

The details of the company


Name Description Type
address The address of the company CompanyAddress
affiliates The list of affiliates SingleCompanyRelatedDetails[]
legalForm The legal form SingleCompanyLegalForm
operationalStatus The operational status code String
activities The list of activities Activity[]
dividends A single company dividend SingleCompanyDividend
marketSegments The list of market segments String[]
employees The employees information SingleCompanyEmployees
latestFinancials The latest financials information SingleCompanyLatestFinancials
owners The list of owners SingleCompanyOwner[]
description The description String
companyType The company type String
incorporationYear The incorporation year String
incorporationDate The incorporation date String
mainProducts The main products String
auditor The auditor information SingleCompanyAuditor
importCountries The list of the import countries String[]
exportCountries The list of the export countries String[]
registeredCapital Registered Capital information SingleCompanyRegisteredCapital
profileUpdateDate Date of last update String
marketData Market data SingleCompanyMarketData