending order use the colon sign and \"desc\". For example: order=revenue:desc
opts.localization Boolean Localization (default to false)
opts.uboCitizenship String Beneficial owner's citizenship
opts.uboBirthDate String Beneficial owner's date of birth in the format \"dd-mm-yyyy\"
opts.onlyWithOfficialFinancials Boolean CompanyAndStatementsOnlyWithOfficialFinancials_Parameter
opts.ownerCountries Array.<String> Owner Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.affiliateCountries Array.<String> Affiliate Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.limit Number The max number of the items to retrieve
opts.offset Number The number of the starting item
opts.cursor String The ID of the item under which the cursor is
opts.format String Response format - json/xml
opts.tSFrom Number Total Assets (from)
opts.tSTo Number Total Assets (to)
opts.tANGFrom Number Property, plant and equipment (from)
opts.tANGTo Number Property, plant and equipment (to)
opts.nISTANGLANDFrom Number Land and buildings (from)
opts.nISTANGLANDTo Number Land and buildings (to)
opts.nISTANGVECHFrom Number Vehicles and machinery (from)
opts.nISTANGVECHTo Number Vehicles and machinery (to)
opts.nISTANGFIXTFrom Number Fixtures and fittings (from)
opts.nISTANGFIXTTo Number Fixtures and fittings (to)
opts.nISTANGOTHERFrom Number Other property, plant and equipment (from)
opts.nISTANGOTHERTo Number Other property, plant and equipment (to)
opts.iNTFrom Number Intangible assets and goodwill (from)
opts.iNTTo Number Intangible assets and goodwill (to)
opts.nISINTGOODWFrom Number Goodwill (from)
opts.nISINTGOODWTo Number Goodwill (to)
opts.nISINTOTHFrom Number Other intangible assets (from)
opts.nISINTOTHTo Number Other intangible assets (to)
opts.nISINVFrom Number Investments (from)
opts.nISINVTo Number Investments (to)
opts.nISINVPROPFrom Number Investment properties (from)
opts.nISINVPROPTo Number Investment properties (to)
opts.nISINVASSOCFrom Number Investments in associates (from)
opts.nISINVASSOCTo Number Investments in associates (to)
opts.nISFAFrom Number Financial assets (from)
opts.nISFATo Number Financial assets (to)
opts.nISFADERIVFrom Number Derivative financial instruments (from)
opts.nISFADERIVTo Number Derivative financial instruments (to)
opts.nISFALOANFrom Number Loans portfolio (from)
opts.nISFALOANTo Number Loans portfolio (to)
opts.nISFAHMFrom Number Held to maturity financial assets (from)
opts.nISFAHMTo Number Held to maturity financial assets (to)
opts.nISFAAFSFrom Number Available for sale financial assets (from)
opts.nISFAAFSTo Number Available for sale financial assets (to)
opts.nISFAAFSEFrom Number Equity securities (from)
opts.nISFAAFSETo Number Equity securities (to)
opts.nISFAAFSDFrom Number Debt securities (from)
opts.nISFAAFSDTo Number Debt securities (to)
opts.nISFAAFSOFrom Number Other financial assets available for sale (from)
opts.nISFAAFSOTo Number Other financial assets available for sale (to)
opts.nISFAFAIRVFrom Number Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (from)
opts.nISFAFAIRVTo Number Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (to)
opts.nISFAFAIRVEFrom Number Equity securities (from)
opts.nISFAFAIRVETo Number Equity securities (to)
opts.nISFAFAIRVDFrom Number Debt securities (from)
opts.nISFAFAIRVDTo Number Debt securities (to)
opts.nISFAFAIRVOFrom Number Other financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (from)
opts.nISFAFAIRVOTo Number Other financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (to)
opts.nISFAOTHERFASSETFrom Number Other financial assets (from)
opts.nISFAOTHERFASSETTo Number Other financial assets (to)
opts.nISRECFrom Number Receivables (from)
opts.nISRECTo Number Receivables (to)
opts.nISRECTRADEFrom Number Account receivables (from)
opts.nISRECTRADETo Number Account receivables (to)
opts.nISRECINSURFrom Number Insurance receivables (from)
opts.nISRECINSURTo Number Insurance receivables (to)
opts.nISRECINSURDIRFrom Number Receivables from direct insurance (from)
opts.nISRECINSURDIRTo Number Receivables from direct insurance (to)
opts.nISRECINSURREINSFrom Number Receivables from reinsurance (from)
opts.nISRECINSURREINSTo Number Receivables from reinsurance (to)
opts.nISRECINSUROTHFrom Number Other insurance receivables (from)
opts.nISRECINSUROTHTo Number Other insurance receivables (to)
opts.nISRECINCOMETAXFrom Number Income tax receivables (from)
opts.nISRECINCOMETAXTo Number Income tax receivables (to)
opts.nISRECOTHFrom Number Other receivables (from)
opts.nISRECOTHTo Number Other receivables (to)
opts.nISREINSURFrom Number Reinsurance assets (from)
opts.nISREINSURTo Number Reinsurance assets (to)
opts.nISREINSURINSFrom Number Reinsurance of insurance contracts (from)
opts.nISREINSURINSTo Number Reinsurance of insurance contracts (to)
opts.nISREINSURINVFrom Number Reinsurance of investment contracts (from)
opts.nISREINSURINVTo Number Reinsurance of investment contracts (to)
opts.nISAFSASSETSFrom Number Assets held for sale and discontinued operations (from)
opts.nISAFSASSETSTo Number Assets held for sale and discontinued operations (to)
opts.nISDUETOCONSFrom Number Changes due to consolidation (from)
opts.nISDUETOCONSTo Number Changes due to consolidation (to)
opts.nISTREASURYFrom Number Repurchased own shares (from)
opts.nISTREASURYTo Number Repurchased own shares (to)
opts.nISACCRULFrom Number Accrued and deferred assets (from)
opts.nISACCRULTo Number Accrued and deferred assets (to)
opts.nISACCRULACCFrom Number Accrued income (from)
opts.nISACCRULACCTo Number Accrued income (to)
opts.nISACCRULDEFINFrom Number Deferred tax assets (from)
opts.nISACCRULDEFINTo Number Deferred tax assets (to)
opts.nISACCRULOTHFrom Number Other accrued and deferred assets (from)
opts.nISACCRULOTHTo Number Other accrued and deferred assets (to)
opts.cEFrom Number Cash and cash equivalents (from)
opts.cETo Number Cash and cash equivalents (to)
opts.nISOTHFrom Number Other assets (from)
opts.nISOTHTo Number Other assets (to)
opts.nISTLEFrom Number Total equity and liabilities (from)
opts.nISTLETo Number Total equity and liabilities (to)
opts.sEFrom Number Total equity (from)
opts.sETo Number Total equity (to)
opts.sEOWNFrom Number Equity attributable to the owners of parent (from)
opts.sEOWNTo Number Equity attributable to the owners of parent (to)
opts.iSSUEDFrom Number Issued capital (from)
opts.iSSUEDTo Number Issued capital (to)
opts.iSSUEDORDFrom Number Ordinary shares (from)
opts.iSSUEDORDTo Number Ordinary shares (to)
opts.iSSUEDPREFFrom Number Preferred shares (from)
opts.iSSUEDPREFTo Number Preferred shares (to)
opts.sEOWNPREMIUMFrom Number Share premium (from)
opts.sEOWNPREMIUMTo Number Share premium (to)
opts.sEOWNTREASURYFrom Number Treasury shares (from)
opts.sEOWNTREASURYTo Number Treasury shares (to)
opts.nISSEOWNOTHEQFrom Number Other components of equity (from)
opts.nISSEOWNOTHEQTo Number Other components of equity (to)
opts.sEOWNREVALUATIONFrom Number Revaluation reserve (from)
opts.sEOWNREVALUATIONTo Number Revaluation reserve (to)
opts.sEOWNFOREIGNCURRFrom Number Foreign currency translation reserve (from)
opts.sEOWNFOREIGNCURRTo Number Foreign currency translation reserve (to)
opts.nISSEOWNCFHEDGEFrom Number Cashflow hedge reserve (from)
opts.nISSEOWNCFHEDGETo Number Cashflow hedge reserve (to)
opts.nISSEOWNDUETOCONSFrom Number Changes due to consolidation (from)
opts.nISSEOWNDUETOCONSTo Number Changes due to consolidation (to)
opts.pROFITRESERVFrom Number Retained earnings (from)
opts.pROFITRESERVTo Number Retained earnings (to)
opts.bSPROFITFrom Number Profit or loss for the period (from)
opts.bSPROFITTo Number Profit or loss for the period (to)
opts.nISSEOWNOTHFrom Number Other reserves (from)
opts.nISSEOWNOTHTo Number Other reserves (to)
opts.sEMINFrom Number Non-controlling interests (from)
opts.sEMINTo Number Non-controlling interests (to)
opts.tLFrom Number Total liabilities (from)
opts.tLTo Number Total liabilities (to)
opts.nISINSLIABFrom Number Insurance contract liabilities (from)
opts.nISINSLIABTo Number Insurance contract liabilities (to)
opts.nISINSLIABLIFEFrom Number Life insurance liabilities (from)
opts.nISINSLIABLIFETo Number Life insurance liabilities (to)
opts.nISINSLIABNONLIFEFrom Number Non-life insurance liabilities (from)
opts.nISINSLIABNONLIFETo Number Non-life insurance liabilities (to)
opts.nISINSLIABHEALTHFrom Number Health insurance liabilities (from)
opts.nISINSLIABHEALTHTo Number Health insurance liabilities (to)
opts.nISREINSLIABFrom Number Reinsurance contract liabilities (from)
opts.nISREINSLIABTo Number Reinsurance contract liabilities (to)
opts.nISINVLIABFrom Number Investment contract liabilities (from)
opts.nISINVLIABTo Number Investment contract liabilities (to)
opts.nISPENSIONOBLFrom Number Pension benefit obligation (from)
opts.nISPENSIONOBLTo Number Pension benefit obligation (to)
opts.nISOTHCONTRFrom Number Other contract liabilities (from)
opts.nISOTHCONTRTo Number Other contract liabilities (to)
opts.nISBONDDEBTFrom Number Liabilities from issued securities (from)
opts.nISBONDDEBTTo Number Liabilities from issued securities (to)
opts.nISBORROWFrom Number Borrowings (from)
opts.nISBORROWTo Number Borrowings (to)
opts.nISDERIVAFrom Number Derivative financial instruments (from)
opts.nISDERIVATo Number Derivative financial instruments (to)
opts.nISPROVISIONFrom Number Provisions for other liabilities and charges (from)
opts.nISPROVISIONTo Number Provisions for other liabilities and charges (to)
opts.nISOTHFINLIABFrom Number Other financial liabilities (from)
opts.nISOTHFINLIABTo Number Other financial liabilities (to)
opts.nISRECINSFrom Number Insurance payables (from)
opts.nISRECINSTo Number Insurance payables (to)
opts.nISTRCREDITFrom Number Trade and other payables (from)
opts.nISTRCREDITTo Number Trade and other payables (to)
opts.nISSUBORDINFrom Number Subordinated debt (from)
opts.nISSUBORDINTo Number Subordinated debt (to)
opts.nISTECHFUNDFrom Number Technical funds and reserves  (from)
opts.nISTECHFUNDTo Number Technical funds and reserves  (to)
opts.nISTECHFUNDINSFrom Number Insurers share in technical funds (from)
opts.nISTECHFUNDINSTo Number Insurers share in technical funds (to)
opts.nISTECHFUNDREINSFrom Number Reinsurers' share in technical funds and reserves (from)
opts.nISTECHFUNDREINSTo Number Reinsurers' share in technical funds and reserves (to)
opts.nISTECHFUNDOTHFrom Number Other (from)
opts.nISTECHFUNDOTHTo Number Other (to)
opts.nISOTHRESFrom Number Other reserves and funds (from)
opts.nISOTHRESTo Number Other reserves and funds (to)
opts.nISOTHLIABFrom Number Other liabilities (from)
opts.nISOTHLIABTo Number Other liabilities (to)
opts.nISTLACCDEFFrom Number Accrued and deferred liabilities (from)
opts.nISTLACCDEFTo Number Accrued and deferred liabilities (to)
opts.nISTLACCDEFALFrom Number Accrued liabilities (from)
opts.nISTLACCDEFALTo Number Accrued liabilities (to)
opts.nISTLACCDEFTAXFrom Number Deferred tax liabilities (from)
opts.nISTLACCDEFTAXTo Number Deferred tax liabilities (to)
opts.nISTLACCDEFODLFrom Number Other accrued and deferred liabilities (from)
opts.nISTLACCDEFODLTo Number Other accrued and deferred liabilities (to)
opts.tRFrom Number Total Net Operating Revenue (from)
opts.tRTo Number Total Net Operating Revenue (to)
opts.nISNETPREMFrom Number Net insurance premium revenue (from)
opts.nISNETPREMTo Number Net insurance premium revenue (to)
opts.nISPREMREVFrom Number Insurance premium revenue (from)
opts.nISPREMREVTo Number Insurance premium revenue (to)
opts.nISPREMREINSFrom Number Insurance premium ceded to reinsurers (from)
opts.nISPREMREINSTo Number Insurance premium ceded to reinsurers (to)
opts.nISNETFEEFrom Number Net fee and commission income (from)
opts.nISNETFEETo Number Net fee and commission income (to)
opts.nISNETFEEINCFrom Number Fees and commission income (from)
opts.nISNETFEEINCTo Number Fees and commission income (to)
opts.nISETFEEEXPFrom Number Fees and commission expenses (from)
opts.nISETFEEEXPTo Number Fees and commission expenses (to)
opts.nISCLAIMSFrom Number Claims Incurred (from)
opts.nISCLAIMSTo Number Claims Incurred (to)
opts.nISCLAIMSBROSBENFrom Number Gross benefits and claims paid (from)
opts.nISCLAIMSBROSBENTo Number Gross benefits and claims paid (to)
opts.nISCLAIMSCLAIMSREINSFrom Number Claims ceded to reinsurers (from)
opts.nISCLAIMSCLAIMSREINSTo Number Claims ceded to reinsurers (to)
opts.nISCLAIMSGCHCONTRFrom Number Gross change in contract liabilities (from)
opts.nISCLAIMSGCHCONTRTo Number Gross change in contract liabilities (to)
opts.nISCLAIMSGCHCONTRREFrom Number Change in contract liabilities ceded to reinsurers (from)
opts.nISCLAIMSGCHCONTRRETo Number Change in contract liabilities ceded to reinsurers (to)
opts.nISINVESTINCFrom Number Investment income (from)
opts.nISINVESTINCTo Number Investment income (to)
opts.nISNGFINHELDFSFrom Number Net realised gains/losses on financial assets (from)
opts.nISNGFINHELDFSTo Number Net realised gains/losses on financial assets (to)
opts.nISNGFAIRVALUEFrom Number Net fair value gains/losses on financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (from)
opts.nISNGFAIRVALUETo Number Net fair value gains/losses on financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (to)
opts.nISNGXCHGDIFFFrom Number Foreign Exchange Gains/Losses (from)
opts.nISNGXCHGDIFFTo Number Foreign Exchange Gains/Losses (to)
opts.nISNETBENEFITSFrom Number Net insurance benefits and claims (from)
opts.nISNETBENEFITSTo Number Net insurance benefits and claims (to)
opts.nISOTHOPINCFrom Number Other operating revenue (from)
opts.nISOTHOPINCTo Number Other operating revenue (to)
opts.nISINVESTBENEFITFrom Number Investment contracts benefits (from)
opts.nISINVESTBENEFITTo Number Investment contracts benefits (to)
opts.nISEXPENSECONTRFrom Number Expenses for the acquisition of insurance and investment contracts (from)
opts.nISEXPENSECONTRTo Number Expenses for the acquisition of insurance and investment contracts (to)
opts.nISADMINFrom Number General and administrative expenses (from)
opts.nISADMINTo Number General and administrative expenses (to)
opts.nISMARKETINGFrom Number Sales and Marketing expenses (from)
opts.nISMARKETINGTo Number Sales and Marketing expenses (to)
opts.nISEXPRENDERFrom Number Expenses for asset management services rendered (from)
opts.nISEXPRENDERTo Number Expenses for asset management services rendered (to)
opts.nISOTHCOSTFrom Number Other operating expenses (from)
opts.nISOTHCOSTTo Number Other operating expenses (to)
opts.nISEQUITYMETHFrom Number Share of profit (loss) of associates (from)
opts.nISEQUITYMETHTo Number Share of profit (loss) of associates (to)
opts.nISOTHNOPRESFrom Number Other net operational result (from)
opts.nISOTHNOPRESTo Number Other net operational result (to)
opts.nISACQCOSTFrom Number Acquisition costs (from)
opts.nISACQCOSTTo Number Acquisition costs (to)
opts.nISCNGREIMBPROVISIONFrom Number Changes in the profit-dependent and profit-independent premium reimbursement provisions (from)
opts.nISCNGREIMBPROVISIONTo Number Changes in the profit-dependent and profit-independent premium reimbursement provisions (to)
opts.nISCNGEQUILPROVISIONFrom Number Changes in the equalisation provision (from)
opts.nISCNGEQUILPROVISIONTo Number Changes in the equalisation provision (to)
opts.nISCNGTECHPROVISIONFrom Number Changes in other technical provision (from)
opts.nISCNGTECHPROVISIONTo Number Changes in other technical provision (to)
opts.nISCNGACTURALPROVISIONFrom Number Changes in actuarial provision (from)
opts.nISCNGACTURALPROVISIONTo Number Changes in actuarial provision (to)
opts.nISRESULTREINSURFrom Number Result of Reinsurance (from)
opts.nISRESULTREINSURTo Number Result of Reinsurance (to)
opts.nISIMPARMENTASSETFrom Number Impairment of Assets  (from)
opts.nISIMPARMENTASSETTo Number Impairment of Assets  (to)
opts.nISOTHTECHEXPFrom Number Other technical charges and expenses (from)
opts.nISOTHTECHEXPTo Number Other technical charges and expenses (to)
opts.oPFrom Number Operating profit (from)
opts.oPTo Number Operating profit (to)
opts.nISEXTRESULTFrom Number Extraordinary result (from)
opts.nISEXTRESULTTo Number Extraordinary result (to)
opts.nISEXTEVFrom Number Extraordinary revenues (from)
opts.nISEXTEVTo Number Extraordinary revenues (to)
opts.nISEXTEXPFrom Number Extraordinary expenses (from)
opts.nISEXTEXPTo Number Extraordinary expenses (to)
opts.pRETAXFrom Number Profit before income tax (from)
opts.pRETAXTo Number Profit before income tax (to)
opts.tAXFrom Number Income tax (from)
opts.tAXTo Number Income tax (to)
opts.tAXDUEFrom Number Tax difference due to consolidation (from)
opts.tAXDUETo Number Tax difference due to consolidation (to)
opts.aFTERTAXFrom Number Profit after income tax (from)
opts.aFTERTAXTo Number Profit after income tax (to)
opts.aFTERTAXDISCFrom Number Profit from discontinued operations (from)
opts.aFTERTAXDISCTo Number Profit from discontinued operations (to)
opts.nPFrom Number Net profit (from)
opts.nPTo Number Net profit (to)
opts.cOMPREHENSOTHFrom Number Other comprehensive result for the period, net of tax (from)
opts.cOMPREHENSOTHTo Number Other comprehensive result for the period, net of tax (to)
opts.aFTERTAXTOTALFrom Number Comprehensive Result for the Period (from)
opts.aFTERTAXTOTALTo Number Comprehensive Result for the Period (to)
opts.oUTSIDEFrom Number From this minority interest (from)
opts.oUTSIDETo Number From this minority interest (to)
opts.cFNCFOPERATINGFrom Number Net cash flow from (used in) operating activities (from)
opts.cFNCFOPERATINGTo Number Net cash flow from (used in) operating activities (to)
opts.nISCFCASHFrom Number Cash generated from operating activities (from)
opts.nISCFCASHTo Number Cash generated from operating activities (to)
opts.nISCFPROFITOFYEARFrom Number Net profit of the period  (from)
opts.nISCFPROFITOFYEARTo Number Net profit of the period  (to)
opts.nISCFADJDEPRFrom Number Adjustments for: Depreciation, amortization, impairment of intangible assets, property, plant and equipment and investments properties (from)
opts.nISCFADJDEPRTo Number Adjustments for: Depreciation, amortization, impairment of intangible assets, property, plant and equipment and investments properties (to)
opts.nISCFADJTANGFrom Number Adjustments for: Net loss (gain) on disposal of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment (from)
opts.nISCFADJTANGTo Number Adjustments for: Net loss (gain) on disposal of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment (to)
opts.nISCFADJNETIMPAIRFrom Number Adjustments for: Net impairment losses on investment securities (from)
opts.nISCFADJNETIMPAIRTo Number Adjustments for: Net impairment losses on investment securities (to)
opts.nISCFADJRECFrom Number Adjustments for: Impairment loss on trade receivables  (from)
opts.nISCFADJRECTo Number Adjustments for: Impairment loss on trade receivables  (to)
opts.nISCFADJPROVISIONFrom Number Adjustments for: Changes in provisions, including pensions (from)
opts.nISCFADJPROVISIONTo Number Adjustments for: Changes in provisions, including pensions (to)
opts.nISCFADJADJEQUITYMETHFrom Number Adjustments for: Share of net profits from equity method investments (from)
opts.nISCFADJADJEQUITYMETHTo Number Adjustments for: Share of net profits from equity method investments (to)
opts.nISCFADJINVESTINCFrom Number Adjustments for: Investment income (from)
opts.nISCFADJINVESTINCTo Number Adjustments for: Investment income (to)
opts.nISCFADJNETPREMFrom Number Adjustments for: Net premium income (from)
opts.nISCFADJNETPREMTo Number Adjustments for: Net premium income (to)
opts.nISCFADJOTHNCFrom Number Adjustments for: Other non-cash items (from)
opts.nISCFADJOTHNCTo Number Adjustments for: Other non-cash items (to)
opts.nISCFCHNGFrom Number Change in: investments available for sale  (from)
opts.nISCFCHNGTo Number Change in: investments available for sale  (to)
opts.nISCFCHNGRECFrom Number Change in: receivables (from)
opts.nISCFCHNGRECTo Number Change in: receivables (to)
opts.nISCFCHNGDEFERREDFrom Number Change in: deferred income tax assets (from)
opts.nISCFCHNGDEFERREDTo Number Change in: deferred income tax assets (to)
opts.nISCFCHNGOTHDEFERREDFrom Number Change in: other deferred tax assets (from)
opts.nISCFCHNGOTHDEFERREDTo Number Change in: other deferred tax assets (to)
opts.nISCFCHNGREINSURFrom Number Change in: reinsurance assets (from)
opts.nISCFCHNGREINSURTo Number Change in: reinsurance assets (to)
opts.nISCFCHNGAFSASSETSFrom Number Change in: available for sale assets at fair value (from)
opts.nISCFCHNGAFSASSETSTo Number Change in: available for sale assets at fair value (to)
opts.nISCFCHNGACCRULFrom Number Change in: accrued income (from)
opts.nISCFCHNGACCRULTo Number Change in: accrued income (to)
opts.nISCFCHNGOTHFrom Number Change in: other asset (from)
opts.nISCFCHNGOTHTo Number Change in: other asset (to)
opts.nISCFCHNGDEFINCOMETAXFrom Number Changes in deferred tax assets and liabilities (from)
opts.nISCFCHNGDEFINCOMETAXTo Number Changes in deferred tax assets and liabilities (to)
opts.nISCFCHNGVALUATIONFrom Number Change in Valuation of Assets of technical fund, actuarial funds (from)
opts.nISCFCHNGVALUATIONTo Number Change in Valuation of Assets of technical fund, actuarial funds (to)
opts.nISCFCHNGREINSURRESFrom Number Change in the reinsurance assets/reserves (from)
opts.nISCFCHNGREINSURRESTo Number Change in the reinsurance assets/reserves (to)
opts.nISCFCHNGPREMIUMLIFEFrom Number Premium income from insurance activity (from)
opts.nISCFCHNGPREMIUMLIFETo Number Premium income from insurance activity (to)
opts.nISCFCHNGPREMIUMNONLIFEFrom Number Premium income from reinsurance activity (from)
opts.nISCFCHNGPREMIUMNONLIFETo Number Premium income from reinsurance activity (to)
opts.nISCFCHNGNBSNETFEEINCFrom Number Fee and commission income (from)
opts.nISCFCHNGNBSNETFEEINCTo Number Fee and commission income (to)
opts.nISCFCHNGNBSNETFEEEXPFrom Number Fee and commission expense (from)
opts.nISCFCHNGNBSNETFEEEXPTo Number Fee and commission expense (to)
opts.nISCFCHNGTAXPAIDFrom Number Income tax paid (from)
opts.nISCFCHNGTAXPAIDTo Number Income tax paid (to)
opts.nISCFCHNGOTHLIABFrom Number Other operating activity cash flows (from)
opts.nISCFCHNGOTHLIABTo Number Other operating activity cash flows (to)
opts.cFNCFINVESTFrom Number Net cash flow from (used in) investing activities (from)
opts.cFNCFINVESTTo Number Net cash flow from (used in) investing activities (to)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTSUBAQFrom Number Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired (from)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTSUBAQTo Number Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired (to)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTSUBDIFrom Number Disposal of subsidiaries, net of cash disposed (from)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTSUBDITo Number Disposal of subsidiaries, net of cash disposed (to)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTPOFPRFrom Number Purchase of property, plant and equipment (from)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTPOFPRTo Number Purchase of property, plant and equipment (to)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTSALPRFrom Number Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment (from)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTSALPRTo Number Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment (to)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTINTANPFrom Number Purchase of intangible assets (from)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTINTANPTo Number Purchase of intangible assets (to)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTINTANSFrom Number Proceeds from sale of intangible assets (from)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTINTANSTo Number Proceeds from sale of intangible assets (to)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTLTASSPFrom Number Purchase of long term assets (from)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTLTASSPTo Number Purchase of long term assets (to)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTLTASSSFrom Number Proceeds from sale of long term assets (from)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTLTASSSTo Number Proceeds from sale of long term assets (to)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTINVPROPFrom Number Purchase of interests in joint ventures (from)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTINVPROPTo Number Purchase of interests in joint ventures (to)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTINVPROSFrom Number Proceeds from sale of joint ventures (from)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTINVPROSTo Number Proceeds from sale of joint ventures (to)
opts.nISCFINVESTINTRECFrom Number Interest received (from)
opts.nISCFINVESTINTRECTo Number Interest received (to)
opts.nISCFINVESTDIVIDRECFrom Number Dividends received (from)
opts.nISCFINVESTDIVIDRECTo Number Dividends received (to)
opts.nISCFRELATEDLOANFrom Number Loans granted to related parties (from)
opts.nISCFRELATEDLOANTo Number Loans granted to related parties (to)
opts.nISCFRELATEDLOANREFrom Number Loan repayments received from related parties (from)
opts.nISCFRELATEDLOANRETo Number Loan repayments received from related parties (to)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTOTHINVFrom Number Other investing activity cash flows (from)
opts.nISCFNCFINVESTOTHINVTo Number Other investing activity cash flows (to)
opts.cFNCFFINANCEFrom Number Net cash flow from (used in) financing activities (from)
opts.cFNCFFINANCETo Number Net cash flow from (used in) financing activities (to)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCEORDFrom Number Proceeds from issuance of ordinary shares (from)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCEORDTo Number Proceeds from issuance of ordinary shares (to)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCEPREFrom Number Proceeds from issuance of redeemable preference shares (from)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCEPRETo Number Proceeds from issuance of redeemable preference shares (to)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCETREAPFrom Number Purchase of treasury shares (from)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCETREAPTo Number Purchase of treasury shares (to)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCETREASFrom Number Sale of treasury shares (from)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCETREASTo Number Sale of treasury shares (to)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCEFUNDPFrom Number Proceeds from borrowed funds and debt securities (from)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCEFUNDPTo Number Proceeds from borrowed funds and debt securities (to)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCEFUNDSFrom Number Repayments of borrowed funds and debt securities (from)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCEFUNDSTo Number Repayments of borrowed funds and debt securities (to)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCESUBORDFrom Number Proceeds from issue of subordinated liabilities (from)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCESUBORDTo Number Proceeds from issue of subordinated liabilities (to)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCESHOPTFrom Number Proceeds from exercise of share options (from)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCESHOPTTo Number Proceeds from exercise of share options (to)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCEINTPAIDFrom Number Interest paid (from)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCEINTPAIDTo Number Interest paid (to)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCEDIVPAYFrom Number Dividends paid (from)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCEDIVPAYTo Number Dividends paid (to)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCEOTHFrom Number Other financing activity cash flow (from)
opts.nISCFNCFFINANCEOTHTo Number Other financing activity cash flow (to)
opts.cFNETINCREASECASHFrom Number Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (from)
opts.cFNETINCREASECASHTo Number Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (to)
opts.cFCASHBEGINFrom Number Cash at the beginning of the period (from)
opts.cFCASHBEGINTo Number Cash at the beginning of the period (to)
opts.cFCASHFOREXFrom Number Exchange gains (losses) on cash and cash equivalents (from)
opts.cFCASHFOREXTo Number Exchange gains (losses) on cash and cash equivalents (to)
opts.cFCASHENDFrom Number Cash at the end of the period (from)
opts.cFCASHENDTo Number Cash at the end of the period (to)
opts.cFFCFFrom Number Free cash flow (from)
opts.cFFCFTo Number Free cash flow (to)
opts.cFCAPEXFrom Number CAPEX (from)
opts.cFCAPEXTo Number CAPEX (to)

companiesLocalStandardIdGetWithHttpInfo(standardId, token, opts)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\SearchCompanyResponse and HTTP response

Name Type Description
standardId Number The ID of the standard
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.country Array.<String> Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.companyType Array.<String> Company types separated by commas
opts.importCountries Array.<String> Import country codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.exportCountries Array.<String> Export country codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.updatedFrom String Date since last update took place (from)
opts.updatedTo String Date since last update took place (to)
opts.statementsUpdatedFrom String Financial statements filter updated (from)
opts.statementsUpdatedTo String Financial statements filter updated (to)
opts.mainIndustry Array.<String> Main activities separated by commas
opts.currency String Currency code
opts.secondaryIndustry Array.<String> Secondary activities separated by commas
opts.operationalStatus Array.<String> Operational statuses separated by commas
opts.numberOfEmployeesFrom Number Number of employees (from)
opts.numberOfEmployeesTo Number Number of employees (to)
opts.legalForm Array.<String> Legal Form codes separated by commas
opts.localLegalForm Array.<String> Local legal form codes separated by commas
opts.region String Region name in English language
opts.city String City name in English language
opts.companyName Array.<String> Company name
opts.keyExecutives Array.<String> Key executives
opts.shareholders Array.<String> Key shareholders
opts.subsidiaries Array.<String> Key subsidiaries
opts.financialAuditors Array.<String> Key financial auditors
opts.businessDescription Array.<String> Key business description
opts.products Array.<String> Key products
opts.uboName Array.<String> Beneficial Owner's Name Keyword
opts.keywords Array.<String> Keywords
opts.year Number Year of financial statement
opts.period String Financial period
opts.statementType String Statement type
opts.order String Sort order field. Possible values are name, revenue, revenue_growth, assets, profit, equity, relevance. By default this parameter sorts ascending. For descending order use the colon sign and \"desc\". For example: order=revenue:desc
opts.localization Boolean Localization (default to false)
opts.uboCitizenship String Beneficial owner's citizenship
opts.uboBirthDate String Beneficial owner's date of birth in the format \"dd-mm-yyyy\"
opts.onlyWithOfficialFinancials Boolean CompanyAndStatementsOnlyWithOfficialFinancials_Parameter
opts.ownerCountries Array.<String> Owner Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.affiliateCountries Array.<String> Affiliate Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.limit Number The max number of the items to retrieve
opts.offset Number The number of the starting item
opts.cursor String The ID of the item under which the cursor is
opts.format String Response format - json/xml
opts.dynamic String * @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with an object containing data of type {@link module:EMIS/model/SearchCompanyResponse} and HTTP response

companiesLocalStandardIdGet(standardId, token, opts)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\SearchCompanyResponse

Name Type Description
standardId Number The ID of the standard
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.country Array.<String> Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.companyType Array.<String> Company types separated by commas
opts.importCountries Array.<String> Import country codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.exportCountries Array.<String> Export country codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.updatedFrom String Date since last update took place (from)
opts.updatedTo String Date since last update took place (to)
opts.statementsUpdatedFrom String Financial statements filter updated (from)
opts.statementsUpdatedTo String Financial statements filter updated (to)
opts.mainIndustry Array.<String> Main activities separated by commas
opts.currency String Currency code
opts.secondaryIndustry Array.<String> Secondary activities separated by commas
opts.operationalStatus Array.<String> Operational statuses separated by commas
opts.numberOfEmployeesFrom Number Number of employees (from)
opts.numberOfEmployeesTo Number Number of employees (to)
opts.legalForm Array.<String> Legal Form codes separated by commas
opts.localLegalForm Array.<String> Local legal form codes separated by commas
opts.region String Region name in English language
opts.city String City name in English language
opts.companyName Array.<String> Company name
opts.keyExecutives Array.<String> Key executives
opts.shareholders Array.<String> Key shareholders
opts.subsidiaries Array.<String> Key subsidiaries
opts.financialAuditors Array.<String> Key financial auditors
opts.businessDescription Array.<String> Key business description
opts.products Array.<String> Key products
opts.uboName Array.<String> Beneficial Owner's Name Keyword
opts.keywords Array.<String> Keywords
opts.year Number Year of financial statement
opts.period String Financial period
opts.statementType String Statement type
opts.order String Sort order field. Possible values are name, revenue, revenue_growth, assets, profit, equity, relevance. By default this parameter sorts ascending. For descending order use the colon sign and \"desc\". For example: order=revenue:desc
opts.localization Boolean Localization (default to false)
opts.uboCitizenship String Beneficial owner's citizenship
opts.uboBirthDate String Beneficial owner's date of birth in the format \"dd-mm-yyyy\"
opts.onlyWithOfficialFinancials Boolean CompanyAndStatementsOnlyWithOfficialFinancials_Parameter
opts.ownerCountries Array.<String> Owner Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.affiliateCountries Array.<String> Affiliate Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.limit Number The max number of the items to retrieve
opts.offset Number The number of the starting item
opts.cursor String The ID of the item under which the cursor is
opts.format String Response format - json/xml
opts.dynamic String * @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with data of type {@link module:EMIS/model/SearchCompanyResponse}

companiesMatchGetWithHttpInfo(token, opts)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\CompanyMatchResponseResult and HTTP response

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.countryCode String Country Code as 'AR', 'BG', etc.
opts.companyName String Company name in English language
opts.companyNameLocal String Company name in Local language
opts.city String City name in English language
opts.address String Address
opts.phone String Phone number
opts.fax String Fax number
opts.companyWebsite String Company website url
opts.externalId Array.<String> External company id
opts.limit Number The max number of the items to retrieve
opts.offset Number The number of the starting item
opts.cursor String The ID of the item under which the cursor is
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

companiesMatchGet(token, opts)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\CompanyMatchResponseResult

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.countryCode String Country Code as 'AR', 'BG', etc.
opts.companyName String Company name in English language
opts.companyNameLocal String Company name in Local language
opts.city String City name in English language
opts.address String Address
opts.phone String Phone number
opts.fax String Fax number
opts.companyWebsite String Company website url
opts.externalId Array.<String> External company id
opts.limit Number The max number of the items to retrieve
opts.offset Number The number of the starting item
opts.cursor String The ID of the item under which the cursor is
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

companiesNonFinancialGetWithHttpInfo(token, opts)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\SearchCompanyResponse and HTTP response

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.country Array.<String> Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.companyType Array.<String> Company types separated by commas
opts.importCountries Array.<String> Import country codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.exportCountries Array.<String> Export country codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.updatedFrom String Date since last update took place (from)
opts.updatedTo String Date since last update took place (to)
opts.statementsUpdatedFrom String Financial statements filter updated (from)
opts.statementsUpdatedTo String Financial statements filter updated (to)
opts.mainIndustry Array.<String> Main activities separated by commas
opts.currency String Currency code
opts.secondaryIndustry Array.<String> Secondary activities separated by commas
opts.operationalStatus Array.<String> Operational statuses separated by commas
opts.numberOfEmployeesFrom Number Number of employees (from)
opts.numberOfEmployeesTo Number Number of employees (to)
opts.legalForm Array.<String> Legal Form codes separated by commas
opts.localLegalForm Array.<String> Local legal form codes separated by commas
opts.region String Region name in English language
opts.city String City name in English language
opts.companyName Array.<String> Company name
opts.keyExecutives Array.<String> Key executives
opts.shareholders Array.<String> Key shareholders
opts.subsidiaries Array.<String> Key subsidiaries
opts.financialAuditors Array.<String> Key financial auditors
opts.businessDescription Array.<String> Key business description
opts.products Array.<String> Key products
opts.uboName Array.<String> Beneficial Owner's Name Keyword
opts.keywords Array.<String> Keywords
opts.year Number Year of financial statement
opts.period String Financial period
opts.statementType String Statement type
opts.order String Sort order field. Possible values are name, revenue, revenue_growth, assets, profit, equity, relevance. By default this parameter sorts ascending. For descending order use the colon sign and \"desc\". For example: order=revenue:desc
opts.localization Boolean Localization (default to false)
opts.uboCitizenship String Beneficial owner's citizenship
opts.uboBirthDate String Beneficial owner's date of birth in the format \"dd-mm-yyyy\"
opts.onlyWithOfficialFinancials Boolean CompanyAndStatementsOnlyWithOfficialFinancials_Parameter
opts.ownerCountries Array.<String> Owner Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.affiliateCountries Array.<String> Affiliate Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.limit Number The max number of the items to retrieve
opts.offset Number The number of the starting item
opts.cursor String The ID of the item under which the cursor is
opts.format String Response format - json/xml
opts.tSFrom Number Total Assets (from)
opts.tSTo Number Total Assets (to)
opts.fAFrom Number Non-current assets (from)
opts.fATo Number Non-current assets (to)
opts.tANGFrom Number Property, plant and equipment (from)
opts.tANGTo Number Property, plant and equipment (to)
opts.tANGLANDFrom Number Land and buildings (from)
opts.tANGLANDTo Number Land and buildings (to)
opts.tANGVECHFrom Number Vehicles and machinery (from)
opts.tANGVECHTo Number Vehicles and machinery (to)
opts.tANGFIXTFrom Number Fixtures and fittings (from)
opts.tANGFIXTTo Number Fixtures and fittings (to)
opts.tANGOTHERFrom Number Other property, plant and equipment (from)
opts.tANGOTHERTo Number Other property, plant and equipment (to)
opts.iNPROGRFrom Number Construction in progress (from)
opts.iNPROGRTo Number Construction in progress (to)
opts.iNTFrom Number Intangible assets and goodwill (from)
opts.iNTTo Number Intangible assets and goodwill (to)
opts.iNTGOODWFrom Number Goodwill (from)
opts.iNTGOODWTo Number Goodwill (to)
opts.iNTTRADMFrom Number Trademarks and licenses (from)
opts.iNTTRADMTo Number Trademarks and licenses (to)
opts.iNTDEVCOSTFrom Number Development costs (from)
opts.iNTDEVCOSTTo Number Development costs (to)
opts.iNTOWNSOFTFrom Number Own developed computer software (from)
opts.iNTOWNSOFTTo Number Own developed computer software (to)
opts.iNTOTHFrom Number Other intangible assets (from)
opts.iNTOTHTo Number Other intangible assets (to)
opts.nCBIOFrom Number Non-current biological assets (from)
opts.nCBIOTo Number Non-current biological assets (to)
opts.nCRECFrom Number Non-current Trade and other receivables (from)
opts.nCRECTo Number Non-current Trade and other receivables (to)
opts.nCRECTRADEFrom Number Non-current trade receivables (from)
opts.nCRECTRADETo Number Non-current trade receivables (to)
opts.nCRECRELATFrom Number Receivables from related parties (from)
opts.nCRECRELATTo Number Receivables from related parties (to)
opts.nCRECOTHERFrom Number Other non-current receivables (from)
opts.nCRECOTHERTo Number Other non-current receivables (to)
opts.nCRECDOUBTFrom Number Doubtful receivables (from)
opts.nCRECDOUBTTo Number Doubtful receivables (to)
opts.fINVESTFrom Number Long-term financial assets (from)
opts.fINVESTTo Number Long-term financial assets (to)
opts.fINVESTPROPFrom Number Investment properties (from)
opts.fINVESTPROPTo Number Investment properties (to)
opts.fINVESTSUBSFrom Number Investments in subsidiaries (from)
opts.fINVESTSUBSTo Number Investments in subsidiaries (to)
opts.fINVESTASSOCFrom Number Investments in associates (from)
opts.fINVESTASSOCTo Number Investments in associates (to)
opts.fINVESTFORSALEFrom Number Available-for-sale financial assets (LT) (from)
opts.fINVESTFORSALETo Number Available-for-sale financial assets (LT) (to)
opts.fINVESTDERIVFrom Number Derivative financial instruments (from)
opts.fINVESTDERIVTo Number Derivative financial instruments (to)
opts.fINVESTFAIRVALUEFrom Number Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (from)
opts.fINVESTFAIRVALUETo Number Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (to)
opts.fINVESTHELDMATFrom Number Financial assets held-to-maturity (from)
opts.fINVESTHELDMATTo Number Financial assets held-to-maturity (to)
opts.fINVESTOTHFrom Number Other non-current financial assets (from)
opts.fINVESTOTHTo Number Other non-current financial assets (to)
opts.nCDEFFEREDFrom Number Deferred assets (from)
opts.nCDEFFEREDTo Number Deferred assets (to)
opts.nCDEFFEREDTAXFrom Number Non-current deferred tax assets (from)
opts.nCDEFFEREDTAXTo Number Non-current deferred tax assets (to)
opts.nCDEFFEREDOTHERFrom Number Other non-current deferred assets (from)
opts.nCDEFFEREDOTHERTo Number Other non-current deferred assets (to)
opts.oTHFIXFrom Number Other non-current assets (from)
opts.oTHFIXTo Number Other non-current assets (to)
opts.cAFrom Number Current Assets (from)
opts.cATo Number Current Assets (to)
opts.iNVFrom Number Inventories (from)
opts.iNVTo Number Inventories (to)
opts.iNVRAWFrom Number Raw materials (from)
opts.iNVRAWTo Number Raw materials (to)
opts.iNVWIPFrom Number Work in progress (from)
opts.iNVWIPTo Number Work in progress (to)
opts.iNVFINISHEDFrom Number Finished goods (from)
opts.iNVFINISHEDTo Number Finished goods (to)
opts.iNVOTHFrom Number Other inventories (from)
opts.iNVOTHTo Number Other inventories (to)
opts.cBIOFrom Number Current biological assets (from)
opts.cBIOTo Number Current biological assets (to)
opts.rECFrom Number Trade and other receivables (from)
opts.rECTo Number Trade and other receivables (to)
opts.rECTRADEFrom Number Current trade receivables (from)
opts.rECTRADETo Number Current trade receivables (to)
opts.rECRELATEDFrom Number Receivables from related parties (from)
opts.rECRELATEDTo Number Receivables from related parties (to)
opts.rECOTHERFrom Number Other current receivables (from)
opts.rECOTHERTo Number Other current receivables (to)
opts.rECDOUBTFrom Number Doubtful receivables (from)
opts.rECDOUBTTo Number Doubtful receivables (to)
opts.rECTAXFrom Number Tax receivables (from)
opts.rECTAXTo Number Tax receivables (to)
opts.aCCRUEFrom Number Prepayments, accrued income and other deferred current assets (from)
opts.aCCRUETo Number Prepayments, accrued income and other deferred current assets (to)
opts.sECFrom Number Short term Financial assets (from)
opts.sECTo Number Short term Financial assets (to)
opts.sECFORSALEFrom Number Available-for-sale financial assets (ST) (from)
opts.sECFORSALETo Number Available-for-sale financial assets (ST) (to)
opts.sECDERIVATFrom Number Derivative financial instruments (from)
opts.sECDERIVATTo Number Derivative financial instruments (to)
opts.sECFAIRVALUEFrom Number Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (from)
opts.sECFAIRVALUETo Number Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (to)
opts.sECHELDMATFrom Number Financial assets held-to-maturity (from)
opts.sECHELDMATTo Number Financial assets held-to-maturity (to)
opts.sECOTHFrom Number Other current financial assets (from)
opts.sECOTHTo Number Other current financial assets (to)
opts.cEFrom Number Cash and cash equivalents (from)
opts.cETo Number Cash and cash equivalents (to)
opts.cECASHFrom Number Cash at banks and on hand (from)
opts.cECASHTo Number Cash at banks and on hand (to)
opts.cEDEPOSITFrom Number Short-term deposits (from)
opts.cEDEPOSITTo Number Short-term deposits (to)
opts.oTHCURRFrom Number Other current assets (from)
opts.oTHCURRTo Number Other current assets (to)
opts.aSSETFORSALEFrom Number Assets of disposal group classified as held for sale (from)
opts.aSSETFORSALETo Number Assets of disposal group classified as held for sale (to)
opts.nAFrom Number Net current assets (from)
opts.nATo Number Net current assets (to)
opts.tLEFrom Number Total Equity and liabilities (from)
opts.tLETo Number Total Equity and liabilities (to)
opts.sEFrom Number Total equity (from)
opts.sETo Number Total equity (to)
opts.sEOWNFrom Number Equity attributable to owners of the parent (from)
opts.sEOWNTo Number Equity attributable to owners of the parent (to)
opts.iSSUEDFrom Number Issued capital (from)
opts.iSSUEDTo Number Issued capital (to)
opts.iSSUEDORDFrom Number Ordinary shares (from)
opts.iSSUEDORDTo Number Ordinary shares (to)
opts.iSSUEDPREFFrom Number Preferred shares (from)
opts.iSSUEDPREFTo Number Preferred shares (to)
opts.sEOWNPREMIUMFrom Number Share premium (from)
opts.sEOWNPREMIUMTo Number Share premium (to)
opts.sEOWNTREASURYFrom Number Treasury shares (from)
opts.sEOWNTREASURYTo Number Treasury shares (to)
opts.sEOWNREVALUATIONFrom Number Revaluation reserve (from)
opts.sEOWNREVALUATIONTo Number Revaluation reserve (to)
opts.sEOWNFOREIGNCURRFrom Number Foreign currency translation reserve (from)
opts.sEOWNFOREIGNCURRTo Number Foreign currency translation reserve (to)
opts.sEOWNCFHEDGEFrom Number Cashflow hedge reserve (from)
opts.sEOWNCFHEDGETo Number Cashflow hedge reserve (to)
opts.sEOWNHELDFORSALEFrom Number Reserves of a disposal group classified as held for sale (from)
opts.sEOWNHELDFORSALETo Number Reserves of a disposal group classified as held for sale (to)
opts.sEOWNOTHFrom Number Other reserves (from)
opts.sEOWNOTHTo Number Other reserves (to)
opts.pROFITRESERVFrom Number Retained earnings (from)
opts.pROFITRESERVTo Number Retained earnings (to)
opts.bSPROFITFrom Number Profit or loss for the period (from)
opts.bSPROFITTo Number Profit or loss for the period (to)
opts.sEOWNDUETOCONSFrom Number Changes due to consolidation (from)
opts.sEOWNDUETOCONSTo Number Changes due to consolidation (to)
opts.oTHEQFrom Number Other components of equity (from)
opts.oTHEQTo Number Other components of equity (to)
opts.sEMINFrom Number Minority interest (from)
opts.sEMINTo Number Minority interest (to)
opts.tLFrom Number Total Liabilities (from)
opts.tLTo Number Total Liabilities (to)
opts.lTLFrom Number Non-current liabilities (from)
opts.lTLTo Number Non-current liabilities (to)
opts.iNVDEVFrom Number Non-current loans and borrowings (from)
opts.iNVDEVTo Number Non-current loans and borrowings (to)
opts.lTLDERIVAFrom Number Non-current derivative financial instruments (from)
opts.lTLDERIVATo Number Non-current derivative financial instruments (to)
opts.lTLOTHFrom Number Other non-current financial liabilities (from)
opts.lTLOTHTo Number Other non-current financial liabilities (to)
opts.bONDDEBTFrom Number Debts on issue of bonds (from)
opts.bONDDEBTTo Number Debts on issue of bonds (to)
opts.lTTRADPAYFrom Number Non-current trade payables (from)
opts.lTTRADPAYTo Number Non-current trade payables (to)
opts.lTLPAYABLEFrom Number Other non-current payables (from)
opts.lTLPAYABLETo Number Other non-current payables (to)
opts.lTLDEFERREDFrom Number Deferred revenue, accrued expenses and other deferred non-current liabilities (from)
opts.lTLDEFERREDTo Number Deferred revenue, accrued expenses and other deferred non-current liabilities (to)
opts.lTLPROVISIONFrom Number Provisions for other liabilities and charges (from)
opts.lTLPROVISIONTo Number Provisions for other liabilities and charges (to)
opts.oTLONGLIAFrom Number Other non-current liabilities (from)
opts.oTLONGLIATo Number Other non-current liabilities (to)
opts.cLFrom Number Current Liabilities (from)
opts.cLTo Number Current Liabilities (to)
opts.cLDEFERRTAXFrom Number Deferred income tax liabilities (from)
opts.cLDEFERRTAXTo Number Deferred income tax liabilities (to)
opts.sLOANFrom Number Current loans and borrowings (from)
opts.sLOANTo Number Current loans and borrowings (to)
opts.cLDERIVAFrom Number Current derivative financial instruments (from)
opts.cLDERIVATo Number Current derivative financial instruments (to)
opts.cLOTHFrom Number Other current financial liabilities (from)
opts.cLOTHTo Number Other current financial liabilities (to)
opts.tRCREDITFrom Number Trade and other payables (from)
opts.tRCREDITTo Number Trade and other payables (to)
opts.tRCREDITTRADEFrom Number Current trade payables (from)
opts.tRCREDITTRADETo Number Current trade payables (to)
opts.tRCREDITRELATEDFrom Number Payables due to related parties (from)
opts.tRCREDITRELATEDTo Number Payables due to related parties (to)
opts.tRCREDITOTHFrom Number Other current payables (from)
opts.tRCREDITOTHTo Number Other current payables (to)
opts.aCCRULFrom Number Deferred revenue, accrued expenses and other deferred current liabilities (from)
opts.aCCRULTo Number Deferred revenue, accrued expenses and other deferred current liabilities (to)
opts.pROVISFrom Number Provisions for other liabilities and charges (from)
opts.pROVISTo Number Provisions for other liabilities and charges (to)
opts.oTHLIABFrom Number Other current liabilities (from)
opts.oTHLIABTo Number Other current liabilities (to)
opts.cLTAXFrom Number Current income tax liabilities (from)
opts.cLTAXTo Number Current income tax liabilities (to)
opts.cLHELDFORSALEFrom Number Liabilities of disposal group classified as held for sale (from)
opts.cLHELDFORSALETo Number Liabilities of disposal group classified as held for sale (to)
opts.tRFrom Number Total operating revenue (from)
opts.tRTo Number Total operating revenue (to)
opts.nSFrom Number Net sales revenue (from)
opts.nSTo Number Net sales revenue (to)
opts.eXPORTFrom Number Net Export Sales Revenue (from)
opts.eXPORTTo Number Net Export Sales Revenue (to)
opts.dOMESTICFrom Number Net Domestic Sales Revenue (from)
opts.dOMESTICTo Number Net Domestic Sales Revenue (to)
opts.cOGSFrom Number Cost of Goods Sold (from)
opts.cOGSTo Number Cost of Goods Sold (to)
opts.gROSSPROFFrom Number Gross profit (from)
opts.gROSSPROFTo Number Gross profit (to)
opts.eXPSELLINGFrom Number Selling and distribution expenses (from)
opts.eXPSELLINGTo Number Selling and distribution expenses (to)
opts.eXPADMINFrom Number Administrative expenses (from)
opts.eXPADMINTo Number Administrative expenses (to)
opts.eXPCHNGINVENTFrom Number Changes in inventories of finished goods and work in progress (from)
opts.eXPCHNGINVENTTo Number Changes in inventories of finished goods and work in progress (to)
opts.eXPWORKCAPITALIZEDFrom Number Work performed and capitalized (from)
opts.eXPWORKCAPITALIZEDTo Number Work performed and capitalized (to)
opts.mATERIALFrom Number Raw materials and consumables used (from)
opts.mATERIALTo Number Raw materials and consumables used (to)
opts.pERSONFrom Number Employee benefit expense (from)
opts.pERSONTo Number Employee benefit expense (to)
opts.pERSONWAGEFrom Number Wages and salaries (from)
opts.pERSONWAGETo Number Wages and salaries (to)
opts.pERSONSOCIALFrom Number Social security costs (from)
opts.pERSONSOCIALTo Number Social security costs (to)
opts.pERSONOTHFrom Number Other employee benefit expense (from)
opts.pERSONOTHTo Number Other employee benefit expense (to)
opts.eXPTRANSPFrom Number Transportation costs (from)
opts.eXPTRANSPTo Number Transportation costs (to)
opts.eXPITEXPFrom Number IT expenses (from)
opts.eXPITEXPTo Number IT expenses (to)
opts.eXPADVERTFrom Number Advertising costs (from)
opts.eXPADVERTTo Number Advertising costs (to)
opts.eXPTAXCONTRFrom Number Tax and contributions (from)
opts.eXPTAXCONTRTo Number Tax and contributions (to)
opts.eXPRDCOSTFrom Number R&D costs (from)
opts.eXPRDCOSTTo Number R&D costs (to)
opts.eXPOTHBYNATFrom Number Other costs by nature (from)
opts.eXPOTHBYNATTo Number Other costs by nature (to)
opts.dEPRICFrom Number Depreciation, amortization and impairment charges (from)
opts.dEPRICTo Number Depreciation, amortization and impairment charges (to)
opts.oTHEOPNETFrom Number Net - Other operating result (from)
opts.oTHEOPNETTo Number Net - Other operating result (to)
opts.oREVFrom Number Other operating income (from)
opts.oREVTo Number Other operating income (to)
opts.oTHCOSTFrom Number Other operating expenses (from)
opts.oTHCOSTTo Number Other operating expenses (to)
opts.oTHNETFrom Number Other Net Operating Results (from)
opts.oTHNETTo Number Other Net Operating Results (to)
opts.oPFrom Number Operating profit/loss (EBIT) (from)
opts.oPTo Number Operating profit/loss (EBIT) (to)
opts.eBITDAGLOBFrom Number EBITDA (from)
opts.eBITDAGLOBTo Number EBITDA (to)
opts.fINRESULTFrom Number Financial result (from)
opts.fINRESULTTo Number Financial result (to)
opts.fINRESULTINFrom Number Finance income (from)
opts.fINRESULTINTo Number Finance income (to)
opts.fINRESULTININTERESTFrom Number Interest income (from)
opts.fINRESULTININTERESTTo Number Interest income (to)
opts.fINRESULTINDIVFrom Number Dividend income (from)
opts.fINRESULTINDIVTo Number Dividend income (to)
opts.fINRESULTINFOREXFrom Number Foreign exchange gain (from)
opts.fINRESULTINFOREXTo Number Foreign exchange gain (to)
opts.fINRESULTINOTHFrom Number Other financial income (from)
opts.fINRESULTINOTHTo Number Other financial income (to)
opts.fINRESULTCOSTFrom Number Finance expenses (from)
opts.fINRESULTCOSTTo Number Finance expenses (to)
opts.fINRESULTCOSTINTFrom Number Interest expense (from)
opts.fINRESULTCOSTINTTo Number Interest expense (to)
opts.fINRESULTCOSTFOREXFrom Number Foreign exchange loss (from)
opts.fINRESULTCOSTFOREXTo Number Foreign exchange loss (to)
opts.fINRESULTCOSTOTHFrom Number Other financial expenses (from)
opts.fINRESULTCOSTOTHTo Number Other financial expenses (to)
opts.fINRESULTSHAREFrom Number Share of profit (loss) of associates (from)
opts.fINRESULTSHARETo Number Share of profit (loss) of associates (to)
opts.oTHNETREFrom Number Net - other non-operating result (from)
opts.oTHNETRETo Number Net - other non-operating result (to)
opts.oTHINCOMEFrom Number Other income (from)
opts.oTHINCOMETo Number Other income (to)
opts.oTHCOSTSFrom Number Other expenses (from)
opts.oTHCOSTSTo Number Other expenses (to)
opts.eXTRESULTFrom Number Extraordinary Non-Operating Items (from)
opts.eXTRESULTTo Number Extraordinary Non-Operating Items (to)
opts.pRETAXFrom Number Profit before income tax (from)
opts.pRETAXTo Number Profit before income tax (to)
opts.tAXFrom Number Income tax (from)
opts.tAXTo Number Income tax (to)
opts.tAXDUEFrom Number Tax difference due to consolidation (from)
opts.tAXDUETo Number Tax difference due to consolidation (to)
opts.aFTERTAXFrom Number Profit (Loss) from continuing operations (from)
opts.aFTERTAXTo Number Profit (Loss) from continuing operations (to)
opts.aFTERTAXDISCFrom Number Profit (Loss) from discontinued operations (from)
opts.aFTERTAXDISCTo Number Profit (Loss) from discontinued operations (to)
opts.oEXTIFrom Number Other Extraordinary Items (from)
opts.oEXTITo Number Other Extraordinary Items (to)
opts.nPFrom Number NET PROFIT/LOSS FOR THE PERIOD (from)
opts.nPTOOWNFrom Number Profit (loss) attributable to Owners (from)
opts.nPTOOWNTo Number Profit (loss) attributable to Owners (to)
opts.nPMINTFrom Number Profit (loss) attributable to Minority Interests (from)
opts.nPMINTTo Number Profit (loss) attributable to Minority Interests (to)
opts.cOMPREHENSOTHFrom Number Other comprehensive result for the period, net of tax (from)
opts.cOMPREHENSOTHTo Number Other comprehensive result for the period, net of tax (to)
opts.cOEXCDIFFrom Number Results from exchange differences on translation (from)
opts.cOEXCDIFTo Number Results from exchange differences on translation (to)
opts.cOINVEQFrom Number Results from investments in equity (from)
opts.cOINVEQTo Number Results from investments in equity (to)
opts.cOMSAFIFrom Number Results from available-for-sale financial assets (from)
opts.cOMSAFITo Number Results from available-for-sale financial assets (to)
opts.cOMHEDFrom Number Results from cash flow hedges (from)
opts.cOMHEDTo Number Results from cash flow hedges (to)
opts.cOMBENFrom Number Remeasurements of defined benefit plans (from)
opts.cOMBENTo Number Remeasurements of defined benefit plans (to)
opts.cOMREVFFrom Number Results from Revaluation of fixed assets (from)
opts.cOMREVFTo Number Results from Revaluation of fixed assets (to)
opts.cOMFINAFrom Number Revaluation of financial instruments (from)
opts.cOMFINATo Number Revaluation of financial instruments (to)
opts.cOMJOINFrom Number Share of other results from associates and joint ventures (from)
opts.cOMJOINTo Number Share of other results from associates and joint ventures (to)
opts.cOMOTHFrom Number Other comprehensive Results (from)
opts.cOMOTHTo Number Other comprehensive Results (to)
opts.cOMINTAXFrom Number Income tax relating to components comprehensive results (from)
opts.cOMINTAXTo Number Income tax relating to components comprehensive results (to)
opts.aFTERTAXTOTALFrom Number Comprehensive Income (from)
opts.aFTERTAXTOTALTo Number Comprehensive Income (to)
opts.cOMTOOWNFrom Number Comprehensive Income attributable to Owers (from)
opts.cOMTOOWNTo Number Comprehensive Income attributable to Owers (to)
opts.oUTSIDEFrom Number Comprehensive Income attributable to Minority Interests (from)
opts.oUTSIDETo Number Comprehensive Income attributable to Minority Interests (to)
opts.cFNCFOPERATINGFrom Number Net cash flow from (used in) operating activities (from)
opts.cFNCFOPERATINGTo Number Net cash flow from (used in) operating activities (to)
opts.cFPROFITOFYEARFrom Number Net Profit (from)
opts.cFPROFITOFYEARTo Number Net Profit (to)
opts.cFCASHFrom Number Cash generated from operations (from)
opts.cFCASHTo Number Cash generated from operations (to)
opts.cFADJTANGFrom Number Depreciation and impairment of property, plant and equipment (from)
opts.cFADJTANGTo Number Depreciation and impairment of property, plant and equipment (to)
opts.cFADJINTANFrom Number Adjustments for: Amortization of intangible assets (from)
opts.cFADJINTANTo Number Adjustments for: Amortization of intangible assets (to)
opts.cFADJIMPTANKFrom Number Adjustments for: Impairment losses on property, plant and equipment (from)
opts.cFADJIMPTANKTo Number Adjustments for: Impairment losses on property, plant and equipment (to)
opts.cFADJIMPINTANFrom Number Adjustments for: Impairment loss on intangible assets (from)
opts.cFADJIMPINTANTo Number Adjustments for: Impairment loss on intangible assets (to)
opts.cFADJIMPRECFrom Number Adjustments for: Impairment loss on trade receivables (from)
opts.cFADJIMPRECTo Number Adjustments for: Impairment loss on trade receivables (to)
opts.cFADJFINRESULTINFrom Number Adjustments for: Finance income (from)
opts.cFADJFINRESULTINTo Number Adjustments for: Finance income (to)
opts.cFADJFINRESULTCOSTFrom Number Adjustments for: Finance expenses (from)
opts.cFADJFINRESULTCOSTTo Number Adjustments for: Finance expenses (to)
opts.cFADJGAINPROPFrom Number Adjustments for: Gain on sale of property, plant and equipment (from)
opts.cFADJGAINPROPTo Number Adjustments for: Gain on sale of property, plant and equipment (to)
opts.cFADJDISCONTOPFrom Number Adjustments for: Gain on sale of discontinued operations (from)
opts.cFADJDISCONTOPTo Number Adjustments for: Gain on sale of discontinued operations (to)
opts.cFADJOTHADJFrom Number Adjustments for: Other adjustments (from)
opts.cFADJOTHADJTo Number Adjustments for: Other adjustments (to)
opts.cFCHNGINVFrom Number Changes in: Inventories (from)
opts.cFCHNGINVTo Number Changes in: Inventories (to)
opts.cFCHNGBIOLOGFrom Number Changes in: Current biological assets due to sales (from)
opts.cFCHNGBIOLOGTo Number Changes in: Current biological assets due to sales (to)
opts.cFCHNGTRADEFrom Number Changes in: Trade and other receivables (from)
opts.cFCHNGTRADETo Number Changes in: Trade and other receivables (to)
opts.cFCHNGPREPFrom Number Changes in: Prepayments (from)
opts.cFCHNGPREPTo Number Changes in: Prepayments (to)
opts.cFCHNGRECFrom Number Changes in: Trade and other payables (from)
opts.cFCHNGRECTo Number Changes in: Trade and other payables (to)
opts.cFCHNGPROVFrom Number Changes in: Provisions and employee benefits (from)
opts.cFCHNGPROVTo Number Changes in: Provisions and employee benefits (to)
opts.cFCHNGDEFERREDFrom Number Changes in: Deferred income (from)
opts.cFCHNGDEFERREDTo Number Changes in: Deferred income (to)
opts.cFCHNGOTHFrom Number Changes in: Other changes (from)
opts.cFCHNGOTHTo Number Changes in: Other changes (to)
opts.cFINCOMETAXFrom Number Income tax paid (from)
opts.cFINCOMETAXTo Number Income tax paid (to)
opts.cFOTHOPCFFrom Number Other operating activity cash flows (from)
opts.cFOTHOPCFTo Number Other operating activity cash flows (to)
opts.cFNCFINVESTFrom Number Net cash flow from (used in) investing activities (from)
opts.cFNCFINVESTTo Number Net cash flow from (used in) investing activities (to)
opts.cFINVESTSALEPROPFrom Number Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment (from)
opts.cFINVESTSALEPROPTo Number Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment (to)
opts.cFINVESTPROPFrom Number Purchase of property, plant and equipment (from)
opts.cFINVESTPROPTo Number Purchase of property, plant and equipment (to)
opts.cFINVESTNTANGFrom Number Purchase of intangible assets (from)
opts.cFINVESTNTANGTo Number Purchase of intangible assets (to)
opts.cFINVESTINVPROPFrom Number Purchase of investment properties (from)
opts.cFINVESTINVPROPTo Number Purchase of investment properties (to)
opts.cFINVESTFININSTFrom Number Purchase of financial instruments (from)
opts.cFINVESTFININSTTo Number Purchase of financial instruments (to)
opts.cFINVESTSALEFININSTFrom Number Proceeds from sale of financial instruments (from)
opts.cFINVESTSALEFININSTTo Number Proceeds from sale of financial instruments (to)
opts.cFINVESTDEVEXPFrom Number Development expenditures (from)
opts.cFINVESTDEVEXPTo Number Development expenditures (to)
opts.cFINVESTACQUIREFrom Number Acquisition of subsidiary (from)
opts.cFINVESTACQUIRETo Number Acquisition of subsidiary (to)
opts.cFINVESTINTRECFrom Number Interest received (from)
opts.cFINVESTINTRECTo Number Interest received (to)
opts.cFINVESTDIVIDRECFrom Number Dividends received (from)
opts.cFINVESTDIVIDRECTo Number Dividends received (to)
opts.cFINVESTOTHINVESTFrom Number Other investing activity cash flows (from)
opts.cFINVESTOTHINVESTTo Number Other investing activity cash flows (to)
opts.cFNCFFINANCEFrom Number Net cash flow from (used in) financing activities (from)
opts.cFNCFFINANCETo Number Net cash flow from (used in) financing activities (to)
opts.cFFINORDINARFrom Number Proceeds from issuance of ordinary shares (from)
opts.cFFINORDINARTo Number Proceeds from issuance of ordinary shares (to)
opts.cFFINOTHEQUITYFrom Number Proceeds from issuance of other equity instruments (from)
opts.cFFINOTHEQUITYTo Number Proceeds from issuance of other equity instruments (to)
opts.cFFINTREASURYFrom Number Purchase of treasury shares (from)
opts.cFFINTREASURYTo Number Purchase of treasury shares (to)
opts.cFFINSALEOWNFrom Number Proceeds from sale of own shares (from)
opts.cFFINSALEOWNTo Number Proceeds from sale of own shares (to)
opts.cFFINBORFrom Number Proceeds from borrowings (from)
opts.cFFINBORTo Number Proceeds from borrowings (to)
opts.cFFINREPAYBORFrom Number Repayment of borrowings (from)
opts.cFFINREPAYBORTo Number Repayment of borrowings (to)
opts.cFFINCOSTLOANFrom Number Payments of transaction costs related to loans and borrowings (from)
opts.cFFINCOSTLOANTo Number Payments of transaction costs related to loans and borrowings (to)
opts.cFFINPAYLEASEFrom Number Payments of finance lease liabilities (from)
opts.cFFINPAYLEASETo Number Payments of finance lease liabilities (to)
opts.cFFINPAIDINTFrom Number Interest paid (from)
opts.cFFINPAIDINTTo Number Interest paid (to)
opts.cFFINPAIDDIVFrom Number Dividends paid (from)
opts.cFFINPAIDDIVTo Number Dividends paid (to)
opts.cFFINOTHFINACTFrom Number Other financing activity cash flow (from)
opts.cFFINOTHFINACTTo Number Other financing activity cash flow (to)
opts.cFNETINCREASECASHFrom Number Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (from)
opts.cFNETINCREASECASHTo Number Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (to)
opts.cFCASHBEGINFrom Number Cash at the beginning of the period (from)
opts.cFCASHBEGINTo Number Cash at the beginning of the period (to)
opts.cFCASHFOREXFrom Number Exchange gains (losses) on cash and cash equivalents (from)
opts.cFCASHFOREXTo Number Exchange gains (losses) on cash and cash equivalents (to)
opts.cFCASHENDFrom Number Cash at the end of the period (from)
opts.cFCASHENDTo Number Cash at the end of the period (to)
opts.cFFCFFrom Number Free cash flow (from)
opts.cFFCFTo Number Free cash flow (to)
opts.cFCAPEXFrom Number CAPEX (from)
opts.cFCAPEXTo Number CAPEX (to)
opts.mINFrom Number Lower Limit of Revenue Range (from)
opts.mINTo Number Lower Limit of Revenue Range (to)
opts.mAXFrom Number Upper Limit of Revenue Range (from)
opts.mAXTo Number Upper Limit of Revenue Range (to)

companiesNonFinancialGet(token, opts)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\SearchCompanyResponse

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.country Array.<String> Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.companyType Array.<String> Company types separated by commas
opts.importCountries Array.<String> Import country codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.exportCountries Array.<String> Export country codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.updatedFrom String Date since last update took place (from)
opts.updatedTo String Date since last update took place (to)
opts.statementsUpdatedFrom String Financial statements filter updated (from)
opts.statementsUpdatedTo String Financial statements filter updated (to)
opts.mainIndustry Array.<String> Main activities separated by commas
opts.currency String Currency code
opts.secondaryIndustry Array.<String> Secondary activities separated by commas
opts.operationalStatus Array.<String> Operational statuses separated by commas
opts.numberOfEmployeesFrom Number Number of employees (from)
opts.numberOfEmployeesTo Number Number of employees (to)
opts.legalForm Array.<String> Legal Form codes separated by commas
opts.localLegalForm Array.<String> Local legal form codes separated by commas
opts.region String Region name in English language
opts.city String City name in English language
opts.companyName Array.<String> Company name
opts.keyExecutives Array.<String> Key executives
opts.shareholders Array.<String> Key shareholders
opts.subsidiaries Array.<String> Key subsidiaries
opts.financialAuditors Array.<String> Key financial auditors
opts.businessDescription Array.<String> Key business description
opts.products Array.<String> Key products
opts.uboName Array.<String> Beneficial Owner's Name Keyword
opts.keywords Array.<String> Keywords
opts.year Number Year of financial statement
opts.period String Financial period
opts.statementType String Statement type
opts.order String Sort order field. Possible values are name, revenue, revenue_growth, assets, profit, equity, relevance. By default this parameter sorts ascending. For descending order use the colon sign and \"desc\". For example: order=revenue:desc
opts.localization Boolean Localization (default to false)
opts.uboCitizenship String Beneficial owner's citizenship
opts.uboBirthDate String Beneficial owner's date of birth in the format \"dd-mm-yyyy\"
opts.onlyWithOfficialFinancials Boolean CompanyAndStatementsOnlyWithOfficialFinancials_Parameter
opts.ownerCountries Array.<String> Owner Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.affiliateCountries Array.<String> Affiliate Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.limit Number The max number of the items to retrieve
opts.offset Number The number of the starting item
opts.cursor String The ID of the item under which the cursor is
opts.format String Response format - json/xml
opts.tSFrom Number Total Assets (from)
opts.tSTo Number Total Assets (to)
opts.fAFrom Number Non-current assets (from)
opts.fATo Number Non-current assets (to)
opts.tANGFrom Number Property, plant and equipment (from)
opts.tANGTo Number Property, plant and equipment (to)
opts.tANGLANDFrom Number Land and buildings (from)
opts.tANGLANDTo Number Land and buildings (to)
opts.tANGVECHFrom Number Vehicles and machinery (from)
opts.tANGVECHTo Number Vehicles and machinery (to)
opts.tANGFIXTFrom Number Fixtures and fittings (from)
opts.tANGFIXTTo Number Fixtures and fittings (to)
opts.tANGOTHERFrom Number Other property, plant and equipment (from)
opts.tANGOTHERTo Number Other property, plant and equipment (to)
opts.iNPROGRFrom Number Construction in progress (from)
opts.iNPROGRTo Number Construction in progress (to)
opts.iNTFrom Number Intangible assets and goodwill (from)
opts.iNTTo Number Intangible assets and goodwill (to)
opts.iNTGOODWFrom Number Goodwill (from)
opts.iNTGOODWTo Number Goodwill (to)
opts.iNTTRADMFrom Number Trademarks and licenses (from)
opts.iNTTRADMTo Number Trademarks and licenses (to)
opts.iNTDEVCOSTFrom Number Development costs (from)
opts.iNTDEVCOSTTo Number Development costs (to)
opts.iNTOWNSOFTFrom Number Own developed computer software (from)
opts.iNTOWNSOFTTo Number Own developed computer software (to)
opts.iNTOTHFrom Number Other intangible assets (from)
opts.iNTOTHTo Number Other intangible assets (to)
opts.nCBIOFrom Number Non-current biological assets (from)
opts.nCBIOTo Number Non-current biological assets (to)
opts.nCRECFrom Number Non-current Trade and other receivables (from)
opts.nCRECTo Number Non-current Trade and other receivables (to)
opts.nCRECTRADEFrom Number Non-current trade receivables (from)
opts.nCRECTRADETo Number Non-current trade receivables (to)
opts.nCRECRELATFrom Number Receivables from related parties (from)
opts.nCRECRELATTo Number Receivables from related parties (to)
opts.nCRECOTHERFrom Number Other non-current receivables (from)
opts.nCRECOTHERTo Number Other non-current receivables (to)
opts.nCRECDOUBTFrom Number Doubtful receivables (from)
opts.nCRECDOUBTTo Number Doubtful receivables (to)
opts.fINVESTFrom Number Long-term financial assets (from)
opts.fINVESTTo Number Long-term financial assets (to)
opts.fINVESTPROPFrom Number Investment properties (from)
opts.fINVESTPROPTo Number Investment properties (to)
opts.fINVESTSUBSFrom Number Investments in subsidiaries (from)
opts.fINVESTSUBSTo Number Investments in subsidiaries (to)
opts.fINVESTASSOCFrom Number Investments in associates (from)
opts.fINVESTASSOCTo Number Investments in associates (to)
opts.fINVESTFORSALEFrom Number Available-for-sale financial assets (LT) (from)
opts.fINVESTFORSALETo Number Available-for-sale financial assets (LT) (to)
opts.fINVESTDERIVFrom Number Derivative financial instruments (from)
opts.fINVESTDERIVTo Number Derivative financial instruments (to)
opts.fINVESTFAIRVALUEFrom Number Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (from)
opts.fINVESTFAIRVALUETo Number Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (to)
opts.fINVESTHELDMATFrom Number Financial assets held-to-maturity (from)
opts.fINVESTHELDMATTo Number Financial assets held-to-maturity (to)
opts.fINVESTOTHFrom Number Other non-current financial assets (from)
opts.fINVESTOTHTo Number Other non-current financial assets (to)
opts.nCDEFFEREDFrom Number Deferred assets (from)
opts.nCDEFFEREDTo Number Deferred assets (to)
opts.nCDEFFEREDTAXFrom Number Non-current deferred tax assets (from)
opts.nCDEFFEREDTAXTo Number Non-current deferred tax assets (to)
opts.nCDEFFEREDOTHERFrom Number Other non-current deferred assets (from)
opts.nCDEFFEREDOTHERTo Number Other non-current deferred assets (to)
opts.oTHFIXFrom Number Other non-current assets (from)
opts.oTHFIXTo Number Other non-current assets (to)
opts.cAFrom Number Current Assets (from)
opts.cATo Number Current Assets (to)
opts.iNVFrom Number Inventories (from)
opts.iNVTo Number Inventories (to)
opts.iNVRAWFrom Number Raw materials (from)
opts.iNVRAWTo Number Raw materials (to)
opts.iNVWIPFrom Number Work in progress (from)
opts.iNVWIPTo Number Work in progress (to)
opts.iNVFINISHEDFrom Number Finished goods (from)
opts.iNVFINISHEDTo Number Finished goods (to)
opts.iNVOTHFrom Number Other inventories (from)
opts.iNVOTHTo Number Other inventories (to)
opts.cBIOFrom Number Current biological assets (from)
opts.cBIOTo Number Current biological assets (to)
opts.rECFrom Number Trade and other receivables (from)
opts.rECTo Number Trade and other receivables (to)
opts.rECTRADEFrom Number Current trade receivables (from)
opts.rECTRADETo Number Current trade receivables (to)
opts.rECRELATEDFrom Number Receivables from related parties (from)
opts.rECRELATEDTo Number Receivables from related parties (to)
opts.rECOTHERFrom Number Other current receivables (from)
opts.rECOTHERTo Number Other current receivables (to)
opts.rECDOUBTFrom Number Doubtful receivables (from)
opts.rECDOUBTTo Number Doubtful receivables (to)
opts.rECTAXFrom Number Tax receivables (from)
opts.rECTAXTo Number Tax receivables (to)
opts.aCCRUEFrom Number Prepayments, accrued income and other deferred current assets (from)
opts.aCCRUETo Number Prepayments, accrued income and other deferred current assets (to)
opts.sECFrom Number Short term Financial assets (from)
opts.sECTo Number Short term Financial assets (to)
opts.sECFORSALEFrom Number Available-for-sale financial assets (ST) (from)
opts.sECFORSALETo Number Available-for-sale financial assets (ST) (to)
opts.sECDERIVATFrom Number Derivative financial instruments (from)
opts.sECDERIVATTo Number Derivative financial instruments (to)
opts.sECFAIRVALUEFrom Number Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (from)
opts.sECFAIRVALUETo Number Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (to)
opts.sECHELDMATFrom Number Financial assets held-to-maturity (from)
opts.sECHELDMATTo Number Financial assets held-to-maturity (to)
opts.sECOTHFrom Number Other current financial assets (from)
opts.sECOTHTo Number Other current financial assets (to)
opts.cEFrom Number Cash and cash equivalents (from)
opts.cETo Number Cash and cash equivalents (to)
opts.cECASHFrom Number Cash at banks and on hand (from)
opts.cECASHTo Number Cash at banks and on hand (to)
opts.cEDEPOSITFrom Number Short-term deposits (from)
opts.cEDEPOSITTo Number Short-term deposits (to)
opts.oTHCURRFrom Number Other current assets (from)
opts.oTHCURRTo Number Other current assets (to)
opts.aSSETFORSALEFrom Number Assets of disposal group classified as held for sale (from)
opts.aSSETFORSALETo Number Assets of disposal group classified as held for sale (to)
opts.nAFrom Number Net current assets (from)
opts.nATo Number Net current assets (to)
opts.tLEFrom Number Total Equity and liabilities (from)
opts.tLETo Number Total Equity and liabilities (to)
opts.sEFrom Number Total equity (from)
opts.sETo Number Total equity (to)
opts.sEOWNFrom Number Equity attributable to owners of the parent (from)
opts.sEOWNTo Number Equity attributable to owners of the parent (to)
opts.iSSUEDFrom Number Issued capital (from)
opts.iSSUEDTo Number Issued capital (to)
opts.iSSUEDORDFrom Number Ordinary shares (from)
opts.iSSUEDORDTo Number Ordinary shares (to)
opts.iSSUEDPREFFrom Number Preferred shares (from)
opts.iSSUEDPREFTo Number Preferred shares (to)
opts.sEOWNPREMIUMFrom Number Share premium (from)
opts.sEOWNPREMIUMTo Number Share premium (to)
opts.sEOWNTREASURYFrom Number Treasury shares (from)
opts.sEOWNTREASURYTo Number Treasury shares (to)
opts.sEOWNREVALUATIONFrom Number Revaluation reserve (from)
opts.sEOWNREVALUATIONTo Number Revaluation reserve (to)
opts.sEOWNFOREIGNCURRFrom Number Foreign currency translation reserve (from)
opts.sEOWNFOREIGNCURRTo Number Foreign currency translation reserve (to)
opts.sEOWNCFHEDGEFrom Number Cashflow hedge reserve (from)
opts.sEOWNCFHEDGETo Number Cashflow hedge reserve (to)
opts.sEOWNHELDFORSALEFrom Number Reserves of a disposal group classified as held for sale (from)
opts.sEOWNHELDFORSALETo Number Reserves of a disposal group classified as held for sale (to)
opts.sEOWNOTHFrom Number Other reserves (from)
opts.sEOWNOTHTo Number Other reserves (to)
opts.pROFITRESERVFrom Number Retained earnings (from)
opts.pROFITRESERVTo Number Retained earnings (to)
opts.bSPROFITFrom Number Profit or loss for the period (from)
opts.bSPROFITTo Number Profit or loss for the period (to)
opts.sEOWNDUETOCONSFrom Number Changes due to consolidation (from)
opts.sEOWNDUETOCONSTo Number Changes due to consolidation (to)
opts.oTHEQFrom Number Other components of equity (from)
opts.oTHEQTo Number Other components of equity (to)
opts.sEMINFrom Number Minority interest (from)
opts.sEMINTo Number Minority interest (to)
opts.tLFrom Number Total Liabilities (from)
opts.tLTo Number Total Liabilities (to)
opts.lTLFrom Number Non-current liabilities (from)
opts.lTLTo Number Non-current liabilities (to)
opts.iNVDEVFrom Number Non-current loans and borrowings (from)
opts.iNVDEVTo Number Non-current loans and borrowings (to)
opts.lTLDERIVAFrom Number Non-current derivative financial instruments (from)
opts.lTLDERIVATo Number Non-current derivative financial instruments (to)
opts.lTLOTHFrom Number Other non-current financial liabilities (from)
opts.lTLOTHTo Number Other non-current financial liabilities (to)
opts.bONDDEBTFrom Number Debts on issue of bonds (from)
opts.bONDDEBTTo Number Debts on issue of bonds (to)
opts.lTTRADPAYFrom Number Non-current trade payables (from)
opts.lTTRADPAYTo Number Non-current trade payables (to)
opts.lTLPAYABLEFrom Number Other non-current payables (from)
opts.lTLPAYABLETo Number Other non-current payables (to)
opts.lTLDEFERREDFrom Number Deferred revenue, accrued expenses and other deferred non-current liabilities (from)
opts.lTLDEFERREDTo Number Deferred revenue, accrued expenses and other deferred non-current liabilities (to)
opts.lTLPROVISIONFrom Number Provisions for other liabilities and charges (from)
opts.lTLPROVISIONTo Number Provisions for other liabilities and charges (to)
opts.oTLONGLIAFrom Number Other non-current liabilities (from)
opts.oTLONGLIATo Number Other non-current liabilities (to)
opts.cLFrom Number Current Liabilities (from)
opts.cLTo Number Current Liabilities (to)
opts.cLDEFERRTAXFrom Number Deferred income tax liabilities (from)
opts.cLDEFERRTAXTo Number Deferred income tax liabilities (to)
opts.sLOANFrom Number Current loans and borrowings (from)
opts.sLOANTo Number Current loans and borrowings (to)
opts.cLDERIVAFrom Number Current derivative financial instruments (from)
opts.cLDERIVATo Number Current derivative financial instruments (to)
opts.cLOTHFrom Number Other current financial liabilities (from)
opts.cLOTHTo Number Other current financial liabilities (to)
opts.tRCREDITFrom Number Trade and other payables (from)
opts.tRCREDITTo Number Trade and other payables (to)
opts.tRCREDITTRADEFrom Number Current trade payables (from)
opts.tRCREDITTRADETo Number Current trade payables (to)
opts.tRCREDITRELATEDFrom Number Payables due to related parties (from)
opts.tRCREDITRELATEDTo Number Payables due to related parties (to)
opts.tRCREDITOTHFrom Number Other current payables (from)
opts.tRCREDITOTHTo Number Other current payables (to)
opts.aCCRULFrom Number Deferred revenue, accrued expenses and other deferred current liabilities (from)
opts.aCCRULTo Number Deferred revenue, accrued expenses and other deferred current liabilities (to)
opts.pROVISFrom Number Provisions for other liabilities and charges (from)
opts.pROVISTo Number Provisions for other liabilities and charges (to)
opts.oTHLIABFrom Number Other current liabilities (from)
opts.oTHLIABTo Number Other current liabilities (to)
opts.cLTAXFrom Number Current income tax liabilities (from)
opts.cLTAXTo Number Current income tax liabilities (to)
opts.cLHELDFORSALEFrom Number Liabilities of disposal group classified as held for sale (from)
opts.cLHELDFORSALETo Number Liabilities of disposal group classified as held for sale (to)
opts.tRFrom Number Total operating revenue (from)
opts.tRTo Number Total operating revenue (to)
opts.nSFrom Number Net sales revenue (from)
opts.nSTo Number Net sales revenue (to)
opts.eXPORTFrom Number Net Export Sales Revenue (from)
opts.eXPORTTo Number Net Export Sales Revenue (to)
opts.dOMESTICFrom Number Net Domestic Sales Revenue (from)
opts.dOMESTICTo Number Net Domestic Sales Revenue (to)
opts.cOGSFrom Number Cost of Goods Sold (from)
opts.cOGSTo Number Cost of Goods Sold (to)
opts.gROSSPROFFrom Number Gross profit (from)
opts.gROSSPROFTo Number Gross profit (to)
opts.eXPSELLINGFrom Number Selling and distribution expenses (from)
opts.eXPSELLINGTo Number Selling and distribution expenses (to)
opts.eXPADMINFrom Number Administrative expenses (from)
opts.eXPADMINTo Number Administrative expenses (to)
opts.eXPCHNGINVENTFrom Number Changes in inventories of finished goods and work in progress (from)
opts.eXPCHNGINVENTTo Number Changes in inventories of finished goods and work in progress (to)
opts.eXPWORKCAPITALIZEDFrom Number Work performed and capitalized (from)
opts.eXPWORKCAPITALIZEDTo Number Work performed and capitalized (to)
opts.mATERIALFrom Number Raw materials and consumables used (from)
opts.mATERIALTo Number Raw materials and consumables used (to)
opts.pERSONFrom Number Employee benefit expense (from)
opts.pERSONTo Number Employee benefit expense (to)
opts.pERSONWAGEFrom Number Wages and salaries (from)
opts.pERSONWAGETo Number Wages and salaries (to)
opts.pERSONSOCIALFrom Number Social security costs (from)
opts.pERSONSOCIALTo Number Social security costs (to)
opts.pERSONOTHFrom Number Other employee benefit expense (from)
opts.pERSONOTHTo Number Other employee benefit expense (to)
opts.eXPTRANSPFrom Number Transportation costs (from)
opts.eXPTRANSPTo Number Transportation costs (to)
opts.eXPITEXPFrom Number IT expenses (from)
opts.eXPITEXPTo Number IT expenses (to)
opts.eXPADVERTFrom Number Advertising costs (from)
opts.eXPADVERTTo Number Advertising costs (to)
opts.eXPTAXCONTRFrom Number Tax and contributions (from)
opts.eXPTAXCONTRTo Number Tax and contributions (to)
opts.eXPRDCOSTFrom Number R&D costs (from)
opts.eXPRDCOSTTo Number R&D costs (to)
opts.eXPOTHBYNATFrom Number Other costs by nature (from)
opts.eXPOTHBYNATTo Number Other costs by nature (to)
opts.dEPRICFrom Number Depreciation, amortization and impairment charges (from)
opts.dEPRICTo Number Depreciation, amortization and impairment charges (to)
opts.oTHEOPNETFrom Number Net - Other operating result (from)
opts.oTHEOPNETTo Number Net - Other operating result (to)
opts.oREVFrom Number Other operating income (from)
opts.oREVTo Number Other operating income (to)
opts.oTHCOSTFrom Number Other operating expenses (from)
opts.oTHCOSTTo Number Other operating expenses (to)
opts.oTHNETFrom Number Other Net Operating Results (from)
opts.oTHNETTo Number Other Net Operating Results (to)
opts.oPFrom Number Operating profit/loss (EBIT) (from)
opts.oPTo Number Operating profit/loss (EBIT) (to)
opts.eBITDAGLOBFrom Number EBITDA (from)
opts.eBITDAGLOBTo Number EBITDA (to)
opts.fINRESULTFrom Number Financial result (from)
opts.fINRESULTTo Number Financial result (to)
opts.fINRESULTINFrom Number Finance income (from)
opts.fINRESULTINTo Number Finance income (to)
opts.fINRESULTININTERESTFrom Number Interest income (from)
opts.fINRESULTININTERESTTo Number Interest income (to)
opts.fINRESULTINDIVFrom Number Dividend income (from)
opts.fINRESULTINDIVTo Number Dividend income (to)
opts.fINRESULTINFOREXFrom Number Foreign exchange gain (from)
opts.fINRESULTINFOREXTo Number Foreign exchange gain (to)
opts.fINRESULTINOTHFrom Number Other financial income (from)
opts.fINRESULTINOTHTo Number Other financial income (to)
opts.fINRESULTCOSTFrom Number Finance expenses (from)
opts.fINRESULTCOSTTo Number Finance expenses (to)
opts.fINRESULTCOSTINTFrom Number Interest expense (from)
opts.fINRESULTCOSTINTTo Number Interest expense (to)
opts.fINRESULTCOSTFOREXFrom Number Foreign exchange loss (from)
opts.fINRESULTCOSTFOREXTo Number Foreign exchange loss (to)
opts.fINRESULTCOSTOTHFrom Number Other financial expenses (from)
opts.fINRESULTCOSTOTHTo Number Other financial expenses (to)
opts.fINRESULTSHAREFrom Number Share of profit (loss) of associates (from)
opts.fINRESULTSHARETo Number Share of profit (loss) of associates (to)
opts.oTHNETREFrom Number Net - other non-operating result (from)
opts.oTHNETRETo Number Net - other non-operating result (to)
opts.oTHINCOMEFrom Number Other income (from)
opts.oTHINCOMETo Number Other income (to)
opts.oTHCOSTSFrom Number Other expenses (from)
opts.oTHCOSTSTo Number Other expenses (to)
opts.eXTRESULTFrom Number Extraordinary Non-Operating Items (from)
opts.eXTRESULTTo Number Extraordinary Non-Operating Items (to)
opts.pRETAXFrom Number Profit before income tax (from)
opts.pRETAXTo Number Profit before income tax (to)
opts.tAXFrom Number Income tax (from)
opts.tAXTo Number Income tax (to)
opts.tAXDUEFrom Number Tax difference due to consolidation (from)
opts.tAXDUETo Number Tax difference due to consolidation (to)
opts.aFTERTAXFrom Number Profit (Loss) from continuing operations (from)
opts.aFTERTAXTo Number Profit (Loss) from continuing operations (to)
opts.aFTERTAXDISCFrom Number Profit (Loss) from discontinued operations (from)
opts.aFTERTAXDISCTo Number Profit (Loss) from discontinued operations (to)
opts.oEXTIFrom Number Other Extraordinary Items (from)
opts.oEXTITo Number Other Extraordinary Items (to)
opts.nPFrom Number NET PROFIT/LOSS FOR THE PERIOD (from)
opts.nPTOOWNFrom Number Profit (loss) attributable to Owners (from)
opts.nPTOOWNTo Number Profit (loss) attributable to Owners (to)
opts.nPMINTFrom Number Profit (loss) attributable to Minority Interests (from)
opts.nPMINTTo Number Profit (loss) attributable to Minority Interests (to)
opts.cOMPREHENSOTHFrom Number Other comprehensive result for the period, net of tax (from)
opts.cOMPREHENSOTHTo Number Other comprehensive result for the period, net of tax (to)
opts.cOEXCDIFFrom Number Results from exchange differences on translation (from)
opts.cOEXCDIFTo Number Results from exchange differences on translation (to)
opts.cOINVEQFrom Number Results from investments in equity (from)
opts.cOINVEQTo Number Results from investments in equity (to)
opts.cOMSAFIFrom Number Results from available-for-sale financial assets (from)
opts.cOMSAFITo Number Results from available-for-sale financial assets (to)
opts.cOMHEDFrom Number Results from cash flow hedges (from)
opts.cOMHEDTo Number Results from cash flow hedges (to)
opts.cOMBENFrom Number Remeasurements of defined benefit plans (from)
opts.cOMBENTo Number Remeasurements of defined benefit plans (to)
opts.cOMREVFFrom Number Results from Revaluation of fixed assets (from)
opts.cOMREVFTo Number Results from Revaluation of fixed assets (to)
opts.cOMFINAFrom Number Revaluation of financial instruments (from)
opts.cOMFINATo Number Revaluation of financial instruments (to)
opts.cOMJOINFrom Number Share of other results from associates and joint ventures (from)
opts.cOMJOINTo Number Share of other results from associates and joint ventures (to)
opts.cOMOTHFrom Number Other comprehensive Results (from)
opts.cOMOTHTo Number Other comprehensive Results (to)
opts.cOMINTAXFrom Number Income tax relating to components comprehensive results (from)
opts.cOMINTAXTo Number Income tax relating to components comprehensive results (to)
opts.aFTERTAXTOTALFrom Number Comprehensive Income (from)
opts.aFTERTAXTOTALTo Number Comprehensive Income (to)
opts.cOMTOOWNFrom Number Comprehensive Income attributable to Owers (from)
opts.cOMTOOWNTo Number Comprehensive Income attributable to Owers (to)
opts.oUTSIDEFrom Number Comprehensive Income attributable to Minority Interests (from)
opts.oUTSIDETo Number Comprehensive Income attributable to Minority Interests (to)
opts.cFNCFOPERATINGFrom Number Net cash flow from (used in) operating activities (from)
opts.cFNCFOPERATINGTo Number Net cash flow from (used in) operating activities (to)
opts.cFPROFITOFYEARFrom Number Net Profit (from)
opts.cFPROFITOFYEARTo Number Net Profit (to)
opts.cFCASHFrom Number Cash generated from operations (from)
opts.cFCASHTo Number Cash generated from operations (to)
opts.cFADJTANGFrom Number Depreciation and impairment of property, plant and equipment (from)
opts.cFADJTANGTo Number Depreciation and impairment of property, plant and equipment (to)
opts.cFADJINTANFrom Number Adjustments for: Amortization of intangible assets (from)
opts.cFADJINTANTo Number Adjustments for: Amortization of intangible assets (to)
opts.cFADJIMPTANKFrom Number Adjustments for: Impairment losses on property, plant and equipment (from)
opts.cFADJIMPTANKTo Number Adjustments for: Impairment losses on property, plant and equipment (to)
opts.cFADJIMPINTANFrom Number Adjustments for: Impairment loss on intangible assets (from)
opts.cFADJIMPINTANTo Number Adjustments for: Impairment loss on intangible assets (to)
opts.cFADJIMPRECFrom Number Adjustments for: Impairment loss on trade receivables (from)
opts.cFADJIMPRECTo Number Adjustments for: Impairment loss on trade receivables (to)
opts.cFADJFINRESULTINFrom Number Adjustments for: Finance income (from)
opts.cFADJFINRESULTINTo Number Adjustments for: Finance income (to)
opts.cFADJFINRESULTCOSTFrom Number Adjustments for: Finance expenses (from)
opts.cFADJFINRESULTCOSTTo Number Adjustments for: Finance expenses (to)
opts.cFADJGAINPROPFrom Number Adjustments for: Gain on sale of property, plant and equipment (from)
opts.cFADJGAINPROPTo Number Adjustments for: Gain on sale of property, plant and equipment (to)
opts.cFADJDISCONTOPFrom Number Adjustments for: Gain on sale of discontinued operations (from)
opts.cFADJDISCONTOPTo Number Adjustments for: Gain on sale of discontinued operations (to)
opts.cFADJOTHADJFrom Number Adjustments for: Other adjustments (from)
opts.cFADJOTHADJTo Number Adjustments for: Other adjustments (to)
opts.cFCHNGINVFrom Number Changes in: Inventories (from)
opts.cFCHNGINVTo Number Changes in: Inventories (to)
opts.cFCHNGBIOLOGFrom Number Changes in: Current biological assets due to sales (from)
opts.cFCHNGBIOLOGTo Number Changes in: Current biological assets due to sales (to)
opts.cFCHNGTRADEFrom Number Changes in: Trade and other receivables (from)
opts.cFCHNGTRADETo Number Changes in: Trade and other receivables (to)
opts.cFCHNGPREPFrom Number Changes in: Prepayments (from)
opts.cFCHNGPREPTo Number Changes in: Prepayments (to)
opts.cFCHNGRECFrom Number Changes in: Trade and other payables (from)
opts.cFCHNGRECTo Number Changes in: Trade and other payables (to)
opts.cFCHNGPROVFrom Number Changes in: Provisions and employee benefits (from)
opts.cFCHNGPROVTo Number Changes in: Provisions and employee benefits (to)
opts.cFCHNGDEFERREDFrom Number Changes in: Deferred income (from)
opts.cFCHNGDEFERREDTo Number Changes in: Deferred income (to)
opts.cFCHNGOTHFrom Number Changes in: Other changes (from)
opts.cFCHNGOTHTo Number Changes in: Other changes (to)
opts.cFINCOMETAXFrom Number Income tax paid (from)
opts.cFINCOMETAXTo Number Income tax paid (to)
opts.cFOTHOPCFFrom Number Other operating activity cash flows (from)
opts.cFOTHOPCFTo Number Other operating activity cash flows (to)
opts.cFNCFINVESTFrom Number Net cash flow from (used in) investing activities (from)
opts.cFNCFINVESTTo Number Net cash flow from (used in) investing activities (to)
opts.cFINVESTSALEPROPFrom Number Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment (from)
opts.cFINVESTSALEPROPTo Number Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment (to)
opts.cFINVESTPROPFrom Number Purchase of property, plant and equipment (from)
opts.cFINVESTPROPTo Number Purchase of property, plant and equipment (to)
opts.cFINVESTNTANGFrom Number Purchase of intangible assets (from)
opts.cFINVESTNTANGTo Number Purchase of intangible assets (to)
opts.cFINVESTINVPROPFrom Number Purchase of investment properties (from)
opts.cFINVESTINVPROPTo Number Purchase of investment properties (to)
opts.cFINVESTFININSTFrom Number Purchase of financial instruments (from)
opts.cFINVESTFININSTTo Number Purchase of financial instruments (to)
opts.cFINVESTSALEFININSTFrom Number Proceeds from sale of financial instruments (from)
opts.cFINVESTSALEFININSTTo Number Proceeds from sale of financial instruments (to)
opts.cFINVESTDEVEXPFrom Number Development expenditures (from)
opts.cFINVESTDEVEXPTo Number Development expenditures (to)
opts.cFINVESTACQUIREFrom Number Acquisition of subsidiary (from)
opts.cFINVESTACQUIRETo Number Acquisition of subsidiary (to)
opts.cFINVESTINTRECFrom Number Interest received (from)
opts.cFINVESTINTRECTo Number Interest received (to)
opts.cFINVESTDIVIDRECFrom Number Dividends received (from)
opts.cFINVESTDIVIDRECTo Number Dividends received (to)
opts.cFINVESTOTHINVESTFrom Number Other investing activity cash flows (from)
opts.cFINVESTOTHINVESTTo Number Other investing activity cash flows (to)
opts.cFNCFFINANCEFrom Number Net cash flow from (used in) financing activities (from)
opts.cFNCFFINANCETo Number Net cash flow from (used in) financing activities (to)
opts.cFFINORDINARFrom Number Proceeds from issuance of ordinary shares (from)
opts.cFFINORDINARTo Number Proceeds from issuance of ordinary shares (to)
opts.cFFINOTHEQUITYFrom Number Proceeds from issuance of other equity instruments (from)
opts.cFFINOTHEQUITYTo Number Proceeds from issuance of other equity instruments (to)
opts.cFFINTREASURYFrom Number Purchase of treasury shares (from)
opts.cFFINTREASURYTo Number Purchase of treasury shares (to)
opts.cFFINSALEOWNFrom Number Proceeds from sale of own shares (from)
opts.cFFINSALEOWNTo Number Proceeds from sale of own shares (to)
opts.cFFINBORFrom Number Proceeds from borrowings (from)
opts.cFFINBORTo Number Proceeds from borrowings (to)
opts.cFFINREPAYBORFrom Number Repayment of borrowings (from)
opts.cFFINREPAYBORTo Number Repayment of borrowings (to)
opts.cFFINCOSTLOANFrom Number Payments of transaction costs related to loans and borrowings (from)
opts.cFFINCOSTLOANTo Number Payments of transaction costs related to loans and borrowings (to)
opts.cFFINPAYLEASEFrom Number Payments of finance lease liabilities (from)
opts.cFFINPAYLEASETo Number Payments of finance lease liabilities (to)
opts.cFFINPAIDINTFrom Number Interest paid (from)
opts.cFFINPAIDINTTo Number Interest paid (to)
opts.cFFINPAIDDIVFrom Number Dividends paid (from)
opts.cFFINPAIDDIVTo Number Dividends paid (to)
opts.cFFINOTHFINACTFrom Number Other financing activity cash flow (from)
opts.cFFINOTHFINACTTo Number Other financing activity cash flow (to)
opts.cFNETINCREASECASHFrom Number Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (from)
opts.cFNETINCREASECASHTo Number Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (to)
opts.cFCASHBEGINFrom Number Cash at the beginning of the period (from)
opts.cFCASHBEGINTo Number Cash at the beginning of the period (to)
opts.cFCASHFOREXFrom Number Exchange gains (losses) on cash and cash equivalents (from)
opts.cFCASHFOREXTo Number Exchange gains (losses) on cash and cash equivalents (to)
opts.cFCASHENDFrom Number Cash at the end of the period (from)
opts.cFCASHENDTo Number Cash at the end of the period (to)
opts.cFFCFFrom Number Free cash flow (from)
opts.cFFCFTo Number Free cash flow (to)
opts.cFCAPEXFrom Number CAPEX (from)
opts.cFCAPEXTo Number CAPEX (to)
opts.mINFrom Number Lower Limit of Revenue Range (from)
opts.mINTo Number Lower Limit of Revenue Range (to)
opts.mAXFrom Number Upper Limit of Revenue Range (from)
opts.mAXTo Number Upper Limit of Revenue Range (to)

companiesStatementsIdAccountsGetWithHttpInfo(id, token, opts)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\StatementsAccountsResponseData and HTTP response

Name Type Description
id Number ID of the statement Parameter
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.currency String Currency code
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

companiesStatementsIdAccountsGet(id, token, opts)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\StatementsAccountsResponseData

Name Type Description
id Number ID of the statement Parameter
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.currency String Currency code
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

companiesStatementsIdAccountsStandardIdGetWithHttpInfo(id, standardId, token, opts)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\StatementsAccountsResponseData and HTTP response

Name Type Description
id Number ID of the statement Parameter
standardId Number The ID of the standard
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.currency String Currency code
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

companiesStatementsIdAccountsStandardIdGet(id, standardId, token, opts)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\StatementsAccountsResponseData

Name Type Description
id Number ID of the statement Parameter
standardId Number The ID of the standard
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.currency String Currency code
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

companiesStatementsIdGetWithHttpInfo(id, token, opts)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\CompanyStatementResponseSingleItemData and HTTP response

Name Type Description
id Number ID of the statement Parameter
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

companiesStatementsIdGet(id, token, opts)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\CompanyStatementResponseSingleItemData

Name Type Description
id Number ID of the statement Parameter
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

Namespace: EMIS\api

Class: DictionaryApi ((EMIS\ApiClient) [apiClient] = EMIS\ApiClient.instance)

dictionaryCitiesGetWithHttpInfo(token, opts)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\CityDictionary and HTTP response

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.format String Response format - json/xml
opts.limit Number The max number of the items to retrieve
opts.offset Number The number of the starting item
opts.cursor String The ID of the item under which the cursor is

dictionaryCitiesGet(token, opts)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\CityDictionary

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.format String Response format - json/xml
opts.limit Number The max number of the items to retrieve
opts.offset Number The number of the starting item
opts.cursor String The ID of the item under which the cursor is

dictionaryCompanyTypesGetWithHttpInfo(token, opts)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\CompanyTypeDictionary and HTTP response

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

dictionaryCompanyTypesGet(token, opts)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\CompanyTypeDictionary

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

dictionaryCountriesGetWithHttpInfo(token, opts)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\CountryDictionary and HTTP response

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

dictionaryCountriesGet(token, opts)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\CountryDictionary

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

dictionaryCurrenciesGetWithHttpInfo(token, opts)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\CurrencyDictionary and HTTP response

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

dictionaryCurrenciesGet(token, opts)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\CurrencyDictionary

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

dictionaryIndustriesClassesClassCodeGetWithHttpInfo(classCode, token, opts)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\IndustryResult and HTTP response

Name Type Description
classCode String Industry class code
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.countryCode String Industry country code
opts.limit Number The max number of the items to retrieve
opts.offset Number The number of the starting item
opts.cursor String The ID of the item under which the cursor is
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

dictionaryIndustriesClassesClassCodeGet(classCode, token, opts)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\IndustryResult

Name Type Description
classCode String Industry class code
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.countryCode String Industry country code
opts.limit Number The max number of the items to retrieve
opts.offset Number The number of the starting item
opts.cursor String The ID of the item under which the cursor is
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

dictionaryIndustriesClassesGetWithHttpInfo(token, opts)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\IndustryClass and HTTP response

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.format String Response format - json/xml
opts.limit Number The max number of the items to retrieve
opts.offset Number The number of the starting item
opts.cursor String The ID of the item under which the cursor is

dictionaryIndustriesClassesGet(token, opts)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\IndustryClass

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.format String Response format - json/xml
opts.limit Number The max number of the items to retrieve
opts.offset Number The number of the starting item
opts.cursor String The ID of the item under which the cursor is

dictionaryLegalFormsGetWithHttpInfo(token, opts)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\LegalFormDictionary and HTTP response

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.format String Response format - json/xml
opts.limit Number The max number of the items to retrieve
opts.offset Number The number of the starting item
opts.cursor String The ID of the item under which the cursor is

dictionaryLegalFormsGet(token, opts)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\LegalFormDictionary

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.format String Response format - json/xml
opts.limit Number The max number of the items to retrieve
opts.offset Number The number of the starting item
opts.cursor String The ID of the item under which the cursor is

dictionaryMarketSegmentsGetWithHttpInfo(token, opts)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\SegmentDictionary and HTTP response

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.format String Response format - json/xml
opts.limit Number The max number of the items to retrieve
opts.offset Number The number of the starting item
opts.cursor String The ID of the item under which the cursor is

dictionaryMarketSegmentsGet(token, opts)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\SegmentDictionary

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.format String Response format - json/xml
opts.limit Number The max number of the items to retrieve
opts.offset Number The number of the starting item
opts.cursor String The ID of the item under which the cursor is

dictionaryOperationalStatusesGetWithHttpInfo(token, opts)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\OperationalStatusDictionary and HTTP response

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

dictionaryOperationalStatusesGet(token, opts)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\OperationalStatusDictionary

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

dictionaryOwnerTypesGetWithHttpInfo(token, opts)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\OwnerTypeDictionary and HTTP response

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

dictionaryOwnerTypesGet(token, opts)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\OwnerTypeDictionary

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

dictionaryPeriodsGetWithHttpInfo(token, opts)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\PeriodsDictionary and HTTP response

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

dictionaryPeriodsGet(token, opts)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\PeriodsDictionary

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

dictionaryRegionsGetWithHttpInfo(token, opts)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\RegionDictionary and HTTP response

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.format String Response format - json/xml
opts.limit Number The max number of the items to retrieve
opts.offset Number The number of the starting item
opts.cursor String The ID of the item under which the cursor is

dictionaryRegionsGet(token, opts)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\RegionDictionary

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.format String Response format - json/xml
opts.limit Number The max number of the items to retrieve
opts.offset Number The number of the starting item
opts.cursor String The ID of the item under which the cursor is

dictionaryStandardsGetWithHttpInfo(token, opts)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\StandardDictionary and HTTP response

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.global Boolean The boolean value indicating whether the standard is global (default to false)
opts.countryCode Array.<String> Country codes separated by commas
opts.limit Number The max number of the items to retrieve
opts.offset Number The number of the starting item
opts.cursor String The ID of the item under which the cursor is
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

dictionaryStandardsGet(token, opts)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\StandardDictionary

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.global Boolean The boolean value indicating whether the standard is global (default to false)
opts.countryCode Array.<String> Country codes separated by commas
opts.limit Number The max number of the items to retrieve
opts.offset Number The number of the starting item
opts.cursor String The ID of the item under which the cursor is
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

dictionaryStandardsIdAccountsAccountIdGetWithHttpInfo(id, accountId, token, opts)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\FinancialAccountDictionaryWithDetails and HTTP response

Name Type Description
id Number The ID of the standard
accountId String The ID of the account
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

dictionaryStandardsIdAccountsAccountIdGet(id, accountId, token, opts)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\FinancialAccountDictionaryWithDetails

Name Type Description
id Number The ID of the standard
accountId String The ID of the account
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

dictionaryStandardsIdAccountsGetWithHttpInfo(id, token, opts)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\FinancialAccountDictionary and HTTP response

Name Type Description
id Number The ID of the standard
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.createdFrom String Account creation date (from)
opts.createdTo String Account creation date (to)
opts.updatedFrom String Account update date (from)
opts.updatedTo String Account update date (to)
opts.limit Number The max number of the items to retrieve
opts.offset Number The number of the starting item
opts.cursor String The ID of the item under which the cursor is
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

dictionaryStandardsIdAccountsGet(id, token, opts)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\FinancialAccountDictionary

Name Type Description
id Number The ID of the standard
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.createdFrom String Account creation date (from)
opts.createdTo String Account creation date (to)
opts.updatedFrom String Account update date (from)
opts.updatedTo String Account update date (to)
opts.limit Number The max number of the items to retrieve
opts.offset Number The number of the starting item
opts.cursor String The ID of the item under which the cursor is
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

dictionaryStandardsIdGetWithHttpInfo(id, token, opts)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\StandardDictionaryWithDetails and HTTP response

Name Type Description
id String The ID of the standard
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

dictionaryStandardsIdGet(id, token, opts)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\StandardDictionaryWithDetails

Name Type Description
id String The ID of the standard
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

dictionaryStockExchangesGetWithHttpInfo(token, opts)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\StockExchangeDictionary and HTTP response

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

dictionaryStockExchangesGet(token, opts)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\StockExchangeDictionary

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

Namespace: EMIS\api

Class: DumpsApi ((EMIS\ApiClient) [apiClient] = EMIS\ApiClient.instance)

companiesDumpsGetWithHttpInfo(token, opts)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\DumpsSingleResponseData and HTTP response

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.status String Dump status
opts.feedId String Feed id
opts.name String Name of dump
opts.limit Number The max number of the items to retrieve
opts.offset Number The number of the starting item
opts.cursor String The ID of the item under which the cursor is
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

companiesDumpsGet(token, opts)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\DumpsSingleResponseData

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.status String Dump status
opts.feedId String Feed id
opts.name String Name of dump
opts.limit Number The max number of the items to retrieve
opts.offset Number The number of the starting item
opts.cursor String The ID of the item under which the cursor is
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

companiesDumpsIdDeleteWithHttpInfo(id, token)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\DumpsSingleResponseData and HTTP response

Name Type Description
id String The ID of the Dump.
token String Token

companiesDumpsIdDelete(id, token)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\DumpsSingleResponseData

Name Type Description
id String The ID of the Dump.
token String Token

companiesDumpsIdGetWithHttpInfo(id, token)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\DumpsSingleResponseData and HTTP response

Name Type Description
id String The ID of the Dump.
token String Token

companiesDumpsIdGet(id, token)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\DumpsSingleResponseData

Name Type Description
id String The ID of the Dump.
token String Token

companiesDumpsPostWithHttpInfo(token, opts)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\DumpsSingleResponseData and HTTP response

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.format String Response format - json/xml
opts.name String * @param {String} opts.description
opts.filterId String * @param {Boolean} opts.isXml Set XML format for the generated dump
opts.includeFinancialStatements Boolean (default to true)
opts.includeCompanyProfiles Boolean (default to true)
opts.isLocalized Boolean (default to false)
opts.financialStandards String (default to global)
opts.currency String (default to usd)
opts.consolidation String (default to singlezip)
opts.delivery String (default to http)
opts.ftpHost String * @param {String} opts.ftpPath
opts.ftpUsername String * @param {String} opts.ftpPassword
opts.notificationEmail Array.<String> * @param {String} opts.notificationUrl
opts.notificationHttpMethod String * @param {String} opts.feedGuid

companiesDumpsPost(token, opts)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\DumpsSingleResponseData

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.format String Response format - json/xml
opts.name String * @param {String} opts.description
opts.filterId String * @param {Boolean} opts.isXml Set XML format for the generated dump
opts.includeFinancialStatements Boolean (default to true)
opts.includeCompanyProfiles Boolean (default to true)
opts.isLocalized Boolean (default to false)
opts.financialStandards String (default to global)
opts.currency String (default to usd)
opts.consolidation String (default to singlezip)
opts.delivery String (default to http)
opts.ftpHost String * @param {String} opts.ftpPath
opts.ftpUsername String * @param {String} opts.ftpPassword
opts.notificationEmail Array.<String> * @param {String} opts.notificationUrl
opts.notificationHttpMethod String * @param {String} opts.feedGuid

Namespace: EMIS\api

Class: FeedsApi ((EMIS\ApiClient) [apiClient] = EMIS\ApiClient.instance)

companiesFeedsGetWithHttpInfo(token, opts)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\FeedsSearchResponseData and HTTP response

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.limit Number The max number of the items to retrieve
opts.offset Number The number of the starting item
opts.cursor String The ID of the item under which the cursor is
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

companiesFeedsGet(token, opts)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\FeedsSearchResponseData

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.limit Number The max number of the items to retrieve
opts.offset Number The number of the starting item
opts.cursor String The ID of the item under which the cursor is
opts.format String Response format - json/xml

companiesFeedsIdDeleteWithHttpInfo(id, token)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\FeedsSingleResponseData and HTTP response

Name Type Description
id String * @param {String} token Token

companiesFeedsIdDelete(id, token)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\FeedsSingleResponseData

Name Type Description
id String * @param {String} token Token

companiesFeedsIdGetWithHttpInfo(id, token)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\FeedsSingleResponseData and HTTP response

Name Type Description
id String * @param {String} token Token

companiesFeedsIdGet(id, token)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\FeedsSingleResponseData

Name Type Description
id String * @param {String} token Token

companiesFeedsIdPatchWithHttpInfo(id, token, opts)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\FeedsSingleResponseData and HTTP response

Name Type Description
id String * @param {String} token Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.format String Response format - json/xml
opts.frequency Number * @param {String} opts.name
opts.description String * @param {String} opts.filterId
opts.isXml Boolean Set XML format for the generated dump
opts.includeFinancialStatements Boolean (default to true)
opts.includeCompanyProfiles Boolean (default to true)
opts.isLocalized Boolean (default to false)
opts.financialStandards String (default to global)
opts.currency String (default to usd)
opts.consolidation String (default to singlezip)
opts.delivery String (default to http)
opts.ftpHost String * @param {String} opts.ftpPath
opts.ftpUsername String * @param {String} opts.ftpPassword
opts.notificationEmail Array.<String> * @param {String} opts.notificationUrl
opts.notificationHttpMethod String * @param {String} opts.feedGuid

companiesFeedsIdPatch(id, token, opts)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\FeedsSingleResponseData

Name Type Description
id String * @param {String} token Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.format String Response format - json/xml
opts.frequency Number * @param {String} opts.name
opts.description String * @param {String} opts.filterId
opts.isXml Boolean Set XML format for the generated dump
opts.includeFinancialStatements Boolean (default to true)
opts.includeCompanyProfiles Boolean (default to true)
opts.isLocalized Boolean (default to false)
opts.financialStandards String (default to global)
opts.currency String (default to usd)
opts.consolidation String (default to singlezip)
opts.delivery String (default to http)
opts.ftpHost String * @param {String} opts.ftpPath
opts.ftpUsername String * @param {String} opts.ftpPassword
opts.notificationEmail Array.<String> * @param {String} opts.notificationUrl
opts.notificationHttpMethod String * @param {String} opts.feedGuid

companiesFeedsPostWithHttpInfo(token, opts)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\FeedsSingleResponseData and HTTP response

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.format String Response format - json/xml
opts.frequency Number * @param {String} opts.name
opts.description String * @param {String} opts.filterId
opts.isXml Boolean Set XML format for the generated dump
opts.includeFinancialStatements Boolean (default to true)
opts.includeCompanyProfiles Boolean (default to true)
opts.isLocalized Boolean (default to false)
opts.financialStandards String (default to global)
opts.currency String (default to usd)
opts.consolidation String (default to singlezip)
opts.delivery String (default to http)
opts.ftpHost String * @param {String} opts.ftpPath
opts.ftpUsername String * @param {String} opts.ftpPassword
opts.notificationEmail Array.<String> * @param {String} opts.notificationUrl
opts.notificationHttpMethod String * @param {String} opts.feedGuid

companiesFeedsPost(token, opts)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\FeedsSingleResponseData

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.format String Response format - json/xml
opts.frequency Number * @param {String} opts.name
opts.description String * @param {String} opts.filterId
opts.isXml Boolean Set XML format for the generated dump
opts.includeFinancialStatements Boolean (default to true)
opts.includeCompanyProfiles Boolean (default to true)
opts.isLocalized Boolean (default to false)
opts.financialStandards String (default to global)
opts.currency String (default to usd)
opts.consolidation String (default to singlezip)
opts.delivery String (default to http)
opts.ftpHost String * @param {String} opts.ftpPath
opts.ftpUsername String * @param {String} opts.ftpPassword
opts.notificationEmail Array.<String> * @param {String} opts.notificationUrl
opts.notificationHttpMethod String * @param {String} opts.feedGuid

Namespace: EMIS\api

Class: FiltersApi ((EMIS\ApiClient) [apiClient] = EMIS\ApiClient.instance)



A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\SearchFiltersSearchResponseData and HTTP response

Name Type Description
token String Token



A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\SearchFiltersSearchResponseData

Name Type Description
token String Token

companiesSearchFiltersIdDeleteWithHttpInfo(id, token)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\SearchFilterSingleResponseData and HTTP response

Name Type Description
id String Filter ID
token String Token

companiesSearchFiltersIdDelete(id, token)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\SearchFilterSingleResponseData

Name Type Description
id String Filter ID
token String Token

companiesSearchFiltersIdGetWithHttpInfo(id, token)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\SearchFilterSingleResponseData and HTTP response

Name Type Description
id String Filter ID
token String Token

companiesSearchFiltersIdGet(id, token)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\SearchFilterSingleResponseData

Name Type Description
id String Filter ID
token String Token

companiesSearchFiltersIdPatchWithHttpInfo(id, token, opts)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\SearchFilterSingleResponseData and HTTP response

Name Type Description
id String Filter ID
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.ownerCountries Array.<String> Owner Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.affiliateCountries Array.<String> Affiliate Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.limit Number The max number of the items to retrieve
opts.offset Number The number of the starting item
opts.cursor String The ID of the item under which the cursor is
opts.format String Response format - json/xml
opts.name String * @param {String} opts.description
opts.companyIds Array.<String> * @param {Array.} opts.country Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.companyType Array.<String> Company types separated by commas
opts.importCountries Array.<String> Import country codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.exportCountries Array.<String> Export country codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.updatedFrom String Date since last update took place (from)
opts.updatedTo String Date since last update took place (to)
opts.statementsUpdatedFrom String Financial statements filter updated (from)
opts.statementsUpdatedTo String Financial statements filter updated (to)
opts.mainIndustry Array.<String> Main activities separated by commas
opts.currency String Currency code
opts.secondaryIndustry Array.<String> Secondary activities separated by commas
opts.operationalStatus Array.<String> Operational statuses separated by commas
opts.numberOfEmployeesFrom Number Number of employees (from)
opts.numberOfEmployeesTo Number Number of employees (to)
opts.legalForm Array.<String> Legal Form codes separated by commas
opts.localLegalForm Array.<String> Local legal form codes separated by commas
opts.region String Region name in English language
opts.city String City name in English language
opts.companyName Array.<String> Company name
opts.keyExecutives Array.<String> Key executives
opts.shareholders Array.<String> Key shareholders
opts.subsidiaries Array.<String> Key subsidiaries
opts.financialAuditors Array.<String> Key financial auditors
opts.businessDescription Array.<String> Key business description
opts.products Array.<String> Key products
opts.uboName Array.<String> Beneficial Owner's Name Keyword
opts.keywords Array.<String> Keywords
opts.year Number Year of financial statement
opts.period String Financial period
opts.statementType String Statement type
opts.order String Sort order field. Possible values are name, revenue, revenue_growth, assets, profit, equity, relevance. By default this parameter sorts ascending. For descending order use the colon sign and \"desc\". For example: order=revenue:desc
opts.localization Boolean Localization (default to false)
opts.uboCitizenship String Beneficial owner's citizenship
opts.uboBirthDate String Beneficial owner's date of birth in the format \"dd-mm-yyyy\"
opts.onlyWithOfficialFinancials Boolean * @param {Number} opts.tSFrom Total Assets (from)
opts.status String * @param {Array.} opts.dynamicParameters
opts.tSTo Number Total Assets (to)
opts.tANGFrom Number Property, plant and equipment (from)
opts.tANGTo Number Property, plant and equipment (to)
opts.iNTFrom Number Intangible assets and goodwill (from)
opts.iNTTo Number Intangible assets and goodwill (to)
opts.cEFrom Number Cash and cash equivalents (from)
opts.cETo Number Cash and cash equivalents (to)
opts.sEFrom Number Total equity (from)
opts.sETo Number Total equity (to)
opts.sEOWNFrom Number Equity attributable to owners of the parent (from)
opts.sEOWNTo Number Equity attributable to owners of the parent (to)
opts.iSSUEDFrom Number Issued capital (from)
opts.iSSUEDTo Number Issued capital (to)
opts.iSSUEDORDFrom Number Ordinary shares (from)
opts.iSSUEDORDTo Number Ordinary shares (to)
opts.iSSUEDPREFFrom Number Preferred shares (from)
opts.iSSUEDPREFTo Number Preferred shares (to)
opts.sEOWNPREMIUMFrom Number Share premium (from)
opts.sEOWNPREMIUMTo Number Share premium (to)
opts.sEOWNTREASURYFrom Number Treasury shares (from)
opts.sEOWNTREASURYTo Number Treasury shares (to)
opts.sEOWNREVALUATIONFrom Number Revaluation reserve (from)
opts.sEOWNREVALUATIONTo Number Revaluation reserve (to)
opts.sEOWNFOREIGNCURRFrom Number Foreign currency translation reserve (from)
opts.sEOWNFOREIGNCURRTo Number Foreign currency translation reserve (to)
opts.pROFITRESERVFrom Number Retained earnings (from)
opts.pROFITRESERVTo Number Retained earnings (to)
opts.bSPROFITFrom Number Balance-sheet profit or loss figure (from)
opts.bSPROFITTo Number Balance-sheet profit or loss figure (to)
opts.sEMINFrom Number Minority interest (from)
opts.sEMINTo Number Minority interest (to)
opts.tLFrom Number Total Liabilities (from)
opts.tLTo Number Total Liabilities (to)
opts.tRFrom Number Total operating revenue (from)
opts.tRTo Number Total operating revenue (to)
opts.oPFrom Number Operating profit (EBIT) (from)
opts.oPTo Number Operating profit (EBIT) (to)
opts.pRETAXFrom Number Profit before income tax (from)
opts.pRETAXTo Number Profit before income tax (to)
opts.tAXFrom Number Income tax (from)
opts.tAXTo Number Income tax (to)
opts.tAXDUEFrom Number Tax difference due to consolidation (from)
opts.tAXDUETo Number Tax difference due to consolidation (to)
opts.aFTERTAXFrom Number Profit after income tax (from)
opts.aFTERTAXTo Number Profit after income tax (to)
opts.aFTERTAXDISCFrom Number Profit from discontinued operations (from)
opts.aFTERTAXDISCTo Number Profit from discontinued operations (to)
opts.nPFrom Number Net Profit (from)
opts.nPTo Number Net Profit (to)
opts.cOMPREHENSOTHFrom Number Other comprehensive result for the period, net of tax (from)
opts.cOMPREHENSOTHTo Number Other comprehensive result for the period, net of tax (to)
opts.aFTERTAXTOTALFrom Number Comprehensive Income (from)
opts.aFTERTAXTOTALTo Number Comprehensive Income (to)
opts.oUTSIDEFrom Number Comprehensive Income attributable to Minority Interests (from)
opts.oUTSIDETo Number Comprehensive Income attributable to Minority Interests (to)
opts.cFNCFOPERATINGFrom Number Net cash flow from (used in) operating activities (from)
opts.cFNCFOPERATINGTo Number Net cash flow from (used in) operating activities (to)
opts.cFNCFINVESTFrom Number Net cash flow from (used in) investing activities (from)
opts.cFNCFINVESTTo Number Net cash flow from (used in) investing activities (to)
opts.cFNCFFINANCEFrom Number Net cash flow from (used in) financing activities (from)
opts.cFNCFFINANCETo Number Net cash flow from (used in) financing activities (to)
opts.cFNETINCREASECASHFrom Number Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (from)
opts.cFNETINCREASECASHTo Number Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (to)
opts.cFCASHBEGINFrom Number Cash at the beginning of the period (from)
opts.cFCASHBEGINTo Number Cash at the beginning of the period (to)
opts.cFCASHFOREXFrom Number Exchange gains (losses) on cash and cash equivalents (from)
opts.cFCASHFOREXTo Number Exchange gains (losses) on cash and cash equivalents (to)
opts.cFCASHENDFrom Number Cash at the end of the period (from)
opts.cFCASHENDTo Number Cash at the end of the period (to)
opts.cFFCFFrom Number Free cash flow (from)
opts.cFFCFTo Number Free cash flow (to)
opts.cFCAPEXFrom Number CAPEX (from)
opts.cFCAPEXTo Number CAPEX (to)
opts.mINFrom Number Lower Limit of Revenue Range (from)
opts.mINTo Number Lower Limit of Revenue Range (to)
opts.mAXFrom Number Upper Limit of Revenue Range (from)
opts.mAXTo Number Upper Limit of Revenue Range (to)
opts.rOAFrom Number Return on Assets (ROA) (from)
opts.rOATo Number Return on Assets (ROA) (to)
opts.rOAAFrom Number Annualised Return on Assets (ROA) (from)
opts.rOAATo Number Annualised Return on Assets (ROA) (to)
opts.rOEFrom Number Return on Equity (ROE) (from)
opts.rOETo Number Return on Equity (ROE) (to)
opts.rOEAFrom Number Annualised Return on Equity (ROE) (from)
opts.rOEATo Number Annualised Return on Equity (ROE) (to)
opts.rOCFrom Number Return on Capital Employed (from)
opts.rOCTo Number Return on Capital Employed (to)
opts.rOSFrom Number Net Profit Margin (from)
opts.rOSTo Number Net Profit Margin (to)
opts.gPMFrom Number Gross Profit Margin (from)
opts.gPMTo Number Gross Profit Margin (to)
opts.oPMFrom Number Operating Profit Margin (ROS) (from)
opts.oPMTo Number Operating Profit Margin (ROS) (to)
opts.pREBITDAFrom Number EBITDA Margin (from)
opts.pREBITDATo Number EBITDA Margin (to)
opts.pROROAFrom Number Operating ROA (from)
opts.pROROATo Number Operating ROA (to)
opts.iNVENTORYTURNFrom Number Inventory Turnover (from)
opts.iNVENTORYTURNTo Number Inventory Turnover (to)
opts.aRTFrom Number Trade Receivable Turnover (from)
opts.aRTTo Number Trade Receivable Turnover (to)
opts.cATFrom Number Current Asset Turnover (from)
opts.cATTo Number Current Asset Turnover (to)
opts.fATFrom Number Non Current Assets Turnover (from)
opts.fATTo Number Non Current Assets Turnover (to)
opts.aTFrom Number Total Asset Turnover (from)
opts.aTTo Number Total Asset Turnover (to)
opts.eRPTFrom Number Trade Payables Turnover (from)
opts.eRPTTo Number Trade Payables Turnover (to)
opts.eRWCTFrom Number Working Capital Turnover (from)
opts.eRWCTTo Number Working Capital Turnover (to)
opts.bOOKVALUEFrom Number Bookvalue (BV) (from)
opts.bOOKVALUETo Number Bookvalue (BV) (to)
opts.eVFrom Number Enterprise value (from)
opts.eVTo Number Enterprise value (to)
opts.nETCASHFrom Number Net Cash (from)
opts.nETCASHTo Number Net Cash (to)
opts.dEBTFrom Number Debt (from)
opts.dEBTTo Number Debt (to)
opts.lTDEBTFrom Number Long term Debt (from)
opts.lTDEBTTo Number Long term Debt (to)
opts.sTDEBTFrom Number Short Term Debt (from)
opts.sTDEBTTo Number Short Term Debt (to)
opts.nETDEBTFrom Number Net Debt (from)
opts.nETDEBTTo Number Net Debt (to)
opts.mKCPFrom Number Market Capitalization (from)
opts.mKCPTo Number Market Capitalization (to)
opts.tRWCFrom Number Working Capital (from)
opts.tRWCTo Number Working Capital (to)
opts.cEMPLFrom Number Capital Employed (from)
opts.cEMPLTo Number Capital Employed (to)
opts.cRFrom Number Current Ratio (from)
opts.cRTo Number Current Ratio (to)
opts.qRFrom Number Quick ratio (from)
opts.qRTo Number Quick ratio (to)
opts.dOOMSDAYFrom Number Doom's day ratio (from)
opts.dOOMSDAYTo Number Doom's day ratio (to)
opts.lRCRFrom Number Cash Ratio (from)
opts.lRCRTo Number Cash Ratio (to)
opts.lRCFOFrom Number Operating Cash Flow Ratio (from)
opts.lRCFOTo Number Operating Cash Flow Ratio (to)
opts.dEBTTOASSETSFrom Number Debt to total assets ratio (from)
opts.dEBTTOASSETSTo Number Debt to total assets ratio (to)
opts.dEBTTOEQUITYFrom Number Debt to equity ratio (from)
opts.dEBTTOEQUITYTo Number Debt to equity ratio (to)
opts.lTDCFrom Number Long Term Debt to Capital Employed (from)
opts.lTDCTo Number Long Term Debt to Capital Employed (to)
opts.dEBTTOEBITDAFrom Number Debt/EBITDA (from)
opts.dEBTTOEBITDATo Number Debt/EBITDA (to)
opts.dEBTEVFrom Number Debt/Enterprise Value (from)
opts.dEBTEVTo Number Debt/Enterprise Value (to)
opts.lTDCFFrom Number Net Cash Flow to Debt (from)
opts.lTDCFTo Number Net Cash Flow to Debt (to)
opts.lEVERAGEFrom Number Assets to Equity Ratio (from)
opts.lEVERAGETo Number Assets to Equity Ratio (to)
opts.rTFrom Number Net Sales Revenue Trend (from)
opts.rTTo Number Net Sales Revenue Trend (to)
opts.tRNSRFrom Number Total Operating Revenue Trend (from)
opts.tRNSRTo Number Total Operating Revenue Trend (to)
opts.tRGPFrom Number Gross Profit Trend (from)
opts.tRGPTo Number Gross Profit Trend (to)
opts.tREBITDAFrom Number EBITDA Trend (from)
opts.tREBITDATo Number EBITDA Trend (to)
opts.oITFrom Number Operating Profit Trend (from)
opts.oITTo Number Operating Profit Trend (to)
opts.nITFrom Number Net Profit Trend (from)
opts.nITTo Number Net Profit Trend (to)
opts.tRARFrom Number Accounts Receivables Trend (from)
opts.tRARTo Number Accounts Receivables Trend (to)
opts.tRINVFrom Number Inventory Trend (from)
opts.tRINVTo Number Inventory Trend (to)
opts.tRPPEFrom Number Net Property, Plant and Equipment (PP&E) Trend (from)
opts.tRPPETo Number Net Property, Plant and Equipment (PP&E) Trend (to)
opts.tRTAFrom Number Total Assets Trend (from)
opts.tRTATo Number Total Assets Trend (to)
opts.tRBVFrom Number Bookvalue Trend (from)
opts.tRBVTo Number Bookvalue Trend (to)
opts.tRSEFrom Number Shareholders' Equity Trend (from)
opts.tRSETo Number Shareholders' Equity Trend (to)
opts.tRCFOFrom Number Operating Cash Flow Trend (from)
opts.tRCFOTo Number Operating Cash Flow Trend (to)
opts.tRCEFrom Number Capital Expenditures Trend (from)
opts.tRCETo Number Capital Expenditures Trend (to)
opts.iCRFrom Number Interest Coverage Ratio (from)
opts.iCRTo Number Interest Coverage Ratio (to)
opts.cRDCFrom Number Operating Cash Flow to Debt (from)
opts.cRDCTo Number Operating Cash Flow to Debt (to)
opts.pRCFRFrom Number Operating Cash Flow to Revenue (from)
opts.pRCFRTo Number Operating Cash Flow to Revenue (to)
opts.pRCFAFrom Number Operating Cash Flow to Assets (from)
opts.pRCFATo Number Operating Cash Flow to Assets (to)
opts.pRCREFrom Number Operating Cash Flow to Equity (from)
opts.pRCRETo Number Operating Cash Flow to Equity (to)
opts.pRCIFrom Number Operating Cash Flow to EBIT (from)
opts.pRCITo Number Operating Cash Flow to EBIT (to)
opts.bSCAFrom Number Cash/Total Assets (from)
opts.bSCATo Number Cash/Total Assets (to)
opts.bSRTAFrom Number Receivables/Total Assets (from)
opts.bSRTATo Number Receivables/Total Assets (to)
opts.bSITAFrom Number Inventories/Total Assets (from)
opts.bSITATo Number Inventories/Total Assets (to)
opts.bSFATAFrom Number Fixed assets/Total Assets (from)
opts.bSFATATo Number Fixed assets/Total Assets (to)
opts.bSCLTLFrom Number Current Liabilities/Total Liabilities (from)
opts.bSCLTLTo Number Current Liabilities/Total Liabilities (to)
opts.eXPORTRFrom Number Export proportion (from)
opts.eXPORTRTo Number Export proportion (to)
opts.iSSEBNSFrom Number Salaries and Employee Benefits/Net sales (from)
opts.iSSEBNSTo Number Salaries and Employee Benefits/Net sales (to)
opts.iSAENSFrom Number Administrative Expenses/Net Sales (from)
opts.iSAENSTo Number Administrative Expenses/Net Sales (to)
opts.iSDANSFrom Number Depreciation and Amortization/Net sales (from)
opts.iSDANSTo Number Depreciation and Amortization/Net sales (to)
opts.iSIPNSFrom Number Interest paid/Net sales (from)
opts.iSIPNSTo Number Interest paid/Net sales (to)
opts.iSITNSFrom Number Income tax/Net sales (from)
opts.iSITNSTo Number Income tax/Net sales (to)
opts.cFOCFTCFFrom Number Operating Cash Flow to Total Cash Flow (from)
opts.cFOCFTCFTo Number Operating Cash Flow to Total Cash Flow (to)
opts.cFCFITCFFrom Number Investing Cash Flow to Total Cash Flow (from)
opts.cFCFITCFTo Number Investing Cash Flow to Total Cash Flow (to)
opts.cFCFFTCFFrom Number Financing Cash Flow to Total Cash Flow (from)
opts.cFCFFTCFTo Number Financing Cash Flow to Total Cash Flow (to)
opts.bRCIRFrom Number Cost to Income Ratio (from)
opts.bRCIRTo Number Cost to Income Ratio (to)
opts.bRERFrom Number Bank Efficiency Ratio (from)
opts.bRERTo Number Bank Efficiency Ratio (to)
opts.bRLDRFrom Number Loans to Deposits Ratio (from)
opts.bRLDRTo Number Loans to Deposits Ratio (to)
opts.bRLDROFrom Number Loans to Customers to Deposits From Customers (from)
opts.bRLDROTo Number Loans to Customers to Deposits From Customers (to)
opts.bRLADRFrom Number Liquid Assets to Deposits Ratio (from)
opts.bRLADRTo Number Liquid Assets to Deposits Ratio (to)
opts.bRLADROFrom Number Liquid Assets to Deposits From Customers Ratio (from)
opts.bRLADROTo Number Liquid Assets to Deposits From Customers Ratio (to)
opts.bRLARFrom Number Loans to Asset Ratio (from)
opts.bRLARTo Number Loans to Asset Ratio (to)
opts.bRLAROFrom Number Loans to Customers to Asset Ratio (from)
opts.bRLAROTo Number Loans to Customers to Asset Ratio (to)
opts.bRNIITFrom Number Net Interest Income Trend (from)
opts.bRNIITTo Number Net Interest Income Trend (to)
opts.bRNFCITFrom Number Net Fee and Commission Income Trend (from)
opts.bRNFCITTo Number Net Fee and Commission Income Trend (to)
opts.bRLACTFrom Number Loans and Advances to Customers Trend (from)
opts.bRLACTTo Number Loans and Advances to Customers Trend (to)
opts.bRLACTOFrom Number Loans and Advances Trend (from)
opts.bRLACTOTo Number Loans and Advances Trend (to)
opts.bRDCTFrom Number Deposits from Customers Trend (from)
opts.bRDCTTo Number Deposits from Customers Trend (to)
opts.bRDCTOFrom Number Deposits Trend (from)
opts.bRDCTOTo Number Deposits Trend (to)
opts.bRERAFrom Number Earning Assets (from)
opts.bRERATo Number Earning Assets (to)
opts.bRAYAFrom Number Yield on Earning Assets (YEA) (from)
opts.bRAYATo Number Yield on Earning Assets (YEA) (to)
opts.bRNIMFrom Number Net Interest Margin (from)
opts.bRNIMTo Number Net Interest Margin (to)
opts.iRLRFrom Number Loss Ratio (from)
opts.iRLRTo Number Loss Ratio (to)
opts.iRUERFrom Number Underwriting Expenses Ratio (from)
opts.iRUERTo Number Underwriting Expenses Ratio (to)
opts.iRCPRFrom Number Ceeded Premium Ratio (from)
opts.iRCPRTo Number Ceeded Premium Ratio (to)
opts.iRNPETFrom Number Net Premiums Earned Trend (from)
opts.iRNPETTo Number Net Premiums Earned Trend (to)
opts.iRFCTFrom Number Fees and Commissions Trend (from)
opts.iRFCTTo Number Fees and Commissions Trend (to)
opts.iRNIITFrom Number Net Investment Income Trend (from)
opts.iRNIITTo Number Net Investment Income Trend (to)
opts.iRRADIOTFrom Number Receivables Arising Out Of Direct Insurance Operations Trend (from)
opts.iRRADIOTTo Number Receivables Arising Out Of Direct Insurance Operations Trend (to)
opts.mMEPSFrom Number EPS (from)
opts.mMEPSTo Number EPS (to)
opts.mMPERFrom Number P/E (from)
opts.mMPERTo Number P/E (to)
opts.mMPSAFrom Number Market Capitalization/Net Sales (Price Sales Ratio) (from)
opts.mMPSATo Number Market Capitalization/Net Sales (Price Sales Ratio) (to)
opts.mMPGIFrom Number Market Capitalization/Gross Profit (from)
opts.mMPGITo Number Market Capitalization/Gross Profit (to)
opts.mARKETCAPEBITDAFrom Number Market Capitalization/EBITDA (from)
opts.mARKETCAPEBITDATo Number Market Capitalization/EBITDA (to)
opts.mMPEBITFrom Number Market Capitalization/EBIT (from)
opts.mMPEBITTo Number Market Capitalization/EBIT (to)
opts.mMPTAFrom Number Market Capitalization/Total Assets (from)
opts.mMPTATo Number Market Capitalization/Total Assets (to)
opts.mCAPEQFrom Number Market capitalization/shareholders' equity (from)
opts.mCAPEQTo Number Market capitalization/shareholders' equity (to)
opts.pBRFrom Number Market Capitalization/Book Value (from)
opts.pBRTo Number Market Capitalization/Book Value (to)
opts.mMPICFrom Number Market Capitalization / Capital Employed (from)
opts.mMPICTo Number Market Capitalization / Capital Employed (to)
opts.mMPOCFFrom Number Market Capitalization/Operating Cashflow (from)
opts.mMPOCFTo Number Market Capitalization/Operating Cashflow (to)
opts.eVNSFrom Number Enterprise value/Net Sales (from)
opts.eVNSTo Number Enterprise value/Net Sales (to)
opts.eVGIFrom Number Enterprise value/Gross Profit (from)
opts.eVGITo Number Enterprise value/Gross Profit (to)
opts.eVEBITDAFrom Number Enterprise Value/EBITDA (from)
opts.eVEBITDATo Number Enterprise Value/EBITDA (to)
opts.eVEBITFrom Number Enterprise value/EBIT (from)
opts.eVEBITTo Number Enterprise value/EBIT (to)
opts.eVTAFrom Number Enterprise value/Total Assets (from)
opts.eVTATo Number Enterprise value/Total Assets (to)
opts.eVICFrom Number Enterprise value/Capital Employed (from)
opts.eVICTo Number Enterprise value/Capital Employed (to)
opts.eVOCFFrom Number Enterprise value/Operating Cashflow (from)
opts.eVOCFTo Number Enterprise value/Operating Cashflow (to)
opts.cMBRFrom Number Dynamic_50_CMBRFrom_Parameter
opts.cMBRTo Number Dynamic_50_CMBRTo_Parameter
opts.iNVYIELDFrom Number Dynamic_50_INVYIELDFrom_Parameter
opts.iNVYIELDTo Number Dynamic_50_INVYIELDTo_Parameter
opts.aLTZSCOREFrom Number Dynamic_50_ALTZSCOREFrom_Parameter
opts.aLTZSCORETo Number Dynamic_50_ALTZSCORETo_Parameter

companiesSearchFiltersIdPatch(id, token, opts)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\SearchFilterSingleResponseData

Name Type Description
id String Filter ID
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.ownerCountries Array.<String> Owner Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.affiliateCountries Array.<String> Affiliate Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.limit Number The max number of the items to retrieve
opts.offset Number The number of the starting item
opts.cursor String The ID of the item under which the cursor is
opts.format String Response format - json/xml
opts.name String * @param {String} opts.description
opts.companyIds Array.<String> * @param {Array.} opts.country Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.companyType Array.<String> Company types separated by commas
opts.importCountries Array.<String> Import country codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.exportCountries Array.<String> Export country codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.updatedFrom String Date since last update took place (from)
opts.updatedTo String Date since last update took place (to)
opts.statementsUpdatedFrom String Financial statements filter updated (from)
opts.statementsUpdatedTo String Financial statements filter updated (to)
opts.mainIndustry Array.<String> Main activities separated by commas
opts.currency String Currency code
opts.secondaryIndustry Array.<String> Secondary activities separated by commas
opts.operationalStatus Array.<String> Operational statuses separated by commas
opts.numberOfEmployeesFrom Number Number of employees (from)
opts.numberOfEmployeesTo Number Number of employees (to)
opts.legalForm Array.<String> Legal Form codes separated by commas
opts.localLegalForm Array.<String> Local legal form codes separated by commas
opts.region String Region name in English language
opts.city String City name in English language
opts.companyName Array.<String> Company name
opts.keyExecutives Array.<String> Key executives
opts.shareholders Array.<String> Key shareholders
opts.subsidiaries Array.<String> Key subsidiaries
opts.financialAuditors Array.<String> Key financial auditors
opts.businessDescription Array.<String> Key business description
opts.products Array.<String> Key products
opts.uboName Array.<String> Beneficial Owner's Name Keyword
opts.keywords Array.<String> Keywords
opts.year Number Year of financial statement
opts.period String Financial period
opts.statementType String Statement type
opts.order String Sort order field. Possible values are name, revenue, revenue_growth, assets, profit, equity, relevance. By default this parameter sorts ascending. For descending order use the colon sign and \"desc\". For example: order=revenue:desc
opts.localization Boolean Localization (default to false)
opts.uboCitizenship String Beneficial owner's citizenship
opts.uboBirthDate String Beneficial owner's date of birth in the format \"dd-mm-yyyy\"
opts.onlyWithOfficialFinancials Boolean * @param {Number} opts.tSFrom Total Assets (from)
opts.status String * @param {Array.} opts.dynamicParameters
opts.tSTo Number Total Assets (to)
opts.tANGFrom Number Property, plant and equipment (from)
opts.tANGTo Number Property, plant and equipment (to)
opts.iNTFrom Number Intangible assets and goodwill (from)
opts.iNTTo Number Intangible assets and goodwill (to)
opts.cEFrom Number Cash and cash equivalents (from)
opts.cETo Number Cash and cash equivalents (to)
opts.sEFrom Number Total equity (from)
opts.sETo Number Total equity (to)
opts.sEOWNFrom Number Equity attributable to owners of the parent (from)
opts.sEOWNTo Number Equity attributable to owners of the parent (to)
opts.iSSUEDFrom Number Issued capital (from)
opts.iSSUEDTo Number Issued capital (to)
opts.iSSUEDORDFrom Number Ordinary shares (from)
opts.iSSUEDORDTo Number Ordinary shares (to)
opts.iSSUEDPREFFrom Number Preferred shares (from)
opts.iSSUEDPREFTo Number Preferred shares (to)
opts.sEOWNPREMIUMFrom Number Share premium (from)
opts.sEOWNPREMIUMTo Number Share premium (to)
opts.sEOWNTREASURYFrom Number Treasury shares (from)
opts.sEOWNTREASURYTo Number Treasury shares (to)
opts.sEOWNREVALUATIONFrom Number Revaluation reserve (from)
opts.sEOWNREVALUATIONTo Number Revaluation reserve (to)
opts.sEOWNFOREIGNCURRFrom Number Foreign currency translation reserve (from)
opts.sEOWNFOREIGNCURRTo Number Foreign currency translation reserve (to)
opts.pROFITRESERVFrom Number Retained earnings (from)
opts.pROFITRESERVTo Number Retained earnings (to)
opts.bSPROFITFrom Number Balance-sheet profit or loss figure (from)
opts.bSPROFITTo Number Balance-sheet profit or loss figure (to)
opts.sEMINFrom Number Minority interest (from)
opts.sEMINTo Number Minority interest (to)
opts.tLFrom Number Total Liabilities (from)
opts.tLTo Number Total Liabilities (to)
opts.tRFrom Number Total operating revenue (from)
opts.tRTo Number Total operating revenue (to)
opts.oPFrom Number Operating profit (EBIT) (from)
opts.oPTo Number Operating profit (EBIT) (to)
opts.pRETAXFrom Number Profit before income tax (from)
opts.pRETAXTo Number Profit before income tax (to)
opts.tAXFrom Number Income tax (from)
opts.tAXTo Number Income tax (to)
opts.tAXDUEFrom Number Tax difference due to consolidation (from)
opts.tAXDUETo Number Tax difference due to consolidation (to)
opts.aFTERTAXFrom Number Profit after income tax (from)
opts.aFTERTAXTo Number Profit after income tax (to)
opts.aFTERTAXDISCFrom Number Profit from discontinued operations (from)
opts.aFTERTAXDISCTo Number Profit from discontinued operations (to)
opts.nPFrom Number Net Profit (from)
opts.nPTo Number Net Profit (to)
opts.cOMPREHENSOTHFrom Number Other comprehensive result for the period, net of tax (from)
opts.cOMPREHENSOTHTo Number Other comprehensive result for the period, net of tax (to)
opts.aFTERTAXTOTALFrom Number Comprehensive Income (from)
opts.aFTERTAXTOTALTo Number Comprehensive Income (to)
opts.oUTSIDEFrom Number Comprehensive Income attributable to Minority Interests (from)
opts.oUTSIDETo Number Comprehensive Income attributable to Minority Interests (to)
opts.cFNCFOPERATINGFrom Number Net cash flow from (used in) operating activities (from)
opts.cFNCFOPERATINGTo Number Net cash flow from (used in) operating activities (to)
opts.cFNCFINVESTFrom Number Net cash flow from (used in) investing activities (from)
opts.cFNCFINVESTTo Number Net cash flow from (used in) investing activities (to)
opts.cFNCFFINANCEFrom Number Net cash flow from (used in) financing activities (from)
opts.cFNCFFINANCETo Number Net cash flow from (used in) financing activities (to)
opts.cFNETINCREASECASHFrom Number Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (from)
opts.cFNETINCREASECASHTo Number Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (to)
opts.cFCASHBEGINFrom Number Cash at the beginning of the period (from)
opts.cFCASHBEGINTo Number Cash at the beginning of the period (to)
opts.cFCASHFOREXFrom Number Exchange gains (losses) on cash and cash equivalents (from)
opts.cFCASHFOREXTo Number Exchange gains (losses) on cash and cash equivalents (to)
opts.cFCASHENDFrom Number Cash at the end of the period (from)
opts.cFCASHENDTo Number Cash at the end of the period (to)
opts.cFFCFFrom Number Free cash flow (from)
opts.cFFCFTo Number Free cash flow (to)
opts.cFCAPEXFrom Number CAPEX (from)
opts.cFCAPEXTo Number CAPEX (to)
opts.mINFrom Number Lower Limit of Revenue Range (from)
opts.mINTo Number Lower Limit of Revenue Range (to)
opts.mAXFrom Number Upper Limit of Revenue Range (from)
opts.mAXTo Number Upper Limit of Revenue Range (to)
opts.rOAFrom Number Return on Assets (ROA) (from)
opts.rOATo Number Return on Assets (ROA) (to)
opts.rOAAFrom Number Annualised Return on Assets (ROA) (from)
opts.rOAATo Number Annualised Return on Assets (ROA) (to)
opts.rOEFrom Number Return on Equity (ROE) (from)
opts.rOETo Number Return on Equity (ROE) (to)
opts.rOEAFrom Number Annualised Return on Equity (ROE) (from)
opts.rOEATo Number Annualised Return on Equity (ROE) (to)
opts.rOCFrom Number Return on Capital Employed (from)
opts.rOCTo Number Return on Capital Employed (to)
opts.rOSFrom Number Net Profit Margin (from)
opts.rOSTo Number Net Profit Margin (to)
opts.gPMFrom Number Gross Profit Margin (from)
opts.gPMTo Number Gross Profit Margin (to)
opts.oPMFrom Number Operating Profit Margin (ROS) (from)
opts.oPMTo Number Operating Profit Margin (ROS) (to)
opts.pREBITDAFrom Number EBITDA Margin (from)
opts.pREBITDATo Number EBITDA Margin (to)
opts.pROROAFrom Number Operating ROA (from)
opts.pROROATo Number Operating ROA (to)
opts.iNVENTORYTURNFrom Number Inventory Turnover (from)
opts.iNVENTORYTURNTo Number Inventory Turnover (to)
opts.aRTFrom Number Trade Receivable Turnover (from)
opts.aRTTo Number Trade Receivable Turnover (to)
opts.cATFrom Number Current Asset Turnover (from)
opts.cATTo Number Current Asset Turnover (to)
opts.fATFrom Number Non Current Assets Turnover (from)
opts.fATTo Number Non Current Assets Turnover (to)
opts.aTFrom Number Total Asset Turnover (from)
opts.aTTo Number Total Asset Turnover (to)
opts.eRPTFrom Number Trade Payables Turnover (from)
opts.eRPTTo Number Trade Payables Turnover (to)
opts.eRWCTFrom Number Working Capital Turnover (from)
opts.eRWCTTo Number Working Capital Turnover (to)
opts.bOOKVALUEFrom Number Bookvalue (BV) (from)
opts.bOOKVALUETo Number Bookvalue (BV) (to)
opts.eVFrom Number Enterprise value (from)
opts.eVTo Number Enterprise value (to)
opts.nETCASHFrom Number Net Cash (from)
opts.nETCASHTo Number Net Cash (to)
opts.dEBTFrom Number Debt (from)
opts.dEBTTo Number Debt (to)
opts.lTDEBTFrom Number Long term Debt (from)
opts.lTDEBTTo Number Long term Debt (to)
opts.sTDEBTFrom Number Short Term Debt (from)
opts.sTDEBTTo Number Short Term Debt (to)
opts.nETDEBTFrom Number Net Debt (from)
opts.nETDEBTTo Number Net Debt (to)
opts.mKCPFrom Number Market Capitalization (from)
opts.mKCPTo Number Market Capitalization (to)
opts.tRWCFrom Number Working Capital (from)
opts.tRWCTo Number Working Capital (to)
opts.cEMPLFrom Number Capital Employed (from)
opts.cEMPLTo Number Capital Employed (to)
opts.cRFrom Number Current Ratio (from)
opts.cRTo Number Current Ratio (to)
opts.qRFrom Number Quick ratio (from)
opts.qRTo Number Quick ratio (to)
opts.dOOMSDAYFrom Number Doom's day ratio (from)
opts.dOOMSDAYTo Number Doom's day ratio (to)
opts.lRCRFrom Number Cash Ratio (from)
opts.lRCRTo Number Cash Ratio (to)
opts.lRCFOFrom Number Operating Cash Flow Ratio (from)
opts.lRCFOTo Number Operating Cash Flow Ratio (to)
opts.dEBTTOASSETSFrom Number Debt to total assets ratio (from)
opts.dEBTTOASSETSTo Number Debt to total assets ratio (to)
opts.dEBTTOEQUITYFrom Number Debt to equity ratio (from)
opts.dEBTTOEQUITYTo Number Debt to equity ratio (to)
opts.lTDCFrom Number Long Term Debt to Capital Employed (from)
opts.lTDCTo Number Long Term Debt to Capital Employed (to)
opts.dEBTTOEBITDAFrom Number Debt/EBITDA (from)
opts.dEBTTOEBITDATo Number Debt/EBITDA (to)
opts.dEBTEVFrom Number Debt/Enterprise Value (from)
opts.dEBTEVTo Number Debt/Enterprise Value (to)
opts.lTDCFFrom Number Net Cash Flow to Debt (from)
opts.lTDCFTo Number Net Cash Flow to Debt (to)
opts.lEVERAGEFrom Number Assets to Equity Ratio (from)
opts.lEVERAGETo Number Assets to Equity Ratio (to)
opts.rTFrom Number Net Sales Revenue Trend (from)
opts.rTTo Number Net Sales Revenue Trend (to)
opts.tRNSRFrom Number Total Operating Revenue Trend (from)
opts.tRNSRTo Number Total Operating Revenue Trend (to)
opts.tRGPFrom Number Gross Profit Trend (from)
opts.tRGPTo Number Gross Profit Trend (to)
opts.tREBITDAFrom Number EBITDA Trend (from)
opts.tREBITDATo Number EBITDA Trend (to)
opts.oITFrom Number Operating Profit Trend (from)
opts.oITTo Number Operating Profit Trend (to)
opts.nITFrom Number Net Profit Trend (from)
opts.nITTo Number Net Profit Trend (to)
opts.tRARFrom Number Accounts Receivables Trend (from)
opts.tRARTo Number Accounts Receivables Trend (to)
opts.tRINVFrom Number Inventory Trend (from)
opts.tRINVTo Number Inventory Trend (to)
opts.tRPPEFrom Number Net Property, Plant and Equipment (PP&E) Trend (from)
opts.tRPPETo Number Net Property, Plant and Equipment (PP&E) Trend (to)
opts.tRTAFrom Number Total Assets Trend (from)
opts.tRTATo Number Total Assets Trend (to)
opts.tRBVFrom Number Bookvalue Trend (from)
opts.tRBVTo Number Bookvalue Trend (to)
opts.tRSEFrom Number Shareholders' Equity Trend (from)
opts.tRSETo Number Shareholders' Equity Trend (to)
opts.tRCFOFrom Number Operating Cash Flow Trend (from)
opts.tRCFOTo Number Operating Cash Flow Trend (to)
opts.tRCEFrom Number Capital Expenditures Trend (from)
opts.tRCETo Number Capital Expenditures Trend (to)
opts.iCRFrom Number Interest Coverage Ratio (from)
opts.iCRTo Number Interest Coverage Ratio (to)
opts.cRDCFrom Number Operating Cash Flow to Debt (from)
opts.cRDCTo Number Operating Cash Flow to Debt (to)
opts.pRCFRFrom Number Operating Cash Flow to Revenue (from)
opts.pRCFRTo Number Operating Cash Flow to Revenue (to)
opts.pRCFAFrom Number Operating Cash Flow to Assets (from)
opts.pRCFATo Number Operating Cash Flow to Assets (to)
opts.pRCREFrom Number Operating Cash Flow to Equity (from)
opts.pRCRETo Number Operating Cash Flow to Equity (to)
opts.pRCIFrom Number Operating Cash Flow to EBIT (from)
opts.pRCITo Number Operating Cash Flow to EBIT (to)
opts.bSCAFrom Number Cash/Total Assets (from)
opts.bSCATo Number Cash/Total Assets (to)
opts.bSRTAFrom Number Receivables/Total Assets (from)
opts.bSRTATo Number Receivables/Total Assets (to)
opts.bSITAFrom Number Inventories/Total Assets (from)
opts.bSITATo Number Inventories/Total Assets (to)
opts.bSFATAFrom Number Fixed assets/Total Assets (from)
opts.bSFATATo Number Fixed assets/Total Assets (to)
opts.bSCLTLFrom Number Current Liabilities/Total Liabilities (from)
opts.bSCLTLTo Number Current Liabilities/Total Liabilities (to)
opts.eXPORTRFrom Number Export proportion (from)
opts.eXPORTRTo Number Export proportion (to)
opts.iSSEBNSFrom Number Salaries and Employee Benefits/Net sales (from)
opts.iSSEBNSTo Number Salaries and Employee Benefits/Net sales (to)
opts.iSAENSFrom Number Administrative Expenses/Net Sales (from)
opts.iSAENSTo Number Administrative Expenses/Net Sales (to)
opts.iSDANSFrom Number Depreciation and Amortization/Net sales (from)
opts.iSDANSTo Number Depreciation and Amortization/Net sales (to)
opts.iSIPNSFrom Number Interest paid/Net sales (from)
opts.iSIPNSTo Number Interest paid/Net sales (to)
opts.iSITNSFrom Number Income tax/Net sales (from)
opts.iSITNSTo Number Income tax/Net sales (to)
opts.cFOCFTCFFrom Number Operating Cash Flow to Total Cash Flow (from)
opts.cFOCFTCFTo Number Operating Cash Flow to Total Cash Flow (to)
opts.cFCFITCFFrom Number Investing Cash Flow to Total Cash Flow (from)
opts.cFCFITCFTo Number Investing Cash Flow to Total Cash Flow (to)
opts.cFCFFTCFFrom Number Financing Cash Flow to Total Cash Flow (from)
opts.cFCFFTCFTo Number Financing Cash Flow to Total Cash Flow (to)
opts.bRCIRFrom Number Cost to Income Ratio (from)
opts.bRCIRTo Number Cost to Income Ratio (to)
opts.bRERFrom Number Bank Efficiency Ratio (from)
opts.bRERTo Number Bank Efficiency Ratio (to)
opts.bRLDRFrom Number Loans to Deposits Ratio (from)
opts.bRLDRTo Number Loans to Deposits Ratio (to)
opts.bRLDROFrom Number Loans to Customers to Deposits From Customers (from)
opts.bRLDROTo Number Loans to Customers to Deposits From Customers (to)
opts.bRLADRFrom Number Liquid Assets to Deposits Ratio (from)
opts.bRLADRTo Number Liquid Assets to Deposits Ratio (to)
opts.bRLADROFrom Number Liquid Assets to Deposits From Customers Ratio (from)
opts.bRLADROTo Number Liquid Assets to Deposits From Customers Ratio (to)
opts.bRLARFrom Number Loans to Asset Ratio (from)
opts.bRLARTo Number Loans to Asset Ratio (to)
opts.bRLAROFrom Number Loans to Customers to Asset Ratio (from)
opts.bRLAROTo Number Loans to Customers to Asset Ratio (to)
opts.bRNIITFrom Number Net Interest Income Trend (from)
opts.bRNIITTo Number Net Interest Income Trend (to)
opts.bRNFCITFrom Number Net Fee and Commission Income Trend (from)
opts.bRNFCITTo Number Net Fee and Commission Income Trend (to)
opts.bRLACTFrom Number Loans and Advances to Customers Trend (from)
opts.bRLACTTo Number Loans and Advances to Customers Trend (to)
opts.bRLACTOFrom Number Loans and Advances Trend (from)
opts.bRLACTOTo Number Loans and Advances Trend (to)
opts.bRDCTFrom Number Deposits from Customers Trend (from)
opts.bRDCTTo Number Deposits from Customers Trend (to)
opts.bRDCTOFrom Number Deposits Trend (from)
opts.bRDCTOTo Number Deposits Trend (to)
opts.bRERAFrom Number Earning Assets (from)
opts.bRERATo Number Earning Assets (to)
opts.bRAYAFrom Number Yield on Earning Assets (YEA) (from)
opts.bRAYATo Number Yield on Earning Assets (YEA) (to)
opts.bRNIMFrom Number Net Interest Margin (from)
opts.bRNIMTo Number Net Interest Margin (to)
opts.iRLRFrom Number Loss Ratio (from)
opts.iRLRTo Number Loss Ratio (to)
opts.iRUERFrom Number Underwriting Expenses Ratio (from)
opts.iRUERTo Number Underwriting Expenses Ratio (to)
opts.iRCPRFrom Number Ceeded Premium Ratio (from)
opts.iRCPRTo Number Ceeded Premium Ratio (to)
opts.iRNPETFrom Number Net Premiums Earned Trend (from)
opts.iRNPETTo Number Net Premiums Earned Trend (to)
opts.iRFCTFrom Number Fees and Commissions Trend (from)
opts.iRFCTTo Number Fees and Commissions Trend (to)
opts.iRNIITFrom Number Net Investment Income Trend (from)
opts.iRNIITTo Number Net Investment Income Trend (to)
opts.iRRADIOTFrom Number Receivables Arising Out Of Direct Insurance Operations Trend (from)
opts.iRRADIOTTo Number Receivables Arising Out Of Direct Insurance Operations Trend (to)
opts.mMEPSFrom Number EPS (from)
opts.mMEPSTo Number EPS (to)
opts.mMPERFrom Number P/E (from)
opts.mMPERTo Number P/E (to)
opts.mMPSAFrom Number Market Capitalization/Net Sales (Price Sales Ratio) (from)
opts.mMPSATo Number Market Capitalization/Net Sales (Price Sales Ratio) (to)
opts.mMPGIFrom Number Market Capitalization/Gross Profit (from)
opts.mMPGITo Number Market Capitalization/Gross Profit (to)
opts.mARKETCAPEBITDAFrom Number Market Capitalization/EBITDA (from)
opts.mARKETCAPEBITDATo Number Market Capitalization/EBITDA (to)
opts.mMPEBITFrom Number Market Capitalization/EBIT (from)
opts.mMPEBITTo Number Market Capitalization/EBIT (to)
opts.mMPTAFrom Number Market Capitalization/Total Assets (from)
opts.mMPTATo Number Market Capitalization/Total Assets (to)
opts.mCAPEQFrom Number Market capitalization/shareholders' equity (from)
opts.mCAPEQTo Number Market capitalization/shareholders' equity (to)
opts.pBRFrom Number Market Capitalization/Book Value (from)
opts.pBRTo Number Market Capitalization/Book Value (to)
opts.mMPICFrom Number Market Capitalization / Capital Employed (from)
opts.mMPICTo Number Market Capitalization / Capital Employed (to)
opts.mMPOCFFrom Number Market Capitalization/Operating Cashflow (from)
opts.mMPOCFTo Number Market Capitalization/Operating Cashflow (to)
opts.eVNSFrom Number Enterprise value/Net Sales (from)
opts.eVNSTo Number Enterprise value/Net Sales (to)
opts.eVGIFrom Number Enterprise value/Gross Profit (from)
opts.eVGITo Number Enterprise value/Gross Profit (to)
opts.eVEBITDAFrom Number Enterprise Value/EBITDA (from)
opts.eVEBITDATo Number Enterprise Value/EBITDA (to)
opts.eVEBITFrom Number Enterprise value/EBIT (from)
opts.eVEBITTo Number Enterprise value/EBIT (to)
opts.eVTAFrom Number Enterprise value/Total Assets (from)
opts.eVTATo Number Enterprise value/Total Assets (to)
opts.eVICFrom Number Enterprise value/Capital Employed (from)
opts.eVICTo Number Enterprise value/Capital Employed (to)
opts.eVOCFFrom Number Enterprise value/Operating Cashflow (from)
opts.eVOCFTo Number Enterprise value/Operating Cashflow (to)
opts.cMBRFrom Number Dynamic_50_CMBRFrom_Parameter
opts.cMBRTo Number Dynamic_50_CMBRTo_Parameter
opts.iNVYIELDFrom Number Dynamic_50_INVYIELDFrom_Parameter
opts.iNVYIELDTo Number Dynamic_50_INVYIELDTo_Parameter
opts.aLTZSCOREFrom Number Dynamic_50_ALTZSCOREFrom_Parameter
opts.aLTZSCORETo Number Dynamic_50_ALTZSCORETo_Parameter

companiesSearchFiltersPostWithHttpInfo(token, opts)


A Promise, with an object containing data of type EMIS\model\SearchFilterSingleResponseData and HTTP response

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.ownerCountries Array.<String> Owner Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.affiliateCountries Array.<String> Affiliate Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.limit Number The max number of the items to retrieve
opts.offset Number The number of the starting item
opts.cursor String The ID of the item under which the cursor is
opts.format String Response format - json/xml
opts.name String * @param {String} opts.description
opts.companyIds Array.<String> * @param {Array.} opts.country Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.companyType Array.<String> Company types separated by commas
opts.importCountries Array.<String> Import country codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.exportCountries Array.<String> Export country codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.updatedFrom String Date since last update took place (from)
opts.updatedTo String Date since last update took place (to)
opts.statementsUpdatedFrom String Financial statements filter updated (from)
opts.statementsUpdatedTo String Financial statements filter updated (to)
opts.mainIndustry Array.<String> Main activities separated by commas
opts.currency String Currency code
opts.secondaryIndustry Array.<String> Secondary activities separated by commas
opts.operationalStatus Array.<String> Operational statuses separated by commas
opts.numberOfEmployeesFrom Number Number of employees (from)
opts.numberOfEmployeesTo Number Number of employees (to)
opts.legalForm Array.<String> Legal Form codes separated by commas
opts.localLegalForm Array.<String> Local legal form codes separated by commas
opts.region String Region name in English language
opts.city String City name in English language
opts.companyName Array.<String> Company name
opts.keyExecutives Array.<String> Key executives
opts.shareholders Array.<String> Key shareholders
opts.subsidiaries Array.<String> Key subsidiaries
opts.financialAuditors Array.<String> Key financial auditors
opts.businessDescription Array.<String> Key business description
opts.products Array.<String> Key products
opts.uboName Array.<String> Beneficial Owner's Name Keyword
opts.keywords Array.<String> Keywords
opts.year Number Year of financial statement
opts.period String Financial period
opts.statementType String Statement type
opts.order String Sort order field. Possible values are name, revenue, revenue_growth, assets, profit, equity, relevance. By default this parameter sorts ascending. For descending order use the colon sign and \"desc\". For example: order=revenue:desc
opts.localization Boolean Localization (default to false)
opts.uboCitizenship String Beneficial owner's citizenship
opts.uboBirthDate String Beneficial owner's date of birth in the format \"dd-mm-yyyy\"
opts.onlyWithOfficialFinancials Boolean * @param {Number} opts.tSFrom Total Assets (from)
opts.status String * @param {Array.} opts.dynamicParameters
opts.tSTo Number Total Assets (to)
opts.tANGFrom Number Property, plant and equipment (from)
opts.tANGTo Number Property, plant and equipment (to)
opts.iNTFrom Number Intangible assets and goodwill (from)
opts.iNTTo Number Intangible assets and goodwill (to)
opts.cEFrom Number Cash and cash equivalents (from)
opts.cETo Number Cash and cash equivalents (to)
opts.sEFrom Number Total equity (from)
opts.sETo Number Total equity (to)
opts.sEOWNFrom Number Equity attributable to owners of the parent (from)
opts.sEOWNTo Number Equity attributable to owners of the parent (to)
opts.iSSUEDFrom Number Issued capital (from)
opts.iSSUEDTo Number Issued capital (to)
opts.iSSUEDORDFrom Number Ordinary shares (from)
opts.iSSUEDORDTo Number Ordinary shares (to)
opts.iSSUEDPREFFrom Number Preferred shares (from)
opts.iSSUEDPREFTo Number Preferred shares (to)
opts.sEOWNPREMIUMFrom Number Share premium (from)
opts.sEOWNPREMIUMTo Number Share premium (to)
opts.sEOWNTREASURYFrom Number Treasury shares (from)
opts.sEOWNTREASURYTo Number Treasury shares (to)
opts.sEOWNREVALUATIONFrom Number Revaluation reserve (from)
opts.sEOWNREVALUATIONTo Number Revaluation reserve (to)
opts.sEOWNFOREIGNCURRFrom Number Foreign currency translation reserve (from)
opts.sEOWNFOREIGNCURRTo Number Foreign currency translation reserve (to)
opts.pROFITRESERVFrom Number Retained earnings (from)
opts.pROFITRESERVTo Number Retained earnings (to)
opts.bSPROFITFrom Number Balance-sheet profit or loss figure (from)
opts.bSPROFITTo Number Balance-sheet profit or loss figure (to)
opts.sEMINFrom Number Minority interest (from)
opts.sEMINTo Number Minority interest (to)
opts.tLFrom Number Total Liabilities (from)
opts.tLTo Number Total Liabilities (to)
opts.tRFrom Number Total operating revenue (from)
opts.tRTo Number Total operating revenue (to)
opts.oPFrom Number Operating profit (EBIT) (from)
opts.oPTo Number Operating profit (EBIT) (to)
opts.pRETAXFrom Number Profit before income tax (from)
opts.pRETAXTo Number Profit before income tax (to)
opts.tAXFrom Number Income tax (from)
opts.tAXTo Number Income tax (to)
opts.tAXDUEFrom Number Tax difference due to consolidation (from)
opts.tAXDUETo Number Tax difference due to consolidation (to)
opts.aFTERTAXFrom Number Profit after income tax (from)
opts.aFTERTAXTo Number Profit after income tax (to)
opts.aFTERTAXDISCFrom Number Profit from discontinued operations (from)
opts.aFTERTAXDISCTo Number Profit from discontinued operations (to)
opts.nPFrom Number Net Profit (from)
opts.nPTo Number Net Profit (to)
opts.cOMPREHENSOTHFrom Number Other comprehensive result for the period, net of tax (from)
opts.cOMPREHENSOTHTo Number Other comprehensive result for the period, net of tax (to)
opts.aFTERTAXTOTALFrom Number Comprehensive Income (from)
opts.aFTERTAXTOTALTo Number Comprehensive Income (to)
opts.oUTSIDEFrom Number Comprehensive Income attributable to Minority Interests (from)
opts.oUTSIDETo Number Comprehensive Income attributable to Minority Interests (to)
opts.cFNCFOPERATINGFrom Number Net cash flow from (used in) operating activities (from)
opts.cFNCFOPERATINGTo Number Net cash flow from (used in) operating activities (to)
opts.cFNCFINVESTFrom Number Net cash flow from (used in) investing activities (from)
opts.cFNCFINVESTTo Number Net cash flow from (used in) investing activities (to)
opts.cFNCFFINANCEFrom Number Net cash flow from (used in) financing activities (from)
opts.cFNCFFINANCETo Number Net cash flow from (used in) financing activities (to)
opts.cFNETINCREASECASHFrom Number Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (from)
opts.cFNETINCREASECASHTo Number Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (to)
opts.cFCASHBEGINFrom Number Cash at the beginning of the period (from)
opts.cFCASHBEGINTo Number Cash at the beginning of the period (to)
opts.cFCASHFOREXFrom Number Exchange gains (losses) on cash and cash equivalents (from)
opts.cFCASHFOREXTo Number Exchange gains (losses) on cash and cash equivalents (to)
opts.cFCASHENDFrom Number Cash at the end of the period (from)
opts.cFCASHENDTo Number Cash at the end of the period (to)
opts.cFFCFFrom Number Free cash flow (from)
opts.cFFCFTo Number Free cash flow (to)
opts.cFCAPEXFrom Number CAPEX (from)
opts.cFCAPEXTo Number CAPEX (to)
opts.mINFrom Number Lower Limit of Revenue Range (from)
opts.mINTo Number Lower Limit of Revenue Range (to)
opts.mAXFrom Number Upper Limit of Revenue Range (from)
opts.mAXTo Number Upper Limit of Revenue Range (to)
opts.rOAFrom Number Return on Assets (ROA) (from)
opts.rOATo Number Return on Assets (ROA) (to)
opts.rOAAFrom Number Annualised Return on Assets (ROA) (from)
opts.rOAATo Number Annualised Return on Assets (ROA) (to)
opts.rOEFrom Number Return on Equity (ROE) (from)
opts.rOETo Number Return on Equity (ROE) (to)
opts.rOEAFrom Number Annualised Return on Equity (ROE) (from)
opts.rOEATo Number Annualised Return on Equity (ROE) (to)
opts.rOCFrom Number Return on Capital Employed (from)
opts.rOCTo Number Return on Capital Employed (to)
opts.rOSFrom Number Net Profit Margin (from)
opts.rOSTo Number Net Profit Margin (to)
opts.gPMFrom Number Gross Profit Margin (from)
opts.gPMTo Number Gross Profit Margin (to)
opts.oPMFrom Number Operating Profit Margin (ROS) (from)
opts.oPMTo Number Operating Profit Margin (ROS) (to)
opts.pREBITDAFrom Number EBITDA Margin (from)
opts.pREBITDATo Number EBITDA Margin (to)
opts.pROROAFrom Number Operating ROA (from)
opts.pROROATo Number Operating ROA (to)
opts.iNVENTORYTURNFrom Number Inventory Turnover (from)
opts.iNVENTORYTURNTo Number Inventory Turnover (to)
opts.aRTFrom Number Trade Receivable Turnover (from)
opts.aRTTo Number Trade Receivable Turnover (to)
opts.cATFrom Number Current Asset Turnover (from)
opts.cATTo Number Current Asset Turnover (to)
opts.fATFrom Number Non Current Assets Turnover (from)
opts.fATTo Number Non Current Assets Turnover (to)
opts.aTFrom Number Total Asset Turnover (from)
opts.aTTo Number Total Asset Turnover (to)
opts.eRPTFrom Number Trade Payables Turnover (from)
opts.eRPTTo Number Trade Payables Turnover (to)
opts.eRWCTFrom Number Working Capital Turnover (from)
opts.eRWCTTo Number Working Capital Turnover (to)
opts.bOOKVALUEFrom Number Bookvalue (BV) (from)
opts.bOOKVALUETo Number Bookvalue (BV) (to)
opts.eVFrom Number Enterprise value (from)
opts.eVTo Number Enterprise value (to)
opts.nETCASHFrom Number Net Cash (from)
opts.nETCASHTo Number Net Cash (to)
opts.dEBTFrom Number Debt (from)
opts.dEBTTo Number Debt (to)
opts.lTDEBTFrom Number Long term Debt (from)
opts.lTDEBTTo Number Long term Debt (to)
opts.sTDEBTFrom Number Short Term Debt (from)
opts.sTDEBTTo Number Short Term Debt (to)
opts.nETDEBTFrom Number Net Debt (from)
opts.nETDEBTTo Number Net Debt (to)
opts.mKCPFrom Number Market Capitalization (from)
opts.mKCPTo Number Market Capitalization (to)
opts.tRWCFrom Number Working Capital (from)
opts.tRWCTo Number Working Capital (to)
opts.cEMPLFrom Number Capital Employed (from)
opts.cEMPLTo Number Capital Employed (to)
opts.cRFrom Number Current Ratio (from)
opts.cRTo Number Current Ratio (to)
opts.qRFrom Number Quick ratio (from)
opts.qRTo Number Quick ratio (to)
opts.dOOMSDAYFrom Number Doom's day ratio (from)
opts.dOOMSDAYTo Number Doom's day ratio (to)
opts.lRCRFrom Number Cash Ratio (from)
opts.lRCRTo Number Cash Ratio (to)
opts.lRCFOFrom Number Operating Cash Flow Ratio (from)
opts.lRCFOTo Number Operating Cash Flow Ratio (to)
opts.dEBTTOASSETSFrom Number Debt to total assets ratio (from)
opts.dEBTTOASSETSTo Number Debt to total assets ratio (to)
opts.dEBTTOEQUITYFrom Number Debt to equity ratio (from)
opts.dEBTTOEQUITYTo Number Debt to equity ratio (to)
opts.lTDCFrom Number Long Term Debt to Capital Employed (from)
opts.lTDCTo Number Long Term Debt to Capital Employed (to)
opts.dEBTTOEBITDAFrom Number Debt/EBITDA (from)
opts.dEBTTOEBITDATo Number Debt/EBITDA (to)
opts.dEBTEVFrom Number Debt/Enterprise Value (from)
opts.dEBTEVTo Number Debt/Enterprise Value (to)
opts.lTDCFFrom Number Net Cash Flow to Debt (from)
opts.lTDCFTo Number Net Cash Flow to Debt (to)
opts.lEVERAGEFrom Number Assets to Equity Ratio (from)
opts.lEVERAGETo Number Assets to Equity Ratio (to)
opts.rTFrom Number Net Sales Revenue Trend (from)
opts.rTTo Number Net Sales Revenue Trend (to)
opts.tRNSRFrom Number Total Operating Revenue Trend (from)
opts.tRNSRTo Number Total Operating Revenue Trend (to)
opts.tRGPFrom Number Gross Profit Trend (from)
opts.tRGPTo Number Gross Profit Trend (to)
opts.tREBITDAFrom Number EBITDA Trend (from)
opts.tREBITDATo Number EBITDA Trend (to)
opts.oITFrom Number Operating Profit Trend (from)
opts.oITTo Number Operating Profit Trend (to)
opts.nITFrom Number Net Profit Trend (from)
opts.nITTo Number Net Profit Trend (to)
opts.tRARFrom Number Accounts Receivables Trend (from)
opts.tRARTo Number Accounts Receivables Trend (to)
opts.tRINVFrom Number Inventory Trend (from)
opts.tRINVTo Number Inventory Trend (to)
opts.tRPPEFrom Number Net Property, Plant and Equipment (PP&E) Trend (from)
opts.tRPPETo Number Net Property, Plant and Equipment (PP&E) Trend (to)
opts.tRTAFrom Number Total Assets Trend (from)
opts.tRTATo Number Total Assets Trend (to)
opts.tRBVFrom Number Bookvalue Trend (from)
opts.tRBVTo Number Bookvalue Trend (to)
opts.tRSEFrom Number Shareholders' Equity Trend (from)
opts.tRSETo Number Shareholders' Equity Trend (to)
opts.tRCFOFrom Number Operating Cash Flow Trend (from)
opts.tRCFOTo Number Operating Cash Flow Trend (to)
opts.tRCEFrom Number Capital Expenditures Trend (from)
opts.tRCETo Number Capital Expenditures Trend (to)
opts.iCRFrom Number Interest Coverage Ratio (from)
opts.iCRTo Number Interest Coverage Ratio (to)
opts.cRDCFrom Number Operating Cash Flow to Debt (from)
opts.cRDCTo Number Operating Cash Flow to Debt (to)
opts.pRCFRFrom Number Operating Cash Flow to Revenue (from)
opts.pRCFRTo Number Operating Cash Flow to Revenue (to)
opts.pRCFAFrom Number Operating Cash Flow to Assets (from)
opts.pRCFATo Number Operating Cash Flow to Assets (to)
opts.pRCREFrom Number Operating Cash Flow to Equity (from)
opts.pRCRETo Number Operating Cash Flow to Equity (to)
opts.pRCIFrom Number Operating Cash Flow to EBIT (from)
opts.pRCITo Number Operating Cash Flow to EBIT (to)
opts.bSCAFrom Number Cash/Total Assets (from)
opts.bSCATo Number Cash/Total Assets (to)
opts.bSRTAFrom Number Receivables/Total Assets (from)
opts.bSRTATo Number Receivables/Total Assets (to)
opts.bSITAFrom Number Inventories/Total Assets (from)
opts.bSITATo Number Inventories/Total Assets (to)
opts.bSFATAFrom Number Fixed assets/Total Assets (from)
opts.bSFATATo Number Fixed assets/Total Assets (to)
opts.bSCLTLFrom Number Current Liabilities/Total Liabilities (from)
opts.bSCLTLTo Number Current Liabilities/Total Liabilities (to)
opts.eXPORTRFrom Number Export proportion (from)
opts.eXPORTRTo Number Export proportion (to)
opts.iSSEBNSFrom Number Salaries and Employee Benefits/Net sales (from)
opts.iSSEBNSTo Number Salaries and Employee Benefits/Net sales (to)
opts.iSAENSFrom Number Administrative Expenses/Net Sales (from)
opts.iSAENSTo Number Administrative Expenses/Net Sales (to)
opts.iSDANSFrom Number Depreciation and Amortization/Net sales (from)
opts.iSDANSTo Number Depreciation and Amortization/Net sales (to)
opts.iSIPNSFrom Number Interest paid/Net sales (from)
opts.iSIPNSTo Number Interest paid/Net sales (to)
opts.iSITNSFrom Number Income tax/Net sales (from)
opts.iSITNSTo Number Income tax/Net sales (to)
opts.cFOCFTCFFrom Number Operating Cash Flow to Total Cash Flow (from)
opts.cFOCFTCFTo Number Operating Cash Flow to Total Cash Flow (to)
opts.cFCFITCFFrom Number Investing Cash Flow to Total Cash Flow (from)
opts.cFCFITCFTo Number Investing Cash Flow to Total Cash Flow (to)
opts.cFCFFTCFFrom Number Financing Cash Flow to Total Cash Flow (from)
opts.cFCFFTCFTo Number Financing Cash Flow to Total Cash Flow (to)
opts.bRCIRFrom Number Cost to Income Ratio (from)
opts.bRCIRTo Number Cost to Income Ratio (to)
opts.bRERFrom Number Bank Efficiency Ratio (from)
opts.bRERTo Number Bank Efficiency Ratio (to)
opts.bRLDRFrom Number Loans to Deposits Ratio (from)
opts.bRLDRTo Number Loans to Deposits Ratio (to)
opts.bRLDROFrom Number Loans to Customers to Deposits From Customers (from)
opts.bRLDROTo Number Loans to Customers to Deposits From Customers (to)
opts.bRLADRFrom Number Liquid Assets to Deposits Ratio (from)
opts.bRLADRTo Number Liquid Assets to Deposits Ratio (to)
opts.bRLADROFrom Number Liquid Assets to Deposits From Customers Ratio (from)
opts.bRLADROTo Number Liquid Assets to Deposits From Customers Ratio (to)
opts.bRLARFrom Number Loans to Asset Ratio (from)
opts.bRLARTo Number Loans to Asset Ratio (to)
opts.bRLAROFrom Number Loans to Customers to Asset Ratio (from)
opts.bRLAROTo Number Loans to Customers to Asset Ratio (to)
opts.bRNIITFrom Number Net Interest Income Trend (from)
opts.bRNIITTo Number Net Interest Income Trend (to)
opts.bRNFCITFrom Number Net Fee and Commission Income Trend (from)
opts.bRNFCITTo Number Net Fee and Commission Income Trend (to)
opts.bRLACTFrom Number Loans and Advances to Customers Trend (from)
opts.bRLACTTo Number Loans and Advances to Customers Trend (to)
opts.bRLACTOFrom Number Loans and Advances Trend (from)
opts.bRLACTOTo Number Loans and Advances Trend (to)
opts.bRDCTFrom Number Deposits from Customers Trend (from)
opts.bRDCTTo Number Deposits from Customers Trend (to)
opts.bRDCTOFrom Number Deposits Trend (from)
opts.bRDCTOTo Number Deposits Trend (to)
opts.bRERAFrom Number Earning Assets (from)
opts.bRERATo Number Earning Assets (to)
opts.bRAYAFrom Number Yield on Earning Assets (YEA) (from)
opts.bRAYATo Number Yield on Earning Assets (YEA) (to)
opts.bRNIMFrom Number Net Interest Margin (from)
opts.bRNIMTo Number Net Interest Margin (to)
opts.iRLRFrom Number Loss Ratio (from)
opts.iRLRTo Number Loss Ratio (to)
opts.iRUERFrom Number Underwriting Expenses Ratio (from)
opts.iRUERTo Number Underwriting Expenses Ratio (to)
opts.iRCPRFrom Number Ceeded Premium Ratio (from)
opts.iRCPRTo Number Ceeded Premium Ratio (to)
opts.iRNPETFrom Number Net Premiums Earned Trend (from)
opts.iRNPETTo Number Net Premiums Earned Trend (to)
opts.iRFCTFrom Number Fees and Commissions Trend (from)
opts.iRFCTTo Number Fees and Commissions Trend (to)
opts.iRNIITFrom Number Net Investment Income Trend (from)
opts.iRNIITTo Number Net Investment Income Trend (to)
opts.iRRADIOTFrom Number Receivables Arising Out Of Direct Insurance Operations Trend (from)
opts.iRRADIOTTo Number Receivables Arising Out Of Direct Insurance Operations Trend (to)
opts.mMEPSFrom Number EPS (from)
opts.mMEPSTo Number EPS (to)
opts.mMPERFrom Number P/E (from)
opts.mMPERTo Number P/E (to)
opts.mMPSAFrom Number Market Capitalization/Net Sales (Price Sales Ratio) (from)
opts.mMPSATo Number Market Capitalization/Net Sales (Price Sales Ratio) (to)
opts.mMPGIFrom Number Market Capitalization/Gross Profit (from)
opts.mMPGITo Number Market Capitalization/Gross Profit (to)
opts.mARKETCAPEBITDAFrom Number Market Capitalization/EBITDA (from)
opts.mARKETCAPEBITDATo Number Market Capitalization/EBITDA (to)
opts.mMPEBITFrom Number Market Capitalization/EBIT (from)
opts.mMPEBITTo Number Market Capitalization/EBIT (to)
opts.mMPTAFrom Number Market Capitalization/Total Assets (from)
opts.mMPTATo Number Market Capitalization/Total Assets (to)
opts.mCAPEQFrom Number Market capitalization/shareholders' equity (from)
opts.mCAPEQTo Number Market capitalization/shareholders' equity (to)
opts.pBRFrom Number Market Capitalization/Book Value (from)
opts.pBRTo Number Market Capitalization/Book Value (to)
opts.mMPICFrom Number Market Capitalization / Capital Employed (from)
opts.mMPICTo Number Market Capitalization / Capital Employed (to)
opts.mMPOCFFrom Number Market Capitalization/Operating Cashflow (from)
opts.mMPOCFTo Number Market Capitalization/Operating Cashflow (to)
opts.eVNSFrom Number Enterprise value/Net Sales (from)
opts.eVNSTo Number Enterprise value/Net Sales (to)
opts.eVGIFrom Number Enterprise value/Gross Profit (from)
opts.eVGITo Number Enterprise value/Gross Profit (to)
opts.eVEBITDAFrom Number Enterprise Value/EBITDA (from)
opts.eVEBITDATo Number Enterprise Value/EBITDA (to)
opts.eVEBITFrom Number Enterprise value/EBIT (from)
opts.eVEBITTo Number Enterprise value/EBIT (to)
opts.eVTAFrom Number Enterprise value/Total Assets (from)
opts.eVTATo Number Enterprise value/Total Assets (to)
opts.eVICFrom Number Enterprise value/Capital Employed (from)
opts.eVICTo Number Enterprise value/Capital Employed (to)
opts.eVOCFFrom Number Enterprise value/Operating Cashflow (from)
opts.eVOCFTo Number Enterprise value/Operating Cashflow (to)
opts.cMBRFrom Number Dynamic_50_CMBRFrom_Parameter
opts.cMBRTo Number Dynamic_50_CMBRTo_Parameter
opts.iNVYIELDFrom Number Dynamic_50_INVYIELDFrom_Parameter
opts.iNVYIELDTo Number Dynamic_50_INVYIELDTo_Parameter
opts.aLTZSCOREFrom Number Dynamic_50_ALTZSCOREFrom_Parameter
opts.aLTZSCORETo Number Dynamic_50_ALTZSCORETo_Parameter

companiesSearchFiltersPost(token, opts)


A Promise, with data of type EMIS\model\SearchFilterSingleResponseData

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.ownerCountries Array.<String> Owner Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.affiliateCountries Array.<String> Affiliate Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.limit Number The max number of the items to retrieve
opts.offset Number The number of the starting item
opts.cursor String The ID of the item under which the cursor is
opts.format String Response format - json/xml
opts.name String * @param {String} opts.description
opts.companyIds Array.<String> * @param {Array.} opts.country Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.companyType Array.<String> Company types separated by commas
opts.importCountries Array.<String> Import country codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.exportCountries Array.<String> Export country codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas
opts.updatedFrom String Date since last update took place (from)
opts.updatedTo String Date since last update took place (to)
opts.statementsUpdatedFrom String Financial statements filter updated (from)
opts.statementsUpdatedTo String Financial statements filter updated (to)
opts.mainIndustry Array.<String> Main activities separated by commas
opts.currency String Currency code
opts.secondaryIndustry Array.<String> Secondary activities separated by commas
opts.operationalStatus Array.<String> Operational statuses separated by commas
opts.numberOfEmployeesFrom Number Number of employees (from)
opts.numberOfEmployeesTo Number Number of employees (to)
opts.legalForm Array.<String> Legal Form codes separated by commas
opts.localLegalForm Array.<String> Local legal form codes separated by commas
opts.region String Region name in English language
opts.city String City name in English language
opts.companyName Array.<String> Company name
opts.keyExecutives Array.<String> Key executives
opts.shareholders Array.<String> Key shareholders
opts.subsidiaries Array.<String> Key subsidiaries
opts.financialAuditors Array.<String> Key financial auditors
opts.businessDescription Array.<String> Key business description
opts.products Array.<String> Key products
opts.uboName Array.<String> Beneficial Owner's Name Keyword
opts.keywords Array.<String> Keywords
opts.year Number Year of financial statement
opts.period String Financial period
opts.statementType String Statement type
opts.order String Sort order field. Possible values are name, revenue, revenue_growth, assets, profit, equity, relevance. By default this parameter sorts ascending. For descending order use the colon sign and \"desc\". For example: order=revenue:desc
opts.localization Boolean Localization (default to false)
opts.uboCitizenship String Beneficial owner's citizenship
opts.uboBirthDate String Beneficial owner's date of birth in the format \"dd-mm-yyyy\"
opts.onlyWithOfficialFinancials Boolean * @param {Number} opts.tSFrom Total Assets (from)
opts.status String * @param {Array.} opts.dynamicParameters
opts.tSTo Number Total Assets (to)
opts.tANGFrom Number Property, plant and equipment (from)
opts.tANGTo Number Property, plant and equipment (to)
opts.iNTFrom Number Intangible assets and goodwill (from)
opts.iNTTo Number Intangible assets and goodwill (to)
opts.cEFrom Number Cash and cash equivalents (from)
opts.cETo Number Cash and cash equivalents (to)
opts.sEFrom Number Total equity (from)
opts.sETo Number Total equity (to)
opts.sEOWNFrom Number Equity attributable to owners of the parent (from)
opts.sEOWNTo Number Equity attributable to owners of the parent (to)
opts.iSSUEDFrom Number Issued capital (from)
opts.iSSUEDTo Number Issued capital (to)
opts.iSSUEDORDFrom Number Ordinary shares (from)
opts.iSSUEDORDTo Number Ordinary shares (to)
opts.iSSUEDPREFFrom Number Preferred shares (from)
opts.iSSUEDPREFTo Number Preferred shares (to)
opts.sEOWNPREMIUMFrom Number Share premium (from)
opts.sEOWNPREMIUMTo Number Share premium (to)
opts.sEOWNTREASURYFrom Number Treasury shares (from)
opts.sEOWNTREASURYTo Number Treasury shares (to)
opts.sEOWNREVALUATIONFrom Number Revaluation reserve (from)
opts.sEOWNREVALUATIONTo Number Revaluation reserve (to)
opts.sEOWNFOREIGNCURRFrom Number Foreign currency translation reserve (from)
opts.sEOWNFOREIGNCURRTo Number Foreign currency translation reserve (to)
opts.pROFITRESERVFrom Number Retained earnings (from)
opts.pROFITRESERVTo Number Retained earnings (to)
opts.bSPROFITFrom Number Balance-sheet profit or loss figure (from)
opts.bSPROFITTo Number Balance-sheet profit or loss figure (to)
opts.sEMINFrom Number Minority interest (from)
opts.sEMINTo Number Minority interest (to)
opts.tLFrom Number Total Liabilities (from)
opts.tLTo Number Total Liabilities (to)
opts.tRFrom Number Total operating revenue (from)
opts.tRTo Number Total operating revenue (to)
opts.oPFrom Number Operating profit (EBIT) (from)
opts.oPTo Number Operating profit (EBIT) (to)
opts.pRETAXFrom Number Profit before income tax (from)
opts.pRETAXTo Number Profit before income tax (to)
opts.tAXFrom Number Income tax (from)
opts.tAXTo Number Income tax (to)
opts.tAXDUEFrom Number Tax difference due to consolidation (from)
opts.tAXDUETo Number Tax difference due to consolidation (to)
opts.aFTERTAXFrom Number Profit after income tax (from)
opts.aFTERTAXTo Number Profit after income tax (to)
opts.aFTERTAXDISCFrom Number Profit from discontinued operations (from)
opts.aFTERTAXDISCTo Number Profit from discontinued operations (to)
opts.nPFrom Number Net Profit (from)
opts.nPTo Number Net Profit (to)
opts.cOMPREHENSOTHFrom Number Other comprehensive result for the period, net of tax (from)
opts.cOMPREHENSOTHTo Number Other comprehensive result for the period, net of tax (to)
opts.aFTERTAXTOTALFrom Number Comprehensive Income (from)
opts.aFTERTAXTOTALTo Number Comprehensive Income (to)
opts.oUTSIDEFrom Number Comprehensive Income attributable to Minority Interests (from)
opts.oUTSIDETo Number Comprehensive Income attributable to Minority Interests (to)
opts.cFNCFOPERATINGFrom Number Net cash flow from (used in) operating activities (from)
opts.cFNCFOPERATINGTo Number Net cash flow from (used in) operating activities (to)
opts.cFNCFINVESTFrom Number Net cash flow from (used in) investing activities (from)
opts.cFNCFINVESTTo Number Net cash flow from (used in) investing activities (to)
opts.cFNCFFINANCEFrom Number Net cash flow from (used in) financing activities (from)
opts.cFNCFFINANCETo Number Net cash flow from (used in) financing activities (to)
opts.cFNETINCREASECASHFrom Number Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (from)
opts.cFNETINCREASECASHTo Number Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (to)
opts.cFCASHBEGINFrom Number Cash at the beginning of the period (from)
opts.cFCASHBEGINTo Number Cash at the beginning of the period (to)
opts.cFCASHFOREXFrom Number Exchange gains (losses) on cash and cash equivalents (from)
opts.cFCASHFOREXTo Number Exchange gains (losses) on cash and cash equivalents (to)
opts.cFCASHENDFrom Number Cash at the end of the period (from)
opts.cFCASHENDTo Number Cash at the end of the period (to)
opts.cFFCFFrom Number Free cash flow (from)
opts.cFFCFTo Number Free cash flow (to)
opts.cFCAPEXFrom Number CAPEX (from)
opts.cFCAPEXTo Number CAPEX (to)
opts.mINFrom Number Lower Limit of Revenue Range (from)
opts.mINTo Number Lower Limit of Revenue Range (to)
opts.mAXFrom Number Upper Limit of Revenue Range (from)
opts.mAXTo Number Upper Limit of Revenue Range (to)
opts.rOAFrom Number Return on Assets (ROA) (from)
opts.rOATo Number Return on Assets (ROA) (to)
opts.rOAAFrom Number Annualised Return on Assets (ROA) (from)
opts.rOAATo Number Annualised Return on Assets (ROA) (to)
opts.rOEFrom Number Return on Equity (ROE) (from)
opts.rOETo Number Return on Equity (ROE) (to)
opts.rOEAFrom Number Annualised Return on Equity (ROE) (from)
opts.rOEATo Number Annualised Return on Equity (ROE) (to)
opts.rOCFrom Number Return on Capital Employed (from)
opts.rOCTo Number Return on Capital Employed (to)
opts.rOSFrom Number Net Profit Margin (from)
opts.rOSTo Number Net Profit Margin (to)
opts.gPMFrom Number Gross Profit Margin (from)
opts.gPMTo Number Gross Profit Margin (to)
opts.oPMFrom Number Operating Profit Margin (ROS) (from)
opts.oPMTo Number Operating Profit Margin (ROS) (to)
opts.pREBITDAFrom Number EBITDA Margin (from)
opts.pREBITDATo Number EBITDA Margin (to)
opts.pROROAFrom Number Operating ROA (from)
opts.pROROATo Number Operating ROA (to)
opts.iNVENTORYTURNFrom Number Inventory Turnover (from)
opts.iNVENTORYTURNTo Number Inventory Turnover (to)
opts.aRTFrom Number Trade Receivable Turnover (from)
opts.aRTTo Number Trade Receivable Turnover (to)
opts.cATFrom Number Current Asset Turnover (from)
opts.cATTo Number Current Asset Turnover (to)
opts.fATFrom Number Non Current Assets Turnover (from)
opts.fATTo Number Non Current Assets Turnover (to)
opts.aTFrom Number Total Asset Turnover (from)
opts.aTTo Number Total Asset Turnover (to)
opts.eRPTFrom Number Trade Payables Turnover (from)
opts.eRPTTo Number Trade Payables Turnover (to)
opts.eRWCTFrom Number Working Capital Turnover (from)
opts.eRWCTTo Number Working Capital Turnover (to)
opts.bOOKVALUEFrom Number Bookvalue (BV) (from)
opts.bOOKVALUETo Number Bookvalue (BV) (to)
opts.eVFrom Number Enterprise value (from)
opts.eVTo Number Enterprise value (to)
opts.nETCASHFrom Number Net Cash (from)
opts.nETCASHTo Number Net Cash (to)
opts.dEBTFrom Number Debt (from)
opts.dEBTTo Number Debt (to)
opts.lTDEBTFrom Number Long term Debt (from)
opts.lTDEBTTo Number Long term Debt (to)
opts.sTDEBTFrom Number Short Term Debt (from)
opts.sTDEBTTo Number Short Term Debt (to)
opts.nETDEBTFrom Number Net Debt (from)
opts.nETDEBTTo Number Net Debt (to)
opts.mKCPFrom Number Market Capitalization (from)
opts.mKCPTo Number Market Capitalization (to)
opts.tRWCFrom Number Working Capital (from)
opts.tRWCTo Number Working Capital (to)
opts.cEMPLFrom Number Capital Employed (from)
opts.cEMPLTo Number Capital Employed (to)
opts.cRFrom Number Current Ratio (from)
opts.cRTo Number Current Ratio (to)
opts.qRFrom Number Quick ratio (from)
opts.qRTo Number Quick ratio (to)
opts.dOOMSDAYFrom Number Doom's day ratio (from)
opts.dOOMSDAYTo Number Doom's day ratio (to)
opts.lRCRFrom Number Cash Ratio (from)
opts.lRCRTo Number Cash Ratio (to)
opts.lRCFOFrom Number Operating Cash Flow Ratio (from)
opts.lRCFOTo Number Operating Cash Flow Ratio (to)
opts.dEBTTOASSETSFrom Number Debt to total assets ratio (from)
opts.dEBTTOASSETSTo Number Debt to total assets ratio (to)
opts.dEBTTOEQUITYFrom Number Debt to equity ratio (from)
opts.dEBTTOEQUITYTo Number Debt to equity ratio (to)
opts.lTDCFrom Number Long Term Debt to Capital Employed (from)
opts.lTDCTo Number Long Term Debt to Capital Employed (to)
opts.dEBTTOEBITDAFrom Number Debt/EBITDA (from)
opts.dEBTTOEBITDATo Number Debt/EBITDA (to)
opts.dEBTEVFrom Number Debt/Enterprise Value (from)
opts.dEBTEVTo Number Debt/Enterprise Value (to)
opts.lTDCFFrom Number Net Cash Flow to Debt (from)
opts.lTDCFTo Number Net Cash Flow to Debt (to)
opts.lEVERAGEFrom Number Assets to Equity Ratio (from)
opts.lEVERAGETo Number Assets to Equity Ratio (to)
opts.rTFrom Number Net Sales Revenue Trend (from)
opts.rTTo Number Net Sales Revenue Trend (to)
opts.tRNSRFrom Number Total Operating Revenue Trend (from)
opts.tRNSRTo Number Total Operating Revenue Trend (to)
opts.tRGPFrom Number Gross Profit Trend (from)
opts.tRGPTo Number Gross Profit Trend (to)
opts.tREBITDAFrom Number EBITDA Trend (from)
opts.tREBITDATo Number EBITDA Trend (to)
opts.oITFrom Number Operating Profit Trend (from)
opts.oITTo Number Operating Profit Trend (to)
opts.nITFrom Number Net Profit Trend (from)
opts.nITTo Number Net Profit Trend (to)
opts.tRARFrom Number Accounts Receivables Trend (from)
opts.tRARTo Number Accounts Receivables Trend (to)
opts.tRINVFrom Number Inventory Trend (from)
opts.tRINVTo Number Inventory Trend (to)
opts.tRPPEFrom Number Net Property, Plant and Equipment (PP&E) Trend (from)
opts.tRPPETo Number Net Property, Plant and Equipment (PP&E) Trend (to)
opts.tRTAFrom Number Total Assets Trend (from)
opts.tRTATo Number Total Assets Trend (to)
opts.tRBVFrom Number Bookvalue Trend (from)
opts.tRBVTo Number Bookvalue Trend (to)
opts.tRSEFrom Number Shareholders' Equity Trend (from)
opts.tRSETo Number Shareholders' Equity Trend (to)
opts.tRCFOFrom Number Operating Cash Flow Trend (from)
opts.tRCFOTo Number Operating Cash Flow Trend (to)
opts.tRCEFrom Number Capital Expenditures Trend (from)
opts.tRCETo Number Capital Expenditures Trend (to)
opts.iCRFrom Number Interest Coverage Ratio (from)
opts.iCRTo Number Interest Coverage Ratio (to)
opts.cRDCFrom Number Operating Cash Flow to Debt (from)
opts.cRDCTo Number Operating Cash Flow to Debt (to)
opts.pRCFRFrom Number Operating Cash Flow to Revenue (from)
opts.pRCFRTo Number Operating Cash Flow to Revenue (to)
opts.pRCFAFrom Number Operating Cash Flow to Assets (from)
opts.pRCFATo Number Operating Cash Flow to Assets (to)
opts.pRCREFrom Number Operating Cash Flow to Equity (from)
opts.pRCRETo Number Operating Cash Flow to Equity (to)
opts.pRCIFrom Number Operating Cash Flow to EBIT (from)
opts.pRCITo Number Operating Cash Flow to EBIT (to)
opts.bSCAFrom Number Cash/Total Assets (from)
opts.bSCATo Number Cash/Total Assets (to)
opts.bSRTAFrom Number Receivables/Total Assets (from)
opts.bSRTATo Number Receivables/Total Assets (to)
opts.bSITAFrom Number Inventories/Total Assets (from)
opts.bSITATo Number Inventories/Total Assets (to)
opts.bSFATAFrom Number Fixed assets/Total Assets (from)
opts.bSFATATo Number Fixed assets/Total Assets (to)
opts.bSCLTLFrom Number Current Liabilities/Total Liabilities (from)
opts.bSCLTLTo Number Current Liabilities/Total Liabilities (to)
opts.eXPORTRFrom Number Export proportion (from)
opts.eXPORTRTo Number Export proportion (to)
opts.iSSEBNSFrom Number Salaries and Employee Benefits/Net sales (from)
opts.iSSEBNSTo Number Salaries and Employee Benefits/Net sales (to)
opts.iSAENSFrom Number Administrative Expenses/Net Sales (from)
opts.iSAENSTo Number Administrative Expenses/Net Sales (to)
opts.iSDANSFrom Number Depreciation and Amortization/Net sales (from)
opts.iSDANSTo Number Depreciation and Amortization/Net sales (to)
opts.iSIPNSFrom Number Interest paid/Net sales (from)
opts.iSIPNSTo Number Interest paid/Net sales (to)
opts.iSITNSFrom Number Income tax/Net sales (from)
opts.iSITNSTo Number Income tax/Net sales (to)
opts.cFOCFTCFFrom Number Operating Cash Flow to Total Cash Flow (from)
opts.cFOCFTCFTo Number Operating Cash Flow to Total Cash Flow (to)
opts.cFCFITCFFrom Number Investing Cash Flow to Total Cash Flow (from)
opts.cFCFITCFTo Number Investing Cash Flow to Total Cash Flow (to)
opts.cFCFFTCFFrom Number Financing Cash Flow to Total Cash Flow (from)
opts.cFCFFTCFTo Number Financing Cash Flow to Total Cash Flow (to)
opts.bRCIRFrom Number Cost to Income Ratio (from)
opts.bRCIRTo Number Cost to Income Ratio (to)
opts.bRERFrom Number Bank Efficiency Ratio (from)
opts.bRERTo Number Bank Efficiency Ratio (to)
opts.bRLDRFrom Number Loans to Deposits Ratio (from)
opts.bRLDRTo Number Loans to Deposits Ratio (to)
opts.bRLDROFrom Number Loans to Customers to Deposits From Customers (from)
opts.bRLDROTo Number Loans to Customers to Deposits From Customers (to)
opts.bRLADRFrom Number Liquid Assets to Deposits Ratio (from)
opts.bRLADRTo Number Liquid Assets to Deposits Ratio (to)
opts.bRLADROFrom Number Liquid Assets to Deposits From Customers Ratio (from)
opts.bRLADROTo Number Liquid Assets to Deposits From Customers Ratio (to)
opts.bRLARFrom Number Loans to Asset Ratio (from)
opts.bRLARTo Number Loans to Asset Ratio (to)
opts.bRLAROFrom Number Loans to Customers to Asset Ratio (from)
opts.bRLAROTo Number Loans to Customers to Asset Ratio (to)
opts.bRNIITFrom Number Net Interest Income Trend (from)
opts.bRNIITTo Number Net Interest Income Trend (to)
opts.bRNFCITFrom Number Net Fee and Commission Income Trend (from)
opts.bRNFCITTo Number Net Fee and Commission Income Trend (to)
opts.bRLACTFrom Number Loans and Advances to Customers Trend (from)
opts.bRLACTTo Number Loans and Advances to Customers Trend (to)
opts.bRLACTOFrom Number Loans and Advances Trend (from)
opts.bRLACTOTo Number Loans and Advances Trend (to)
opts.bRDCTFrom Number Deposits from Customers Trend (from)
opts.bRDCTTo Number Deposits from Customers Trend (to)
opts.bRDCTOFrom Number Deposits Trend (from)
opts.bRDCTOTo Number Deposits Trend (to)
opts.bRERAFrom Number Earning Assets (from)
opts.bRERATo Number Earning Assets (to)
opts.bRAYAFrom Number Yield on Earning Assets (YEA) (from)
opts.bRAYATo Number Yield on Earning Assets (YEA) (to)
opts.bRNIMFrom Number Net Interest Margin (from)
opts.bRNIMTo Number Net Interest Margin (to)
opts.iRLRFrom Number Loss Ratio (from)
opts.iRLRTo Number Loss Ratio (to)
opts.iRUERFrom Number Underwriting Expenses Ratio (from)
opts.iRUERTo Number Underwriting Expenses Ratio (to)
opts.iRCPRFrom Number Ceeded Premium Ratio (from)
opts.iRCPRTo Number Ceeded Premium Ratio (to)
opts.iRNPETFrom Number Net Premiums Earned Trend (from)
opts.iRNPETTo Number Net Premiums Earned Trend (to)
opts.iRFCTFrom Number Fees and Commissions Trend (from)
opts.iRFCTTo Number Fees and Commissions Trend (to)
opts.iRNIITFrom Number Net Investment Income Trend (from)
opts.iRNIITTo Number Net Investment Income Trend (to)
opts.iRRADIOTFrom Number Receivables Arising Out Of Direct Insurance Operations Trend (from)
opts.iRRADIOTTo Number Receivables Arising Out Of Direct Insurance Operations Trend (to)
opts.mMEPSFrom Number EPS (from)
opts.mMEPSTo Number EPS (to)
opts.mMPERFrom Number P/E (from)
opts.mMPERTo Number P/E (to)
opts.mMPSAFrom Number Market Capitalization/Net Sales (Price Sales Ratio) (from)
opts.mMPSATo Number Market Capitalization/Net Sales (Price Sales Ratio) (to)
opts.mMPGIFrom Number Market Capitalization/Gross Profit (from)
opts.mMPGITo Number Market Capitalization/Gross Profit (to)
opts.mARKETCAPEBITDAFrom Number Market Capitalization/EBITDA (from)
opts.mARKETCAPEBITDATo Number Market Capitalization/EBITDA (to)
opts.mMPEBITFrom Number Market Capitalization/EBIT (from)
opts.mMPEBITTo Number Market Capitalization/EBIT (to)
opts.mMPTAFrom Number Market Capitalization/Total Assets (from)
opts.mMPTATo Number Market Capitalization/Total Assets (to)
opts.mCAPEQFrom Number Market capitalization/shareholders' equity (from)
opts.mCAPEQTo Number Market capitalization/shareholders' equity (to)
opts.pBRFrom Number Market Capitalization/Book Value (from)
opts.pBRTo Number Market Capitalization/Book Value (to)
opts.mMPICFrom Number Market Capitalization / Capital Employed (from)
opts.mMPICTo Number Market Capitalization / Capital Employed (to)
opts.mMPOCFFrom Number Market Capitalization/Operating Cashflow (from)
opts.mMPOCFTo Number Market Capitalization/Operating Cashflow (to)
opts.eVNSFrom Number Enterprise value/Net Sales (from)
opts.eVNSTo Number Enterprise value/Net Sales (to)
opts.eVGIFrom Number Enterprise value/Gross Profit (from)
opts.eVGITo Number Enterprise value/Gross Profit (to)
opts.eVEBITDAFrom Number Enterprise Value/EBITDA (from)
opts.eVEBITDATo Number Enterprise Value/EBITDA (to)
opts.eVEBITFrom Number Enterprise value/EBIT (from)
opts.eVEBITTo Number Enterprise value/EBIT (to)
opts.eVTAFrom Number Enterprise value/Total Assets (from)
opts.eVTATo Number Enterprise value/Total Assets (to)
opts.eVICFrom Number Enterprise value/Capital Employed (from)
opts.eVICTo Number Enterprise value/Capital Employed (to)
opts.eVOCFFrom Number Enterprise value/Operating Cashflow (from)
opts.eVOCFTo Number Enterprise value/Operating Cashflow (to)
opts.cMBRFrom Number Dynamic_50_CMBRFrom_Parameter
opts.cMBRTo Number Dynamic_50_CMBRTo_Parameter
opts.iNVYIELDFrom Number Dynamic_50_INVYIELDFrom_Parameter
opts.iNVYIELDTo Number Dynamic_50_INVYIELDTo_Parameter
opts.aLTZSCOREFrom Number Dynamic_50_ALTZSCOREFrom_Parameter
opts.aLTZSCORETo Number Dynamic_50_ALTZSCORETo_Parameter

Namespace: EMIS\api

Class: StatusApi ((EMIS\ApiClient) [apiClient] = EMIS\ApiClient.instance)



A Promise, with an object containing HTTP response

Name Type Description
token String Token



A Promise

Name Type Description
token String Token

Namespace: EMIS\api

Class: TokensApi ((EMIS\ApiClient) [apiClient] = EMIS\ApiClient.instance)

tokensImpersonatePostWithHttpInfo(token, opts)


A Promise, with an object containing HTTP response

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.format String Response format - json/xml
opts.employeeToken String * @param {String} opts.userId
opts.expireAfterSec Number * @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with an object containing HTTP response

tokensImpersonatePost(token, opts)


A Promise

Name Type Description
token String Token
opts Object Optional parameters
opts.format String Response format - json/xml
opts.employeeToken String * @param {String} opts.userId
opts.expireAfterSec Number * @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}

Namespace: EMIS\api

Class: VersionApi ((EMIS\ApiClient) [apiClient] = EMIS\ApiClient.instance)



A Promise, with an object containing HTTP response

Name Type Description
token String Token



A Promise

Name Type Description
token String Token

Result Types

EMIS\model.AccountValue ()
EMIS\model.Activity ()
EMIS\model.CityDictionary ()
EMIS\model.CityDictionaryData ()
EMIS\model.CityDictionaryItem ()
EMIS\model.CompanyAddress ()
EMIS\model.CompanyBenchmarkResponseItem ()
EMIS\model.CompanyBenchmarkResponseItemData ()
EMIS\model.CompanyMatchResponseData ()
EMIS\model.CompanyMatchResponseItem ()
EMIS\model.CompanyMatchResponseResult ()
EMIS\model.CompanyStatementCurrency ()
EMIS\model.CompanyStatementFinancialStandard ()
EMIS\model.CompanyStatementResponse ()
EMIS\model.CompanyStatementResponseData ()
EMIS\model.CompanyStatementResponseItem ()
EMIS\model.CompanyStatementResponseSingleItemData ()
EMIS\model.CompanyTypeDictionary ()
EMIS\model.CompanyTypeDictionaryData ()
EMIS\model.CompanyTypeDictionaryItem ()
EMIS\model.CountryDictionary ()
EMIS\model.CountryDictionaryData ()
EMIS\model.CountryDictionaryItem ()
EMIS\model.CurrencyDictionary ()
EMIS\model.CurrencyDictionaryData ()
EMIS\model.CurrencyDictionaryItem ()
EMIS\model.DumpsResponseItem ()
EMIS\model.DumpsSingleResponseData ()
EMIS\model.DynamicAccountParameter ()
EMIS\model.EmployeesNumber ()
EMIS\model.ErrorResponse ()
EMIS\model.ExternalId ()
EMIS\model.FeedsResponseItem ()
EMIS\model.FeedsSearchResponseData ()
EMIS\model.FeedsSingleResponseData ()
EMIS\model.FinancialAccountDetails ()
EMIS\model.FinancialAccountDictionary ()
EMIS\model.FinancialAccountDictionaryData ()
EMIS\model.FinancialAccountDictionaryDataWithDetails ()
EMIS\model.FinancialAccountDictionaryItem ()
EMIS\model.FinancialAccountDictionaryItemWithDetails ()
EMIS\model.FinancialAccountDictionaryWithDetails ()
EMIS\model.IndustryClass ()
EMIS\model.IndustryClassData ()
EMIS\model.IndustryClassItem ()
EMIS\model.IndustryResult ()
EMIS\model.IndustryResultData ()
EMIS\model.IndustryResultItem ()
EMIS\model.JsonErrorResponseData ()
EMIS\model.LegalFormDictionary ()
EMIS\model.LegalFormDictionaryData ()
EMIS\model.LegalFormDictionaryItem ()
EMIS\model.MarketDataLatest ()
EMIS\model.MarketDataLatestClose ()
EMIS\model.MarketDataLatestCloseVolatility ()
EMIS\model.ModelObject ()
EMIS\model.OperationalStatusDictionary ()
EMIS\model.OperationalStatusDictionaryData ()
EMIS\model.OperationalStatusDictionaryItem ()
EMIS\model.OwnerTypeDictionary ()
EMIS\model.OwnerTypeDictionaryData ()
EMIS\model.OwnerTypeDictionaryItem ()
EMIS\model.PeriodsDictionary ()
EMIS\model.PeriodsDictionaryData ()
EMIS\model.PeriodsDictionaryItem ()
EMIS\model.RegionDictionary ()
EMIS\model.RegionDictionaryData ()
EMIS\model.RegionDictionaryItem ()
EMIS\model.ResponseData ()
EMIS\model.SearchCompanyNameField ()
EMIS\model.SearchCompanyResponse ()
EMIS\model.SearchCompanyResponseData ()
EMIS\model.SearchCompanyResponseItem ()
EMIS\model.SearchFilterBasicItem ()
EMIS\model.SearchFilterDetailedItem ()
EMIS\model.SearchFilterSingleResponseData ()
EMIS\model.SearchFiltersSearchResponseData ()
EMIS\model.SegmentDictionary ()
EMIS\model.SegmentDictionaryData ()
EMIS\model.SegmentDictionaryItem ()
EMIS\model.SingleCompanyAuditor ()
EMIS\model.SingleCompanyBeneficialOwner ()
EMIS\model.SingleCompanyBeneficialOwnerOwnership ()
EMIS\model.SingleCompanyDetails ()
EMIS\model.SingleCompanyDividend ()
EMIS\model.SingleCompanyEmployees ()
EMIS\model.SingleCompanyExecutives ()
EMIS\model.SingleCompanyExecutivesPosition ()
EMIS\model.SingleCompanyExecutivesPositionCode ()
EMIS\model.SingleCompanyLatestFinancials ()
EMIS\model.SingleCompanyLatestFinancialsMarketCapitalization ()
EMIS\model.SingleCompanyLatestFinancialsRevenueDetails ()
EMIS\model.SingleCompanyLegalForm ()
EMIS\model.SingleCompanyMarketData ()
EMIS\model.SingleCompanyNameField ()
EMIS\model.SingleCompanyOwner ()
EMIS\model.SingleCompanyResponseItem ()
EMIS\model.SingleCompanyRegisteredCapital ()
EMIS\model.SingleCompanyRelatedDetails ()
EMIS\model.StandardDetailsDictionaryItem ()
EMIS\model.StandardDictionary ()
EMIS\model.StandardDictionaryData ()
EMIS\model.StandardDictionaryDataWithDetails ()
EMIS\model.StandardDictionaryItem ()
EMIS\model.StandardDictionarySingleItem ()
EMIS\model.StandardDictionaryWithDetails ()
EMIS\model.StatementsAccountsResponse ()
EMIS\model.StatementsAccountsResponseData ()
EMIS\model.StockExchangeDictionary ()
EMIS\model.StockExchangeDictionaryData ()
EMIS\model.StockExchangeDictionaryItem ()