PATCH /companies/feeds/{id}

Update feed

Update an already existing feed.

Path Parameters

Name Description Type Required Default
id Feed id String

Query Parameters

Name Description Type Required Default
format Response format - json/xml String
token Token String

FormData Parameters

Name Description Type Required Default
frequency Feed generation frequency Integer
name Name of the new record String
description Description of the new record String
filter_id Filter ID String
is_xml Set XML format for the generated dump Boolean
include_financial_statements If set, financial statements data will be included Boolean true
include_company_profiles If set, company profiles data will be included Boolean true
is_localized Provides local language values, whenever available Boolean false
financial_standards Financial standards structure.
The financial standards can be Global (EMIS Standardized), Local (Originally reported by the source) or both
String global
currency Currency code String usd
consolidation Consolidation method.
Accepted Values: [zip, single, singlezip]
String singlezip
delivery Delivery method.
Accepted Values: [ftp, http]
String http
ftp_host Result delivery URL for local FTP server String
ftp_path Result delivery path for local FTP server String
ftp_username Username for the local FTP server String
ftp_password Password for the local FTP server String
notification_email When set, the user will receive notifications by the e-mail address specified Array
notification_url URL for push notification upon dump completion String
notification_http_method HTTP Method for push notifications String


Status Code Description Type
200 Feed entry successfully modified. The result is the updated feed FeedsSingleResponseData
400 Incorrect input parameters ErrorResponse
401 Authorization error ErrorResponse
403 Incorrect user permissions ErrorResponse
404 Requested entity not found ErrorResponse
429 Too many requests were sent or limit exceeded ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error ErrorResponse
API Query Builder
Query Result