GET /series/{id}/continuous

Returns continuous series information

The method extends the history and fill gaps of active series by combining older and newer counterparts of comparable time series to generate a longer series.
Depending on the dataset, data history is extended, and gaps are filled using a combination of geometric compounding and/or filling the missing time points with the comparable older/newer series. CEIC calculates geometric compounding by using the ratio of the first observation of the newer series and the corresponding overlapping time point from the older series, subsequently adjusting observations from the older series using this ratio (i.e., the linking factor). Series estimated using geometric compounding are rounded, if applicable.
The method returns function description, chain_id and series IDs in the historical extension.

Path Parameters

Name Description Type Required Default
id 要返回的数列ID或数列代码接受一个或多个用逗号分隔的数值 String

Header Parameters

Name Description Type Required Default
Accept-Language 返回数据中使用的首选语言代码。如果指定语言的翻译本不可用,则默认为英语可通过查询参数query或使用Accept-Language头来应用。
en —— 英语
zh —— 中文
ru —— 俄语
id —— 印尼语
jp —— 日语
Accepted Values: [ en,zh,ru,id,jp]
String en
Accept 响应数据格式。默认设置为application/json。可通过查询参数格式或使用Accept头来应用。
Accepted Values: [ application/json,application/xml]
String json

Query Parameters

Name Description Type Required Default
lang 返回数据中将使用的首选语言代码。如果指定语言的翻译本不可用,则默认为英语可通过查询参数query或使用Accept-Language头来应用。
en—— 英语
zh—— 中文
ru—— 俄语
id—— 印尼语
jp—— 日语
Accepted Values: [ en,zh,ru,id,jp]
String en
format 响应数据格式。默认为json。可通过查询参数format 或使用Accept头来使用。
Accepted Values: [ json,xml]
String json
token 访问API密钥。可通过查询参数token或使用Authorization头来使用 String
with_model_information 如果设置为True,则返回作为响应部分的模型名称 Boolean false


All API calls have response size limit of 10MB! If you are planning to request a bulky item collection, please consider using the corresponding API request parameters to limit your response.

Status Code Description Type
200 Continuous series chain and function description ContinuousSeriesResult
400 输入参数不正确 BadRequest
401 授权错误。 AuthorizationError
403 用户权限不正确。 PermissionsError
404 找不到请求的实体。 NotFound
415 不支持的数据格式。仅支持Only json、xml、csv。 UnsupportedMedia
429 Too many requests were send or limit exceeded. TooManyRequests
500 内部服务器错误。 InternalError
API Query Builder
Query Result