


Name Description Type
frequency Feed generation frequency Integer
updatedFrom String
id The ID of the Dump String
name Name of the record String
description Description of the record String
filterId Filter ID String
includeCompanyProfiles Company profiles data Boolean
includeFinancialStatementsData Whether financial statements data is included in the response or not Boolean
isLocalized Shows if local language is used for values Boolean
isXml XML format for the generated dump Boolean
financialStandards Financial standards data String
currency Currency code String
consolidation Consolidation method String
delivery Delivery method String
ftpHost Delivery URL for local FTP server String
ftpPath Delivery path for local FTP server String
ftpUsername Username for the local FTP server String
ftpPassword Password for the local FTP server String
notificationEmail The user's e-mail address for notifications String
notificationUrl URL for push notification upon dump completion String
notificationHttpMethod HTTP Method for push notifications String
downloadUrl The URL from which the data can be downloaded String
created Dump creation time String
updated Dump updated time String
status The status of the dump String