GET /companies

Company Search

The method allows searching for companies based on given criteria like country of origin, company name, operational status and financial filters covering accounts which are available for all companies in EMIS' database.

Query Parameters

Name Description Type Required Default
country Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas Array
company_type Company types separated by commas Array
import_countries Import country codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas Array
export_countries Export country codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas Array
updated[from] Date since last update took place (from) String
updated[to] Date since last update took place (to) String
statements_updated[from] Financial statements filter updated (from) String
statements_updated[to] Financial statements filter updated (to) String
main_industry Main activities separated by commas Array
currency Currency code String
secondary_industry Secondary activities separated by commas Array
operational_status Operational statuses separated by commas Array
number_of_employees[from] Number of employees (from) Integer
number_of_employees[to] Number of employees (to) Integer
legal_form Legal Form codes separated by commas Array
local_legal_form Local legal form codes separated by commas Array
province Province name in English language String
city City name in English language String
company_name Company name Array
key_executives Key executives Array
shareholders Key shareholders Array
subsidiaries Key subsidiaries Array
financial_auditors Key financial auditors Array
business_description Key business description Array
products Key products Array
ubo_name Beneficial Owner's Name Keyword Array
keywords Keywords Array
year Year of financial statement Integer
period Financial period String
statement_type Statement type String
order Sort order field. Possible values are name, revenue, revenue_growth, assets, profit, equity, relevance. By default this parameter sorts ascending. For descending order use the colon sign and "desc". For example: order=revenue:desc String
localization Localization Boolean false
ubo_citizenship Beneficial owner's citizenship String
ubo_birth_date Beneficial owner's date of birth in the format "dd-mm-yyyy" String
only_with_official_financials CompanyAndStatementsOnlyWithOfficialFinancials_Parameter Boolean
owner_countries Owner Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas Array
affiliate_countries Affiliate Country Codes as 'AR', 'BG', etc. separated by commas Array
limit The max number of the items to retrieve Integer
offset The number of the starting item Integer
cursor The ID of the item under which the cursor is String
format Response format - json/xml String
TS[from] Total Assets (from) Number
TS[to] Total Assets (to) Number
TANG[from] Property, plant and equipment (from) Number
TANG[to] Property, plant and equipment (to) Number
INT[from] Intangible assets and goodwill (from) Number
INT[to] Intangible assets and goodwill (to) Number
CE[from] Cash and cash equivalents (from) Number
CE[to] Cash and cash equivalents (to) Number
SE[from] Total equity (from) Number
SE[to] Total equity (to) Number
SEOWN[from] Equity attributable to owners of the parent (from) Number
SEOWN[to] Equity attributable to owners of the parent (to) Number
ISSUED[from] Issued capital (from) Number
ISSUED[to] Issued capital (to) Number
ISSUEDORD[from] Ordinary shares (from) Number
ISSUEDORD[to] Ordinary shares (to) Number
ISSUEDPREF[from] Preferred shares (from) Number
ISSUEDPREF[to] Preferred shares (to) Number
SEOWNPREMIUM[from] Share premium (from) Number
SEOWNPREMIUM[to] Share premium (to) Number
SEOWNTREASURY[from] Treasury shares (from) Number
SEOWNTREASURY[to] Treasury shares (to) Number
SEOWNREVALUATION[from] Revaluation reserve (from) Number
SEOWNREVALUATION[to] Revaluation reserve (to) Number
SEOWNFOREIGNCURR[from] Foreign currency translation reserve (from) Number
SEOWNFOREIGNCURR[to] Foreign currency translation reserve (to) Number
PROFITRESERV[from] Retained earnings (from) Number
PROFITRESERV[to] Retained earnings (to) Number
BSPROFIT[from] Balance-sheet profit or loss figure (from) Number
BSPROFIT[to] Balance-sheet profit or loss figure (to) Number
SEMIN[from] Minority interest (from) Number
SEMIN[to] Minority interest (to) Number
TL[from] Total Liabilities (from) Number
TL[to] Total Liabilities (to) Number
TR[from] Total operating revenue (from) Number
TR[to] Total operating revenue (to) Number
OP[from] Operating profit (EBIT) (from) Number
OP[to] Operating profit (EBIT) (to) Number
PRETAX[from] Profit before income tax (from) Number
PRETAX[to] Profit before income tax (to) Number
TAX[from] Income tax (from) Number
TAX[to] Income tax (to) Number
TAXDUE[from] Tax difference due to consolidation (from) Number
TAXDUE[to] Tax difference due to consolidation (to) Number
AFTERTAX[from] Profit after income tax (from) Number
AFTERTAX[to] Profit after income tax (to) Number
AFTERTAXDISC[from] Profit from discontinued operations (from) Number
AFTERTAXDISC[to] Profit from discontinued operations (to) Number
NP[from] Net Profit (from) Number
NP[to] Net Profit (to) Number
COMPREHENSOTH[from] Other comprehensive result for the period, net of tax (from) Number
COMPREHENSOTH[to] Other comprehensive result for the period, net of tax (to) Number
AFTERTAXTOTAL[from] Comprehensive Income (from) Number
AFTERTAXTOTAL[to] Comprehensive Income (to) Number
OUTSIDE[from] Comprehensive Income attributable to Minority Interests (from) Number
OUTSIDE[to] Comprehensive Income attributable to Minority Interests (to) Number
CFNCFOPERATING[from] Net cash flow from (used in) operating activities (from) Number
CFNCFOPERATING[to] Net cash flow from (used in) operating activities (to) Number
CFNCFINVEST[from] Net cash flow from (used in) investing activities (from) Number
CFNCFINVEST[to] Net cash flow from (used in) investing activities (to) Number
CFNCFFINANCE[from] Net cash flow from (used in) financing activities (from) Number
CFNCFFINANCE[to] Net cash flow from (used in) financing activities (to) Number
CFNETINCREASECASH[from] Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (from) Number
CFNETINCREASECASH[to] Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (to) Number
CFCASHBEGIN[from] Cash at the beginning of the period (from) Number
CFCASHBEGIN[to] Cash at the beginning of the period (to) Number
CFCASHFOREX[from] Exchange gains (losses) on cash and cash equivalents (from) Number
CFCASHFOREX[to] Exchange gains (losses) on cash and cash equivalents (to) Number
CFCASHEND[from] Cash at the end of the period (from) Number
CFCASHEND[to] Cash at the end of the period (to) Number
CFFCF[from] Free cash flow (from) Number
CFFCF[to] Free cash flow (to) Number
CFCAPEX[from] CAPEX (from) Number
CFCAPEX[to] CAPEX (to) Number
MIN[from] Lower Limit of Revenue Range (from) Number
MIN[to] Lower Limit of Revenue Range (to) Number
MAX[from] Upper Limit of Revenue Range (from) Number
MAX[to] Upper Limit of Revenue Range (to) Number
ROA[from] Return on Assets (ROA) (from) Number
ROA[to] Return on Assets (ROA) (to) Number
ROAA[from] Annualised Return on Assets (ROA) (from) Number
ROAA[to] Annualised Return on Assets (ROA) (to) Number
ROE[from] Return on Equity (ROE) (from) Number
ROE[to] Return on Equity (ROE) (to) Number
ROEA[from] Annualised Return on Equity (ROE) (from) Number
ROEA[to] Annualised Return on Equity (ROE) (to) Number
ROC[from] Return on Capital Employed (from) Number
ROC[to] Return on Capital Employed (to) Number
ROS[from] Net Profit Margin (from) Number
ROS[to] Net Profit Margin (to) Number
GPM[from] Gross Profit Margin (from) Number
GPM[to] Gross Profit Margin (to) Number
OPM[from] Operating Profit Margin (ROS) (from) Number
OPM[to] Operating Profit Margin (ROS) (to) Number
PREBITDA[from] EBITDA Margin (from) Number
PREBITDA[to] EBITDA Margin (to) Number
PROROA[from] Operating ROA (from) Number
PROROA[to] Operating ROA (to) Number
INVENTORYTURN[from] Inventory Turnover (from) Number
INVENTORYTURN[to] Inventory Turnover (to) Number
ART[from] Trade Receivable Turnover (from) Number
ART[to] Trade Receivable Turnover (to) Number
CAT[from] Current Asset Turnover (from) Number
CAT[to] Current Asset Turnover (to) Number
FAT[from] Non Current Assets Turnover (from) Number
FAT[to] Non Current Assets Turnover (to) Number
AT[from] Total Asset Turnover (from) Number
AT[to] Total Asset Turnover (to) Number
ERPT[from] Trade Payables Turnover (from) Number
ERPT[to] Trade Payables Turnover (to) Number
ERWCT[from] Working Capital Turnover (from) Number
ERWCT[to] Working Capital Turnover (to) Number
BOOKVALUE[from] Bookvalue (BV) (from) Number
BOOKVALUE[to] Bookvalue (BV) (to) Number
EV[from] Enterprise value (from) Number
EV[to] Enterprise value (to) Number
NETCASH[from] Net Cash (from) Number
NETCASH[to] Net Cash (to) Number
DEBT[from] Debt (from) Number
DEBT[to] Debt (to) Number
LTDEBT[from] Long term Debt (from) Number
LTDEBT[to] Long term Debt (to) Number
STDEBT[from] Short Term Debt (from) Number
STDEBT[to] Short Term Debt (to) Number
NET_DEBT[from] Net Debt (from) Number
NET_DEBT[to] Net Debt (to) Number
MKCP[from] Market Capitalization (from) Number
MKCP[to] Market Capitalization (to) Number
TRWC[from] Working Capital (from) Number
TRWC[to] Working Capital (to) Number
CEMPL[from] Capital Employed (from) Number
CEMPL[to] Capital Employed (to) Number
CR[from] Current Ratio (from) Number
CR[to] Current Ratio (to) Number
QR[from] Quick ratio (from) Number
QR[to] Quick ratio (to) Number
DOOMSDAY[from] Doom's day ratio (from) Number
DOOMSDAY[to] Doom's day ratio (to) Number
LRCR[from] Cash Ratio (from) Number
LRCR[to] Cash Ratio (to) Number
LRCFO[from] Operating Cash Flow Ratio (from) Number
LRCFO[to] Operating Cash Flow Ratio (to) Number
DEBTTOASSETS[from] Debt to total assets ratio (from) Number
DEBTTOASSETS[to] Debt to total assets ratio (to) Number
DEBTTOEQUITY[from] Debt to equity ratio (from) Number
DEBTTOEQUITY[to] Debt to equity ratio (to) Number
LTDC[from] Long Term Debt to Capital Employed (from) Number
LTDC[to] Long Term Debt to Capital Employed (to) Number
DEBTTOEBITDA[from] Debt/EBITDA (from) Number
DEBTTOEBITDA[to] Debt/EBITDA (to) Number
DEBTEV[from] Debt/Enterprise Value (from) Number
DEBTEV[to] Debt/Enterprise Value (to) Number
LTDCF[from] Net Cash Flow to Debt (from) Number
LTDCF[to] Net Cash Flow to Debt (to) Number
LEVERAGE[from] Assets to Equity Ratio (from) Number
LEVERAGE[to] Assets to Equity Ratio (to) Number
RT[from] Net Sales Revenue Trend (from) Number
RT[to] Net Sales Revenue Trend (to) Number
TRNSR[from] Total Operating Revenue Trend (from) Number
TRNSR[to] Total Operating Revenue Trend (to) Number
TRGP[from] Gross Profit Trend (from) Number
TRGP[to] Gross Profit Trend (to) Number
TREBITDA[from] EBITDA Trend (from) Number
TREBITDA[to] EBITDA Trend (to) Number
OIT[from] Operating Profit Trend (from) Number
OIT[to] Operating Profit Trend (to) Number
NIT[from] Net Profit Trend (from) Number
NIT[to] Net Profit Trend (to) Number
TRAR[from] Accounts Receivables Trend (from) Number
TRAR[to] Accounts Receivables Trend (to) Number
TRINV[from] Inventory Trend (from) Number
TRINV[to] Inventory Trend (to) Number
TRPPE[from] Net Property, Plant and Equipment (PP&E) Trend (from) Number
TRPPE[to] Net Property, Plant and Equipment (PP&E) Trend (to) Number
TRTA[from] Total Assets Trend (from) Number
TRTA[to] Total Assets Trend (to) Number
TRBV[from] Bookvalue Trend (from) Number
TRBV[to] Bookvalue Trend (to) Number
TRSE[from] Shareholders' Equity Trend (from) Number
TRSE[to] Shareholders' Equity Trend (to) Number
TRCFO[from] Operating Cash Flow Trend (from) Number
TRCFO[to] Operating Cash Flow Trend (to) Number
TRCE[from] Capital Expenditures Trend (from) Number
TRCE[to] Capital Expenditures Trend (to) Number
ICR[from] Interest Coverage Ratio (from) Number
ICR[to] Interest Coverage Ratio (to) Number
CRDC[from] Operating Cash Flow to Debt (from) Number
CRDC[to] Operating Cash Flow to Debt (to) Number
PRCFR[from] Operating Cash Flow to Revenue (from) Number
PRCFR[to] Operating Cash Flow to Revenue (to) Number
PRCFA[from] Operating Cash Flow to Assets (from) Number
PRCFA[to] Operating Cash Flow to Assets (to) Number
PRCRE[from] Operating Cash Flow to Equity (from) Number
PRCRE[to] Operating Cash Flow to Equity (to) Number
PRCI[from] Operating Cash Flow to EBIT (from) Number
PRCI[to] Operating Cash Flow to EBIT (to) Number
BSCA[from] Cash/Total Assets (from) Number
BSCA[to] Cash/Total Assets (to) Number
BSRTA[from] Receivables/Total Assets (from) Number
BSRTA[to] Receivables/Total Assets (to) Number
BSITA[from] Inventories/Total Assets (from) Number
BSITA[to] Inventories/Total Assets (to) Number
BSFATA[from] Fixed assets/Total Assets (from) Number
BSFATA[to] Fixed assets/Total Assets (to) Number
BSCLTL[from] Current Liabilities/Total Liabilities (from) Number
BSCLTL[to] Current Liabilities/Total Liabilities (to) Number
EXPORTR[from] Export proportion (from) Number
EXPORTR[to] Export proportion (to) Number
ISSEBNS[from] Salaries and Employee Benefits/Net sales (from) Number
ISSEBNS[to] Salaries and Employee Benefits/Net sales (to) Number
ISAENS[from] Administrative Expenses/Net Sales (from) Number
ISAENS[to] Administrative Expenses/Net Sales (to) Number
ISDANS[from] Depreciation and Amortization/Net sales (from) Number
ISDANS[to] Depreciation and Amortization/Net sales (to) Number
ISIPNS[from] Interest paid/Net sales (from) Number
ISIPNS[to] Interest paid/Net sales (to) Number
ISITNS[from] Income tax/Net sales (from) Number
ISITNS[to] Income tax/Net sales (to) Number
CFOCFTCF[from] Operating Cash Flow to Total Cash Flow (from) Number
CFOCFTCF[to] Operating Cash Flow to Total Cash Flow (to) Number
CFCFITCF[from] Investing Cash Flow to Total Cash Flow (from) Number
CFCFITCF[to] Investing Cash Flow to Total Cash Flow (to) Number
CFCFFTCF[from] Financing Cash Flow to Total Cash Flow (from) Number
CFCFFTCF[to] Financing Cash Flow to Total Cash Flow (to) Number
BRCIR[from] Cost to Income Ratio (from) Number
BRCIR[to] Cost to Income Ratio (to) Number
BRER[from] Bank Efficiency Ratio (from) Number
BRER[to] Bank Efficiency Ratio (to) Number
BRLDR[from] Loans to Deposits Ratio (from) Number
BRLDR[to] Loans to Deposits Ratio (to) Number
BRLDRO[from] Loans to Customers to Deposits From Customers (from) Number
BRLDRO[to] Loans to Customers to Deposits From Customers (to) Number
BRLADR[from] Liquid Assets to Deposits Ratio (from) Number
BRLADR[to] Liquid Assets to Deposits Ratio (to) Number
BRLADRO[from] Liquid Assets to Deposits From Customers Ratio (from) Number
BRLADRO[to] Liquid Assets to Deposits From Customers Ratio (to) Number
BRLAR[from] Loans to Asset Ratio (from) Number
BRLAR[to] Loans to Asset Ratio (to) Number
BRLARO[from] Loans to Customers to Asset Ratio (from) Number
BRLARO[to] Loans to Customers to Asset Ratio (to) Number
BRNIIT[from] Net Interest Income Trend (from) Number
BRNIIT[to] Net Interest Income Trend (to) Number
BRNFCIT[from] Net Fee and Commission Income Trend (from) Number
BRNFCIT[to] Net Fee and Commission Income Trend (to) Number
BRLACT[from] Loans and Advances to Customers Trend (from) Number
BRLACT[to] Loans and Advances to Customers Trend (to) Number
BRLACTO[from] Loans and Advances Trend (from) Number
BRLACTO[to] Loans and Advances Trend (to) Number
BRDCT[from] Deposits from Customers Trend (from) Number
BRDCT[to] Deposits from Customers Trend (to) Number
BRDCTO[from] Deposits Trend (from) Number
BRDCTO[to] Deposits Trend (to) Number
BRERA[from] Earning Assets (from) Number
BRERA[to] Earning Assets (to) Number
BRAYA[from] Yield on Earning Assets (YEA) (from) Number
BRAYA[to] Yield on Earning Assets (YEA) (to) Number
BRNIM[from] Net Interest Margin (from) Number
BRNIM[to] Net Interest Margin (to) Number
IRLR[from] Loss Ratio (from) Number
IRLR[to] Loss Ratio (to) Number
IRUER[from] Underwriting Expenses Ratio (from) Number
IRUER[to] Underwriting Expenses Ratio (to) Number
IRCPR[from] Ceeded Premium Ratio (from) Number
IRCPR[to] Ceeded Premium Ratio (to) Number
IRNPET[from] Net Premiums Earned Trend (from) Number
IRNPET[to] Net Premiums Earned Trend (to) Number
IRFCT[from] Fees and Commissions Trend (from) Number
IRFCT[to] Fees and Commissions Trend (to) Number
IRNIIT[from] Net Investment Income Trend (from) Number
IRNIIT[to] Net Investment Income Trend (to) Number
IRRADIOT[from] Receivables Arising Out Of Direct Insurance Operations Trend (from) Number
IRRADIOT[to] Receivables Arising Out Of Direct Insurance Operations Trend (to) Number
MMEPS[from] EPS (from) Number
MMEPS[to] EPS (to) Number
MMPER[from] P/E (from) Number
MMPER[to] P/E (to) Number
MMPSA[from] Market Capitalization/Net Sales (Price Sales Ratio) (from) Number
MMPSA[to] Market Capitalization/Net Sales (Price Sales Ratio) (to) Number
MMPGI[from] Market Capitalization/Gross Profit (from) Number
MMPGI[to] Market Capitalization/Gross Profit (to) Number
MARKETCAP/EBITDA[from] Market Capitalization/EBITDA (from) Number
MARKETCAP/EBITDA[to] Market Capitalization/EBITDA (to) Number
MMPEBIT[from] Market Capitalization/EBIT (from) Number
MMPEBIT[to] Market Capitalization/EBIT (to) Number
MMPTA[from] Market Capitalization/Total Assets (from) Number
MMPTA[to] Market Capitalization/Total Assets (to) Number
MCAP/EQ[from] Market capitalization/shareholders' equity (from) Number
MCAP/EQ[to] Market capitalization/shareholders' equity (to) Number
P/BR[from] Market Capitalization/Book Value (from) Number
P/BR[to] Market Capitalization/Book Value (to) Number
MMPIC[from] Market Capitalization / Capital Employed (from) Number
MMPIC[to] Market Capitalization / Capital Employed (to) Number
MMPOCF[from] Market Capitalization/Operating Cashflow (from) Number
MMPOCF[to] Market Capitalization/Operating Cashflow (to) Number
EVNS[from] Enterprise value/Net Sales (from) Number
EVNS[to] Enterprise value/Net Sales (to) Number
EVGI[from] Enterprise value/Gross Profit (from) Number
EVGI[to] Enterprise value/Gross Profit (to) Number
EVEBITDA[from] Enterprise Value/EBITDA (from) Number
EVEBITDA[to] Enterprise Value/EBITDA (to) Number
EVEBIT[from] Enterprise value/EBIT (from) Number
EVEBIT[to] Enterprise value/EBIT (to) Number
EVTA[from] Enterprise value/Total Assets (from) Number
EVTA[to] Enterprise value/Total Assets (to) Number
EVIC[from] Enterprise value/Capital Employed (from) Number
EVIC[to] Enterprise value/Capital Employed (to) Number
EVOCF[from] Enterprise value/Operating Cashflow (from) Number
EVOCF[to] Enterprise value/Operating Cashflow (to) Number
CMBR[from] Dynamic_50_CMBRFrom_Parameter Number
CMBR[to] Dynamic_50_CMBRTo_Parameter Number
INVYIELD[from] Dynamic_50_INVYIELDFrom_Parameter Number
INVYIELD[to] Dynamic_50_INVYIELDTo_Parameter Number
ALTZSCORE[from] Dynamic_50_ALTZSCOREFrom_Parameter Number
ALTZSCORE[to] Dynamic_50_ALTZSCORETo_Parameter Number
token Token String


Status Code Description Type
200 The list of the companies data SearchCompanyResponse
API Query Builder
Query Result