GET /companies/non-financial

Companies Non-financial Search

The method allows searching for companies based on given criteria like country of origin, company name, operational status and financial filters covering detailed non-financial standard's related accounts

Query Parameters

Name Description Type Required Default
country Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas Array
company_type Company types separated by commas Array
import_countries Import country codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas Array
export_countries Export country codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas Array
updated[from] Date since last update took place (from) String
updated[to] Date since last update took place (to) String
statements_updated[from] Financial statements filter updated (from) String
statements_updated[to] Financial statements filter updated (to) String
main_industry Main activities separated by commas Array
currency Currency code String
secondary_industry Secondary activities separated by commas Array
operational_status Operational statuses separated by commas Array
number_of_employees[from] Number of employees (from) Integer
number_of_employees[to] Number of employees (to) Integer
legal_form Legal Form codes separated by commas Array
local_legal_form Local legal form codes separated by commas Array
province Province name in English language String
city City name in English language String
company_name Company name Array
key_executives Key executives Array
shareholders Key shareholders Array
subsidiaries Key subsidiaries Array
financial_auditors Key financial auditors Array
business_description Key business description Array
products Key products Array
ubo_name Beneficial Owner's Name Keyword Array
keywords Keywords Array
year Year of financial statement Integer
period Financial period String
statement_type Statement type String
order Sort order field. Possible values are name, revenue, revenue_growth, assets, profit, equity, relevance. By default this parameter sorts ascending. For descending order use the colon sign and "desc". For example: order=revenue:desc String
localization Localization Boolean false
ubo_citizenship Beneficial owner's citizenship String
ubo_birth_date Beneficial owner's date of birth in the format "dd-mm-yyyy" String
only_with_official_financials CompanyAndStatementsOnlyWithOfficialFinancials_Parameter Boolean
owner_countries Owner Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas Array
affiliate_countries Affiliate Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas Array
limit The max number of the items to retrieve Integer
offset The number of the starting item Integer
cursor The ID of the item under which the cursor is String
format Response format - json/xml String
TS[from] Total Assets (from) Number
TS[to] Total Assets (to) Number
FA[from] Non-current assets (from) Number
FA[to] Non-current assets (to) Number
TANG[from] Property, plant and equipment (from) Number
TANG[to] Property, plant and equipment (to) Number
TANGLAND[from] Land and buildings (from) Number
TANGLAND[to] Land and buildings (to) Number
TANGVECH[from] Vehicles and machinery (from) Number
TANGVECH[to] Vehicles and machinery (to) Number
TANGFIXT[from] Fixtures and fittings (from) Number
TANGFIXT[to] Fixtures and fittings (to) Number
TANGOTHER[from] Other property, plant and equipment (from) Number
TANGOTHER[to] Other property, plant and equipment (to) Number
INPROGR[from] Construction in progress (from) Number
INPROGR[to] Construction in progress (to) Number
INT[from] Intangible assets and goodwill (from) Number
INT[to] Intangible assets and goodwill (to) Number
INTGOODW[from] Goodwill (from) Number
INTGOODW[to] Goodwill (to) Number
INTTRADM[from] Trademarks and licenses (from) Number
INTTRADM[to] Trademarks and licenses (to) Number
INTDEVCOST[from] Development costs (from) Number
INTDEVCOST[to] Development costs (to) Number
INTOWNSOFT[from] Own developed computer software (from) Number
INTOWNSOFT[to] Own developed computer software (to) Number
INTOTH[from] Other intangible assets (from) Number
INTOTH[to] Other intangible assets (to) Number
NCBIO[from] Non-current biological assets (from) Number
NCBIO[to] Non-current biological assets (to) Number
NCREC[from] Non-current Trade and other receivables (from) Number
NCREC[to] Non-current Trade and other receivables (to) Number
NCRECTRADE[from] Non-current trade receivables (from) Number
NCRECTRADE[to] Non-current trade receivables (to) Number
NCRECRELAT[from] Receivables from related parties (from) Number
NCRECRELAT[to] Receivables from related parties (to) Number
NCRECOTHER[from] Other non-current receivables (from) Number
NCRECOTHER[to] Other non-current receivables (to) Number
NCRECDOUBT[from] Doubtful receivables (from) Number
NCRECDOUBT[to] Doubtful receivables (to) Number
FINVEST[from] Long-term financial assets (from) Number
FINVEST[to] Long-term financial assets (to) Number
FINVESTPROP[from] Investment properties (from) Number
FINVESTPROP[to] Investment properties (to) Number
FINVESTSUBS[from] Investments in subsidiaries (from) Number
FINVESTSUBS[to] Investments in subsidiaries (to) Number
FINVESTASSOC[from] Investments in associates (from) Number
FINVESTASSOC[to] Investments in associates (to) Number
FINVESTFORSALE[from] Available-for-sale financial assets (LT) (from) Number
FINVESTFORSALE[to] Available-for-sale financial assets (LT) (to) Number
FINVESTDERIV[from] Derivative financial instruments (from) Number
FINVESTDERIV[to] Derivative financial instruments (to) Number
FINVESTFAIRVALUE[from] Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (from) Number
FINVESTFAIRVALUE[to] Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (to) Number
FINVESTHELDMAT[from] Financial assets held-to-maturity (from) Number
FINVESTHELDMAT[to] Financial assets held-to-maturity (to) Number
FINVESTOTH[from] Other non-current financial assets (from) Number
FINVESTOTH[to] Other non-current financial assets (to) Number
NCDEFFERED[from] Deferred assets (from) Number
NCDEFFERED[to] Deferred assets (to) Number
NCDEFFEREDTAX[from] Non-current deferred tax assets (from) Number
NCDEFFEREDTAX[to] Non-current deferred tax assets (to) Number
NCDEFFEREDOTHER[from] Other non-current deferred assets (from) Number
NCDEFFEREDOTHER[to] Other non-current deferred assets (to) Number
OTHFIX[from] Other non-current assets (from) Number
OTHFIX[to] Other non-current assets (to) Number
CA[from] Current Assets (from) Number
CA[to] Current Assets (to) Number
INV[from] Inventories (from) Number
INV[to] Inventories (to) Number
INVRAW[from] Raw materials (from) Number
INVRAW[to] Raw materials (to) Number
INVWIP[from] Work in progress (from) Number
INVWIP[to] Work in progress (to) Number
INVFINISHED[from] Finished goods (from) Number
INVFINISHED[to] Finished goods (to) Number
INVOTH[from] Other inventories (from) Number
INVOTH[to] Other inventories (to) Number
CBIO[from] Current biological assets (from) Number
CBIO[to] Current biological assets (to) Number
REC[from] Trade and other receivables (from) Number
REC[to] Trade and other receivables (to) Number
RECTRADE[from] Current trade receivables (from) Number
RECTRADE[to] Current trade receivables (to) Number
RECRELATED[from] Receivables from related parties (from) Number
RECRELATED[to] Receivables from related parties (to) Number
RECOTHER[from] Other current receivables (from) Number
RECOTHER[to] Other current receivables (to) Number
RECDOUBT[from] Doubtful receivables (from) Number
RECDOUBT[to] Doubtful receivables (to) Number
RECTAX[from] Tax receivables (from) Number
RECTAX[to] Tax receivables (to) Number
ACCRUE[from] Prepayments, accrued income and other deferred current assets (from) Number
ACCRUE[to] Prepayments, accrued income and other deferred current assets (to) Number
SEC[from] Short term Financial assets (from) Number
SEC[to] Short term Financial assets (to) Number
SECFORSALE[from] Available-for-sale financial assets (ST) (from) Number
SECFORSALE[to] Available-for-sale financial assets (ST) (to) Number
SECDERIVAT[from] Derivative financial instruments (from) Number
SECDERIVAT[to] Derivative financial instruments (to) Number
SECFAIRVALUE[from] Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (from) Number
SECFAIRVALUE[to] Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (to) Number
SECHELDMAT[from] Financial assets held-to-maturity (from) Number
SECHELDMAT[to] Financial assets held-to-maturity (to) Number
SECOTH[from] Other current financial assets (from) Number
SECOTH[to] Other current financial assets (to) Number
CE[from] Cash and cash equivalents (from) Number
CE[to] Cash and cash equivalents (to) Number
CECASH[from] Cash at banks and on hand (from) Number
CECASH[to] Cash at banks and on hand (to) Number
CEDEPOSIT[from] Short-term deposits (from) Number
CEDEPOSIT[to] Short-term deposits (to) Number
OTHCURR[from] Other current assets (from) Number
OTHCURR[to] Other current assets (to) Number
ASSETFORSALE[from] Assets of disposal group classified as held for sale (from) Number
ASSETFORSALE[to] Assets of disposal group classified as held for sale (to) Number
NA[from] Net current assets (from) Number
NA[to] Net current assets (to) Number
TLE[from] Total Equity and liabilities (from) Number
TLE[to] Total Equity and liabilities (to) Number
SE[from] Total equity (from) Number
SE[to] Total equity (to) Number
SEOWN[from] Equity attributable to owners of the parent (from) Number
SEOWN[to] Equity attributable to owners of the parent (to) Number
ISSUED[from] Issued capital (from) Number
ISSUED[to] Issued capital (to) Number
ISSUEDORD[from] Ordinary shares (from) Number
ISSUEDORD[to] Ordinary shares (to) Number
ISSUEDPREF[from] Preferred shares (from) Number
ISSUEDPREF[to] Preferred shares (to) Number
SEOWNPREMIUM[from] Share premium (from) Number
SEOWNPREMIUM[to] Share premium (to) Number
SEOWNTREASURY[from] Treasury shares (from) Number
SEOWNTREASURY[to] Treasury shares (to) Number
SEOWNREVALUATION[from] Revaluation reserve (from) Number
SEOWNREVALUATION[to] Revaluation reserve (to) Number
SEOWNFOREIGNCURR[from] Foreign currency translation reserve (from) Number
SEOWNFOREIGNCURR[to] Foreign currency translation reserve (to) Number
SEOWNCFHEDGE[from] Cashflow hedge reserve (from) Number
SEOWNCFHEDGE[to] Cashflow hedge reserve (to) Number
SEOWNHELDFORSALE[from] Reserves of a disposal group classified as held for sale (from) Number
SEOWNHELDFORSALE[to] Reserves of a disposal group classified as held for sale (to) Number
SEOWNOTH[from] Other reserves (from) Number
SEOWNOTH[to] Other reserves (to) Number
PROFITRESERV[from] Retained earnings (from) Number
PROFITRESERV[to] Retained earnings (to) Number
BSPROFIT[from] Profit or loss for the period (from) Number
BSPROFIT[to] Profit or loss for the period (to) Number
SEOWNDUETOCONS[from] Changes due to consolidation (from) Number
SEOWNDUETOCONS[to] Changes due to consolidation (to) Number
OTHEQ[from] Other components of equity (from) Number
OTHEQ[to] Other components of equity (to) Number
SEMIN[from] Minority interest (from) Number
SEMIN[to] Minority interest (to) Number
TL[from] Total Liabilities (from) Number
TL[to] Total Liabilities (to) Number
LTL[from] Non-current liabilities (from) Number
LTL[to] Non-current liabilities (to) Number
INVDEV[from] Non-current loans and borrowings (from) Number
INVDEV[to] Non-current loans and borrowings (to) Number
LTLDERIVA[from] Non-current derivative financial instruments (from) Number
LTLDERIVA[to] Non-current derivative financial instruments (to) Number
LTLOTH[from] Other non-current financial liabilities (from) Number
LTLOTH[to] Other non-current financial liabilities (to) Number
BONDDEBT[from] Debts on issue of bonds (from) Number
BONDDEBT[to] Debts on issue of bonds (to) Number
LTTRADPAY[from] Non-current trade payables (from) Number
LTTRADPAY[to] Non-current trade payables (to) Number
LTLPAYABLE[from] Other non-current payables (from) Number
LTLPAYABLE[to] Other non-current payables (to) Number
LTLDEFERRED[from] Deferred revenue, accrued expenses and other deferred non-current liabilities (from) Number
LTLDEFERRED[to] Deferred revenue, accrued expenses and other deferred non-current liabilities (to) Number
LTLPROVISION[from] Provisions for other liabilities and charges (from) Number
LTLPROVISION[to] Provisions for other liabilities and charges (to) Number
OTLONGLIA[from] Other non-current liabilities (from) Number
OTLONGLIA[to] Other non-current liabilities (to) Number
CL[from] Current Liabilities (from) Number
CL[to] Current Liabilities (to) Number
CLDEFERRTAX[from] Deferred income tax liabilities (from) Number
CLDEFERRTAX[to] Deferred income tax liabilities (to) Number
SLOAN[from] Current loans and borrowings (from) Number
SLOAN[to] Current loans and borrowings (to) Number
CLDERIVA[from] Current derivative financial instruments (from) Number
CLDERIVA[to] Current derivative financial instruments (to) Number
CLOTH[from] Other current financial liabilities (from) Number
CLOTH[to] Other current financial liabilities (to) Number
TRCREDIT[from] Trade and other payables (from) Number
TRCREDIT[to] Trade and other payables (to) Number
TRCREDITTRADE[from] Current trade payables (from) Number
TRCREDITTRADE[to] Current trade payables (to) Number
TRCREDITRELATED[from] Payables due to related parties (from) Number
TRCREDITRELATED[to] Payables due to related parties (to) Number
TRCREDITOTH[from] Other current payables (from) Number
TRCREDITOTH[to] Other current payables (to) Number
ACCRUL[from] Deferred revenue, accrued expenses and other deferred current liabilities (from) Number
ACCRUL[to] Deferred revenue, accrued expenses and other deferred current liabilities (to) Number
PROVIS[from] Provisions for other liabilities and charges (from) Number
PROVIS[to] Provisions for other liabilities and charges (to) Number
OTHLIAB[from] Other current liabilities (from) Number
OTHLIAB[to] Other current liabilities (to) Number
CLTAX[from] Current income tax liabilities (from) Number
CLTAX[to] Current income tax liabilities (to) Number
CLHELDFORSALE[from] Liabilities of disposal group classified as held for sale (from) Number
CLHELDFORSALE[to] Liabilities of disposal group classified as held for sale (to) Number
TR[from] Total operating revenue (from) Number
TR[to] Total operating revenue (to) Number
NS[from] Net sales revenue (from) Number
NS[to] Net sales revenue (to) Number
EXPORT[from] Net Export Sales Revenue (from) Number
EXPORT[to] Net Export Sales Revenue (to) Number
DOMESTIC[from] Net Domestic Sales Revenue (from) Number
DOMESTIC[to] Net Domestic Sales Revenue (to) Number
COGS[from] Cost of Goods Sold (from) Number
COGS[to] Cost of Goods Sold (to) Number
GROSSPROF[from] Gross profit (from) Number
GROSSPROF[to] Gross profit (to) Number
EXPSELLING[from] Selling and distribution expenses (from) Number
EXPSELLING[to] Selling and distribution expenses (to) Number
EXPADMIN[from] Administrative expenses (from) Number
EXPADMIN[to] Administrative expenses (to) Number
EXPCHNGINVENT[from] Changes in inventories of finished goods and work in progress (from) Number
EXPCHNGINVENT[to] Changes in inventories of finished goods and work in progress (to) Number
EXPWORKCAPITALIZED[from] Work performed and capitalized (from) Number
EXPWORKCAPITALIZED[to] Work performed and capitalized (to) Number
MATERIAL[from] Raw materials and consumables used (from) Number
MATERIAL[to] Raw materials and consumables used (to) Number
PERSON[from] Employee benefit expense (from) Number
PERSON[to] Employee benefit expense (to) Number
PERSONWAGE[from] Wages and salaries (from) Number
PERSONWAGE[to] Wages and salaries (to) Number
PERSONSOCIAL[from] Social security costs (from) Number
PERSONSOCIAL[to] Social security costs (to) Number
PERSONOTH[from] Other employee benefit expense (from) Number
PERSONOTH[to] Other employee benefit expense (to) Number
EXPTRANSP[from] Transportation costs (from) Number
EXPTRANSP[to] Transportation costs (to) Number
EXPITEXP[from] IT expenses (from) Number
EXPITEXP[to] IT expenses (to) Number
EXPADVERT[from] Advertising costs (from) Number
EXPADVERT[to] Advertising costs (to) Number
EXPTAXCONTR[from] Tax and contributions (from) Number
EXPTAXCONTR[to] Tax and contributions (to) Number
EXPRDCOST[from] R&D costs (from) Number
EXPRDCOST[to] R&D costs (to) Number
EXPOTHBYNAT[from] Other costs by nature (from) Number
EXPOTHBYNAT[to] Other costs by nature (to) Number
DEPRIC[from] Depreciation, amortization and impairment charges (from) Number
DEPRIC[to] Depreciation, amortization and impairment charges (to) Number
OTHEOPNET[from] Net - Other operating result (from) Number
OTHEOPNET[to] Net - Other operating result (to) Number
OREV[from] Other operating income (from) Number
OREV[to] Other operating income (to) Number
OTHCOST[from] Other operating expenses (from) Number
OTHCOST[to] Other operating expenses (to) Number
OTHNET[from] Other Net Operating Results (from) Number
OTHNET[to] Other Net Operating Results (to) Number
OP[from] Operating profit/loss (EBIT) (from) Number
OP[to] Operating profit/loss (EBIT) (to) Number
EBITDAGLOB[from] EBITDA (from) Number
FINRESULT[from] Financial result (from) Number
FINRESULT[to] Financial result (to) Number
FINRESULTIN[from] Finance income (from) Number
FINRESULTIN[to] Finance income (to) Number
FINRESULTININTEREST[from] Interest income (from) Number
FINRESULTININTEREST[to] Interest income (to) Number
FINRESULTINDIV[from] Dividend income (from) Number
FINRESULTINDIV[to] Dividend income (to) Number
FINRESULTINFOREX[from] Foreign exchange gain (from) Number
FINRESULTINFOREX[to] Foreign exchange gain (to) Number
FINRESULTINOTH[from] Other financial income (from) Number
FINRESULTINOTH[to] Other financial income (to) Number
FINRESULTCOST[from] Finance expenses (from) Number
FINRESULTCOST[to] Finance expenses (to) Number
FINRESULTCOSTINT[from] Interest expense (from) Number
FINRESULTCOSTINT[to] Interest expense (to) Number
FINRESULTCOSTFOREX[from] Foreign exchange loss (from) Number
FINRESULTCOSTFOREX[to] Foreign exchange loss (to) Number
FINRESULTCOSTOTH[from] Other financial expenses (from) Number
FINRESULTCOSTOTH[to] Other financial expenses (to) Number
FINRESULTSHARE[from] Share of profit (loss) of associates (from) Number
FINRESULTSHARE[to] Share of profit (loss) of associates (to) Number
OTHNETRE[from] Net - other non-operating result (from) Number
OTHNETRE[to] Net - other non-operating result (to) Number
OTHINCOME[from] Other income (from) Number
OTHINCOME[to] Other income (to) Number
OTHCOSTS[from] Other expenses (from) Number
OTHCOSTS[to] Other expenses (to) Number
EXTRESULT[from] Extraordinary Non-Operating Items (from) Number
EXTRESULT[to] Extraordinary Non-Operating Items (to) Number
PRETAX[from] Profit before income tax (from) Number
PRETAX[to] Profit before income tax (to) Number
TAX[from] Income tax (from) Number
TAX[to] Income tax (to) Number
TAXDUE[from] Tax difference due to consolidation (from) Number
TAXDUE[to] Tax difference due to consolidation (to) Number
AFTERTAX[from] Profit (Loss) from continuing operations (from) Number
AFTERTAX[to] Profit (Loss) from continuing operations (to) Number
AFTERTAXDISC[from] Profit (Loss) from discontinued operations (from) Number
AFTERTAXDISC[to] Profit (Loss) from discontinued operations (to) Number
OEXTI[from] Other Extraordinary Items (from) Number
OEXTI[to] Other Extraordinary Items (to) Number
NPTOOWN[from] Profit (loss) attributable to Owners (from) Number
NPTOOWN[to] Profit (loss) attributable to Owners (to) Number
NPMINT[from] Profit (loss) attributable to Minority Interests (from) Number
NPMINT[to] Profit (loss) attributable to Minority Interests (to) Number
COMPREHENSOTH[from] Other comprehensive result for the period, net of tax (from) Number
COMPREHENSOTH[to] Other comprehensive result for the period, net of tax (to) Number
COEXCDIF[from] Results from exchange differences on translation (from) Number
COEXCDIF[to] Results from exchange differences on translation (to) Number
COINVEQ[from] Results from investments in equity (from) Number
COINVEQ[to] Results from investments in equity (to) Number
COMSAFI[from] Results from available-for-sale financial assets (from) Number
COMSAFI[to] Results from available-for-sale financial assets (to) Number
COMHED[from] Results from cash flow hedges (from) Number
COMHED[to] Results from cash flow hedges (to) Number
COMBEN[from] Remeasurements of defined benefit plans (from) Number
COMBEN[to] Remeasurements of defined benefit plans (to) Number
COMREVF[from] Results from Revaluation of fixed assets (from) Number
COMREVF[to] Results from Revaluation of fixed assets (to) Number
COMFINA[from] Revaluation of financial instruments (from) Number
COMFINA[to] Revaluation of financial instruments (to) Number
COMJOIN[from] Share of other results from associates and joint ventures (from) Number
COMJOIN[to] Share of other results from associates and joint ventures (to) Number
COMOTH[from] Other comprehensive Results (from) Number
COMOTH[to] Other comprehensive Results (to) Number
COMINTAX[from] Income tax relating to components comprehensive results (from) Number
COMINTAX[to] Income tax relating to components comprehensive results (to) Number
AFTERTAXTOTAL[from] Comprehensive Income (from) Number
AFTERTAXTOTAL[to] Comprehensive Income (to) Number
COMTOOWN[from] Comprehensive Income attributable to Owers (from) Number
COMTOOWN[to] Comprehensive Income attributable to Owers (to) Number
OUTSIDE[from] Comprehensive Income attributable to Minority Interests (from) Number
OUTSIDE[to] Comprehensive Income attributable to Minority Interests (to) Number
CFNCFOPERATING[from] Net cash flow from (used in) operating activities (from) Number
CFNCFOPERATING[to] Net cash flow from (used in) operating activities (to) Number
CFPROFITOFYEAR[from] Net Profit (from) Number
CFPROFITOFYEAR[to] Net Profit (to) Number
CFCASH[from] Cash generated from operations (from) Number
CFCASH[to] Cash generated from operations (to) Number
CFADJTANG[from] Depreciation and impairment of property, plant and equipment (from) Number
CFADJTANG[to] Depreciation and impairment of property, plant and equipment (to) Number
CFADJINTAN[from] Adjustments for: Amortization of intangible assets (from) Number
CFADJINTAN[to] Adjustments for: Amortization of intangible assets (to) Number
CFADJIMPTANK[from] Adjustments for: Impairment losses on property, plant and equipment (from) Number
CFADJIMPTANK[to] Adjustments for: Impairment losses on property, plant and equipment (to) Number
CFADJIMPINTAN[from] Adjustments for: Impairment loss on intangible assets (from) Number
CFADJIMPINTAN[to] Adjustments for: Impairment loss on intangible assets (to) Number
CFADJIMPREC[from] Adjustments for: Impairment loss on trade receivables (from) Number
CFADJIMPREC[to] Adjustments for: Impairment loss on trade receivables (to) Number
CFADJFINRESULTIN[from] Adjustments for: Finance income (from) Number
CFADJFINRESULTIN[to] Adjustments for: Finance income (to) Number
CFADJFINRESULTCOST[from] Adjustments for: Finance expenses (from) Number
CFADJFINRESULTCOST[to] Adjustments for: Finance expenses (to) Number
CFADJGAINPROP[from] Adjustments for: Gain on sale of property, plant and equipment (from) Number
CFADJGAINPROP[to] Adjustments for: Gain on sale of property, plant and equipment (to) Number
CFADJDISCONTOP[from] Adjustments for: Gain on sale of discontinued operations (from) Number
CFADJDISCONTOP[to] Adjustments for: Gain on sale of discontinued operations (to) Number
CFADJOTHADJ[from] Adjustments for: Other adjustments (from) Number
CFADJOTHADJ[to] Adjustments for: Other adjustments (to) Number
CFCHNGINV[from] Changes in: Inventories (from) Number
CFCHNGINV[to] Changes in: Inventories (to) Number
CFCHNGBIOLOG[from] Changes in: Current biological assets due to sales (from) Number
CFCHNGBIOLOG[to] Changes in: Current biological assets due to sales (to) Number
CFCHNGTRADE[from] Changes in: Trade and other receivables (from) Number
CFCHNGTRADE[to] Changes in: Trade and other receivables (to) Number
CFCHNGPREP[from] Changes in: Prepayments (from) Number
CFCHNGPREP[to] Changes in: Prepayments (to) Number
CFCHNGREC[from] Changes in: Trade and other payables (from) Number
CFCHNGREC[to] Changes in: Trade and other payables (to) Number
CFCHNGPROV[from] Changes in: Provisions and employee benefits (from) Number
CFCHNGPROV[to] Changes in: Provisions and employee benefits (to) Number
CFCHNGDEFERRED[from] Changes in: Deferred income (from) Number
CFCHNGDEFERRED[to] Changes in: Deferred income (to) Number
CFCHNGOTH[from] Changes in: Other changes (from) Number
CFCHNGOTH[to] Changes in: Other changes (to) Number
CFINCOMETAX[from] Income tax paid (from) Number
CFINCOMETAX[to] Income tax paid (to) Number
CFOTHOPCF[from] Other operating activity cash flows (from) Number
CFOTHOPCF[to] Other operating activity cash flows (to) Number
CFNCFINVEST[from] Net cash flow from (used in) investing activities (from) Number
CFNCFINVEST[to] Net cash flow from (used in) investing activities (to) Number
CFINVESTSALEPROP[from] Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment (from) Number
CFINVESTSALEPROP[to] Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment (to) Number
CFINVESTPROP[from] Purchase of property, plant and equipment (from) Number
CFINVESTPROP[to] Purchase of property, plant and equipment (to) Number
CFINVESTNTANG[from] Purchase of intangible assets (from) Number
CFINVESTNTANG[to] Purchase of intangible assets (to) Number
CFINVESTINVPROP[from] Purchase of investment properties (from) Number
CFINVESTINVPROP[to] Purchase of investment properties (to) Number
CFINVESTFININST[from] Purchase of financial instruments (from) Number
CFINVESTFININST[to] Purchase of financial instruments (to) Number
CFINVESTSALEFININST[from] Proceeds from sale of financial instruments (from) Number
CFINVESTSALEFININST[to] Proceeds from sale of financial instruments (to) Number
CFINVESTDEVEXP[from] Development expenditures (from) Number
CFINVESTDEVEXP[to] Development expenditures (to) Number
CFINVESTACQUIRE[from] Acquisition of subsidiary (from) Number
CFINVESTACQUIRE[to] Acquisition of subsidiary (to) Number
CFINVESTINTREC[from] Interest received (from) Number
CFINVESTINTREC[to] Interest received (to) Number
CFINVESTDIVIDREC[from] Dividends received (from) Number
CFINVESTDIVIDREC[to] Dividends received (to) Number
CFINVESTOTHINVEST[from] Other investing activity cash flows (from) Number
CFINVESTOTHINVEST[to] Other investing activity cash flows (to) Number
CFNCFFINANCE[from] Net cash flow from (used in) financing activities (from) Number
CFNCFFINANCE[to] Net cash flow from (used in) financing activities (to) Number
CFFINORDINAR[from] Proceeds from issuance of ordinary shares (from) Number
CFFINORDINAR[to] Proceeds from issuance of ordinary shares (to) Number
CFFINOTHEQUITY[from] Proceeds from issuance of other equity instruments (from) Number
CFFINOTHEQUITY[to] Proceeds from issuance of other equity instruments (to) Number
CFFINTREASURY[from] Purchase of treasury shares (from) Number
CFFINTREASURY[to] Purchase of treasury shares (to) Number
CFFINSALEOWN[from] Proceeds from sale of own shares (from) Number
CFFINSALEOWN[to] Proceeds from sale of own shares (to) Number
CFFINBOR[from] Proceeds from borrowings (from) Number
CFFINBOR[to] Proceeds from borrowings (to) Number
CFFINREPAYBOR[from] Repayment of borrowings (from) Number
CFFINREPAYBOR[to] Repayment of borrowings (to) Number
CFFINCOSTLOAN[from] Payments of transaction costs related to loans and borrowings (from) Number
CFFINCOSTLOAN[to] Payments of transaction costs related to loans and borrowings (to) Number
CFFINPAYLEASE[from] Payments of finance lease liabilities (from) Number
CFFINPAYLEASE[to] Payments of finance lease liabilities (to) Number
CFFINPAIDINT[from] Interest paid (from) Number
CFFINPAIDINT[to] Interest paid (to) Number
CFFINPAIDDIV[from] Dividends paid (from) Number
CFFINPAIDDIV[to] Dividends paid (to) Number
CFFINOTHFINACT[from] Other financing activity cash flow (from) Number
CFFINOTHFINACT[to] Other financing activity cash flow (to) Number
CFNETINCREASECASH[from] Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (from) Number
CFNETINCREASECASH[to] Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (to) Number
CFCASHBEGIN[from] Cash at the beginning of the period (from) Number
CFCASHBEGIN[to] Cash at the beginning of the period (to) Number
CFCASHFOREX[from] Exchange gains (losses) on cash and cash equivalents (from) Number
CFCASHFOREX[to] Exchange gains (losses) on cash and cash equivalents (to) Number
CFCASHEND[from] Cash at the end of the period (from) Number
CFCASHEND[to] Cash at the end of the period (to) Number
CFFCF[from] Free cash flow (from) Number
CFFCF[to] Free cash flow (to) Number
CFCAPEX[from] CAPEX (from) Number
CFCAPEX[to] CAPEX (to) Number
MIN[from] Lower Limit of Revenue Range (from) Number
MIN[to] Lower Limit of Revenue Range (to) Number
MAX[from] Upper Limit of Revenue Range (from) Number
MAX[to] Upper Limit of Revenue Range (to) Number
token Token String


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200 The list of the non-financial companies data SearchCompanyResponse
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Query Result