


Name Description Type
fStdCode Financial standard code. Integer
mainFStdCode Financial standard family code. String
currencyCode Country currency code. String
revisionId An internal ID of the revision of the financial standard record. For internal usage. Integer
fStdStatus The status of the finance standard. String
name Financial standard name. String
nameEng Financial standard name in English language. String
description Financial standard description. String
descriptionEng Financial standard description in English language. String
validSince The date since when the finance standard is in use. String
validUntil The data until when the finance standard was in use. String
multiCurrency String
isiEmployeeId String
isiGlobal If the finance standard is global or not. String
isLocked If the finance standard is locked for further updates or not. String
hideNonstdAccounts If the non-standard accounts attached to this finance standard are hidden or not. String
displayOnEmis If the finance standard is displayed on EMIS site or not. String
createdOn The time when the finance standard was created. For internal usage. String
createdBy The username who created the finance standard. For internal usage. String
updatedOn The time when the finance standard was last updated For internal usage. String
updatedBy The username who last updated the finance standard. For internal usage. String