Support and resources

Are you looking for help?

The EMIS Company V2 API documentation page is divided into sections which focus on the following:

  • Getting started section which contains details on how to generate an API token, install SDKs or use our API query builder.
  • Technical Documentation for different programming languages which also contain some commonly used quick examples such as ‘how to set up proxy?’ or ‘how to search for specific data?’. More detailed examples and code snippets are available in our FAQ section
  • Release notes, carrying information on the latest improvements and bug fixes.
  • API Status page which can be used to monitor API’s uptime, scheduled maintenances, and performance.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

Be sure to visit our FAQ section which contains common technical questions, guides, code snippets and other resources that will help you with setting up your API integration or getting the answer for a specific data question.


Shortcuts for sending an email to our Helpdesk team or reaching them via a live chat

The FAQ section is available for logged-in users only and allows access to our Support team via email image or live chat via a chat bubble in the bottom right corner image: