GET /layout/databases

List of databases

Returns list of layout databases. This is the top level from the layout hierarchy.

Header Parameters

Name Description Type Required Default
Accept-Language Preferred language code in which data shall be returned. Defaults to English if no translation in the specified language is available. Can be used through the query parameter query or using the header Accept-Language.

en - English
zh - Chinese
ru - Russian
id - Indonesian
jp - Japanese
Accepted Values: [ en,zh,ru,id,jp]
String en
Accept Response data format. Default is application/json. Can be used through the query parameter format or using the header Accept.
Accepted Values: [ application/json,application/xml]
String json

Query Parameters

Name Description Type Required Default
lang Preferred language code in which data will be returned. Defaults to English if no translation in the language specified is available. Can be used through the query parameter query or using the header Accept-Language.

en - English
zh - Chinese
ru - Russian
id - Indonesian
jp - Japanese
Accepted Values: [ en,zh,ru,id,jp]
String en
format Response data format. Default is json. Can be used through the query parameter format or using the header Accept.
Accepted Values: [ json,xml]
String json
token Access API key. String
with_model_information If set to true returns the model names as part of the response. Boolean false
keyword Search term. One or more keywords. May contain special words further controlling the search results.
Keyword search tips:
Retail Sales - Show series with both keywords while the sequence of keywords is irrelevant. Equivalent to search Sales Retail
Retail AND Sales - Show results: series with terms of Retail AND Sales, regardless of the sequence. E. g. Retail Sales, Automobile Sales Retail
Retail;Sales - Show series with either keyword and series with both keywords while the sequence of keywords is irrelevant, equivalent to search: Sales;Retail
Retail OR Sales - Show results: series with terms of Retail OR Sales, regardless of the sequence. E. g. Retail Sales, Retail Trade, Sales Price, Motor Vehicle Sales
Retail NOT Sales - Narrow a search by excluding specific terms while the sequence of keywords is relevant. Show results: series with terms that include Retail, but NOT Sales. E. g. Retail Trade, Retail Price, Retail Bank
Retail Sales NOT (Hong Kong) - Narrow a search by excluding a set of words in parentheses while the sequence of keywords in parentheses is irrelevant, equivalent to search: Retail Sales NOT (Hong Kong). Show results: series with terms that include Retail Sales, but NOT Hong Kong, such as Retail Sales YoY: China, Retail Sales YoY: United States
strict_keyword_search When true, will make a strict keywords search instead of fuzzy search. Boolean false
frequency Frequency filter. One or more comma separated frequency code values.
D - Daily
W - Weekly
M - Monthly
Q - Quarterly
H - Semi-annual
Y - Annual
Z - Quinquennially
T - Decadal
Accepted Values: [ D,W,M,Q,H,Y,Z,T]
source Source filter. One or more comma separated source code values. See related Dictionary function to get the full list of accepted sources. Array
unit Unit filter. One or more comma separated unit code values. See related Dictionary function to get the full list of accepted units. Array
indicator Indicator filter. One or more comma separated indicator code values. See related Dictionary function to get full list of accepted indicators. The use the new indicators ids is recommended because the old ones are deprecated and going to be removed in the near future! Array
region Region filter. One or more comma separated region code values. See related Dictionary function to get the full list of accepted regions. Array
subscribed_only Show only results for subscribed series when set to true. By default show results for all the series found. Boolean false
key_only Show only 'key' series when set to true. Boolean false
new_only Show only series created less than 1 month ago when set to true. Boolean false
name_only This filter related with the keyword filter. If it's true keyword search will be searched only in series name instead of all series attributes. Boolean false
start_date_before Will return series with first observation before start_date_before String
end_date_after Will return series with last observation after end_date_after String
created_after Will return entries created after created_after date String
updated_after Will return series last time updated after updated_after date String
geo Geo filter. One or more comma separated geo id values. See related Dictionary function to get the full list of accepted geo ids. Array
status Status filter. One or more comma separated status code values. When not explicitly set, defaults to T.
T - Active
C - Discontinued
B - Rebased
D - On-Demand
Accepted Values: [ T,C,B,D]
Array T,C,B,D
filter_id Filter ID used to define a subset of data over which the search will be executed. When combined with additional search criterion, the result will be an intesection of both. Array


All API calls have response size limit of 10MB! If you are planning to request a bulky item collection, please consider using the corresponding API request parameters to limit your response.

Status Code Description Type
200 Database list LayoutItemsResult
400 Incorrect input parameters. BadRequest
401 Authorization error. AuthorizationError
403 Incorrect user permissions. PermissionsError
404 Requested entity not found. NotFound
415 Unsupported data format. Only json, xml are supported. UnsupportedMedia
429 Too many requests were send or limit exceeded. TooManyRequests
500 Internal Server Error. InternalError
API Query Builder
Query Result