GET /companies/{id}/benchmark

Company Benchmark data

Returns EMIS financial analysis for a company

Path Parameters

Name Description Type Required Default
id The ID of the company Integer

Query Parameters

Name Description Type Required Default
score_scale The Score scale on which the financial analysis will be evaluated. Allowed values: B - Business Scale, F - Financial Scale String B
benchmark_final_weight Percentage of EMIS Benchmark Score for the final weight calculation Integer 50
trend_final_weight Percentage of EMIS Trend Score for the final weight calculation. Integer 50
risk_profile The Risk scale on which the financial analysis will be evaluated. Allowed values: H, M, L String M
tolerance_margin Percentage of the allowed tolerance margin Integer 5
sales_growth Percentage of the company sales growth in the final calculation Integer 12
operating_profit Percentage of the company operating profit vs. sales indicator in the final calculation Integer 12
net_profit Percentage of the company net profit vs sales indicator in the final calculation Integer 12
days_inventory Percentage of the company days inventory indicator in the final calculation Integer 10
current_ratio Percentage of the company current balance ratio indicator in the final calculation Integer 8
days_receivables Percentage of the company days receivables indicator in the final calculation Integer 10
indebtedness Percentage of the company indebtedness (total assets vs total liabilities) indicator in the final calculation Integer 8
indebtedness_sales Percentage of the company total assets vs sales indicator in the final calculation Integer 8
cash_production Trend score on company cash for production indicator Integer 2
cash_operations Percentage of the company cash from sales indicator in the final calculation Integer 2
operating_cash_gen Percentage of the company net operation cash generation (NOCG) indicator in the final calculation Integer 5
free_cash_flow Percentage of the company free cash flow indicator in the final calculation Integer 3
cash_flow_after_fin_ex Percentage of the company cash flow after financial expenses indicator in the final calculation Integer 2
cash_flow_after_fin_result Percentage of the company cash flow after financial indicator in the final calculation Integer 2
reduction_debt Percentage of the company reduction in debt indicator in the final calculation Integer 2
negative_net_income_business_scale Indicate whether to include the negative net income (loss) to the financial score or not. If yes, indicate what should be the score for it based on the selected Score Scale String C
negative_cash_flow_fin_cost_business_scale Indicate whether to include the negative cash flow after financial costs to the financial score or not. If yes, indicate what should be the score for it based on the selected Score Scale String C
negative_net_worth_business_scale Indicate whether to include the negative net worth to the financial score or not. If yes, indicate what should be the score for it based on the selected Score Scale String E
negative_cash_flow_business_scale Indicate whether to include the negative cash flow to the financial score or not. If yes, indicate what should be the score for it based on the selected Score Scale String C
negative_net_income_financial_scale Indicate whether to include the negative net income (loss) to the financial score or not. If yes, indicate what should be the score for it based on the selected Score Scale String BB
negative_operating_profit_financial_scale Indicate whether to include the negative operating profile to the financial score or not. If yes, indicate what should be the score for it based on the selected Score Scale String BB
negative_net_worth_financial_scale Indicate whether to include the negative net worth to the financial score or not. If yes, indicate what should be the score for it based on the selected Score Scale String CC
negative_operating_cash_gen_financial_scale Indicate whether to include the negative operating cash generation to the financial score or not. If yes, indicate what should be the score for it based on the selected Score Scale String BB
negative_cash_flow_financial_scale Indicate whether to include the negative cash flow to the financial score or not. If yes, indicate what should be the score for it based on the selected Score Scale String BB
negative_cash_flow_fin_cost_financial_scale Indicate whether to include the negative cash flow after financial costs to the financial score or not. If yes, indicate what should be the score for it based on the selected Score Scale String BB
cash_sales Percentage of the company cash from sales indicator in the final calculation Integer 2
negative_operating_profit_business_scale Indicate whether to include the negative operating profile to the financial score or not. If yes, indicate what should be the score for it based on the selected Score Scale String C
negative_operating_cash_gen_business_scale Indicate whether to include the negative operating cash generation to the financial score or not. If yes, indicate what should be the score for it based on the selected Score Scale String C
token Token String
format Response format - json/xml String


Status Code Description Type
200 The company benchmark data object CompanyBenchmarkResponseItemData
400 Incorrect input parameters ErrorResponse
401 Authorization error ErrorResponse
403 Incorrect user permissions ErrorResponse
404 Requested entity not found ErrorResponse
429 Too many requests were sent or limit exceeded ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error ErrorResponse
API Query Builder
Query Result